☁ 30 ☁
"shotaro!" the head angel exclaimed when the shy angel cleared his throat to signal his presence in the office. "i didn't expect to see you this soon! come in, come in!"
shotaro flew inside the office slowly, folding his wings when he was close enough.
"did you get them to date?" the head asked, closing the file he was reading.
"huh... not really..." shotaro lowered his head.
"no?" the head furrowed his brows. "what are you doing here then? i told you to come back when your mission would be achieved."
"it's that- "
"are you abandoning?" the head gasped in realisation. "not you, shotaro! you are one of our best elements! who will do this mission if you don't?"
"n-no, no. it's not that." he replied fidgeting with his fingers.
"oh, you're reassuring me." the head sighed, leaning back on his chair. "but why are you here then?"
shotaro gulped before raising his head shyly to look at the head in the eye.
"so... i've been hanging with jeno and renjun for the past months and... i got them closer... well, it's more their doing, but they got closer..."
"great. it means you're on the good path."
"yeah..." shotaro breathed out. "but... they won't get together..." he added.
"why so?" the head furrowed his brows again.
"t-they... are both in love with jaemin."
"wHaT?!" the head yelled, making shotaro back up in fear.
"enlighten me one second. renjun likes jaemin."
shotaro nodded.
"jeno likes jaemin."
shotaro nodded again.
"jaemin likes them both."
shotaro hesitated a second before nodding for the third time.
"but renjun and jeno don't like each other?!"
this time, shotaro shrugged.
"what does that mean?!" the head asked harshly, imitating shotaro's shrug.
"i'm not sure they don't like each other... they act more and more like a couple..." shotaro explained."but they told me they would never get together without jaemin."
"this is not right!" the head angel slammed his fist on the table. "at all!"
shotaro gulped once again, taking a few steps back seeing how the head was getting angrier every second.
"they are going to form a love triangle with renjun and jeno not likeing each other! and that's a big no!"
"b-but what if jaemin could... make them fall for each other?"
"jaemin failed once. he is an incompetent angel. hell! he's not even an angel anymore!" the head snorted.
"go back to jeno and renjun. i want them together. forget jaemin" the head spat at shotaro.
the shy angel felt his heart breaking at the head's words.
so that's it? jaemin would never be able to help jeno and renjun again?
this was completely stupid.
if someone could help, it was jaemin, obviously. angel or not.
the three boys were so in love...
"quick! you have a mission to accomplish!" the head motioned shotaro out of his office.
"h-huh... yes sir." shotaro bowed before flying out.
he had always been a perfect angel, listening to his elders and following by the book every single rule existing.
never did he imagine he would one day feel like it was necessary to go against one of them.
in shotaro's mind, everything an angel did was pure and incontestable.
but after his meeting with the head just now, he had the proof that all angels weren't as good as he thought they were... and if angels like this selfish head had made the rules, then there was no reason for shotaro to follow them.
the shy angel was flying around, thinking about what he could do when he collided with another angel, both of them falling on a thin layer of cloud under them.
"s-sorry, i wasn't looking where i was flying." shotaro apologised, getting up again.
"it's okay, i wasn't eith- are you the angel that took over jaemin's mission?" the other angel – which seemed to be a bit older than shotaro – questioned.
"huh... yes. shotaro." he bowed shyly.
shotaro was a pretty shy boy. it had been hard for him to seem this extraverted when he was in front of jaemin and jeno.
holding out his hand to anyone to become friends wasn't something he would usually do. not at all actually.
he was more of the boy alone in the corner, silently reading some book or listening to some music.
but he was someone very professional, and if he needed not to be himself to achieve a mission, he would do it without thinking twice about it.
"i'm sungchan." the other angel introduced himself. "jaemin's dearest friend."
shotaro's smile dropped a bit. "oh... i'm sorry about what happened to him..."
"i feel so sad for him. i hate to see him suffer like that..." sungchan pouted, thinking about his friend.
"wait. y-you can see him?"
"of course." sungchan nodded. "the grey clouds are open to anyone. but no angels usually go there because they're scary and not much people are locked there. i got there every day to see jaemin since he was locked. he feels so sad and lonely... what happened to him is so unfair. i hate the head so much for actually cutting his wings. i thought these were only threats..."
shotaro nodded again, feeling the anger in the other's voice.
"w-when are you going today?"
sungchan shrugged. "i could go right now."
"can i come with you?" shotaro asked, making sungchan raise a brow.
"huh... sure. but why?"
"i'll tell you on the way."
"okay. let's go then."
and with those words, the two young angels flew towards the angel's prison.
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