☁ 36 ☁
"jaemin, baby!" jeno yelled across the room. "get prepared, we're sleeping at mine tonight."
jaemin nodded shyly.
he still couldn't believe that the two humans he had fallen for actually liked him.
and what seemed even harder to believe was that they also loved each other!
honestly, everything felt like perfection. jaemin couldn't dream of anything better.
"ready to go, bub?" renjun asked, dropping a kiss on jaemin's cheek as he was passing by, making the former angel blush madly.
"h-huh... yeah." jaemin replied, walking to the front door, where jeno was on the phone with his mother.
jeno hung up quickly and looked at jaemin that was slowly walking towards him.
"you're going to get cold wearing only that!" he exclaimed, looking at jaemin from head to toe. "don't you remember last time? you were practically freezing... junnie, can you bring a warm jacket for our little angel?"
"okay!" renjun said before going back to his closet.
a few seconds after, he was back in the hall, helping jaemin to put the jacket on.
"we're ready to go!" renjun exclaimed, sending a bright smile to jeno.
"perfect." he said, pecking both renjun's and jamein's lips before intertwining his fingers with jaemin's.
renjun did the same with jaemin's other hand, and he opened the door for them to leave with his free hand.
"why are you holding my hands and treating me like that?" jaemin pouted. "i'm not a baby..."
"oh, yes you are." jeno chuckled.
"our baby." renjun added, bobbing his nose.
"hello boys!" jeno's mother opened the front door, allowing the three boys to enter her house. "it's been long since i saw you!" she chuckled.
"jaemin came back a few days ago, and renjun and i are more comfortable at renjun's." jeno told while unties his shoelaces.
"yeah, i see." she wiggled her brows.
"mom!" jeno whined.
"i didn't say anything!" she raised her hands in the air.
"i know what you were implying. and that's totally not it." jeno rolled his eyes.
"yeah, yeah. i believe you. my not-gay son."
jeno sighed at his mother's chuckling.
"aww, the cats!" renjun exclaimed once he had walked a bit more in the house and that he could see nal stretching on the sofa.
he picked her up carefully and caressed her head.
jaemin was standing next to him, keeping an eye on the cat squirming in his arms.
"we'll have dinner in an hour if that's okay for you. i took jeno's order, nothing coming from the sea, and nothing that has wings." she said, smiling at her son's boyfriends.
"great, can we have some alone time now?" jeno asked his mother.
"of course." she replied, planting a big kiss on his cheek. "go have fun, and make sure to use- "
"don't even dare finishing that sentence." jeno said rising a finger.
"...the shower." she finished, holding in a chuckle. "because you stink, lee jeno."
jeno rolled his eyes. "you're incredible..."
and so, renjun let go nal and him, jaemin and jeno walked to jeno's room, the youngest of the three plopping on the bed as soon as he entered.
"your mom is funny." he said with a giggle.
"yeah, it's a bit embarrassing sometimes..." jeno said.
"i like it."
renjun and jeno plopped on the bed next to jaemin to tackle him in a bear hug, making the blue-haired boy giggle uncontrollably.
"s-stop! you're tickling me!" jaemin let out with difficulty.
after a few minutes of an intense tickle session, the three boys laid on their backs on the bed, catching their breath.
"i love you both so much." jaemin let out, a big smile plastered on his face.
"we love you too, baby. you can't imagine how much we do." renjun replied.
"we are so glad you love us back. we could never imagine us without you." jeno completed.
jaemin let him mind wander to his first angel classes.
they were about angel's utility in the human world.
he remembers his teacher pronouncing those exact words: 'angels know what is best for humans. angels are there to make humans find the right path. and angels are never wrong.'
and it turned out to be true.
jeno and renjun were meant to be.
it was written since the beginning.
but if no angel had managed to make them fall for each other, it's because they didn't bring the 'little thing' that could unblock everything.
jaemin remembers his teacher, later on, talking about missions in the human world.
he may have hated the idea and refused to go to the human world, he still listened to his classes and remembered what he had learned.
'the angels may give you a mission to fill, everything won't always be automatic. sometimes, you'll need something more, something you'll have to find out, to unblock the situation.'
turns out he – and none of the angels before him – had found what that was.
jeno and renjun just needed a link. and that's what jaemin was to them at first.
and they grew found of each other.
jaemin was the missing piece of the puzzle, without him, nothing could be complete.
it may have been written that jeno and renjun had to end up together, but it was written nowhere that jaemin had to be with them.
but now that they had found out what could keep them together, they wouldn't change anything in the world.
"are we boyfriends?" jaemin asked after a long silence.
"not yet." renjun replied.
"we don't want to rush things jaemin. we want you to feel the more at ease possible." jeno added.
"we want you to be ready." renjun looked at the angelic boy.
jaemin nodded.
"and if i tell you that i'm ready?" he asked.
"are you sure?" jeno raised a brow.
"more than ever."
"well, then..."
renjun turned around, cuddling into jaemin's side, jeno doing the same on the other side.
"jaemin, baby?" jeno asked.
"will you be..." renjun continued.
"...our boyfriend?" they spoke together, making jaemin grin.
"yes, my favourites humans in the world..." jaemin whispered before being engulfed in a tight hug. and this felt like paradise.
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