SCORPIUS FELT ON top of the world. He was a Prefect, getting good scores in his classes, a proud member of the Slytherin Quidditch team, and had gotten kiss on the cheek from the one and only Rose Granger-Weasley. He couldn't stop smiling. Currently, he was laying on his bed waiting on his friend Albus to come back from a one-on-one with Professor Slughorn on his latest assignment. They were going to go to the Three Broomsticks to meet up with Rosemerta to talk more about their gig, and although Scorpius was excited about that, well the fact remained that he couldn't stop smiling about Rose. In fact, he could lay there all night smiling, imaging Rose's lips on his cheek once again. Wondering what her lips would feel like on his lips...
His peace was interrupted by a medium-sized white Kneazle jumping up onto his chest.
Ghost's appearance was shocking. If there was Ghost then Rose was sure to be around somewhere, but there was no way Rose was here. Albus couldn't let her in and Eloise was at choir practice. Ghost was here on his own validation.
Ghost didn't seem to have any more important business than to just walk in circles on his chest until he felt comfortable enough to curl up and purr.
So, Scorpius laid there petting the white cat on his chest and started to think about the girl that gave him a kiss on his cheek.
He had his eyes on her the first time they met. It was their first year at Hogwarts, Albus had invited Scorpius to the field right next to the Black Lake to have a picnic with the rest of his family that was currently attending Hogwarts. He was nervous. Scorpius knew his family name wasn't well-liked within the wizarding community and had no idea how the rest of Albus's family would react to his presence. Scorpius wasn't stupid, he knew all about the rivalry between the Malfoys with the Weasleys, the Potters, and the Grangers. His family had a lot of enemies and no matter how hard his parents tried to hide it from him, it was obvious. The Slytherin boy was thankful to have a friend like Albus.
Little first year Scorpius sat down on the grass with the rest of Albus's cousins who were all so loud. He felt so out of place and was tempted to just sneak away until a short dark red-haired girl scooted over to him and handed him a roast beef sandwich. She gave him a smile and invited him into a conversation with her and Albus about, well, now Scorpius couldn't recall what they were talking about. He remembered the feeling though. How this freckled face girl made him feel so welcomed and calm in such a big and loud place. Her simple smile. That damned smile killed him.
Second-year, unfortunately, they grew apart. It was after the summer Scorpius spent some weekends at the Potter's place where an uncomfortable conversation spread across Albus's family. It was when Scorpius's father and mother finally sat him down and told Scorpius about all the mishaps he had with his old schoolmates back in the day. All the specific things he did to them. How his father was a bully and hurt a lot of people... and a lot of those people were Albus's family. Although Draco had tried to make amends, it was easier to get forgiveness than to have them forget. Rose would wave to him at school, but their conversations were brief and her smile faltered.
Third-year was perfect. It was the year that truly cemented their friendship. Rose had started visiting the Slytherin common room to meet with her friend Eloise. There, they came across each other more frequently and a simple wave and "hello" was no longer sufficient. Scorpius was now on the Quidditch team and the two of them had more to talk about. Her nightly visits to see Eloise soon became visits to see both Albus and Scorpius, even if Eloise wasn't there. Her smile was big again. Her smile was back. He felt high as a kite again.
Fourth-year was the same. The four were good pals; Scorpius, Albus, Rose, and Eloise. It was a simple year where all they had to do was go to class and have fun. Scorpius and Rose both had Quidditch, but that was it. There were no Prefect duties and no upper-level classes and no O.W.Ls to be worrying about. It seemed like it was going to be the best year for the four of them because the next year was full of responsibilities.
And although this year, their fifth year, should be their worst year. It seemed, at least for Scorpius, to be the best one and it all lead to Rose.
Her kiss on his cheek... it had to mean something. Perhaps he was crazy, and it was just a friendly kiss. That Rose never looked at Scorpius the way he did to her. Yet, he couldn't get the kiss out of his mind. Nor her smile or her laugh. Her smile, when she smiled at him specifically, it was out of this world. He didn't want to think if this was just his imagination. He needed to take the happiness and confidence he got from the kiss on the cheek and actually do something. He needed to make a move on Rose.
