Chapter 45
Hello everyone and welcome to a new chapter today I hope you all are doing well. Before we start things off I want to say CONGRATULATIONS TO JOE BIDEN AND KAMALA HARRIS FOR WINNING THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION *claps* let the new hope for America begin.
Source of the picture: Grant Gustin's Instagram @ grantgust
Anyway, I apologize to many of you for not updating I have been busy with school work I had to do a project worth over 200 points which I passed all parts of the project including extra credit for presenting my multimedia presentation for my project. My project was about William Shakespeare's sexuality which was quite interesting I would say but I am thrilled that I passed the project cause now I am moving onto some not-school-projects which is this book and my drawing projects. I was also taking care of other things in life I mean I'm sure you all know that I have a busy life
Without further ado here is the chapter everyone
Barry's Pov
I watched as Wells left the room, his words 'always here for you' repeating in my head which made me more pissed off than ever, he really is trying to get under my skin make me blind by his lies like an enemy he is. I calmed my nerves after getting a text from Iris asking me to meet her at Jitters. I flashed into my suit and flashed into Jitters where I see an upset Iris.
"What's up?" I asked taking off my mask
" Mason is missing. He's not at home. He's not answering his phone. I mean, it's not like him. I am really worried that something bad has happened." Iris said I chewed on my lip slightly after finding out Mason went missing all of a sudden, something that Wells had something to do with. I wanted to tell Iris that he is gone completely because of Wells but I know this is going to put a target on Iris's back something Joe experienced when he was digging too deep into my mother's case and Wells threatened to harm her.
"I'm sure he's fine," I said lying
"That's what Eddie says. That's what everyone is saying. Please, will you look into it?" Iris asked. I sighed and nodded "For me," She said pouting slightly like she uses to do to me when we were kids and wanted me to help her with her homework
"Fine for you," I said smiling a bit. Iris stared at me with suspicious eyes
"Are you okay? You" Iris said I sighed giving in but only to get interrupted by Cisco screaming in the earpiece
"Barry you there? I hear you talking but you aren't responding to me...Barry? BARRY ALLEN ANSWER ME!" Cisco yelled
"Um hold on. What?" I asked putting my mask back on
"Trickster is broadcasting again," Cisco said
"Can I borrow your computer?" I asked Iris
"Yeah go for it," She said and I flashed over to her computer tuning into the broadcasting
"Get ready for the games to begin! I have...a bomb. It's a big bomb. It'll make a big bang and then a big hole and then a big drop in the pop-ulation. But never say The Trickster is not fair. The bomb is somewhere between 52nd Street and Avenue B." The trickster wannabe said I flashed out of Jitters and onto a route to the location of this bomb. I searched everywhere for this bomb.
"Guys I can't find it," I said through coms
"There's nothing on traffic cams or CCTV. I retasked the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite to scan the area for incendiary devices. A bomb that large should be giving off some kind of thermal or chemical signature." Caitlin said
"Well, why can't you find it?" I asked
"Because it's a trick," Wells said joining coms making me roll my eyes. "The bomb isn't there," He said
"No, it has to be. I'm gonna keep looking," I said and flashed around the areas around the location of this bomb while Wells was talking in my ear
"That is what he wants, for you and the police to keep running around in circles. There is something else going on, Barry. I can feel it. Now, trust me," Wells said. I balled up my hands into fists now he wants me to trust him after every lie he spilled from his mouth, every move he made just to use me he thinks he can manipulate me by telling me to trust him, pathetic. I took a deep breath before letting my anger control me.
"I'm going to keep looking," I said calmly before shutting off the coms. I searched around the area till I heard a beeping sound I opened up the crate and saw a fake bomb that said 'Tricked you' I breathed in disbelief...Wells...was right. For once he was right and I didn't listen to him. I grew pissed and slammed the crate shut just in time to hear a nearby explosion sounded like it came from...Iron Heights that son of a bitch. I flashed back to S.T.A.R Labs and called Joe
"Joe, there's no bomb in this city. It was a diversion so The Trickster could help Jesse escape" I said angrily
"I know. We just surveillance footage from Iron Heights" Joe said then sighed "Barry...they took a hostage" He said
"Well, who did he take? A guard? The warden?" I asked
"No...Your dad" Joe said. I froze in my tracks and felt my heart shatter into a million pieces...they took my dad...for no reason.
