Chapter 10
Welcome back to Under the Magnolia Tree! I hope that you enjoy this update, and please leave comments so I know how make your reading experience better. This chapter is a bit of a backstory to how Lucy left the mansion and why.
Lucy's Pov
As the train came to a halt, I looked out the window to make sure this was the right place. Natsu was still asleep in my lap and Happy was asleep in my chest. Normally I wouldn't just follow someone and let them take me to a new location that I know little about, but I trust Natsu. After making sure that this was the right station, I woke up Natsu. I have read a lot about magnolia from my mother's journals that she kept whenever she traveled to new places. My father tried to hide all of her things she owned after she passed, but he didn't do a very good job. After getting my bags and stepping off the train, I let Natsu lead the way. Everything that my mom wrote about this place I could see. Lots of people were walking around, lots of booths selling things, children running around with their friends and parents.
Natsu and I held hands so we wouldn't get separated. Since he was leading the way, I let my mind wander back to my mom. Being in the city she loved the most brought back happy memories from my childhood. I miss having her around, and I know she would have loved Natsu. Unknown and or unnoticed by dad, I've had a necklace that she always wore. When I asked her about it, she told me that an old friend gave it to her mother and her mother gave it to her and when I'm older, I'll get it as well and will past it down to my daughter. The values she had in life were more than just material things. Which makes me wonder how she married my dad since now days all he cares about is money.
The day that I left the compound, I went right to his office and told him how unhappy and uncared for he had been treating me for the last few years. The only time he would talk to me was when he announced that he had agreed to marry me off to a complete stranger. To say that I wasn't happy was an understatement. I was his only child and the thing he thought that was best for me was to marry me off for money. My bedroom used to be next to my parent's room in the east wing of the estate in case of emergencies or if I had a nightmare, I'd go sleep with them. After he told me about the arranged marriage, I moved completely out of the estate and built a two-story house outside of the land of the house. I was 11 and living on my own without his help or money. I made my own food and washed my own clothes for 7 years until one night my father ordered some maids to come set my home on fire while I was sleeping. One of my mom's personal maids came to wake me up just in time. When building the house, I made sure to put an escape route in case something happened, and I'm very happy that I did.
Since that happened, I rebuild my house but started going on jobs to make money. Because of my age some people didn't take me seriously when I offered them my help, however the people that gave me a chance were very happy with the end results saying I exceeded their expectations. I only charged them however long it takes me to do the job, but I didn't take long doing them so I could make more money. If a job took 8 hours to do then they would have to pay me $80, but they were so happy with the outcome that they paid me $180. After 3 more years I had made $360,000,000. I put all the money that I had earned in a secured bank that not even my father could get to that was owned by my cousin, Michelle.
Ooops, I hadn't even realized that we had made it right in front of Fairy Tail by the time I came back to. We were just standing at the door not moving nor opening it. "Oi Luce, you've come back from the clouds. Are you alright, you've had a blank look in your eyes since we got off the train? You seemed like you didn't want to be bothered so I didn't." Isn't he just the sweetest? Normally people would interrupt people when they aren't paying attention which can be rude sometimes since they could be thinking or dealing with something internally. " Yea I'm fine, just thinking about my mom. She visited here before she passed away. We were supposed to come here together but that didn't happen, sadly." Let's not think about that night now though, I want to see where I'll be spending most of my time with you." I told him happily.
We opened the doors together and walked in hand in hand. There were so many people in one place! Some people I've seen in magazines and some on jobs I did when I was a kid. One person in particular stood out from the rest, though I don't think they will remember me because I've changed so much. I'll wait to see if they will recognize me or if they even want to be friends again. People change sometimes weather for better or worse, but I'll see that for myself. Natsu led me over to the bar where a gorgeous white-haired lady was. She was stunning, just looking into her deep blue eyes made me feel like I was in the ocean. Natsu did all the talking while I was trying to figure this lady out. You can tell that she has an interesting story behind her eyes. Whatever it maybe I can tell it's going to be a good one.
I must have been staring at her for too long because Natsu was waving a hand in my face. " What color do you want your guild mark to be?" He asked. " I know that look you have in your eye's babe, and you can ask her about it later but right now she needs an answer her arm is getting tired." I have got to stop spacing out when people are trying to talk to me. " My apologies for not answering you, what was your question again if you don't mind me asking?" I asked kind of embarrassed. " Oh, that's fine, no need to be embarrassed. What do you want the color of your guild mark to be?" " Pink, on my right hand please Mrs.?" " Mirajane Strauss but you can call me Mira. Who may you be? I've never seen Natsu bring a girl home. " My name is Lucy Heartfillia, and I'm Natsu's girlfriend." I said giving him a kiss afterwards. I was about to turn back to him until he took my chin and kissed me passionately.
Only after we were done did I noticed that the entire guild was silent. Was it something I said?
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