Chapter 9
Hello everyone welcome to yet another chapter, I noticed I have been posting chapters at least every day, don't get use to it because I know here soon I won't be uploading it every single day I'm only uploading every day so far is because like I said I have a lot of extra time on my hands and plus I have been drawing a lot plus I have been slacking on planning my next Malec Oneshots chapter so yeah I need to like take a day off of uploading chapters for this book but it seems like you guys have been enjoying this book which is incredible. Just yesterday we reached a total of 100 reads on this thing it just went up to 116 I think, this is wonderful I am so glad you guys like this book.
So in today's chapter, we will pick up where we left off in chapter 8 where Barry calls a special friend of his which I know many of you Flash fans know who this "special friend" is. Steve will also meet this special friend and mistaken him as one of his Avengers friends. Steve also struggles to save people in the city now that there is a new hero in the city.
It's gonna be exciting
Enjoy the chapter!
Still Barry's Pov
It didn't take long for him to show up, he landed on the roof I was on. He was in his tight dark green leather suit, his hood blocked his face but the light his light skin showing off the mask I made for him.
"Hi, Oliver." I said to him with a smile. He smiled back slightly which is rare because Oliver never smiled even when I first met him he didn't smile a lot.
"Hello, Barry, glad to see you it's been a very long time." He said to me
"Yeah, it's been 9 months." I said
"9 months? you've been in a coma for 9 months?" He asked me a little shocked. I nodded
"When I woke up I have these...powers." I said to him
"Go on." He said to me
Steve's Pov ( A/N: during this Oliver and Barry moment, Barry is talking about his story and stuff so I'm going to skip it. This Pov is going to be short so bear with me folks)
I tried to follow where this speedster went but it was a long road, that's until I saw a sign saying Starling City. Why would this speedster go here? Does it have a friend maybe a lover? I will never know. I decided to drive straight through Starling City.
This place looked like hell compare to Central City, there were a lot of homeless people camping out, robberies, prostitutes. There was a place similar to this I think they called it...Gotham City? I think I didn't spend too much time researching places when I was in New York. I saw somebody or two on the rooftop, a part of me wanted to check it out but the other part of me wanted to stay out. This isn't my city I have no reason to get into other people's business. I saw a lot of people stare at me weirdly. I felt uncomfortable, I decided to turn around and drive away until something stopped me
"Hey, aren't you that dumb Star Spangled Hero in Central city!?" I heard a booming voice in the distance. I took a deep breath and turned around
"Yes, that's me." I said I saw a tall man and his friends around him. My heart was beating out of my chest, the tall man reminded me of that one kid from the theatre years ago, where I got beat up and Bucky saved my life. Well, the only problem is, Bucky is in Wakanda and I'm in a shithole city alone...this was a mistake. The guy grabbed me and threw me off of my bike. I landed hard on the ground. I got up and grabbed my shield. I got in a battle stance
"Well, well, looks like this Spangled Hero has his dumb shield. What are you without it?" He asked me grabbing my shield like it was nothing and threw off the side.
"Still a soldier," I said to him balling up my fist. His friends surrounded me. Yeah I'm screwed. They threw the first hit. They hit me across the face and the tall man punched my stomach hard. I hit the ground and coughed but I got up again
"I can do this all day." I said to him. He got ready to punch me but I heard something being fired and an arrow went through the guy's arm. He screamed out in pain. The mystery Arrow man landed and fired more arrows at the other guys. They ran off with injuries. I picked up my shield and looked at the man
"...Clint?" I asked him
"Who's Clint?" The man with a deep voice asked me
Barry's Pov (Earlier)
"So that's my story. I spent my whole life searching for the impossible, never believing I would become the impossible" I said to him explaining my story to him
"So why come to me? Something tells me you didn't just run 600 miles to say hi to a friend." He said
"All my life I've wanted to do more. Be more and now I am and the first chance I get to help someone I screw up, I was chasing the bad guy and someone died" I said in a sad tone.
"If you really do this, you're going to make mistakes. But the good you do will outweigh the bad" Oliver explained to me stepping closer to me
"What if Wells is right? What if I'm not a hero? What if I'm just some guy who was struck by lightning?" I asked him
"I don't think that bolt of lightning struck you, Barry, I think it chose you," Oliver said to me. At this moment I looked up at Oliver and I didn't know how close he was to me.
