Chapter 8
Hello everyone, once again I decided to do another update because well...I can lol and I have nothing else to do today.
If you saw my announcements yesterday, I said that very soon in future chapters I will be going off script meaning I will not be basically copying the scenes from The Flash. I know in the past chapters I used the script from season 1 episode 1 of The Flash because I liked the story and how it came together in the show and I'm liking how it's coming together in my book well I was doing more research to see if I can find more scripts from The Flash episodes that I could include in my story and well...I didn't have any luck finding them. So I announced that I will no longer go according to the series anymore in future chapters.
So that said, in today's chapter we will pick up where we left off in chapter 7 and I will include the fight scene that happened in episode 1 of The Flash where Barry takes on Mardon, also Steve tries to take down Mardon but saw he has powers and becomes concerned and realized that Fury was right about this whole Dark matter situation.
Also in future chapters, I will add the Flash vs. Arrow crossover because well...I loved the heck out that crossover and plus I want Steve to meet Arrow. As Steve meets other teams in future chapters like Supergirl, Legends, you name it. I'm not giving away too much of future chapters because I want some of them to be a surprise but consider this a sneak peek ;)
Also,I hit a total of 54 followers so shout out to:
Thanks for the follow it means a lot to me :)
With that being said here is the chapter.
Barry's Pov
I was sitting on the bed in S.T.A.R. Labs with a fractured wrist after crashing while running when Catlin came out with some very odd news
"It looks like you had a distal radius fracture," Catlin said I gave her a weird look.
"Had?" I asked
"It's healed. In three hours" Catlin said sounding impressed. I was confused yet impressed.
"How is that even possible?" I asked
"We don't know. Yet." She replied
"You really need to learn how to stop" Cisco buzzed in. I looked down
"What happened out there today? You were moving pretty well and something caused you to lose focus?" Wells asked
"I started to remember something, I said to Wells having the images of my mother being murdered playing inside of my head. I guess I had no choice but to tell them my story
After telling them my story and my wrist completely healed, they decided to release me. I decided to meet up with Iris since it's been so very long since I last hung out with her. As I was walking towards Jitters, I saw Iris was a blond man, not just a blond man, it was Eddie and they were...kissing? huh, when did this happen? I saw look at me like she just got caught. I couldn't help but smile but feel a little jealous. I like Detective Pretty Boy damnit.
After Iris bid goodbye to Eddie and me geeking out how cute they look together, Iris and I walked around close to the street together.
"You can't tell my dad. he doesn't know about me and Eddie" Iris spoke.
"It doesn't seem like anyone's in on the secret" I said to her like you kept something very important from me.
"I was gonna tell you. When you were in the hospital, Eddie covered my father's shifts so we could be with you. Then your friend of yours, Steve noticed how I act around him and suggested that I go out with him. So I did, I thanked Eddie for his help with a cup of coffee and then things just kind of...hapenned. And it's good" Iris explained
"So you've been hanging out with Steve?" I asked
"Yeah" She replied with a smile
"What's he like?" I asked
"He's very sweet, has a good heart, and very polite" Iris replied. I heard tires screeching in the distance. "We hung out a lot when you were in a coma" She said
"I'm glad you had a friend to company you" I said, And also you have to tell dad sometime because I just don't like having to lie to him you know?" I asked. She nodded. I heard sirens getting closer then I saw a police car spinning towards us. I grabbed Iris and used a little bit of my speed to get us to safety. I saw the police car hit a dumpster and the black car that was being chased drive away. I stood up and sped off after it.
I sped past the cars that were near me and looked inside of the black car and somehow I was inside. I saw this mystery man who looked exactly like Clyde Mardon...wait THAT IS Mardon, he pulled out a gun and without thinking I grabbed onto the wheel making the car spin and flip upside down. I opened the door and stepped out, I saw Mardon walking away
"Hey! Mardon!" I called after him, I heard cars horns going off and tires screeching, then I saw fog coming out of nowhere like he summoned it what? I heard a car's horn going off then an explosion. I sped out of the way of the oncoming car. I was in beyond shocked. I heard paramedics in the distance.
