Episode 4
"My love is just waiting, to turn your tears to roses"
Walking thru the city, delirious and cartoonz find themselves looking at stores. Clothing stores, makeup stores, pet shop, cars and much, much more.
Cartoonz being slightly taller then delirious, saw the horrible scene in front of them.
"Um...hey I think I forgot my....phone at the last store" Luke said.
"Hmm?" Jonathan wondered and then he stopped. "We can go check it out right n-"
Jonathan always had to check his surroundings to see if the city was safe, but what he saw destroyed him on the spot. As he was looking around his eyes landed on a familiar guy.
His voice was quiet as he sees the short curly haired girl wrap her arms around him, the guy he fell in love with.
A hot puff of air escaped delirious lips as his vision becomes slightly blurry.
"Jonathan....Jonathan You okay?" Luke asked as he holds his friends shaking shoulders.
"No..." His voice slightly crack giving luke a signal his about to cry. "Im not okay..."
"Come'ere delirious" Luke whispered as he hugs his friend. "It's okay..." He whispered and delirious broke down in the middle of the side walk.
Luke looks at evan with disappointment and drags the crying male in his arms away from the place.
Evan had no idea what was happening, he was just happy to see his step sister again and he was glad to show her around.
(A/n this is crystal and all her beautiful glory)
"Where do you want to go, Cris?" Evan asked.
Crystal looked at his younger yet taller step brother and shrugged her giant curly hair bounces as she shrugged. "Anywhere, I'm yours for a whole week~" she teased and evan laughs. "Alright then, you might be tired so let's take you home so you can rest"
"Alrighty" crystal said and walks with evan to his house.
Hours passes by and jonathan had disappeared leaving luke worried sick. Jonathan walks around the shore as the water touches his feet and the sounds of waves crashing relax him.
Night owl comes out and makes sure the city is safe. A distress call appeared on his watch and he clicks it.
It was from luke.
Vanoss frowns but answers it anyways.
"Night Owl!" He exclaimed.
"Yes, random citizen how may I help you?" Asked night owl.
"My friend, jonathan he....he disappeared and his gone, I don't know where his at or where he went or what time he left the house-"
"Jonathan...." Night owls repeated.
"Please! Help me! I need to find him!" Luke yelled.
"I'll make sure he comes home to you....safe and sound" Night owl said. A sting on his chest soon appeared right when he said to you.
"Thank you" Luke whispered and night owls nods and ends the distress call. He searches thru the city as fast as possible.
Crystal was at home, playing Evan's Xbox and then a soft purple sent surrounded her.
She looked down at herself and then a voice whispered to her.
"What a beautiful younge lady...."
Crystal gets up and looks around as the purple light grabs her by her ankles.
"You'll be a perfect leader for my army~" the voice whispered and she screams. Her brown eyes widen and soon they roll back, darkness surrounded her a few minutes later.
Crystal was no longer crystal, her brown eyes where covered by a black mask and her attire was purple.
(A/n the mask is not lace but it's exactly like that)
Black gloves with a purple jumpsuit and her brown curls were longer. She had long black boots that went up to her mid thigh and a sad frown.
(Art by yours truly~)
"Beautiful....your gonna be the best helper out there...Crystal tears"
"Yes, master"
"Find that boy....and bring him to me immediately"
A purple smoke formed out of the thin air and a picture of a boy formed infront of her. Short hair and beautiful blue eyes and next to him was a taller man with a beard and soft brown droopy eyes.
"Bring blue eyes to me, tears"
"On my way" she said and walks away and jumps out of the window while the mysterious purple goop laughed.
Jonathan had tears on his eyes and he sniffed as he listens to sad songs. The bright moon shined bright and a leg was spotted thru the shadows. "H-hello?" Jonathan asked as he got closer to the shadow. "Why are you crying?" The voice spoke and jonathan stiffened up. He quickly wipes away his tears and laughed. "It's nothing I just-"
"Cute guys like you shouldn't cry" she said and jonathan stopped. "Er...excuse me?" He said and she giggles. "Your a handsome man....what's your name?" She asked and he steps back. "Um-"
"Mine is Tears"
"T-tears?" Jonathan asked and she giggles. "Yes" she steps out of the shadows and Jonathan's eyes almost pop out.
"Whats wrong?~"
Delirious looks away shyly and fake coughs. "Sorry....um...."
"Like my chest area I see" she said and walks closer. Jonathan gets flustered and tries to come up with an excuse but she threw herself at him and pulled him closer to her.
"Wow!" Jonathan shouts as he tries to push her away. "Want a closer look at them?" She asked and jonathan shakes his head. "Uh- I kind a roll the other way-"
"Wai! Hold on you damn hoochie!" Jonathan says and she pins him down into the sand once she pushes him down. "There's a new villain in town and master will be delighted once he has you in his hands" she said proudly and jonathan gasped. She opened her mouth and a long tounge appears making Jonathan scream.
"Not before I have my own fun~"
The scream was heard clearly and night owl runs towards the area. "Jonathan!" He yelled as he jumps over buildings and does crazy back flips onto moving cars.
He finally arrives to the beach and what he sees next was unbelievable.
Jonathan was running with his red sweater ripped and a girl with what seemed extra purple arms that came from her back chasing right after him.
She trips Jonathan and launches herself onto him like a piranha. Jonathan screams in pain and night owl finally snaps out of his trance. He takes out a flare and throws it at her. She hissed and turned around to look at night owl.
Blood dripped down her lips and into her chest.
