Chapter 41
Hello everyone welcome to a new chapter today I hope you all are doing well. I apologize for the late upload I just got my books for my online school like a week ago and I decided to read Hamlet by Shakespeare and take notes on it because I have a feeling that in British Literature (class I'm taking for senior year) we are going to have an assignment on this book so if that does happen I already have the notes that can help me...but now that I think about it if we don't have an assignment on this then I just wasted my time reading and taking notes when I could've been I don't know watching My Hero Academia or updating this book.
But anyway, here I am with an update and hard to believe we are almost done with this season 1 version in this book. I cannot wait to do my version of season 2, 3, 4 and perhaps 5 and 6 (man this series has a lot of seasons) it's gonna be fun.
So School is about to come back for me on the 24th of August (3 days after BTS' new song Dynamite comes out) and so far I have a lot of classes so updating might be a problem for rest of my books but I will have to find my school schedule and take a look at it. I will keep you guys updated in my MB just be sure to keep an eye on it.
Also, A.R.M.Y who read this book has any of you seen the new English single Dynamite by BTS? I hope so but if not the video is on the title page :)
So anyway here is the chapter
3rd person pov
After the encounter with Mardon in CCPD which resulted in Captain Singh being hospitalized after getting stuck by Mardon's powers. Barry was able to use the Wizard's Wand that Cisco made and gave to Joe but Mardon escaped. There wasn't any update on Mardon's whereabouts so Barry decided to head to the hospital where Singh was while Steve went home to recover after the encounter.
Meanwhile, in S.T.A.R. Labs, Wells bid his good night to Cisco and Caitlin and went home. Cisco watched Wells leave the area and began to wonder if what Joe and Steve said was right about his possible involvement in Nora Allen's murder. It was Caitlin's turn to head home after an exhausting day. She turned to Cisco
"Alright, Cisco I'm heading home," Caitlin said but Cisco didn't say anything he was in a deep thought. "Cisco?" Caitlin asked looking at her best friend who still didn't respond. She became concerned "All right, fine, I will watch every episode of The Walking Dead with you." She said hoping that would cheer him up but Cisco still didn't respond. Caitlin thought Cisco was thinking about the attack that took place at CCPD. "Hey, you couldn't have stopped Mardon from attacking the police station. It's not your fault." She said
"No that's not it" Cisco finally spoke, "What do you think of Dr. Wells?" He asked
"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked
"I mean, do you think he's capable of doing something bad?" Cisco asked finally coming around as to what Steve and Joe were talking about.
"Is this because of what Barry said he heard? Ever since the particle accelerator exploded, there's always someone who's got it in for Dr. Wells" Caitlin said
"No, no, it's more than that. Joe and Steve said that maybe Dr. Wells was somehow involved in Barry's Mother's death and her murder." Cisco said
"That's absurd," Caitlin said
"Yeah, I know, and that's what I said, and we proved that that wasn't the case, but I'm just saying, some things aren't adding up," Cisco said then glanced at his computer
"Like what?" Caitlin asked
"The night we trapped the Reverse-Flash in the force-field, he escaped because the containment system failed, but I checked that data three times, and the super-capacitors were still fully charged when he got out. The numbers don't add up, Caitlin. There's no reason that the containment system should have failed." Cisco said
"I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation," Caitlin said
"One perfectly good explanation is that Wells did something to the trap," Cisco said
"Are you suggesting that Dr. Wells is in league with The Man in the Yellow Suit?" Caitlin asked
"I mean the way Steve explained Tony Stark's theory he was onto something," Cisco said
"I'm... We all saw that thing nearly kill him that night." Caitlin said. Cisco nodded agreeing still trying to wrap his finger around that situation. But he has a strong feeling Wells isn't telling the truth.
"Can you keep Wells out of S.T.A.R. Labs tomorrow morning?" Cisco asked hoping to buy some time to get to the bottom of this
Barry's Pov
It has been hours since the attack took place in CCPD. After I weaken Mardon's powers I rushed Captain Singh to the hospital. The Doctor said they were able to stabilize him but there is a possible chance Singh might be paralysis. I was able to meet Singh's fiance who is the sweetest guy I ever met. I saw Joe leaving the area, I know that look, he is like me he's going o do something stupid. I quickly ran after him.
"Joe where are you going?" I asked
"I need to end this," He said
"Not by yourself," I said
"Yes by myself I know!" Joe shouted "II can find him. I don't want anybody else getting hurt, especially Iris and you" Joe said. I tried to protest but he cut me off " Mardon said he was going to avenge his brother. That goes beyond me. It goes all the way to you and her. You stay with Iris, and you keep her safe. Do not leave her side." He said. I sighed and nodded
"Yeah alright," I said. After that intense argument, I went off to see Iris in CCPN who just went out to see Joe so now I am stuck here waiting for her.