Iris and I stood in a safe area watching as the paramedics wheeled away a dead body. I was in deep thought after seeing what I just saw.
"That poor man. The way that fog came in, I never seen anything like it" Iris said breaking the silence. I heard Joe calling out for us "We're alright dad" She said
"What the hell were you thinking having her out there?" Joe asked harshly
"no, no no-" Iris tried to stop Joe but he cut her off
"And I told you when you see danger, you run the other way. You're not a cop!" He yelled at Iris
"Because you wouldn't let me!" Iris yelled back
"You're damn right." Joe said. I saw Iris roll her eyes
"Joe I need to talk to you." I said to Joe
"It can wait." Joe said
"No, now!" I commanded. We walked away from Iris "I know who did this" I started "It's Clyde Mardon. I know everybody thinks he died in a plane crash after S.T.A.R. Labs explosion, but he is alive. All right, something happened to him that night. I..I think he can control the weather. The recent robberies, they all happened during freak meteorological events. And when I just confirmed Mardon, the street was instantly enveloped in the fog...." I explained and Joe gave me this blank look like he doesn't believe a word I just said. I scoffed "Of course you don't believe me. You never believed me" I said shaking my head
"Okay, you want to do this now?! out here?! fine! Mardon is dead. There is no controlling the weather, Barry. Just like there was no lightning storm in your house that night. It was your brain helping a scared little boy accept what he saw" Joe yelled at me. I became angry
"My dad did not murder my mother!" I yelled back
"Yes, he did! you dad killed your mother Barry! I am sorry son! But I knew it, the jury knew it and now he's paying for what he did!" Joe yelled. Iris ran up to us after hearing the yells. I stood there in shocked after what my dad- Joe just said to me
"Dad, enough!" Iris shouted
"Uh-uh, Iris, I have done my best to take of you since that night, and I have never asked for anything in return, not even a thank you, but what I do ask now is that you for once in your life see things as they are." Joe said to me calmly. I just shook my head and walked away accidentally bumping into someone, I didn't say sorry or anything. I didn't care all I cared about is answers and I think I know who can give me answers. Dr. Wells.
Steve's Pov
I was patrolling some areas after recent reports of robberies non-stop when I got an alert saying there was a car accident. The alert also said that the police were at the scene, they were chasing after a black car, assuming the driver of the car was tied with all of the robberies when he somehow escaped after fogged rolled in covering the scene, due to this "unexplained" fog coming in covering up the scene, a person couldn't see through the fog and crash, the person died instantly on the scene.
"holy crap" I whispered reading the reports. I decided to go to this scene to see if they need my help. As I arrived at the scene wearing my Captain America suit when someone ran into me. I looked at the person and all they did was walk away but I saw who the person was.
"Barry?" I asked him but it seemed to me he didn't hear me. He looks kinda upset like someone said something bad to him.
"Hey Steve" I heard Iris's voice. I looked at her and put my finger on my lips telling her to be quiet, only Iris knows my secret and I would love to keep it that way.
"What happened?" I asked her
"Well a man is dead after a fog blocked his view and crashed into the flipped car" Iris explained
"I know what happened I meant what happened with Barry?" I asked her. She sighed
"He got into a fight with Joe." Iris said. I saw Eddie walk up to me
"Oh hello Star Spangled, what can I do for you?" He asked me
"Um I heard what happened, do you need my help?" I asked and I saw Eddie call Joe over.
