Chapter 9
As promised I put the picture in just imagine the stars with the swirls please. Thanks and enjoy the update.
Natsu's Pov
Getting on the train to get back to Magnolia honestly isn't my favorite thing in this world. Any type of transportation makes me sick and feel like Im going to lose my lunch. Happy suggested that we go to a magic store to get some motion sickness pills that a lady told him about when she was buying him fish. Now that I think about it, I dont even remember taking the pill from Luce since she had them in her hand.
We've been on the train for about an hour now and I honestly feel great. I look over to see happy fast asleep in Luce's chest, while she was reading a book called " A Twist In Time". She picked it up while we were at he magic store and has been reading it ever since. I take a look around my body and notice a faint glow coming from my shoulder. When we were getting on the train Luce flashed the conductor a ring and he gave us our train car. Since we were in our own car I took my off to see what was glowing.
After I had gotten my shirt off I saw something pretty cool. One of the stars was glowing from the mark Luce had given me. I was just about to ask her about it when she got to it before I did." Since you have motion sickness I wanted to see what I could do with the mark. Turns out I can get rid of it and it'll last as long as that star's life span is still going, since stars live a long time you should be good for a while."
I stared at her in shock, if it was even possible I'm falling more in love with her. I leaned over and put her book down for a second. As I was about to kiss her, a girl slammed the door to the train car open. The smell of hard liquor could be smelled all over her. She had red skin and black hair with what looked like horns sticking out of it. Her green eyes were filled to the brim with lust.
The different color in her skin isn't what got me scooting back away from her, it was what was on her face and what she wore. A school uniform with a black skirt and black shoes seems normal right? However you could clearly see a thick liquid all over her. I thought the liquid looked familiar so I took a small wiff of the scent that was coming from her. As soon as the smell hit my nose I ran to the closest window I could find and let my head hang out for a minute.
Good Kami, that's gross. Sometimes I wish I didn't have dragon senses, who would want to smell like that at any point if their lives?! After calming down and finally getting my smell back I turned back to find this girl trying to get Luce's clothes off with this pink smoke coming off her body. I don't think I've moved that quickly in my life to get this stranger off Luce. " What the hell are you doing, get off her!"
" Aw I see, this must be your friend right? You wouldn't mind sharing him with me would you? It doesn't seem like he would even like you so I can have him all to myself right?" She asked now trying to get my pants down while I'm pushing her hands away from me. " What are you even talking about, I don't even know you and even if I did-" I told her pushing her harder away.
" Oh I forgot to tell you my name! It's Meru ( mer-oo) handsome, what is your name so I know what to moan, or would you rather me call you daddy?" She said as she was about to touch my chest and shoulders. When she touched me though her hands had severe burns that was already starting to blister while she writhing in pain. It wasn't me or my magic since my flames would only leave burns and bruises.
To be honest I'm feeling a bit hotter then I usually am. Then I remembered the stars, I quickly looked at them and saw that they had this gold and red outline around each one but they didn't hurt me at all. " You don't have permission to touch something that's not yours. He's already spoken for and I don't recommend making his lover upset." Luce told her calmly while walking over to us handing me my shirt.
Before I even got it on Luce put her hands all over my torso slowly going down lower and lower. " These stars hurt don't they. So pretty but also dangerously powerful. They have the power of every star in the universe known and unknown. I'll heal you this once but please don't touch my lover, I really don't like sharing what's mine, ok?" Luce told her while giving her a blank eye stare the whole time.
Not gonna lie it kinda got me in the mood but it's not time for that. Meru? I think that's get name got up from the floor and asked something I would think she'd know the answer to by now. " Well then if he needs your permission for me to be able to touch him then give it to him. It's clear that he wants me as much as I want him. Better yet how about we do a threesome! I haven't had one of those in a while, as long as I get his bottom half and you can have his top. Does that sound good?" She said with her eyes shining.
I was completely and utterly grossed out. Even if I didn't have Luce I would never get with her, I could smell all the men and other beings ( animals) she had been with. It's not my place to judge her life choices but I don't wanna be brought into it. It seems like Luce was done with this girl, through our mating bond I could feel the anger that was rising inside her just about to burst out.
Suddenly it all went away. When I turned to look at her she was calm and smiling. She walked right up to Meru and whispered " I won't ask again. This will be the only time I'm going to control my anger with you. If you think that the burns that you got from the stars are bad, I don't think you wanna see what a super nova feels like. I can tell you from personal experience, it doesn't feel good at all. Even for a succubus like you."
Meru quickly ran out after that and Luce went right back to reading. As I was putting my shirt back on I noticed that happy was still asleep through that entire thing. Huh, he must be very tired today. After an hour or two we should be pretty close to magnolia about now. However the train suddenly came to a hard stop slamming both me and luce into the walls.
Feeling that something may be wrong we went to go check on the conductor only to find Meru with him with her on her knees. I'm not going to go into detail about what we found them doing but luce wasn't happy at all. There were women, children, and other passengers on the train that could possibly be hurt because of Meru's actions.
Figuring that we should do something about this so that it doesn't happen again and Meru can stop causing trouble for everyone else, Luce took oh a very small jar and open the lid." Black hole." she muttered. A black smoke came out of Maru's body only to be left with a regular teenage girl with regular skin. Inside the bottle was a mixture of black and red mist.
After we help the conductor get back onto his feet and start the train again we took the teenager to a different train car and let her sleep till she awoke again. Luce explain to me what a succubus is and what it can do to a person's body and that it can be draining on the person's life span. No telling how long she was stuck like that but now she can live a regular life. And thank God that awful smell is gone! As for Meru, we are going to take her to our master and let him deal with it.
For now it's just time to relax and enjoy the last 30 minutes we have till we get to magnolia! I can't wait for Luce to meet fairy tail and I really hope everyone gets along with her!
Kinda long chapter but I wanted to update this as soon as possible while the idea was still in my head. Hope you enjoyed this update and continue to vote and comment and let me know if I should continue this book.
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