episode 3 part 3
"How do we go back?" Mega monkey asked. "Im not sure honestly...." Night Owl said. Mega monkey nods understanding that he was just as lost as he was and he sits down on the white space underneath him. "Wonder how everyone is doing..." Mumbles the monkey in a sad tone.
Night owl looks down at mega monkey and sees that sad frown replace that happy one. "Hey....don't worry about it...."
"How can I not? For all I know both could be fighting for there lifes...hurt-"
"No, don't say that....BatCoon can be silly but I know he will lead early bird to victory....he always does anyways..."
No words spoken. Night owl sits next to mega monkey and mega monkey just flashes him a sad smile before that sad gloomy look replaces it.
'BatCoon...if you can hear me....please save us...'
'-Save us...' a voice said.
Teddy perks up and looks around. He frowns and cuddles up next to delirious' tired body.
"Where's...where's early bird?" Asked delirious.
"I have no idea..." The other delirious said.
"I need to find him....." Delirious whispered and paused to pick himself up. "Are you ready teddy?"
Teddy nods and climbs onto delirious shoulder. "Let's go then!" Jonathan said.
They both transform and a blue light surrounded there bodies.
They jump of the building they where hiding in and run to the rescue.
They saw mega monkey and night owl from the past fighting for there lifes.
"Retreat!" BatCoon from the future yelled at them. Both retreated in just seconds and waited for the heroes to land.
Once both BatCoons where on the floor the others excused themselves and ran away.
"Well well well~" Dilemma said. "If it isn't the twins"
"That suits us" BatCoon from the past said. "Yea- I mean- BITCH WHERE IS MY NIGHT OWL AND MY MEGA MONKEY!" BatCoon from the future yelled. "If you want them...you gotta fight me for them~"
BatCoon blinks and walks towards her. The BatCoon from the past grabs him and shakes his head. "No! You'll get stuck if she touches you!"
"I know...just trust...me or erm-.. yourself- I dunno man! Just belive!"
BatCoon from the past sighs but nods. "We gotta tire her out first if we want to get close to her.."
"Yes, let's go-"
"Are y'all done?! Jesus christ you guys take forever-"
"SHUT UP!" Both BatCoons growled at her making her shut her mouth in a second.
"Let's go!" They yelled at each other and charged at Dilemma.
"Brock...Brock are you okay?" The early bird from the past said with a worried tone. "Please....wake up" He said as he detransfomed. Brock was bleeding a little bit from a few scratches and he was breathing slowly.
He detransfomed and his eagle spans next to him. A white glow surrounding both of them. Brock opened his eyes and scanned his body. No scratches at all.
He looked to his right and saw his hurt eagle whimpering.
The eagle only whimpers and says to Brock, 'I'll always be your protection...'
Brock brings the eagle up to his lap and cuddles it. "Will he be okay?" Asked the Brock from the past.
The eagle makes a few sounds and waddles it's way to the other Brock.
With sad eyes Brock looks at the other eagle and the eagle starts doing a type of 'dance'
"Arkell?" The Brock from the past asked.
The eagle continues to do what it was doing and a soft white glow surrounds the hurt injured animal.
"...." Both Brock's stay quiet and watched the eagle do his healing thing.
A soft melody with a flute was heard and in a flash the eagle was standing strong and healthy. Both eagles rubbed wings together and Brock smiled. "Thank you!" Brock from the future said. He hugs both eagles and hugs the other Brock for the hell of it.
Brock from the past happily returned the hug and they separated.
"As much as I want to go back and kick butt, I think we should rest for a while"
"I agree" Brock from the future agreed and sat next to his eagle.
BatCoon from the past goes flying and BatCoon throws his hand up and catches the other him.
BatCoon falls back and they let go hands. All panting quietly as they glare daggers at each other.
Dilemma was getting tired and she knew when to back down from a fight but she was so close to winning, she can't give up now, not while everything is going her way.
"You scumb!" BatCoon from the future yelled. "Are you tired already?! Why don't you give up!"
"I don't think so...." she pants in between words.
"Well if that's how you want it-"
A horrible high pitched sound rumbles the two heroes and the villain making them fall while covering there ears.
"Early bird!" Both BatCoons yelled in happiness.
The heroes hugged and they got back on track. "Where's our friends!?" BatCoon from the future said.
"There locked up in time and space! In a blank place of nothingness!"
"Hold her down as much as you can..." BatCoon from the future said.
BatCoon runs and he takes out his claw gun to ram himself faster into Dilemma. He falls and brings BatCoon down with her. She touched his chest and he scratches the symbol in her leg. "Corrupted~" BatCoon said and vanishes in thin air.
"Do you hear that?" Night Owl asked. "The sound of the nothingness?" Mega monkey teased.
BatCoon lands on top of both heroes and he smiles. "Guys!"
"BatCoon!" The male heroes cheered.
"Did you get caught?" Asked mega money.
"Ha! You wish!" BatCoon pulls out his small baton and slams it on the floor making it crack. "I scratched her symbol! Now I'm able to crack this dimension open and~" BatCoon twirls around two golden rings in his finger making the others smile. "We can go back! So grab a hold of me so you won't get lost in time again~"
Mega monkey springs up and holds on BatCoon's shoulder. BatCoon gives night owl his hand and night owl looks at it, taking glances between the hand and does yellow eyes.
"Let's finish this..." whispered BatCoon. Night owl smiles and takes a hold of BatCoon's hand and gets up not letting go still.
The ring becomes big and sucks the three heroes inside.
"Did you know.....you are my Dilemma~" Night owl teased and BatCoon sighs in frustration. "Really? I'll let go of you and leave you here" BatCoon warned making mega monkey and night owl laugh.
Dilemma holds onto her leg and screams as she crawls her way towards a car. BatCoon walks towards her but before be can reach forward towards her she makes a green and blue smoke appear.
After a few minutes of smoke, it finally disappeared and Dilemma was long gone.
"Damn it..." BatCoon from the past grumbles.
Another portal forms and the three heroes appeared.
Mega monkey let's go of BatCoon and hugs there early bird. BatCoon forgot that he was still holding hands with night owl he slightly gasped as he removes his hand away. "Are we ready to get back into are time line?" BatCoon asked.
"Heck yea!"
"I'd like that!"
BatCoon looks at all of there past selfs and smiles. He extends his arm and shakes hands with himself.
"An honor to work with are selfs...." BatCoon said.
"Pleasure is ours" BatCoon from the past said. They let go and BatCoon turns to look at his group.
"Let's go home"
"Wait and Dilemma?" Night Owl asked. "Shit that's right-"
"She got away" BatCoon from the past said. "Fuck....well that's alright....maybe next time" BatCoon said and they all nod.
"Good bye!"
The heroes appear and they hug each other. BatCoon's and early birds necklaces ring and blink giving them a signal saying to leave. "Good job today guys....Cya later!" BatCoon said and early bird waves at the two heroes after BatCoon left. "Bye guys!"
After they left, night owl looks at mega monkey and night owl sighs. "What a day..."
"Ama go then, I'll be around still until it's time to be my old self again" Night owl told the money and mega monkey nods. "Catch you later owl"
Delirious walks inside his house and finds cartoonz looking around weirdly. "Luke...."
"Huh? Delirious? Where the fuck did you go?" Luke asked. "You spaces out and I grabbed the book I told you I was gonna get" Delirious said as he raises his arm up and showed his best friend a comic book of the hulk.
"That's not a book! That's a comic book!" Luke argued. "It still has book in the word so it's the same thing" Delirious teased and argued with his best friend some more until they both pass out in the sofa.
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