Part 5
The door lock clicked, echoing through the silent house as you sank down on the edge of the bathtub. There was no need to lock the door. Jensen was out for the day, spending some much needed time at the brewery.
To be honest, he seemed to be spending more time at home in Austin than you had ever remembered. Of course, he was still filming in Vancouver, but he came home every weekend, often arriving late Friday night. It had quickly started a routine of late night pizza and beer, falling asleep on the couch until he nudged you awake.
But last night the pizza had turned your stomach, and you had gone to bed long before he arrived that night. He was up and out before you had even woken up, and for once you were grateful.
It had been a couple of weeks since that night. The night you had gone home with that nameless man. It had been a mistake from the start, and you hadn't stepped foot in that bar ever since. But the past couple of days you had been feeling off, and now you were sitting here in the bathroom, staring at a little white stick. Knowing that it's answer could completely change your life.
Resting your head in your hand, you stared at the floor, your heart beating fast as you tried to come to grips with what your future could hold. How would Jensen take it if he knew you were pregnant with some no name's baby?
The timer on your phone went off, telling you that you could look at any time. Your hands shaking, you reached for the white stick, your heart plummeting at the two pink lines that awaited you. Pregnant. You were pregnant. With some one night hook up's child. A man you never wanted to see again.
Your brain was on overload, not really registering what was happening. Leaving the stick on the counter, you slid to the floor, wrapping your arms around yourself, as tears slipped down your cheek. They were tears of fear, of the unknown. Sure, you had always wanted to be a mom, but not like this. You wanted to have a child with someone you loved. A family. This...this was a whole new ballgame and you were so unprepared.
"Y/N!" Jensen called out as he climbed the stairs. "You'll never believe what happened at the brewery. I thought you might want to join me there for the rest of the day."
His voice stopped in front of the locked bathroom door as he knocked lightly. "Everything okay there? I've told you before, you spend too much time in the bathtub, you're going to be more wrinkled than a prune."
You couldn't answer. How could you? You weren't sure if everything was okay, or would ever be okay again.
"Y/N?" He called out again, his knuckle tapping on the door once again. "I really don't want to break this door down."
On shaky knees, you stood up, tucking the test into the cabinet before unlocking the door. He was leaning against the doorframe, frowning lightly in concern. "Well, you don't look like a prune."
"Just a rough morning," you whispered, trying to push past him. All you wanted was to climb into bed and pretend that none of this was happening. "Didn't sleep well last night."
"You do look flushed," he brushed the back of his hand over your cheek. "You've been crying."
"Just tired tears," you told him. You weren't ready to see the disapproval in his eyes. The disappointment. You knew there was no way you could keep it from him that long, but you needed to wrap your mind around it before sharing the news with anyone else.
"Well I'm not going to push you, but I really wanted you to come to the Brewery. We have a small car show going on there, and I thought you'd enjoy it."
"Maybe next time," you answered, hating the sad look on his face. "Bring back dinner?"
He nodded, reaching for and squeezing your hand. "You'd tell me if anything was wrong. Right?"
"Of course," you lied. "Now go have some fun."
He left and you climbed into bed, letting the darkness lull you to sleep as thoughts of your future swirled through your mind, your hand clutched against your belly. Sleep was a welcome relief, but you struggled with it as you tossed and turned. Dreams filtered through your mind. Dreams of Jensen throwing you out of the house and laughing in your face had you pushing your face into the pillow, trying to push those thoughts away. Nightmares of abandoning your baby to a faceless stranger, being pulled away as it cried.
Sitting up with a start, you winced at the headache radiating pain along your temples. Giving up on your idea of sleeping the day through, you made your way downstairs. Planning on getting a glass of water and some aspirin, you stopped in your tracks. Could you take aspirin in your condition? You had no idea. None of your friends, the small group it was, was pregnant, so you had no one to ask.
Making a mental note to begin searching through the internet, you poured yourself a glass of water, sitting down on the lounge chair outside. The breeze rustled the throw as you wrapped it around yourself, staring at the clouds as they started to move in.
You weren't sure how long you stayed that way, but the slamming of the door broke your daze. "I'm back! Brough chinese food home. Just need a bandaid, then we can eat," Jensen exclaimed, bounding up the stairs. "I slammed my finger in the dang door."
You made no move to get off the chair, knowing he would bring food out to you. But when he reappeared moments later, it was not food in his hand but the pregnancy test. Blood still dripped from his finger as he stared at you with wide eyes.
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