"We do actually, this is Clyde Mardon. Joe saw his plane crashed after the explosion 9 months ago but witnesses from the recent bank robbery saw this man, Mardon" Eddie explained to me. I saw Joe look away in disbelief
"Got something to say, sir?" I asked Joe. Joe didn't say anything
"Oh, you finally believed what Barry told you, dad? Like you should've believed him in the first place before you yelled at him for no reason then brought up Barry's mother being murdered by his dad when we know there was more to that story?" Iris asked. I looked at Iris in pure shocked
"wait, what?" I asked her, she gave me a look like 'Oh I shouldn't have said that'
"Iris don't start this now." Joe said to her harshly. Eddie gave me a look like I have more to explain follow me. I excused myself from the group and followed Eddie
"We don't have any other clues as to where Mardon is going to hit next but when we finally get a lead we will call you, we are going to need all the help we are going to get." Eddie said to me. I nodded at him. He smiled then walked away.
I couldn't help but think about Barry, an innocent, happy, cheering young man, having his mother murdered by his father or whoever.
"Hey Steve" Iris whispered to me "Um about Barry, I can't tell you what happened to him when he was young, that is Barry's story to tell. I told him I will never tell anyone his story" Iris said to me
"Okay I'll talk to him tonight when I see him again." I said. She nodded.
I walked back to my motorcycle and drove away. I hung out on a rooftop eating Big Belly Burger waiting. I waited and waited until finally, I got an alert saying that Mardon was spotted in an old barn. I raced over there and saw Joe and Eddie waiting for me. I nodded at them
"Is he here?" I asked them and they nodded, they had their guns drawn and ready, I got my shield ready in case Mardon ha a gun or something.
"I got a weird atmospheric pressure drop 20 millibars in a matter of seconds. I've tracked it to a farm just west of the city. I'm not saying Mardon is alive, but if he was, this is the last place him and his brother hid out" Joe said
"let's go" Eddie said. We slowly walked into the barn and saw Mardon standing there, no weapons in his hands, nothing.
"Mardon? ON YOUR FEET, HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!" Joe yelled
"You got me..." Mardon started "The night of the storm after S.T.A.R. Labs blew after our plane went down, and I woke up on the ground, alive. When I saw what I could do, I understood. I am God" Mardon said
"Shut the hell up! Turn around" Joe yelled. Mardon did
"You think your guns can stop God?!" Mardon yelled summoning wind. I looked at what Mardon was doing and lowered my shield a little bit
"Why in the hell would God need to rob banks?" Eddie asked
"You're right. I've been thinking too small" Mardon said and summoned a huge tornado. I grabbed Joe and Eddie and ran out of the Barn, the tornado rip apart the barn, one of the debris hit Eddie knocking him out. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, Mardon, an average human, a victim of the explosion 9 months ago, creating a tornado with his hands. I realized something...Fury was right.
I blocked one of the debris with my shield. Then all of a sudden I saw red/yellow lightning zoom past me
"What in the hell" I said then all I felt was something hit my head making everything black.
Barry's Pov
After confronting Wells about what I saw earlier at the scene, he revealed to me that the explosion or the wave of the explosion full of dark matter spread all over Central City and kinda close to Starling City. After that long talk about the explosion, Catlin and Cisco set up a satellite that can help us track Mardon, we waited for a few minutes before the alarm went off saying a weird weather storm popped up. I was about to zoom out of there when Cisco showed me something very cool, my very own suit
Cisco placed a Lightning bolt in the chest area, I smiled at how cool my new suit looked. I zoomed into it and zoomed out. I arrived at the scene running past a man with a shield. I looked at the man weird, he had a looked on his face like he had no idea what he just saw oh! and he just got knocked out by some debris. I saw some other debris flying towards someone, I ran over there and caught it just in time.