Joe came by a few minutes later. I was standing in the same spot in shocked still "We were able to identify the other Trickster. His name's Axel Walker, age 25. Apparently, he and James have been corresponding through snail mail for over a decade" He said pulling up the picture of Axel and the footage from Iron Heights of him and James kidnapping my dad.
"I should have been there," I said blaming myself for almost everything not listening to Wells because I let my anger take control over me.
"We're gonna find your dad okay?" Joe said to me
"Definitely," Wells said
"I guess I should have listened to you," I said to Wells then walked off not saying another word, not even meeting the eyes of my team. I went to the pipeline where it was quiet. I sat down on the ground and brought my knees up to my chest and stayed there. I ignored the buzzing sound of my phone.
"You okay?" I heard Joe ask and approached me slowly
"Do you think my dad is still alive?" I asked
"Yes, yes he is of course," Joe said sitting down next to me "Jesse only took your pop to use as leverage he might be crazy but he's not stupid and everyone upstairs is looking to find him," I nodded at Joe's words
"So now I'm supposed to just leave my dad's fate in the hands of a man who may have had something to do with my mom's murder. Joe...I...I can't do this" I said tearing up a bit
"Yes you can," Joe said
"It just doesn't make any sense, I mean if Wells is a murderer then why does he want to help me? Why has he helped me stop so many criminals? Or saved Ronnie? Why didn't I see this?" I asked still thinking about all of the times we spent all the times he had saved countless lives it just doesn't make any sense
"I spent 1/10 as much time with him as you did, and he almost had me believing in him. Almost. Look whatever else he is, he is Harrison Wells you love it way too much. he is science it's like you made best friends with Einstein" Joe said
"You're saying I wanted to be tricked?" I asked looking at Joe
"You always want to be the person who sees the best in people. I've been a cop for 25 years all I can see is the flaws, the lies, the dark thoughts that people think I don't see. I wish I could be you as fast as you are that is your real power, don't let Wells take that from you" Joe said I fought back my tears that were already dripping down
"I don't know why he's helping us," I said
"All that matters is that he is," Joe said. I finally broke, I broke down into tears
"I can't lose my dad Joe," I said through tears. I felt strong, yet father like gentle arms wrapping around me hugging me
"It's okay Barr," He said rubbing my back in comfort.
Steve's Pov
I was in my apartment per usual when I heard a bunch of knocking on my door, anxious knocking I shall say. I opened the door and saw Iris dressed in a black dress either she was dressed for a date and it got interrupted or she is going to an event
"Iris?" I asked
"Steve um I just got word from Eddie Barry's father was kidnapped by one of the most dangerous criminals out there," Iris said
"What?! why wasn't I informed about this?!" I asked slightly pissed off
"I asked Eddie the same thing but it all happened so fast, Ba- The Flash was out looking for a possible bomb come to find out it was all a tricked and Barry got word that there was a prison heist and whoever set up that bomb helped James Jesse escape and I was on my way to a re-election fundraiser when Eddie called me," Iris said. My heart sank for Barry I can't imagine all of the pain he is going through I need to see him or call him.
"I should go and see him he shouldn't be going through this alone," I said about to get ready to leave but Iris stopped me
"It's best to let him deal with this" Iris said
"Iris his father, the man that was wrongly convicted of the murder of Nora Allen has been kidnapped I need to be with him," I said
"Steve my dad is with Barry whenever things like this happen that happens to Barry my dad takes care of him let him be," She said stopping me "I knew you were going to do this so I decided to add you to the invite list for the fundraiser" She added
"Wait what? You want me to come with you even though Barry could very well need me?" I asked. Iris is hiding something from me I can sense it and her preventing me from seeing Barry is making me questioned
"I want you to let Barry and my dad take care of this myself if they really need you my dad will call you now get dressed in something fancy," Iris said. I rolled my eyes and walked off to my room.
The trip to the city hall was quite awkward I kept thinking about Barry and how much pain he must be going through right now and I am not over there to comfort him. I sent him a bunch of text messages to Barry telling him to call me if he needs. I looked over at Iris who was driving and was focused on the road. I scanned her facial expression she is thinking long and hard about something but I can't put my finger on it. What the hell is she hiding?
