Chapter 2
Lucy's Pov
When this stranger and I made eye contact, I felt that everyone and everything stopped. I couldn't stop staring at his eyes. My body felt like it was set on fire, like the world its self had completely vanished out of existence, then I finally noticed that I could move my body again. What that magic shop guy came back to me and at that moment I couldn't decide wither to believe him or not.
On another note, me being released from "Salamanders" spell knew that I needed to get the rest of the girls out as well. The stranger seemed to come back to his senses as well, however while we made eye contact he forgot he was taking a step and fell into the crowd. " OOOF!" Well that hurt." He exclaimed." Hey weirdo, why the heck are you impersonating someone from fairy Tail?" he asked while rubbing his back. "HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA- BAAAAAAAKKKKAAAAAAA!!!! What are you talking about, I'm not impersonating anyone, for I am the mighty Salamander of Fairy Tail!" he whined very proudly. Him going on and on about how he was the strongest and the best wizard in the guild really made me upset.
Even though I am a fan of the real salamander, their are still other people in the guild that are good or better as well, for my mother always reminded me: there is always going to be someone stronger or better at something than you, and all you can do is do your best to get even better. I finally had enough of his crap and decided to intervein " If you are the real Salamander, then you'd have no problem taking off those ILLIGAL charm rings which you wouldn't even need if you are who you claim you are." I told him staring at the fake salamander with a stone cold look on my face. " You also wouldn't mind showing us your guild mark and showing us your magic that you claim to have." I continued to say. " I'd love to show you my magic, but it seems I have used it all, and about my guild mark I'll show it to you tonight in my bed as long as you and your body are mine!" The look on my face was absolutely gross. True enough guys have made comments about my body before but nothing as bad as this. Before I even had time to say anything back to this creep, the stranger with the beautiful green eyes slammed is fist into the back of the fake salamanders head.
Natsu's pov
When I heard what he said to the girl with the most pleasant smell, something inside me snapped. I could no longer control my actions and all I saw was red, and suddenly the fake salamander was knocked out cold laying on the ground. " Huh, what the heck happened to him?" I asked out loud completely confused. " I don't think it matters what happened as long as that creep got what he deserved for messing with these girl's minds. There is no telling what would have happened if we have not intervened. Thanks for that, my names Lucy by the way!" The girl from earlier, now known as Lucy said smiling the most beautiful smile at me. With her fully in front of me she looked exactly like-" You're a goddess come to bless me aren't you?" I meant to whisper but accidently said out loud. " T-thanks for the compliment even though I don't think you meant to say that out loud, but I'm no goddess as far as I know but sometimes my eyes do glow when I use too much of my magic." Lucy shyly said with a blush covering her beautiful face.
" I truly believe that you are a goddess just because of how you carry yourself. Without even looking at your body, just the look in your eyes can tell that you are very special- even if it is to me." I tried to whisper again but life just wanted her to hear me." Y-You're so sweet, what's your name?" she asked still blushing. " My name is Nastu Dragneel, and I'm the real Salamander of Fairy Tail." I told her showing her my guild mark and a bit of my magic like she asked to see from the fake salamander. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" she asked shyly. My heart rate increased and my hands started to feel sweaty, maybe, just maybe she felt the same way that I had when we first saw each other. " Yeah, after meeting you today now I do." I told her truthfully. " Can I buy you guys something to eat as payment for helping freeing those girls?" She asked holding her hand out to me to grab." Holy crap you keep getting better and better the more time I spend with you, I can see myself really falling for you."
I thought I said in my head but still said out loud, me not completely concentrating on her eyes. " You know Natsu, I have never met someone as blunt and strange as you before, not that its a bad thing, but I feel like we could really to have some very exciting adventures if we decited to stick together so how about dinner on me so we can get to know each other better, what do you say?" she said smiling brightly. To me it felt like the sun had come out for the first time ever, " Yeah sure! Let's see where this takes us and what adventures we could have together!" I told her excitedly. I grabbed happy and Lucy's hand and walked with her to find a place to eat, hopefully she doesn't mind my eating habits. People have told me I have no table manners but I really want to try for her and not scare her off! Wish me luck!
Pls like if you liked the chapter, Bye!
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