Suddenly the door swung open scarring Ghost so much he jumped up off of Scorpius, and in came Albus.
Albus went straight to his bed and laid on his bed, face first, and let out a loud groan.
Ghost quickly exited the room before the door closed.
Scorpius sat up and smiled at his friend. "Did you have a good talk with Slughorn?"
Albus moved his head slightly so that he was looking at Scorpius. "I have to come in next Saturday morning and redo my sleeping draught along with a chapter summary on draughts."
Scorpius stifled in a laugh. He didn't mean to be rude but, Albus was always doing this to himself. Forgetting assignments, turning projects in late, never studying for tests. Albus got by though, he passed the classes that mattered. It wasn't that he was stupid, he just wasn't motivated nor saw the importance in school.
Scorpius got up and patted his friend's back. "You got this buddy."
Albus groaned again but got out of his bed and started to change out of his school robes. Scorpius wore a green knit sweater and black skinny jeans. Albus wore a plain black t-shirt and put on a green Slytherin jumper over his shirt. Once the two boys were dressed in their casual wear they headed out the Slytherin dungeons and towards Hogsmeade.
The two Slytherins walked out of the castle and down the trail to Hogsmeade excited to talk to Madam Rosemerta about their first gig.
It was a calm autumn evening, but then Albus decided to bring up an uncomfortable conversation.
"You don't fancy my cousin, Rose, do you?"
This simple question made Scorpius's whole body stifle. The concept of him and Rose was always thought about internally. Now, Albus had just said it out loud. The answer was simple of course. Yes.
"Why do you ask that?" Scorpius replied, keeping his head down.
Albus gave off a small chuckle. "Well, nightly Quidditch practices and those kisses on cheeks really made me think. Look -" he stopped in his tracks, making Scorpius follow suit, and looked at his friend in the eyes "- I need to be honest with you. We're mates and... well... communication is important. Look, maybe I'm just spiraling and acting too overprotective but, I don't think you and Rose would be a good fit together."
The grey eye Slytherin tightened his jaw and forced himself to not show any emotion.
"We're all friends - you, me, Rose, and Eloise. I like where we all are and I don't want anything to change. She's like my sister and... I love you mate, but... just tell me I have nothing to worry about."
Scorpius looked at his friend and nodded. Albus smiled in relief and the two continued their way down the path.
And though Albus had all his fears relieved Scorpius walked next to him with his newfound confidence buried deep within him once again. How could he walk up to Rose now knowing how Albus, his best friend, Albus's cousin, felt about the two even being together?
Scorpius agreed with Albus, they had a good group of friends and it would be a shame if anything were to mess that up. He was hurt that Albus thought the idea of him and Rose together would dismantle their group. That it would only bring destruction.
The two Slytherin boys got to the Three Broomsticks and Scorpius let the thoughts of Rose disappear. He needed to focus on this gig, for him and Albus.
Right as they opened the door to the pub the autumn cold air was replaced by a warm aroma. The smell of sweet butterbeer filled their noses and the sound of people talking and laughing erupted in their ears. They smiled at each other and walked into their favorite place in Hogsmeade.
They took their seats by the window and waited for Madame Rosemerta to approach them. She was currently still in the planning process of the new addition and running around to different people within the pub who were designing, measuring, and coming in from the outdoor area where construction was still being taken place to grab a quick drink from the bar. After a few minutes of watching her run from one person to the next, giving directions and orders, she spotted the two boys and smiled.
"My boys!" She cheered and she walked up to them and gave each one a kiss on top of their heads. "I am so sorry about the mess! We only have a week left till the grand opening and there is still so much to do!"
"Looks like you're planning on doing a lot more than just creating more seating," Scorpius said, as he watched a group of people magically carry out bottles and bottles of liquor from the indoor bar to outside. Not only that but there were candles being floated up into the air, magical borders being drawn across the sky, and even a group of herbologists were planting hedges outside.