Night owl makes a face of disgust and whispered, "Eww, what is that?"
Soon it hit him. Blood? Screams? Delirious?
"Delirious!?" Night Owl screams in horror and he uses his night vision to see delirious.
"JONATHAN!?" He screamed as he sees Jonathan dripping blood from his arms chest and neck.
Rage boiled in night owl and he let's out a battle cry before striking the creature.
Tears pulled back from jonathan and dogged the attack.
"You bitch!" He yelled and takes out a gun and begun to shoot. Tears hears the gun shots and she takes cover behind the pile of rocks. Night owl continued to shoot as he bends down and looks at delirious.
"Jonathan...." He whispered and examined the bites. Night owl lowers his gun and Jonathan's eyes rolled back.
Just as jonathan did that he saw tears charging in with her mouth wide open.
"Night Owl....watch out!" Jonathan says and throws himself at him.
Night owl's pupil become small as he sees the teeth come closer to his face then chomp.
A breathless scream comes from jonathan and she holds onto night owl for dear life.
"Jonathan...." Night Owl whispered with tears on his eyes.
"Idiot....pay....attention...." Jonathan mumbles and he let's go of night owl completely. His body falls in one of night owls arms and tears stayed quiet watching her "love" interest fall.
"What have I done...." she whispered and night owl takes out his Boomerang and runs it across her face. She screamed but before she can leave, night owl took a hold of one of her extra arms coming from her back and he chops off all of them.
Well only the ones from he right side of her back leaving her with the other ones that were on her left.
A purple liquid dripped down coming from her and she retreated. "I'll come, I won't leave without him!" She screamed to night owl and he holds Jonathan closely to his chest.
She curled herself up and like sonic, rolled away.
Night owl takes out his locater and presses it at the call everyone button.
"Yo what's up night owl?"
"There's this guy on the beach....and I think his dead" Night Owl whispered and early bird gasped. "On my way!" He says and hangs up.
"What happened?" Mega monkey asked and night owl let's a tear roll down his feathers. "There's a new creature in town"
Both superheroes met night owl at the hospital and they both gasped as they knew who this man was.
"Oh god...." Megan money whispered
"Del- who's this person?!" Early bird yelled and night owl turned around with tears on his eyes.
They looked at the male in shock but non the less, they had the same emotion night owl felt.
All heroes cry for there own reasons and early bird brakes the silence. "How did this happen?"
"A guy named luke called and said Jonathan went missing....." Night Owl said. "I looked for him until I heard his screamed at the other side of the city....and I went there as fast as I could but when I got there....he was running away from this girl....she- she....she-"
"Night Owl stop" Early bird said and night Owl does as he was told. He breaths slowly and he sits down on the chair. "He saved me..." Night Owl said. "If only I wasn't so stupid!" Night owl says in anger. "Where's BatCoon?" Mega monkey said and then a message arrived.
"Speak of the devil" Mega monkey said and Brock reads the message out loud, "I won't be attending to missions for a while since I'm going to be going on a secret mission of my own, but I heard that something happen and I demand to know what happened" Early bird said and night owl shakes his head. "I can't tell him"
"We have to-"
"He'll be mad at me! And probably kick me out of the team for a mistake like that!" Night owl said and early bird shakes his head. "No, we learn from mistakes and we are not keeping secrets from anyone"
"You mean like he is to us right now?" Mega monkey jumped and early bird shakes his head. "No, we are not gonna begun with this-"
The object rings and early bird stares at it.
"His calling"
Night Owl was gonna stop early bird but a shadow appeared and then a light. Soon enough a blue hologram of BatCoon appeared infront of them and BatCoon sighs. "Is someone gonna tell me what is happening-"
BatCoon stares at Jonathan with an instance stare. "Jonathan....." He whispered and a growl was heard. "What. Happened!?" BatCoon yelled at the heroes and everyone stayed quiet. "Fine....if you won't tell me then-"
"There's someone new in this town" Early bird said and BatCoon glares at early bird. "Speak" Jonathan command and early bird sighs but before he spoke mega monkey gets up. "Where are you?!"
"Me? This isn't about me! It's about this man-"
"Well if you where here then this wouldn't of happened!" Mega monkey said and early bird sighs. "M that's his business-"
"No, his always keeping secrets from us"
"We all are, we all keep secrets from each other" BatCoon said and mega monkey stays quiet. "We are mysterious in are own ways and if I don't tell you where I'm going is because I trust you with the city-"
"Yes, if I disappear out of know where is because I trust you. I know you'll keep the city safe while I'm gone so I expect you to thing higher of me like I do of you" BatCoon said and mega monkey stays silent. BatCoon turned around and walks up to night owl. "You did good....you fought amazingly....but don't keep this types of things as secrets, his important to people out there and we can't keep him a secret" BatCoon said and night owl nods.
BatCoon turned to jonathan and a blue light appeared in his hand.
"Early bird, touch the guys hand..." BatCoon said and early bird follows the order. "His still alive, quick early bird use your healing powers to heal him"
To be continued....
A/n I know cliffhanger, but I had too!
Anyways! What did you think of the new character? She is very important to plot so I'll keep her around for a while if you don't mind, crystal is Evan's step sister and she has a thing for both delirious and BatCoon! And even mega monkey.
Another character will be coming soon after a few episodes with tears! So be prepared!
Also comment down what you think of the story so far, how your liking it and what you think if Evan's step sister also known as tears!
Anyways talk to y'all later! Good bye~
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