We got to the entrance and was met by a tall built security guard I couldn't help but scoffed at him. Took all that time to gain that muscle to become a security guard, yeah well I was made this way...literally to fight for my country...small me now buff me due to a lab exper- okay I can see what Tony meant by me being a lab experiment.
"Hi Iris West, I'm with Central City Picture News and this is Steve Rogers my plus one," Iris said. The guard nodded at us and let us in. I scanned the area and saw a bunch of people drinking wine and chatting while dressed in expensive jewelry why do I sense something wrong here?
"Iris when you said a man escaped and took Barry's father who was the other escou-" I started but got interrupted by a waiter
"Champagne miss and Mr?" The guy asked
"Oh thank you," Iris said taking one glass
"No thanks," I said
"You sure it's our best flavor?" The Waiter asked
"I said no thanks," I said
"Alright fine," He said then walked away. What an..odd kid
"You were saying?" Iris asked after already done drinking the champagne
"Um I was asking who the other guy was that helped Jesse escape and kidnap Henry," I said
"Oh Eddie didn't exactly give me a facial description but he said the man's name is Axel Walker," Iris said whispering the name. I nodded "Why are you asking?" She asked
"Something just," I said
"You're just worried about Barry it happens I am too that's why I downed this drink, perhaps maybe you should've taken that other champagne," Iris said. Maybe I should've "Oh Mayor Bellows hi. this is a lovely party" She said to the Mayor trying to get a quote.
"Welcome, Welcome, Central City's finest. How about a toast to Mayor Anthony Bellows?" One of the Waiters said on stage. I knew it. "He doesn't just yell at his staff he bellows! You see what I did there with the wordplay and the...tough crowd" The man said. I immediately grabbed Iris and put her behind me to shield her from whatever is about to come.
"Excuse me. Who are you?" Mayor Bellows asked
"How quickly they forget. James Jesse your honor aka THe Trickster" Jesse said ripping off his disguise smirking at the crowd. The other waiter that I grew suspicious of went up towards the stage next to Jesse and drew a gun and pointed at everyone. "And I'm here to relieve you fine people from all your money. Because we know if you're in this room, you've got loads of it" He said
"What makes you think that anyone in this room would give you a cent?" I spoke up still shielding Iris who then brought out her phone dialing her dad
"Because that champagne everyone just slurped down like so much fruit punch...I added a little something special to it. Trimethylmercury 32" Jesse said
"Poison," The other imposter Waiter said I am assuming that Is Axel.
" Without the antidote, you'll begin to feel the effects in about oh um.." Jesse started
"One Hour" Axel spoke up. One guy started to cough and gag on the poison before dropping to the floor. Iris gasped and held onto my arm. I grew pissed and scared...Iris had a glass and I didn't
"I remember you, you got to the party about an hour early. I offered you the very first glass of champagne" Jesse said looking at Iris.
Barry's Pov ~slightly ealier~
After crying my heart out over my dad, I fixed myself up and went back to the team along with Joe
"Anything?" I asked
I'm scanning all the traffic cams in the city. I got nothing" Cisco said> Joe's phone started to buzz which drew my attention thinking he's getting the news about my father. My heart started to pound out of my chest.
"Iris?" Joe asked then froe before putting his phone on speakers
"How many of you feel the Trimethyline 32 coursing through your veins hmm?" I heard Jesse on the other line of Iris's phone
"That's him that's Jesse," I said
"Cisco can you ping her phone?" Joe asked
"I'm on it," He said and typed away
"Trimethylmercury 32 is a relatively fast-acting poison," Catlin said
"Has anybody told you that you look like a Star Wars Jedi wannabe?" I heard Steve's voice on the other end which made me grow even more anxious than I already have been all day.
"I-Is there a cure?" I asked breathing in more fear
"Yes. We can start synthesizing the antidote right now" Caitlin said then went to Wells.
"Cisco where is she?" Joe asked
"City hall," Cisco said
"The mayor's having a fundraiser there tonight," Joe said. I flashed into my flash suit
"Barry, do not underestimate The Trickster" Wells warned me. Instead of ignoring him like I did before I nodded and flashed off to City Hall. I might've ignored him earlier which got my father kidnapped but I am not ignoring him now because...My sister and the love of my life is in danger... I flashed into City hall and saw Steve shielding Iris from Axel who was holding a gun.
"Well Hello," Jesse started. I flashed over to him and pinned him tot he wall " You know I've been in prison for 20 years" Jesse said
"Then you'll know thee routine when you get sent back. Where's Henry Allen?" I asked.
