Chapter 40
-During my hiatus-
People in Wattpad: this is getting very boring
Steve/Barry fans: *keeps refreshing their notifications hoping to see a new chapter update*
-1 month later-
Me: *pops up out of the blue*
Yes everyone I am here I am finally here with an update I am so sorry that took so long I wanted to take 1 month off to study for my SATS then I was going to update around the ending of July but Wattad decided to get themselves a breach and it was too risky for me to update anything in case I get hacked so I decided to use that time to watch My Hero Academia which I freaking love by the way. I want to thank all of you for being so patient with me I will try and update more and keep this book going
Also thank you to my new followers for following me throughout this hiatus we are so close to 300 followers this is incredible so thank you <3
Enjoy the chapter everyone
Barry's Pov
I have spent almost all week trying to come up with a plan to save my mother which has been exhausting, trying to become faster than before with my speed so I can have enough speed to go back into time. I filled Iris in with the plan, she thinks I should think long and hard about this situation, think about the possible consequences of time travel. How does she know that per se? Because of all of the time travel movies we have seen growing up. I decided to take a break today and go out with Iris and Eddie...and Steve whom Iris secretly invited. We were all at the bowling alley and let me tell ya, Steve is amazing at bowling. I watched as Steve hit another strike which caused Eddie to sigh in frustration.
"Can you believe this is the place Barry and I went to when we were kids?" Iris asked Eddie and Steve, Steve who was eating fries looked at Iris. I smiled at the memory of Iris and I kicking each other asses during bowling...well at least try those damn balls are heavier than my bully Tony as metal. Iris got up and made her turn and got a strike. "Do you smell that Barry? That's a defeat" Iris said grinning
"Hmm sure considering we are beating you by 18 points" I grinned which caused Iris to grumbled. I turned to Steve "you never told me you were a fan of bowling" I said
"Well we never had a chance to talk about ou favorites," Steve said I hummed in agreement
"Hmm, and who's fault is that?" I asked still slightly ticked off over the hanging out and rejection Steve did to me. I got up after seeing Steve's face fell after what I said. I made my move and got a strike for once in the entire game and Eddie smiled
"I'm impressed Allen," Eddie said
"Oh Iris, I heard that the owner is selling this place," I said remembering the news
"Oh wow maybe I'll have one of my co-workers Linda write an article about this place," Iris said pouting slightly. I marked my score and stole Steve's fries.
"Hands off my fries" Steve said grabbing it glaring at me playfully
"Oh, really Your fries? gimmie!" I shouted trying to grab the basket and Steve pulled away holding me back with his hand. I HATE HOW STRONG HE IS GOD DAMNIT "Gimmie!" I said pouting sounding like a baby
"Hmm ask nicely and maybe I'll consider," Steve said
"Hmmph fine, please cutie can I have some fries?" I asked giving in
"Much better here is your fry...hottie," Steve said winking and fed me a fry. I blushed slightly at what he did and said. I turned around and turned red after seeing Iris and Eddie's face. I glared at Iris and mouthed 'not a word' which caused Iris to crack a laugh. We continue to play bowling for a little while longer before getting interrupted by phone calls. Eddie checked his phone as did I, Cisco texted saying there was a break-in at the morgue.
"Silent alarm has been tripped at the Central City Morgue," I said to Iris
"Who would want to rob a morgue? that's gross" Iris asked. Eddie and I walked out leaving Steve with Iris. Once I was out of sight I sped off going to the address Cisco texted me. I was running when I felt some sort of weird energy. I looked around and looked next to me and saw something...someone running next to me. I looked at the shadow and looked closer and found it that it looked at my duplicate of myself then came to a halt in the middle of the street. I heard dogs barking and a woman screaming for a taxi as I was trying to gather my thoughts and trying to figure out how in the hell I saw myself running next to me, it was literally like looking in a mirror. I looked around me and saw that 'myself' disappeared I collected myself and sped off to the Morgue. When I got there the police didn't show up yet which bought me enough time to inspect the place
"What's going on? What do you see?" Cisco asked though coms
"A dead body," I said looking at the body of the coroner
"Barry, you're in a morgue. You're gonna have to be a little more specific than that." Cisco said
"The coroner, he's dead," I said. In the distance, I heard police sirens approaching. I flashed off and changed back into my regular clothes before walking in again and seeing the place packed with cops. I started to search the place for clues when Joe approached me
"What's with all the water? Did the sprinkler system go off or something?" Joe asked I shook my head while looking at the corner's body still
"No, I checked all the sprinklers. They're all intact. But look at this." I said pointing at the torso of the coroner's body
"What is that ice?" Joe asked
"Mhmm the coroner has multiple impact bruises on his torso, all the size of a tennis ball" I said
"Hail? In here?" Joe asked and I nodded "Do you think it was Snart?" Joe asked I quickly shook my head
"No his cold-gun couldn't have done this" I said.
