Episode 5
Jonathan's Pov
It's been a week since the incident last happened and it's also been a week since I ever saw evan, we don't talk, we don't see each other, nothing. Like he forgot about it, like he forgot me, but I'm only assuming his spending time with his girlfriend or something. I was not okay with it even if I did say it was fine, but it isn't all too bad since I've been spending the night with night owl I suppose.
He visits me every night, just to check up on me. He became my personal body guard at this point.
It was one in the afternoon and I was walking all by myself, metaphorically. Physically teddy was in my backpack so I was technically not alone but whatever, the point was that I was going downtown. I was hella bored so might as well do something with my life.
My phone rings and I don't even bother to check who it was, I just answer it, "Hello?"
"Jonathan, what is this shit that you're going downtown?" Luke said angrily. "I told you-" I tried to say but he cuts me off in seconds.
"You left me a God damn note, I would of never seen it if I didn't have to take a leak"
"I mean eventually you were gonna see it" I Smart mouth him back making him growl, "Im gonna pound you so hard when you get home"
I choke on my saliva and screamed a 'WHAT?!' right into the phone. "Not like that! But I mean if you want too~"
"Come on man!" I whined and he laughs harder. "But seriously, who leaves notes in the bathroom!?"
"Shut up! You're lazy ass doesn't go to the island in the kitchen and you don't go to bed till 10! So where else should I put it!?"
"In the fuckin fridge maybe!" Luke yelled and I rolled my eyes, "next time"
"No, next time you tell me where you're going face to face!"
"Uuuughhhh! Fine!"
Suddenly the windows begun to shake and I heard people screaming. "What's happening?!" I yelled as everything seem to get louder. "Jonathan!" Luke yelled in my ear but I didn't answer, I locked my sight onto something I didn't want to see ever again.
"A-ah...." I was speechless, I slowly dropped my arm and lowered my phone off my face, the last thing I heard from luke was my named being screamed at from the top of his lungs.
Teddy screamed at me and I instantly ran back to wear I came from, I place I could transform.
I got into one of the now empty stores and ran into the back. After I checked that no one was here and I was safe to transform I did. Blue lights surrounded my body and it wrapped around me until nothing was left to see.
Now BatCoon's pov
My vision cleared after a few minutes, it's been a while sence I did use this form so I had to take things slow. I ran back outside and ran towards where everything was happening.
This whatever thing was was just destroying shit. The way she moved was so....Gross.
She moved on all four leaving the rest of her tentacles to pearce everything, it was disgusting.
"Why the hell?" I shivered at the thought of her but I had to get over it to save the people.
I ran as fast as I could and noticed a familiar car in between all the flipped cars.
It was Brock's car.
She was gonna pearce it at full fucking force!
My body took a rush of adrenaline and ran faster then I ever ran before. I saw a baseball bat laying on the floor and I grabbed it. I jumped up in the air and swang the bat towards the direction here tentacle was going. The bat collided towards the tentacle at full force and she retreats. A horribly painful scream came from her.
I landed and quickly got up to check on Brock. I look back and locked eyes with someone I wasn't expecting. It was evan and he looked super stressed.
"Get out of here now-"
A tentacle soon wraps itself around my leg. Then another one gets my arm and then another gets my torso. Purple tentacles that were coated with slime.
I want to puke at the thought of them.
I struggle to get out of her grasp and she pulls me away from them. I stretched my arm towards them and I watched the window slide down and evan reaching back for me.
"Oooooh you're new!~" she purred. I groan and struggle to get away from her but just couldn't, fuck!
"Ooh you're so beautiful! Look at you're beautiful body! Look we are twinning! You have leader suit just like me!"
She pulls me closer and sniffs me, "you have a vanilla smell~ mmmmmmmm, tears likes it a lot~"
Oh my god this was rape!
I can fell her tentacles sliding on my body. It slides over my butt and I squeak, she looked at me in shock and then smiled, "Do that again!!"
What am I? A toy!?
I can feel people's eyes burning on me, this was so embarrassing, "LET ME GO!!"
"Only if you make that sounds~"
"Fine! Then I'll just rip it out if you!"
Her tentacles slide over my body and she crushes my bones, "gr-AAAAH!!!"
"Hmmm that's not it...." she mumbles and slide again her tentacles over me, it was wrapped around my tigh and it felt so odd I squeaked again.
"FUCK!" I screamed, soon I noticed how she smile in delight. "I-I made the sound! Let go!"
"No you refused to do it! So I had to get it out of you-"
"HE SAID LET GO!" Mega monkey yelled and took a bite out of one of her tentacles.
She let's me go and my suit shines in slime. "Eeeeeeeewwwwww" I said.
Mega money picks me up but I'm just sliding all over the place so it makes it very hard for him to hold me. I wrapped my arms around his neck knowing I won't slide anywhere else.
Once I got my balance I locked eyes with him, mega money looked so shocked and flustered, I let go of his neck and blush slightly, "s-sorry...."
"I-it's cool-"
To be continued....
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