Chapter 11
Welcome back! Ok Bye
Natsu's Pov
When Luce woke me up to let me know that we were finally at Magnolia, I was super excited for her to meet everyone! From the way that Luce likes to read I can tell that the person she'll most likely get along with will be Levy McGarden. She's also a book worm and has the most things in common with Luce's interests. I want her to be as comfortable with everyone as possible. Luce can be a bit shy when she doesn't know or has to meet new people, so I want her to feel like she can come to anyone here and feel safe. These people have been very kind to me these past years, especially the guild's headmaster who we call " Gramps" or simply master. He takes all kinds of people in no matter what happened in your past. Gramps found me after I was searching for my dad Igneel who is also a dragon.
While walking through the crowds of people I noticed that Luce started falling behind. To make sure that we don't lose each other I held her hand. She didn't seem to mind but she had a blank far-off look in her eyes. I didn't bother her since I had a feeling it was important to her. Since she was still walking and not getting lost there was no need to. We finally made it to the guild, but she was still zoned out so I waited till she can back all on her own. Happy finally woke up while we were waiting. He asked if there was something wrong with Luce, but I told him that she was busy dealing with something and that she'd be fine. He was very worried about her since he admitted that she'd become a very important person in his life. I'm glad he feels that way because I really want them to get along.
Luce soon came out of her zoned out spell and was ready to open the guild door. As soon as we did, she had an amazed look in her eyes. Her eyes were darting from person to person but soon stopped on two people. I led Luce over the guild's built-in bar to get her insignia from Mira, she's a mage and also works at the bar. I noticed that Luce had her eyes solely trained on Mira. Her eyes flashed a bright blue and gold before going back to chocolate brown but with a star as her pupil. She told me on the train that certain times her eye color will change as will her pupils. She explained that her mom had the same condition when she was a kid as did her grandmothers. Her great grandmother started a book so that if any of the descendants of the Heartfillia's had it as well.
As we were waiting for our train, I decided to read about, so I know what's going on and why. "Luce, you can ask her about it later but first you need to get your guild mark." She still had her gaze fixed on Mira while asking her to repeat her question. After answering her, Mira asked who she was. When she answered she was my girlfriend, the guild went entirely quiet. You could hear Cana's cards hit the ground, even without dragon slayer hearing. Suddenly there was a loud cackling sound and my annoying frenemy, Gray Fullbuster. He's an Ice make magic user, trained by his master Ur. He's a really good mage but he's super annoying and always makes fun of me for not dating anyone. He clearly doesn't understand dragon slayers or their magic otherwise he wouldn't be talking like that.
" There is no way that this flamebrain could get a girlfriend that looks like you, he doesn't even know how to talk to a girl!" he said in a teasing voice. I could totally get a girlfriend if I didn't already have one. Don't ever tell him this because he'll get a bigger head than he already has, but he's one of my best friends. I scanned the guild looking for someone only not to find them here, they must be out on a job or still at home. " Luce is my girlfriend okay, I won't try to explain it to you, just know that we are together, and I don't plan on ever sharing. So, keep your hands off of her!" I told him while slapping his hands off her shoulder. " Hey Mira, is gramps in we need to speak with him?"
"He's here, just be sure that you knock first. There's no telling what you'd catch him looking at if you don't. Poor Auska is still traumatized after going up to ask master to play with her. Her parents are still having to hold her at home for the next 2 weeks." Mira said while whipping a glass down. " Thanks Mira, I'm pretty sure we'll be fine." winking at Luce. We walked past tables with people drinking, playing cards, making out, fighting, arm wrestling, and dancing. We made it up to the master's door. Luce gave me a peck on the lips before acting like she didn't do anything. I didn't expect that so when she turned back around, I grabbed her waist and pushed her against the wall next to the door. Her leg was hiked up my side while her fingers were tangled in my hair.
I grabbed both of her thighs and put them higher on my hips. Her legs locked around me while I pushed our bodies closer together and to the wall. I used my hands to move her head to the side so I could get to her neck and bit her. It didn't hurt her at all, actually she loves when I bite her, and this time was no different. Her eyes flashed red and gold before letting out a sigh with a small flame. Then hard but not hurting me, she grabbed my face and turned it to the side and bite me as well. My heart rate quickened before my eyes flashed gold. My eyes stayed that way for a while before we fixed ourselves before we knocked on gramps's door.
" Eh Uh, come in!" Gramps sat behind a wooden desk with thousands upon thousands of papers and notes. Behind the wooden desk sat a very small old man. " Gramps, this is the newest member of the guild and my girlfriend, Lucy. We would like to give you this in case something happens and we're not around to explain it." I said while handing him a copy of the book. He flipped through a few pages before he looked at us with a weird look in his eyes. " You said that your name is Lucy, right? What is your last name if you don't mind me asking?"
" It's Heartfillia, master, why do you ask?" " Your great grandmother was a friend of our first master, she can here with a little girl that looks just like you." he said shaking her hand.
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