"I'm just not sure I'm like you, Oliver, I don't know if I can be some kind of vigilante," I said
"You can be better because you can inspire people in a way that I never could." He said to me stepping closer to me, I have no idea why he's walking closer to me but I didn't mind. I felt comfortable around him. "Watching over your city like a guardian angel, making a difference, saving a Flash" He said placing his hand on my shoulder squeezing it. Flash....that word gave me an idea for my superhero name. I smiled at him I just relaized he wasn't wearing his mask I could see his eyes sparkle in the dark night. He walked away from me.
"Take your own advice...Wear a mask" He said putting on his mask. He shot an Arrow at a building and zipped off
"Cool." I said then zoomed off back to my city.
Oliver's Pov
"Saving a Flash" those words I said to him stuck with me I have a feeling I just gave him a superhero name for him. I was dangling off the building and saw a red/yellow streak zoom off
"Cool." I said to myself. I climbed up the building and looked around. I saw someone getting beat up I looked closely and recognized the person as the Star Spangled Hero from Central City. What in the hell is he doing here? I saw him get up
"I can do this all day." I heard him say. Before the guy could punch I shot an arrow at him going through his arm. I heard him scream out in pain. I landed on the ground and shot arrows at his friends. They didn't put up a fight towards me, they all ran off. The Star-Spangled grabbed his shield then look at me.
"Clint?" He asked me. I had a weird look on my face
"Who's Clint?" I asked him
"Oh sorry, you just...reminded me of someone." He said
"Are you okay?" I asked him "You took a quite the beating"
"I'm fine I'm used to it." He said sounding like he got beat up a lot in his life. He got back on his bike
"Wait!" I called out to him. He looked at me "What are you doing here?" I asked him
"I was looking for....someone." He said
"May I ask who? maybe I can help" I said
"Um this might sound crazy but I am looking for a...speedster." He said. Speedster?! as in Barry Allen The Speedster? Does he know Barry? I wanted to tell him that the speedster was Barry but I don't know him and that usually means...I don't trust him.
"Um no don't know any speedster." I said to him. I heard him sighed
"Alright thanks uhh..."
"Arrow call me Arrow" I said to him. I heard him snicker a laugh
"Well, that's ironic." He said to me. I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, thanks anyway Arrow" He said and drove off. I watched as he drove off. I wanted to warn Barry about the Star-Spangled looking for him so I did just that. I sent him a text message. After the message sent I got another text message from Felicity telling me something very bad just happened.
Barry's Pov
I ran back to Joe and Iris's place also known as my home, I walked in and was greeted by Iris.
"hey, Barry where were you?" She asked me
"Oh, I was meeting up with a friend." I said she gave me a slight smirk. Why is she smirking
"Friend eh? was it Steve?" She asked. Joe looked up from a file
"Steve? as in that guy, you hang out with Iris? The man who I thought you were dating?" He asked
"No dad I am not dating Steve we are just friends." Iris said
"Better be..." Joe muttered looking back at the file. I gave Iris a look like 'you need to tell him' but she shook her head I rolled my eyes
"No Iris I was hanging out with a different friend." I said
"Is he a male friend?" She asked me. WHY IS SHE ASKING ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS ALL OF A SUDDEN!?
"Yeah, why?" I asked
"Just wondering." She said looking at her computer. "Is he hot?" She asked
"Oh my god! Iris!" I shouted. Iris and Joe laughed. My face went red
"I'm going to bed, fuck you all." I said
"LANGUAGE!" Both of them shouted. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to my room. My phone vibrated. I looked at it and saw I got a text from Oliver.
From Oliver:
Barry, the Star-Spangled guy is asking for you or more like looking for I have no idea why he's looking for you but be careful, I don't know him and I don't trust him.
I looked at the text weird, why is that guy looking for me? I replied back saying:
To Oliver
Thanks, I'll keep a lookout. Take Care
I didn't receive a text from him again. I bet he's taking down more bad guys. I lay down on my bed excited what tomorrow will bring.
I bet it's going to be awesome.