"You're Barry Allen, right?" Iris's boss asked
"Yeah" I replied
"Her friend/brother? Or is that brother/friend?" Her boss asked
"Her brother" I replied
"Oh. I'm Mason Bridge." Her boss replied introducing himself. So this is the dickbag that Iris was talking about
"Oh, you're the guy who thinks Harrison Wells is some mad genius?" I asked. Mason and I started to have this heated argument about Wells, this dude is insane for stalking wells. I glared at Manson who walked away after saying he has evidence which he is about to post on Sunday. I couldn't stay in this place any longer I decided to head home since Singh is still in the hospital and there isn't anything on Mardon's whereabouts. When I walked in I saw Iris sitting there reading something.
"Hey, have you heard from Dad? He's not answering his cell." Iris asked I shook my head
"Uh no I haven't talked to him," I said and Iris sighed
"I'm starting to worry about him," Iris said, "What are you doing home so early?" She asked
"I was looking for you, actually. I just met your friend Mason, and he said he had some kind of proof that Dr. Wells did something. Do you know what it is?" I asked and Iris shook her head
"No, he hasn't told me" Iris
"All right" I replied sitting by her
"So how are you and Steve?" Iris asked
"we're good I think I don't know," I said sighing
"What did he do now?" Iris asked
"No he didn't do anything it's just me..." I trailed
"Meaning what? Is it your secret identity?" Iris asked
"I wish it was but I realize that I'm starting to fall for...Captain America" I said and Iris had this look like she was trying not to laugh.
"Oh that stinks," She said and I groaned
Tell me about Sister
3rd Person POV
While Barry is too busy having a love life crisis, Cisco was powering on the machine that once held the Man in the Yellow Suit. Cisco looked at the activity and saw something abnormal. He became confused and started to dig deeper.
Eddie decided to accompany Joe throughout his mission, they hit the farm where the Mardon brothers were at before going to Mark's apartment. Joe and Eddie searched the area for any clues when Eddie spoke up.
"Somebody was here very recently," Eddie said then noticed a small clue which was a sign to Joe
"He left this here for me," Joe said
"So where to next?" Eddie asked. Before Joe could respond there was a huge gust of wind that flew Joe out of the window. "JOE!!!" Eddie yelled out.
By the Waterfront, Joe groaned awake and tried to move only to get a shock of nothing but pain. Joe groaned out in pain and noticed that his leg was broken, he was unable to move.
"Small miracle you only broke the one leg, Joe. The night I got sucked out of my plane, I broke almost every bone in my body," Mark said looking at Joe. Joe winced again trying to move. "It was excruciating. At least you got a small taste of what that felt like. Still... Guess you'll never know what it really feels like to be God," Mark said
"That's what your brother said to me, right before I killed him," Joe replied
"I don't need these powers to end your life," Mark said
"Then do it. That's what you came here for, isn't it? An eye for an eye?" Joe asked. Mark chuckled
"Oh, Joe. I want so much more than an eye," Mark said then looked off into the view of the entire city of Central City.
While everything was starting to hit the fan, Caitlin and Dr. Wells were at CC Jitters having breakfast. Wells felt pretty happy to sit there and talk to Caitlin but he knew there was with her like she was hiding from him but he brushed it away for a little while.
Steve was at his apartment about to get ready to visit Singh when he got a call from Eddie saying that Joe has been kidnapped by Mark and needed him at the station ASAP, Steve quickly sent Barry a text message.
Barry was still chit-chatting with iris about his Love Crisis when he looked at the phone and dropped the cup which held water on the ground.
"Barry?" Iris asked
"Its Joe he's been kidnapped we need to go now," Barry said slightly panicked before flashing Iris to CCPD not caring if anyone saw him flashing out of the house. Barry and Iris walked into CCPD and saw Eddie giving a speech to the officers talking about a possible plan to take down Mark. Iris was shaking with anxiety before turning to hug her brother. Out of the corner of Barry's eye, he saw Steve who then wrapped his arms around both Barry and Iris.