"Barry! Barry! this thing is getting closer. Wind speeds are 200 miles per hour, and increasing" I heard them say in coms "Barry, can you hear me?" Cisco asked
"Yeah loud and clear!" I shouted
"If it keeps up, this could become an F5 tornado!" Catlin shouted
"How do I stop it?" I asked and I didn't get a response. I thought about what I could do "Guys! what if I unravel it?" I asked them
"How the hell are gonna do that?" They asked me
"I'll run around it in the opposite direction, cut off its legs" I shouted
"He'd have to clock 700 miles per hour to do that" I heard Cisco say
"Your body may not be able to handle those speeds" Catlin shouted, "You'll die!" She shouted. I ran around the tornado very fast. I heard Catlin saying that my body isn't handling the winds and the speed but I heard Wells say that I'm strong
"I know he can do it, he's too strong. It's time to think big. You can do this, Barry. You're right, I am responsible for all this. So many people have been hurt, because of me and when I looked at you, all I saw was a potential victim of my hubris, and yes I created this madness, but you, barry, you can stop it. You can do this now, Run! Barry Run!" Wells said to me. I successfully stopped the tornado and tackled Mardon to the ground.
"Hey! I didn't think there was anyone else like me" Mardon said to me
"I'm not like you. You're a murderer." I said to him.
I was weak and tired, my legs were tired from running so fast. I saw Joe look at me with a shocking look on his face and I realized my mask was down. I collapsed to my knees and so did Joe.
"Barry?" he asked me
"It's over. I'm okay" I said
Steve's Pov
By the time I woke up, I was in the hospital, I looked over and saw my suit neatly on a chair with my shield next to it. I sat up
"Welcome back Steve" I heard Fury's voice next to me. I looked at him
"What happened?" I asked
"You got knocked in the head by debris." He said to me. I rubbed my head and felt a bandage on me. I looked ahead of me where the door was located and saw a familiar S.H.I.E.L.D Agent blocking the door. Coulson, I knew that son of a bitch was alive... I wonder if he still has those cards. "It could've been worse, you could've lost an eye out there, our a limb or-"
"My life." I said to Fury. I looked at him "You were right about everything, the explosion, people having powers, everything. Tonight I saw a man create a tornado with his hands and I saw someone run at the speed of light" I said to him. Fury gave me a worried look
"What color was his lightning?" Fury asked me. I thought about the color
" looked red but it had yellow in it" I replied
Fury stood up and looked out of the window. "So there's another speedster running around here?" he said
"I guess so." I said
"Well whoever this speedster is, I have a feeling he is a good one." Fury said about to walk out of the room
"How so?" I asked him
"Because he saved everyone from a very powerful tornado." Fury said looking at me. "Looks like the city has another hero, I sense a team up between you two." He said to me. I smiled
"Take care Fury." I said to him
"Take care." He said to me and walked out. Coulson saw me and smiled. I got up and got dressed. I know I wasn't supposed to get discard yet but I couldn't stay any longer. I wanted to meet this speedster.
I drove to the nearest building and went to the rooftop, this has become a special spot I hang out at, I couldn't help it, the view was nice, I can see everything from the city lights to cars driving back and forth. In the distance, I saw red/yellow lightning. I knew it was this speedster. I watched it ran past the building I was on towards Starling City area. I know I wouldn't be able to get used to the fact there's a new hero out there wanting to save people. But I couldn't help but remember a certain speedster I met back when I was an Avenger, that poor little Pietro, seeing this new speedster made me miss that young speedster always getting on Clint's nerves. I smiled to myself thinking about him. Who knows maybe this new Speedster is just like him.
Barry's Pov
I ran past every building, dodging every car as I was heading towards Starling City. I stopped in the middle of an empty road and took off my jacket that was on fire. I dropped it on the ground and saw the sign. I saw that I was so close to Starling City. I raced towards the nearest rooftop. I pulled out my phone and decided to call someone
"It's Barry. Barry Allen. I woke up, I could use some advice" I said over the phone
"I'll be right there." The voice said in the other line. I hung up and waited.
Okay over 3,000 words, a new record ladies and gentlemen lol. I'm keeping this note short. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)
Votes and comments are welcome
I will see you in the next chapter
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