☁ end ☁
last chapter...
"jaemin? are you okay?" renjun asked hesitantly, his eyes diverting from the fluffy wings to his boyfriend's teary face.
"i-i feel b-better now." he sniffed.
"they're so beautiful..." jeno mumbled, his eyes glued to the plumage.
jaemin furrowed his brows, looking at what had jeno mesmerised, and he gasped.
renjun prevented the angel from falling off the counter by pulling him closer.
"m-m-my wings?!" jaemin exclaimed, looking at his two white wings.
"yes, your wings."
jaemin moved them around, still not believing he could control them.
he flapped them a few times, feeling himself flying up. a bright smile appeared on his face as he agilely flew around the room, just like old times.
he settled again on the counter after a while, tears of joy escaping from his eyes.
"my wings are back..." he said, happier than ever.
"yeah, they are." jeno replied with a smile, happy to see his boyfriend in this state.
jaemin jumped on his two boyfriends, hugging them tighter than ever, his wings circling around them.
"i love you..." jaemin said in the crook of their necks.
"we love you too baby." renjun replied, kissing his neck.
"we really do." jeno added, pecking his cheek.
just then, the doorbell rang, making the three lovers step back from the hug.
jeno stood behind with jaemin as renjun walked to the door and opened it.
"hi gu- "
"shotaro!!!" jaemin cut the boy who was at the door and flew right into him, pulling him in a tight embrace.
"woah. didn't remember you being this clingy." another voice said.
"sungchan!!!" jaemin exclaimed again, flying to his best friend and hugging him even tighter.
renjun closed the door behind them and made sure that the curtains were closed so that no one could see the inside.
"i missed you." sungchan chuckled, hugging jaemin back.
"you surely missed him, but you better let go because jeno is about to snap." shotaro said, seeing how jeno had his fist clenched.
"oh, yeah, sorry." sungchan let go his best friend.
"so, i guess everything is going well between the three of you." shotaro said.
"we're finally boyfriends. jaemin achieved his mission." jeno told, bringing renjun in a side hug.
"and jaemin is part of us, of course." renjun added.
"how cute is that?" sungchan smiled.
"hey, hey!" jaemin interrupted, jumping up and down like a little kid. "look! i have my wings back!"
"that's wonderful, isn't it?" shotaro looked at jaemin with a bright smile.
"i feel so good..." jaemin answered, floating a few centimetres above the floor.
"that's great." sungchan stated. "you didn't deserve to have your wings cut."
jaemin's blood ran cold when he remembered the pain his punishment had caused inside his body and his mind, but he quickly brushed it off, wrapping his wings around his body in comfort.
"wait- do you have something to do with them?" jaemin furrowed his brows in realisation.
"what?" jeno and renjun asked, as confused as their boyfriend.
"of course, we have." shotaro nodded.
"yes." shotaro said. "we went to see the head this morning. and we had a small talk."
"you went to see the head?!" jaemin exclaimed.
"yep." shotaro smiled proudly.
"wait a second. can someone explain to us who is the head?" renjun intervened.
"he's the angel with the most experience, so he's the one to assign everyone's missions and to make sure they respect the rules. as we don't have a leader above the clouds, he's considered as the very top of the social ladder." shotaro explained.
"oh, okay."
"what did you tell him?" jaemin asked expectantly.
"nothing you need to worry about. we just made him realise how dumb he was for not treating you right. and so, we pressured him." sungchan reassured his friend.
"so i can go back above the clouds?"
"you're an angel again jaemin, we made him give you back your wings. you deserved them after all... your place is with the other angels." shotaro explained.
jaemin smiled brightly at first, hearing his friends explaining what they did for him, but soon, his smile disappeared, being replaced with a frown.
his place was with other angels... above the clouds...
but did he really want to go back above the clouds?
of course not.
now, he had two loving boyfriends, and a pleasant life. no more missions, no more stress. he felt like he belonged here, nowhere else.
he could never leave jeno and renjun.
"jaemin, you're okay?" sungchan asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"y-yeah... it's just that... above the clouds... huh..." he mumbled, glancing towards his boyfriends.
sungchan and shotaro exchanged a look.
"we're kidding!" they exclaimed at the same time.
"w-what?" jaemin muttered.
"you don't have to come back above the clouds. we got the head accepting to leave you alone and let you live with jeno and renjun. that's what you want, isn't it?" sungchan told.
jaemin couldn't believe his ears. he would be able to stay here? with jeno and renjun?
"y-yes." he stuttered.
"then you'll stay!" shotaro said. "you're done with angel problems. you have a new life to discover here, on earth."
jaemin didn't wait a second to embrace shotaro and sungchan in a hug.
"thank you so much guys. i don't know what i would be without you..."
"it's our pleasure." sungchan patted his back.
untangling from the hug, jaemin ran into his boyfriends' arms, dropping a kiss on their lips before hiding his face in their chest, mumbling 'i love you'.
he finally had the two boys he loved as boyfriends...
he finally had his wings back, making him an angel again...
and he finally could stay with them forever, under the clouds.
the end
thank you all so much for your support!!
special thanks to @ls5199634 who requested this book, and honestly, i'm so glad they did because i love angel aus so much and i love norenmin even more sooo... yeah, THANK YOU
i just wanted to thank you for your love and devotion all along the bumpy road that was 'under the clouds'
i could never have made it this far without you
i love every single one of you
<3 <3 <3
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