"He's where you'll be soon. Heaven" Jesse said and Axel grabbed my wrist and slapped on a bracelet. I looked at the bracelet confusingly
"Are you familiar with the movie Speed?" Jesse asked. I looked at Jesse still confused "See you're the bus and that's the bomb. A kinetic bomb actually and if you got below 600 miles per hour it'll explode the same thing happens if you try to remove it." Jesse explained and Axel then activated it which gave off a loud beeping sound
"Oh it's active run, run, run, run," Jesse said. I flashed out of City Hall and ran around the city as fast as I could
"Cisco!" I yelled on coms
"He wasn't lying. That thing's linked to a speedometer and it will blow if you stop moving" Cisco said
"I can't run forever," I said
"Barry, do you see any walls nearby?" Wells asked on coms
"Why?" I asked looking around and seeing a bunch of walls
"Because I need you to run into one or more accurately through one" Wells said
"What!" Both cisco and I yelled
"If you vibrate at the natural frequency of air your body...your cells will be in a state of excitement that should allow you to phase right through that wall leaving the bomb on the other side," Wells said
"Should?" I asked
"You can do this I believe in you," He said
"I can't," I said already feeling tired
"Listen to me Barry, breathe. Breathe feel the air. Feel that wind on your face. Feel the ground your feet lifting you up, pushing you forward, and the lightning, Barry feel the lightning feel its power. Its electricity pumping through your veins crackling through traveling to every nerve in your body like a shock. You're no longer you now You're no longer you now, You're part of something greater...You're part of a speed-force" Wells said in my ear I listened to his words closely almost like poetry the way he described every movement every scene...even his tone made me realize something that gives me the answer to everything. Harrison Wells is the Man in the Yellow Suit. "It's yours now do it," Wells said. I saw a wall in front of me and I ran right through it leaving the bomb behind me
"OH!" I exclaimed
"Barry?" Wells asked
"That felt weird," I said then chuckled slightly that was really nerve-racking. I flashed back into S.T.AR. Labs grabbed the antidote and flashback to City Hall giving everyone the shot. I grabbed Steve's arm and was about to inject him but he stopped me
"I didn't drink the Champagne," He said to me. I nodded then flash towards Jesse. I was met with a defeated Trickster. As the officers flooded the area Jesse told me the location of my father and I raced off to him grabbing him before setting off a trap. I saw my dad sighing in relief. I took a deep breath and removed my mask and my dad smiled widely like he already knew my secret
"You always did look good in red," My dad said hugging me.
Later on, I flashed my dad to S.T.A.R Labs. My dad's reaction to the place was priceless. He and Caitlin talked about medical stuff. My dad then turned to Wells "You're all heroes in my book especially you Dr. Wells. Thank you for everything that you've done for my son" He said shaking his hand. My heart started to break. Even my dad is blinded by Well's lies. Joe went ahead and took my dad back to Iron Heights. I shook Wells's hand forcing a fake smile on my face then walked out letting my face fall into disgust and haterd. Wells has no idea how close I m to beating him.
3rd Person Pov
Night fell, while everyone went home for the evening and criminals are behind bars, in CCPD Eddie walked up to Joe.
"Hey Joe, desk Sergeant said you were looking for me," HE said
"Eddie yeah um sit down It's about Iris she's looking into Mason Bride's disappearance. We can't let that happen" Joe said then Barry flashed in causing Eddie to jump slightly. Barry then moves closer before taking off his mask revealing himself to Eddie. Eddie stood up from the chair in shocked
"Eddie we need your help," Barry said to Eddie. Eddie went back to Iris to tell her about where Mason 'was' while Joe called Steve and met up in Barry's lab where Barry stood in his suit once again.
"When wells were talking me through phasing so I could get the Trickster's bomb off my wrist, the way that he described me being The Flash, running, feeling the wind and the power it's like he was talking from experience," Barry said then looked at Steve
"What are you saying?" Steve asked leaning over Barry's chair
"I don't know how but he's the man in yellow Harrison Wells is the Reverse Flash," Barry said
Wow, that took months to do.
Well, that is it for today's chapter I hope you all enjoyed it votes and comments are welcome as always.
Happy Thanksgiving, Stay safe out there and Mask up.
I shall update this again soon.
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