I was zooming around the city looking for a burning building, S.T.A.R. Labs got an alert about an apartment building burning on Western and 3rd in downtown. I was running at least 352 miles an hour...ugh this is a slow day. I kept running till a voice in the coms made me stop
"Barry? Barry!" Cisco shouted
"What did I miss it?" I asked panting hard
"You overshot by about 6 blocks." he said. I sighed
"My bad" I said and ran towards the building. I heard a woman cry out for her daughter I ran inside. There was fire everywhere
"Cisco! there's fire everywhere! Cisco are you still here?" I asked, everything was silent in my coms. I ran and grabbed the girl and zoomed outside and towards the alley way. "Everybody's out. What else you got for me Cisco?" I asked
"Barry its Catlin" Catlin's voice came from the coms. I froze for a second, she didn't know I was saving people in the city and she just found out...oops
"Hey,'s your day?" I asked sounding normal
"Get back to S.T.A.R. Labs now!" She shouted through the earpiece
"On my way." I said and was about to zoom off when I felt lightheaded for a second, huh that was weird. I quickly shook that off and ran off.
Steve's Pov
An alert on my phone woke me up this morning. I looked at my phone and it said that there was a fire somewhere in downtown. I quickly got dressed and drove towards the area. I helped the police evacuate the people as the firefighters quickly try to put out the fire
"We're still two minutes out. People are going to die" I heard a firefighter say. I notice some people just running out of the building coughing, I helped them get to safety. But there was still some people inside.
"Paige! my daughter! Has anyone seen my daughter!" A scared mother shouted out. I took a deep breath and made my way to the burning building when I felt a gust of wind zoom past me. I saw a red/yellow lightning run in, that's the speedster. He zoomed out with the child in his hands and set her down and quickly zoomed off. I tried calling out for the speedster but he was too fast.
I saw the woman hug her daughter, I smiled slightly at the reunion.
"Who was that streaker?" I heard a guy ask
"I have no idea but he saved a lot of people in that building" A woman replied.
"he's a hero." Another woman said. I looked down and sighed.
"Hey, Star-Spangled!" A police officer called out to me
"Yes?" I asked
"Nice try out there but it looks like Central City has another hero, it's best you call it day. Maybe this a good thing for you, as you rest another hero is protecting this city" The Officer said. I nodded
"Yeah, I guess." I said and got on my motorcycle. I drove off before the officer could say anything. I went to my usual hang out spot on the roof. I sat there and watched the black smoke in the distance quickly disappeared. Looks like the firefighters got it under control. I sat there and watched as people went on their day.
"another hero is protecting this city" The cop's voice said in my head over and over again. Maybe he is right, maybe it is a good thing for this city, as I rest the speedster is protecting this city but I couldn't help but worried. if this speedster saves a lot of people in a second, he will be in a spotlight and people will quickly forget about the Star-Spangled hero. It made me sad, I love being a hero to this city.
This is going to be harder than I thought.
Barry's Pov
"Have you both lost your minds? Who do you think you are?" Catlin asked us angrily, not gonna lie she's scary when she's angry.
"Well, I'm the eyes and ears and he's the feet" Cisco replied with a lollipop in his mouth
"This isn't funny! You could have gotten your killed! you can't be running around the city like some supersonic fireman" Caitlin shouted at me
"Why not? This is what we talked about: me using my speed to do good" I said. The argument between me and Caitlin went on about a few minutes before I turned towards Dr. Wells.
"Will you please say something?" I asked
"I think what Caitlin is saying, in her own spectacularly angry way, is that we are just beginning to understand what your body is capable of. Not to sound like a broken record, Mr. Allen I do caution restraint." He said. So much for the help. Now it was me and Dr. Wells arguing back and forth. I told them straight up I want to help the people in this city but of course, they won't listen. I ended the conversation quickly after my phone rang.
"Hey Joe, everything all right?" I asked him. "great" I said and hung up. I said Cisco, Catlin, and Dr. Wells goodbye and zoomed out, only I didn't realize...I left my clothes back in S.T.A.R. Labs. I stopped where the crime scene was and saw that I was in my suit still.
"Shit" I cussed under my breath, I saw a shopping store up ahead. I zoomed over there and came back in regular clothes. I went to the crime scene
"Hey, Sorry I'm late." I said
"Doing a little fall shopping Mr. Allen?" Captain asked and Joe ripped a tag off my clothes
"I was going so fast this morning, I didn't even notice." I said with a nervous laugh. I looked at the crime scene as Joe talked about the footage they found.
