☁ 21 ☁
the next morning, jaemin opened his eyes but closed them immediately due to the bright light coming from the window.
however, he opened them again when he felt some air ghosting over the back of his neck. and that's when he acknowledged the position he was in.
the mattress they had brought the day before were long forgotten. instead, the three males were cuddled on jeno's bed, jaemin being sandwiched between the two humans.
the angel had his head in the crook of renjun's neck, one of the chinese's arms under his head, and the other draped over his waist. jeno was behind jaemin, his torso glued to his back and his lips millimetres away from the angel's neck. of course, he also had a hand around jaemin's waist, and actually, this hand was reaching renjun's body as well.
feeling his wings threatening to show because of the sudden wave of happiness, jaemin tried his best to get out of jeno and renjun's grip without waking up any of them.
as soon as he got off the bed, his wings magically appeared, making his heart beat even harder if possible.
a second later, his heart stopped beating when he heard jeno groaning. jaemin was still too excited to use the 'recedo' spell and make his wings disappear.
he folded his wings the better he could to hide them behind his back – even though they were huge compared to him, and they were still visible from any point of view – and looked in jeno's direction.
but jeno didn't wake up. actually, he whined in his sleep, surely because of the loss of warmth jaemin had created, and so, he pulled renjun's body closer to his, allowing the chinese's limbs to tangle with his muscular ones, as a smile appeared on both of their faces.
jaemin let out a sigh, melting at the sight of the two humans he has to make fall in love tangled together while sleeping soundly.
jaemin. pulled the chair in front of jeno's desk and placed it at the end of the bed before sitting on it, with his bare feet on the bed, allowing him to rest his elbows on his thighs and his chin in the palms of his hands.
he stayed in this position for a while, just looking at his two humans happy in each other's arms. he didn't get bored by it. he simply enjoyed it – perhaps a bit too much.
after approximatively an hour, the two boys on the bed started waking up, still under jaemin's graze.
the angel quickly made his wings disappear before looking at the two humans fondly.
jeno and renjun opened their eyes, falling directly in the other's orbs. they didn't seem bothered by the close proximity since none of them gasped and jumped back.
"good morning." jeno said simply, his voice hoarse.
"hello." renjun smiled, not breaking the eye contact.
"slept well?" jeno asked earning a nod from renjun.
"where is jaemin, though?" the chinese asked, remembering that he fell asleep next to jaemin.
"i'm here." the angel told, catching the two boys' attention.
none of them answered. they were both mesmerized by the sight.
jaemin was sitting on a chair, at the end of jeno's bed, just in front of the window, allowing the sun rays to create a big halo around him, making him look ethereal.
he looked like an angel who had just come down from the sky, which was excacly the case, but they didn't need to know that.
"you were cute sleeping all tangled." jaemin smiled, making the two boys blush and distance a bit.
jeno and renjun sat on the bed, exchanging awkward looks, under jaemin's eyes.
"don't be awkward like this." he rolled his eyes. "i'm sure both of you enjoyed your sleep."
none of them answered.
jaemin sighed. they did get closer, but they were awkward now. jaemin still had a bit of work to do...
"anyway, i'm hungry. can we have some breakfast?" jaemin asked with his irresistible puppy eyes.
"okay." jeno smiled before rising to his feet.
renjun did the same and walked around the bed to get to the door.
"there are white feathers everywhere." he said, brows furrowed, making jaemin freeze.
"bongsik surely caught a bird. it happens often." jeno stated before following jaemin to the kitchen, renjun on his heels.
when they got there, jaemin forced jeno and renjun to sit down at the isle while he made something for them to eat.
and so, the humans did as they were told, looking at jaemin shuffling around to find various ingredients.
they stayed in silence for a while, listening to jaemin humming a tune or talking alone, until renjun broke the ice.
"how did you know i didn't eat seafood?"
jeno looked at him with furrowed brows as he hadn't fully paid attention to the question.
"yesterday, you told your mother not to make seafood because i didn't eat it." renjun explained. "how did you know?"
"we always eat at the canteen together now, and you never ate a dish coming from the sea. last time you even ate those rotten pieces of boiled meat when you could have eaten the mouth-watering shrimp chop suey." jeno told, leaving renjun dumbfounded.
"y-you noticed that?" he asked impressed.
"yeah. at first, i didn't pay much attention to it, but after you told me about your family, i understood it better." jeno smiled shyly, not sure how renjun would take it.
"thank you." renjun said simply.
jeno chuckled. "what for?"
"for paying attention to me." renjum told, lost in jeno's eyes.
"what's that dull atmosphere?" jaemin interrupted them, hands on his waist, looking absolutely like a wife. "if i took charge of the cooking, it's for you to talk and enjoy, not to be all depressed like that."
jeno chuckled. "got it, wifey. you can go back to preparing breakfast, we promise we'll talk happily."
jaemin flushed at the nickname before turning around and going back to cooking.
"he's cute, isn't he?" jeno asked renjun.
"hell yeah." renjun approved. "he was so cuddly yesterday night."
"i'll never say it enough, but this boy is a blessing. he did the impossible and made us apologize to each other..." jeno spoke low.
"true. he's our angel." renjun smiled, looking at a dancing jaemin's back.
jeno did the same, focusing on jaemin's moves.
"you know, i think i'm falling for him." jeno told, eyes not detaching from jaemin's figure.
"you?!" renjun widened his eyes. "the lonely boy is falling for jaemin?"
"is that problematic? i'm not lonely anymore. i have you two."
renjun rolled his eyes.
"aren't you happy for me?" jeno asked.
"well... it's not that i'm not happy, it's just that i am a bit perplexed by this sudden information." renjun chuckled dryly.
"why so?" jeno furrowed his brows, not understanding how the atmosphere had become so cold between them.
and renjun's words weren't going to make anything any better...
"because i like jaemin as well, lee jeno."
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