"Joe we got something" Eddie said walking into our conversation "The coroner's office just installed an automated dictation system. Listen to this" Eddie said and played the tape of the murder. We heard the coroner begging the killer not to hurt him and we heard the killer's voice
"I know that voice. That's Mardon" Joe said. I looked at Joe confusingly
"Clyde Mardon's dead" Eddie said
"it's not Clyde Mardon it's his brother Mark" Joe said. On the tape the coroner revealed that it was Joe and Mark said that he will pay for what he did.
After the investigation Joe and I went to S.T.A.R. Labs to tell the team what happened
"So Clyde Mardon has a brother? And both brothers survived the plane crash, and then the dark matter released from the particle accelerator explosion affects them both in virtually the same way." Wells said
"Yeah, only Mark's powers seem to be a lot more precise." I said
"To be able to control the weather like that, indoors? You'd have to be a Weather Wizard. Ooh, been waiting since week one to use that one." Cisco said taking a huge sip of his drink and getting a brain freeze "Mm" Cisco groaned
"Trigeminal headache?" Caitlin asked
"What?" Cisco asked
"Trigeminal headache?" Caitlin asked again. I was standing here watching those two bicker slightly. I chuckled to myself
"So I'm guessing you running around a twister in the opposite direction isn't gonna to do the trick this time. I just remembered. During our run-in with Mardon, Clyde Mardon, I was tinkering with something to help attract unbound atmospheric electrons." Cisco said
"Like a ground mechanism?" I asked
"Yes, 'cause the only way that Mardon can control the weather is if he can tap into the atmosphere's natural electrical circuit, and if we take away that circuit, clear skies." Cisco explained. Joe's phone vibrated then looked at me
"Singh's checking in. I gotta go" Joe said
"Yeh I'll meet you at the station" I said to him. Joe nodded and was about to walk away "Joe, We'll find Mardon. Don't worry" I said
"I'm not worried at all." Joe replied then walked off which caused me to be extremely worried about Joe.
"Well, he's taking being targeted by a revenge-seeking meta-human rather well, I must say." Wells said then looked at me "Don't worry, Barry. Joe will be fine, I promise" He said
"Yeah no I know. I actually wanted to talk to you about something else" I said remembering what I saw last night. Wells looked at me "Um, Look, last night on my way to the morgue I saw something" I started
"What did you see?" He asked me
"I was running and I turned and I saw myself. Or I don't know, another Flash running beside me." I said
"Interesting" Wells said
"Yeah. What do you think it is?" I asked
"Could be an optical illusion, a mirroring effect caused by wind shear and light, a speed mirage, if you will." Wells explained, it could be true but I have been running for a year now and I have never seen it before this is the first time I have seen myself.
"It didn't seem like that. It was... He seemed real." I said
"I tell you what. Let's focus on finding Mardon, and once he's safely contained in The Pipeline, we'll investigate this." Wells said and I nodded. He dismissed me afterwards and I sped off to CCPD. I walked in the office and saw Joe, Eddie and...Captian America who was reading the files that Singh to have given him.
"Where are we at with Mardon?" Singh asked us. I stood by Captain America trying not to blush, he sure does smell good today nice cologne smell which is besides the point.
"No one at the morgue saw or heard anything." Joe said "We're canvassing known associates, seeing if he reached out to anybody. Maybe can get a lead on where he's holed up." He added
"All right, why don't we let Thawne do that?" Singh asked
"Because nobody knows the Mardon brothers better than I do. I mean, Chyre and I tracked them for years." Joe said. I remember that case, the first time he tried to take down Clyde was just before the explosion and Chyre was killed right when I got struck by lightning. "I know hwo they think" He added.
"I get that Joe but he is targetting you for killing his brother which is why I invited Captain America here, he'll be protecting you but I expect you Joe to stay in here" Singh said which made Joe roll his eyes. Once we were dimissed we were greeted by a happy Iris. Joe turned to me and Eddie
" If you guys want to keep that smile on that pretty face, she doesn't hear about any of this" Joe said. I nodded and Eddie walked off to greet his girlfriend.