"Look, the tracks" I pointed out grabbing Joe and the Captain's attention "They're all crossing each other. Six sets of footprints and six guns stolen. We should be looking for a crew" I said and looked at the tracks closely. "Huh weird, the shoes, it looks like they're all the same size. Men's tens I'd guess. Just like you Captain." I said and realized what I said "Not that you're a suspect, sir I-" I was cut off by Joe
"Your ability to multi-task is truly remarkable. The way you can embarrass me, the captain, and yourself all at the same time" Joe said disappointed
"Joe I'm sorry" I apologized to him
"I'm starting to think 'Joe I'm sorry' is my actual name considering how often you say it to me" He said to me
"I'm dealing with a lot." I said to him
"Look, I know you, believe me, I'm dealing with it too. I've always had a very simple set of beliefs. Gravity makes things fall. Water makes things wet. And up until a few weeks ago, I believed the fastest man could run a mile in minutes. Not four seconds" Joe said
'I could do it in three" I said "Not relevant" I said
"You haven't said anything to Iris about all this, have you?" He asked me
"No, I made you a promise. I keep my promises" I said. I do know how to keep a secret I mean look at me keeping a secret from Joe that his daughter is dating his partner how fun this is lying to my own father, god I am so dead if Joe finds out about Iris and Eddie and finds out I know about them and lied to him about it. OH! I can see that angry look, luckily I have super speed I can run off and kiss my ass goodbye since I know I can't run away from Joe forever.
"Keep on lying like that" Joe said and walked off. I rolled my eyes. I saw a red, white and blue suit outside. I recognized him as the Star-Spangled hero. one of the detectives was filling on what's going on. I remember the warning Oliver sent me. I watched as the Star guy was looking at the footage like some detective he is to CCPD at times, and he goes out and stops the bad guys. He seemed like a nice guy but if he's looking for me then I don't trust him, who knows what kind of secret this guy has.
People have dark secrets and I know he has a few, just seeing him, I can smell it off of him. The Star-Spangled guy said thank you to the detective. He looked inside the building and saw me. He waved at me and smiled. I smiled back and he walked off.
Yep dark secret I can smell it off of him
Steve's Pov
I showed up at the crime scene and saw a bunch of cops and yellow tape.
"Hey there Star-Spangled" Eddie greeted me. I smiled "Can I be honest with you?" He asked me
"yeah." I said
"Star-Spangled doesn't really sound right with you." He said. I actually agreed Star- Spangled just sounds...dumb
"I agree" I said to him
"Well...what do you like to be called then?" he asked me I thought about it.
"Captain America." I said, I know that name was the name The Avengers gave me and I put that name in the past but I just liked that name
"Captain America? that sounds way better than Star-Spangled" Eddie said. I nodded and smiled
"so what do we got?" I asked. Another detective showed up and showed me footage of what happened.
"according to CSI, there were 6 people, a crew perhaps." the Detective said. I watched as the guy shoot the camera, that was the end of the footage.
"Is that all of the evidence so far?" I asked the detective nodded
"Afraid so, but our CSI is amazing at finding more evidence but he needs to show up early more next time" The detective sighed and walked away. I looked inside of the building and saw Barry. Apparently, he was staring at me with a weird look on his face, oh no, does he suspect who I am? oh no this is bad, I know I was going to tell him about who I was but I'm just afraid if I tell him what then? Either he's going to accept me or do something bad like telling Fury or maybe he tells me he's a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent that Fury sent him to keep an eye out on me, it's too risky plus the way he was acting weird the other day I don't think he can handle the news of me being Captain America. I waved and smiled like a nice guy I am and walked away, nice going Steve you made yourself look like a dork in front of Barry.
God this is hard being a normal person and a hero at the same time, how do heroes do it? I mean Tony announced to the whole damn world that he's Iron man and it seemed to me everyone accepted it well hey use to, now the world doesn't like Iron Man after Slovakia which seemed unfair, we all lost that day sure we stopped the number 1 enemy but we lost and who knows what else is coming our way, Fury's warning about "Eobard" seemed crazy but it sounded...true especially finding out that he was right about the dark matter and people having powers. Sighs, this too much for me to handle and now there is speedster saving people stealing my thunder away.
Okay, guys, I'm ending the chapter here. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Votes and comments are welcome.
This is where it starts to get a little hard for me, I am officially going off script in the next chapter because I cannot find the perfect script for me to use for this book. I know that there is a script out there for me to use but I looked at it and it was confusing, I don't know who's saying what line, normally this won't be a problem for me but my memory sucks so there's that. I guess going off script won't be a problem for me because I can add my own scenes and stuff like I did with that "Olivarry" moment and to be honest, writing that scene between Oliver and Barry made me realize, that should've happened in the show. I mean, am I wrong?
Okay, I am close to 4,000 words so I'm going to go
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