She nodded in excitement. "Oh yes! You see after I got you boys to perform I thought about what else I could add to the new addition besides the simple ambiance of the outdoors. Well, of course, I added a little mini stage so other people could come for shows and open mics. Then I thought, instead of just a regular fence to tie everything together, I called up an old friend and got her to give me some of her beautiful hedges that sprout flowers to change with the months and the seasons. She said it had to do with the moon - I frankly don't care how it happens, I just love that it does. We are moving a minibar out there so drinks can be ready-made and that traffic coming in and out dwindles down - don't want to have any mishaps now do we? We have of course weather protectant charms going up so that even when it starts to snow the outdoor area will still give customers some warmth. I mean - who wouldn't love to sip on some butterbeer under the snowflakes while still being warm?"
The boys smiled at her excitement. Having known her since they were children, with frequent trips to Hogsmeade with their families, it was nice to see her being passionate about the pub once again.
"Now I know we agreed to talk tonight, but I'm a little swamped here so it'll be another hour. I'll get you some drinks and food, on the house of course," She winked at the both of them and ran back to the kitchen.
"Sweet!" Albus's grin was gleaming. "Free food!"
A waitress came over and gave them two butterbeers and two orders of fish and chips. They were happy and chatting while they ate their food.
This, Albus thought while chomping on a fried chip, is what I want. Just like the good old times before nightly Quidditch practices and Prefect rounds and upper-level study sessions. Just two mates talking and eating.
Although, Albus's evening was halted when a familiar messy dark brown-haired and rounded glasses gentlemen walked into the building with an older gentleman following him. "Shit, why is my dad here?"
Scorpius turned around, mid-bite into his fish, and saw Mr. Harry Potter hanging up his brown jacket onto the coat rack. He wore a white button-up shirt, a simple black tye, and a pair of black trousers. The man with him had short grey hair and a pair of deep blue robes with golden trim. He placed his matching cap onto the coat rack next to Harry's coat.
The boys watched as Harry caught eyes with the rushing Madame Rosemerta. He gestured to one of the doors that lead to private rooms, which were used for business meetings and private parties, and with a nod from Rosemerta the two gentlemen entered the room.
Scorpius turned his head around and groaned at what Albus was pulling out of his pocket. "Bloody hell, Albus... what are you doing?"
"What?" He looked at his friend innocently and continued to pull out an ear attached to another ear with string. The extendable ear from Albus's Uncle's joke shop.
"Albus come on -"
"Sh!" Albus sniped back at him and got out of his chair. He gave one of the ears to Scorpius, who instantly took it, and shoved the other ear under the crack of the door they watched his father go through. Albus ran back to the table in giddy and took the ear Scorpius was holding and placed it on the middle of the table.
"I said SHUSH!" Albus looked at Scorpius intensely and pointed at the ear. "Listen closely. I have a hunch about who that guy is and since last time we followed your hunch we get to follow mine this time."
Scorpius rolled his eyes, "Yeah, but my hunch was right."
"Well, my hunch could be right too," and he pointed again to the ear.
They leaned in so that they could hear better and hide the ear from the public eyes.
"When is it going to be fixed?" They recognized Harry's voice. It sounded urgent. He sounded scared. "It's been like this for fifteen years... there has to be some type of lead."
They heard the other man sigh, "Harry... we've been over this... the only way to fix what has been broken is to find Ravana."
There was silence and Scorpius looked at his friend, but Albus kept his eyes on the ear.
Harry's voice sounded again, "It's getting worse, Hamdore. The voices... the dreams... my bloody forehead is beginning to hurt again."
"Harry you have nothing to worry about," Hamdore said in a melodic tone. "It hasn't changed-"
"It hasn't changed because you haven't felt the change!" Harry took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Hamdore, I died and came back - I've been on the other side. I-I think that's why the crack in the Veil's arch is affecting me so much..."
This time Albus looked up from the ear and caught his friend's shocked gaze.
The Veil, it was cracked?
"Ravana is the only one to fix this, Harry. You know why..."
Silence again, not even the boys said anything. They didn't want to miss a word.
"I know, I know," Harry sighed, and repeated the next line as if he rehearsed it often. "The one who broke it is the only one who can fix it."
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