The Reveal
Marinette 's POV
Adrien: well I'm gonna tell you one
Marinette: what
Then a black little cat came out his jacket. It was like Tiki except black and a cat.
Adrien: Plagg claws out
Then this green light came and when it was gone he was OMG Chat Noir. He was Chat Noir this whole time so my biggest crush for like ever was Chat Noir. How could I be so blind they looked really similar blonde hair, green eyes, same body. Adrien always dissapearing along with me when an akuma comes.
Chat: so don't tell anyone
Marinette: I won't
Then that Crystal lexa came back and she was angry.
Crystal lexa: where is that blonde hair boy he lied to me
Chat: well I'm a blonde hair boy
Crystal lexa: oh Chat Noir decided to show up huh where's your little love bug I guess it's make my job much easier
I need to transform before he gets hurt.Then she tries to trap me in one of her Crystal things. But I moved and fell off the side of the Farris wheel. I heard chat calling out for me but I used this as a chance to turn into Ladybug .
Marinette: Tiki spots on
Then a pink light formed around me and I turned into Ladybug. Just in time and landed on my feet I used my yo-yo to pull me up to where the action is.
Chat: ladybug am I glad to see you but what about my friend Marinette is she ok
Ladybug: don't worry kitty she's safe I caught her and she's hiding
Chat: thanks goodness because she is my second crush right after you M' lady
Ladybug: * blushes * no time for flirting kitty we have a Crystal diva to take care of
I couldn't help but blush because he said I was his second and first crush and he's Adrien. Anyway I grabbed Chat and swing my yo-yo for we can land on the ground safely. Then Crystal diva decided to join us. Then she tried to trap us but we dodged them. Then I saw where the akuma was it was in a broken chain rapped on her arm. I decided it's lucky charm time.
Ladybug: Lucky Charm
Then a magnet appeared then I had an idea Chat needs to distract her while I use the magnet to get the chain off. I told Chat the plan and he started distracting her. I turned on the magnet and the magnet pulled the chain off and I broke it and a dark purple butterfly came out. Then I got my yo-yo and captured it.
Ladybug: time to deevilize
Then I brought it back to me and opened the middle of my yo-yo and out came a pure white butterfly.
Ladybug: bye bye little butterfly
Then I threw the magnet in the air .
Ladybug: Miraculous ladybug
Then these pink and red lights started fixing everything Crystal lexa did. Then I turned to Chat and we fist bumped and said pound it .
Chat: sorry M' lady I have to go and look for Mari
Ladybug: wait I want to tell you something
Chat: maybe another time ladybug I have to find her to make sure she's safe
Ladybug: I know where she is I'll take you to her
Chat: how do you know
Ladybug: because she told me you silly kitty
I grabbed his hand and swung us away to the Eiffel tower. Then I stood in front of him.
Chat: she's not here I don't see her
Ladybug:yes she is
Chat: where
Ladybug: right here Tiki spots off
Then a pink light surrounded me and when it was gone. Chat' s eyes were wide and his jaws dropped😮. I looked at him maybe I'm not really his second crush. And he's disappointed I looked down at the ground. Then I heard the sounds of him being transformed back into Adrien. Then I felt my chin get lifted up and my blue bell eyes met his emerald green eyes. Then he closed his eyes and leaned in with one hand around my waist and the other on my chin. Then our lips met I was shocked at first but melted into the kiss 😮😍 . When he pulled away he whispered in my ear.
Adrien:I love you Mari
Marinette: I love you to Adrien
Adrien; Mari you be my girlfriend
Marinette: of course kitty
Adrien: I'm glad it was you
Marinette: I'm glad it was you to
Then we sat at the edge with our legs dangling. I laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his on top of mine . And we watched the sunset. Then when it was done we changed back into Ladybug and Chat Noir. We kissed good bye and headed back home. When I got home my parents came to me and hugged me.
Mom: we were so worried about you we heard there was a akuma attack at the carnival
Marinette: I'm fine I got saved by Ladybug
Dad: then why are you back so late
Marinette: 😶 no reason
Mom: it was a boy wasn't it
Marinette:😶😶😓 maybe
Dad: oh tell us all about it 😀
Marinette: uh bye good night I'm going to bed
Then I hurried and ran to my room. I put on my PJ's and jumped in bed. Tiki flew over to my pillow and laid beside me.
Marinette: Tiki today was a good day
Tiki: I know you figured out Chat Noir is Adrien and your his girlfriend now since he knows that the two people he has a crush on are the same person
Marinette; I know and here's a cookie
Tiki: I'm fine I ate the cookies in your purse
Marinette: oh well good night Tiki
Tiki: night Marinette
Adrien 's POV
I went back to my house and just went through the window. And changed into my PJ's and jumped in bed. I laid there love struck . Then Plagg just went to go find food. So I just went to sleep best day ever.
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