Sleep over
Marinette 's POV
The rest of the day that New kid kept flirting. If course I rejected him every time. Then I met up with Adrien and Nino and Alya. And we walked to my house and I went upstairs and packed. Then said bye to my parents and we left to Alya's house. She packed her stuff and told her parents where she's going and we left. Then we went to Nino's he got his stuff and told his parents. Then we all went to Adrien's house and Nathalie greeted us all. We went to his room and I laid on his bed and Adrien came over and got on top of me. I looked up at him kissed him .
Alya: ohhh what you to gonna do
Marinette: kiss
Nino: so your not gonna do more than that
Adrien: no now be quiet for I can kiss my Princess in peace
Then we kissed again they were just talking. And I heard the word date but I didn't bother they might be talking about something else. Like the date of trip we're going on in the summer. Then Nathalie came in the room and saw me and Adrien. She had a smirk on her face. We pulled away and looked at her we weren't blushing cuz we weren't embarrassed about it.
Nathalie: I came to tell you that your father is leaving for a trip today
Adrien: for how long
Nathalie: until next Saturday
Adrien: ok is that all
Nathalie: yeah you can go back to kissing your girlfriend
Adrien: ok
Then he started kissing me again and Nathalie left. Alya and Nino were still talking about idk something. Anyway I think like an hour passed and me and Adrien were cuddling now watching a movie. Alya and Nino are watching it to. Then Nathalie came in again .
Nathalie: dinners ready
Adrien : ok we'll be right down
Then she left and we got up and went downstairs to eat dinner. We sat at the table and we ate dinner. We talked about a whole lot of things. Then we finished eating and went back to his room. When we got there we each took turns changing clothes in the bathroom . When we all had our PJ's on we got in bed. His bed is big enough for the four of us. I cuddled with Adrien and he cuddled back and went to sleep.
** morning **
Adrien 's POV
I woke up and looked over to see my Princess sleeping peacefully. She was facing the other way like her face was to Alya 's back . I rapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. Then I went to her neck and kissed her gently I felt her shiver. Then I found her soft spot and kissed gently. I heard her moan a little in her sleep. Then after a while she woke up and she moaned again .
Marinette: Adrie honey what are you doing
Adrien; waking you up
Marinette: really
Adrien: yeah
Marinette: well that was a very intimate way to wake me
Adrien: did you like it
Marinette: maybe
Adrien: I know you did my little love bug
Marinette: ok so what if I did
Adrien: then every time you spend the night I'll wake you like that
Then she turned around and faced me and she moved closer to me. She rapped her arms around my neck. She looked at me with a smirk. She then kissed my lips softly. And slowly and passionately I kissed back just the same. The kiss got deeper and deeper every second. Then Alya and Nino wokeup and looked at us. They had a discussed look .
Alya: wow they're really in love
Nino: they should just get married now because they're not gonna love anyone else like they love each other
Alya: nope my parents don't even kiss like that and they've been married for as long as I was here my Mom had me when she was 18
Nino: oh really mine too
Alya: are we just gonna sit here and watch
Nino; I mean why not they're not paying attention to us anyway
Alya: what time is it
Nino: 2 o'clock pm
Alya: doesn't the party start in like three hours
Nino: yeah
Alya: I'm gonna shower
Nino: me to
Then they both left out of my room and went to the other bathrooms. Nino is right we should just get married now because we aren't going to love anybody else like we love each other . But we just got together so I'll do it on our trip . I pulled away from her and she looked red probably out of breath .
Adrien: we should get ready to
Marinette: ok
Then Mari got up and went out the door and to one of the other bathrooms. I showered washed my hair and got out put on my pants for the party. But not my shirt because there was a knock at my door.
Marinette 's POV
I had went to one of the other bathrooms. That kiss was great I could kiss him all day. Nino said we should get married now. If Adrien did ask to marry me now I would say yes even tho we just got together. I got in the shower and washed my hair and then got dressed. In my party outfit that I made . I walked back to Adrien 's room and knocked on the door. I heard foot steps and the door opened and there he was with no shirt on. I was staring at his 8 pack probably blushing like crazy. I am holding myself back from pouncing on him. He smirked and flexed his muscles making it even harder not to pounce on him.
Adrien; you like what you see
Marinette: yeah I'm trying my hardest not to pounce on you
Adrien: oh really
Adrien: well I'm gonna make it harder
Then he flexed and posed and he looked super hot . I couldn't do it anymore I just pounced on him. And kissed him I felt his abs against my stomach. I am going crazy he is just so perfect in every way. He chuckled and kissed back and it was only like a 10 second kiss.
Adrien:I guess you couldn't resist
Marinette: no you made,to hard
Adrien: well can I put my shirt on
Marinette: yeah
Then I got up and he put on his shirt and his jacket. I don't think I should wear the white jacket so I took it off. Now my stomach is showing. Then I did a pose like I'm a model.
Marinette: Adrien look I'm best model in Paris
Adrien: yes you are 😍
Marinette: what's wrong with you Adrien
Adrien: um you look hot bugaboo
Marinette: oh really
Adrien: yeah your stomach is toned
Marinette: thanks I do yoga and save Paris
Adrien: true and I do the same also workout
Marinette: I can tell *giggles *
Adrien: where is Alya and Nino
Marinette: idk maybe downstairs
Adrien: or eastdropping behind the door
Marinette: Alya,Nino you there
Alya: yeah I'm here girl
Nino: me to dudes
Then we walked out the room and saw them there. We walked to the front door and left since it will take a hour to get there by foot but we don't care. We walked the whole day there and went in. Everybody said hey when we came in. Then the music that was on was like hip hop music.
Alya: hey Mari you gonna dance to gold now
Marinette: nah I'm gonna wait come Adrien let's break dance
Adrien: ok
Then we went to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing.
Then he wanted to have a contest on who the best .
That was our finish I'm a little bit tired from doing all those dance moves. Lifting your whole body weight off the ground is tiering. Everybody was clapping for us we took a bow and sat down somewhere. About 10 minutes later I was ready to do my dance. I went to the DJ and told him what song I wanted and announced I was dancing. So every one made space in the middle for me.
After I was done everybody clapped or whistled . Then I went to Adrien and he was smirking .
Adrien: I didn't know you could move like that
Marinette: well I can
Adrien: you tired
Marinette: a little
Adrien: come here bugaboo
Marinette: why
Adrien: because I want you
Then I got closer and sat on his lap and I was facing him one leg on each side of him. Then he kissed me and I returned it. Then we pulled away and looked at Alya and Nino who were dancing. So we went to join them and we danced and ate the rest of the night. The party was now over and we started walking towards Adrien 's house. When we got there we were exhausted so we just fell asleep right away.
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