"I hope you don't mind me being apart of this case" Captain America said behind me. I looked at him
"Oh no not at all I'm just afraid that Mark is going to target you as well and I don't think this shield of yours can protect you from his powers" I said worriedly which caused Captain to chuckle
"Trust me Mr. Allen this shield can protect me, it could protect me against Loki's horns to Iron man's blasts to Black Panther's claws and gernades thrown at me and this shield isn't broken Im pretty sure it can protect me from Mark's powers" He said. Wow all of that from New York? Interesting. I then looked at his shield and noticed a visible scratch marks and...a lightning bolt. Huh I never noticed it till now.
"Well you're right but it can leave marks like for example the claw marks and the lightning bolt" I said
"Oh yeah claw marks...left by Black Panther um I don't consider that a mark than it is an autograph and the lightning bolt..." Captain trailed chuckling a bit "When Flash was under some sort of anger management issue spell and he fought with me he hit my shield with his powers that it left a mark on there" Captain said. I remember that day crystal clear, I remember how shitty I felt attacking Captain, Oliver..meh he is use to getting punched so he recovers but with Captain hurting him hurt my heart.
"Well consider that mark another autograph" I said with a smile which made Captain smile back. Seeing him smile just warms my heart.
"BARRY COME ON LUNCH TIME IM STARVING" Joe called out which broke me away from my thoughts. I turned to him
"Yeah coming" I called out "I have to go Captain" I said
"Alright Barry, I'll be right behind you guys, I'll keep my distance and watch all perimeters" Captain said. I nodded and walked off to Joe.
Steve's Pov
It was a normal quiet day until I got a message from Captain Singh asking for help for a case they were on, something about a metahuman guy name Mark Mardon who was targeting Joe for killing his brother Cylde which I do remember that day kinda, sort of, I got knocked out by debris and that was also the day The Flash made his first heroic appearance. I went into Singh's office who then gave me a file about everything on the Mardon brothers, from the crimes they did to the supposed deaths of them to Cylde's appearance again to his death. Joe, Eddie and Barry walked in. As Singh discussed plans on how to capture Mark I felt Barry's presence which also caused me to blush but my attention was on the Mardon file but I couldn't help but glance at him. I still felt bad for hanging up on him like I did I couldn't imagine his reaction I mean I never heard the end of it from Iris and the glares from Joe but with Joe after I revealed myself to him he began to understand why I did what I did.
After the meeting Barry and I talked for a bit before he went off to have lunch with his foster father. I decided to get lunch myself and follow their car. I saw them park off the side of the street and decided to park and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. I watched as people were walking by having a normal day when I felt some rain drops hitting my helmet. Hmm weird the news didn't call for any storms today. The rain started to pour faster, I saw Joe's car leaving, I quickly followed trying to see over this rain then all of a sudden something hit my motorcycle some sort of lightning which caused me to fly across the street hitting the pole. I groaned in pained and looked dup and saw a man who seemed to have the storm surrounded by him as if he...was controlling it. I tried to stand up but noticed my bike was on my leg. I used my shield to try and lift it off of me. I watched as the man created more heavy rain before using lightning. All I heard left was a giant explosion sound that sounded like a car. Oh no.... I saw where the explosion came from and saw a car on fire
"JOE! BARRY!" I yelled out
Barry's Pov (few minutes earlier)
After Joe and I got Big Belly Burger I noticed a famailar motorcycle following us not so far behind.
"I can't believe Singh made it where Captain America has to protect me this is utter bullshit" Joe said angerly
"You should take that as an honor, I heard Captain America was the ultimate protector back in New York" I said eating a fry. Joe looked at me
"Um so speaking of Captain America...ultimate protector how's Steve?" He asked me that is a weird choice of words to start a new subject.
"He's good i guess, Last night before I got a call we hung out with Iris and Eddie" I said
"Yeah Iris told me she told me you two were flirting" Joe said hiding a smile
"Flirting? No we weren't flirting" I said
"Oh come on I know flirting when I see one like you flirting with Captain America back at the station" Joe said stopping the car for a few minutes to finish his food. I saw the motorcycle parked off the side and Captain America keeping a close eye on us and trying not to draw any attention "Like right now I am currently talking to you and you zoned out by watching Captain" Joe said I looked at him not realizing he was still talking to me. I sighed
"Look Joe I don't know what's going on with me, first I like Steve now I am starting to like Captain America it's weird" I said having a love crisis. Joe chuckled
"Barry it's okay it's call 'having a crush' " Joe said crush...haven't heard that word since High School ugh! I leaned back on my seat and noticed rain falling on the mirror outide of the car. Hmm interesting I didn't know we were expecting rain today. Joe finished his burger and started to drive as the rain poured harder. I tried to see if Captain was behind us but the mirror was covered in rain. "You like Steve but you also like Captain America because they have the same type of attitude and affection towards you" Joe said
"You think Captain America likes me back?" I asked hearing the rumble of thunder behind us
"Maybe-man it is coming down" Joe said talking about the rain which caused me to chuckle.