Barry's Pov (Yeeeeah prepare for bouncing between pov)
I held onto Iris trying to calm her down, she was shaking pretty bad I listen to Eddie's speech before yelling move out, I saw Steve at the corner of my eye who then ran up to us and wrapped his arms around us. My breath hitched as my head on his chest listening to the sound of his heart beating which was mildly comforting. Irisi moved around fishing out of her phone and answered
"Hello?" She asked breathing rapidly. I watched Iris' expression becoming more and more blank she started to look pale as well then hung up the phone. "He has my dad he says if I tell anyone he'll kill him he wants me to meet him at the waterfront," Iris said
"All right we are coming with you" Steve said
"Okay" Iris said. Iris, Steve and I started to run out of the building pushing past some people and we went towards the waterfront which is basically Central City's version of the beach. We looked around to see if Joe was actually in the area but we all started to stumbled when we felt and heard a huge rumble. I gasped and saw what appears to be a huge tidal wave coming towards Central City. I looked at Steve and Iris
"Steve do me a favor and get Iris out of here" I said
"What no if she leaves the area I expect to see you right by our side" Steve said
"Steve please!" I yelled
"Barry no! I am not losing you when i didn't get the fucking chance to say I love you" Steve shouted which caused me to freeze at my spot...what...did Steve just say "The day I hung up on you I wanted to rush to your apartment and apologise a million times over and tell you how I actually felt about you but I couldn't" Steve said. I started to tear up at Steve's confession "Barry Allen I love you" He said
"I love you too" I replied before grabbing his face gently and pressed my lips against his. The kiss was soft and sweet. I noticed Iris smiling widely at us. Steve and I pulled away, I smiled at Steve then backed away in time for my phone to ring
"Caitlin!" I shouted
"Barry it's Dr. Wells he isn-" Caitlin started but I cut her
"Hey, there's no time for that right now, all right? There is a tsunami heading for the city, how do I stop it?" I asked
"Theoretically, if you can create a vortex barrier along the coastline, a wall of wind, that would be able to sap the tidal wave of its energy before it hits the city." Caitlin explained. I put my hand in my hair
"By running back and forth. How fast?" I asked
"I don't know if you can run that fast" Caitlin said
"Im going to try" I said before hanging up. I turned to Steve "I am so sorry I didn't want you find out this way" I said then flashed into my Flash suit and saw Steve's surprised expression. He stared at me in shocked "Go!" I yelled at him before taking off running
3rd Person Pov
Ealier before the tidal wave started to hit, Caitlin and Dr. Wells talked, Caitlin thanked him for what he did to help Ronnie. Wells then now realize something was up he then mentioned something that could potentially stop Mark. He suggested that they should head back to S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin went to get the coffee to go and Wells flashed out of his wheelchair and into S.T.A.R. Labs leaving Caitlin frozen in place.
Cisco looked at the machine that held the Man in the Yellow Suit and noticed how he was talking and realized it was all faked.
"I can't believe this" Cisco said. Cisco was pulled out of the thoughts of the sound of clapping. He turned and saw 'Wells' clapping.
"You're incredibly clever, Cisco. I've always said so," 'Wells' said
"You're him. The Reverse-Flash," Cisco said in disbelief.
"You and I have never been truly, properly introduced. I am Eobard Thawne" Eobard said introducing himself properly
"Thawne? Like Eddie?" Cisco asked
"Let's call him a distant relative" Eobard said
"The night that we trapped the Reverse-Flash, you almost died" Cisco said still trying to wrap his head around this entire situation. Eobard hummed nodding. "There were two of you" Cisco said then started to panick
"It's an after-image, A speed mirage, if you will, got that idea after seeing what Loki could do creating multiple images of himself" Eobard said smirking and created another image of himself.
"Joe and Steve were right. You were there that night, 15 years ago, in Barry's house. You killed Nora Allen" Cisco said
"It was never my intention to kill Nora. I was there to kill Barry," Eobard said
"Why? You're his friend. You've been teaching him how to..." Cisco trailed
"Go faster, I know. A means to an end. And I'll tell you why. Because I have been stuck here, marooned here in this place for 15 long years. And The Flash and The Flash's speed is the key to my returning to my world. To my time. And no one is going to prevent that from happening, I want to return home because I saw something in the future that will end all of us...well half of us at least" Eobard said then stepped closer to Cisco. Cisco at that very moment knew that Eobard was going to kill him
"I can help you" Cisco said
"You're smart, Cisco. But you're not that smart. Do you know how hard it has been to keep all of this from you, especially from you? Because the truth is, I've grown quite fond of you. And in many ways, you have shown me what it's like to have a son," Eobard said. Cisco looked down having tears falling. Eobard without hesitation shoved his fist through Cisco's chest crushing his heart "Forgive me but you've been dead for centuries" He whispered before taking his fist back and seeing Cisco collapse on the ground dead.
After Barry and Steve kissed and Barry revealing himself as The Flash, Barry took off running and started to run in circles around the tidal wave. Barry felt himself getting faster and faster at each second. Barry breathed heavily and screamed and went inside of a portal. Barry looked around and noticed that the sky was dark he then off to his left and saw himself running, the same one he saw that night when he flashed to the morgue. That side of him disappeared which caused Barry to stop in his place. He looked around and recognized everything he saw that night, woman screaming for a taxi, dogs barking, same place, same time. Barry froze in place and realize what he had done.
He...went back in time
"Oh Boy" Barry said
But anyway that is the end of the chapter I hope you all enjoyed this chapter
Votes and Comments are welcome
I will see you guys next time
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