"And it's another beautiful day in Central City, No clouds-" The man on the radio said which caused me and Joe to look at the radio then at each other
"Mardon" Joe said then I saw a flash of lightning about to hit Joe. I quickly used my speed to get Joe out of the car. I flashed Joe and myself out of the car just in time for the lightning to hit blowing up the car. I breathed rapidly picturing what would've happened.
"JOE! BARRY!" I heard Captain America in the distance calling for us. As the storm eases I saw Captain on the ground with his motorcycle on his leg preventing him from moving, he must've gotten struck by Mardon's powers. I ran to him at normal human speed and helped him get free
"You okay?" I asked him and he nodded
"How's Joe?" I asked
"He's fine we almost didn't make it out there" I said kinda shaken. "I need to take him back to the station though" I said.
Once we got back to the station Joe was unhappy as to what Singh had to say.
"You're confined to the precinct until Mardon's caught." Singh said. there was a heated exchange between Joe and Singh with Eddie involved. Captain America was watching this unfold.
"Well Captain America is injured so he's out-" Singh said
"What? My leg is sore so what I don't have a scratch-" Captain tried to interject but was interuppted
"Maybe your daughter can contact The Flash." Singh suggested
"I'm not getting her involved in this." Joe said
"Allen, make sure he doesn't go anywhere" Singh said. I nodded at him and Singh left the office so did Captain America leaving me and Joe alone.
"I need to be out there" Joe said
"Joe, you're always the first one to tell me when I'm not thinking clearly" I said remembering the time I went crazy over the Man in the Yellow suit.
"I took down Clyde. I can take down his dirt bag brother too." Joe said
"You didn't do that alone, remember?" I asked him
"You're right" Joe said sighing then saw the people who were on the assignment to keep watch of Joe "How are any of these guys going to protect me? They don't know. They don't know what Mardon's capable of." Joe said. While Joe was at the Station I raced over to Jitters after Irisi texted me saying it was an important discussion. I walked in and approached Iris who was sitting there drinking coffee.
"Hey" I greeted her
"Hey Barry glad you could make it" She said
"Yeah sorry if I showed up late CCPD is...a mess with this case" I said trying not to mention Mardon's case.
"It's fine that's not important right now, um..So the reason that I called you was because my sort of advisor at the paper is always teaching me lessons, tricks of the trade, how to get good story, and one of the things he's repeatedly telling me is to follow your hunch, see where it leads" Iris said
"Sounds like good advice." I said
"Yeah it is" She said "Except in this instance, that hunch involves you" Iris started
"Well, you can ask me anything, Iris." I said
"It's about Harrison Wells." Iris said which caused me to grow concern
"What about him?" I asked
"My boss says a lot of strange things has been happening in the past year, at first I thought he was talking about you know but I realize his attention is more on Wells than you and it is concerning me because he brought up the disappearance of Simon Stagg I'm sure you remember him" Iris said. I nodded realizing I haven't heard anything from Simon in 6 months "My boss thinks that Wells has something to do with Simon's disappearance" She added "I mean I don't know him that well but I know your friends do" She said
"Wait you think he's responsible as well?" I asked her in disbelief
"Barry, in your heart of hearts, do you think it's possible that there's more to Harrison than people have been led to believe?" She asked
"Harrison Wells is a good man. If you're looking for a story, then you're not gonna find one with him." I said to her. After that awkward silence between me and Iris I raced back to S.T.A.R. Labs and watched as Cisco presented a weapon that can be used against
"Good work, Cisco, as always. If you excuse me, I'm gonna go stretch my legs." Wells said then went off to somewhere. I was sitting here thinking what Iris said.
"You okay? You seem a little off." Caitlin asked noticing me
"yeah, Yeah um, Somebody at Picture News got it into Iris's head that something suspicious is going on with Dr. Wells." I said
"Like what?" Caitlin asked
"That he knows what happened to Simon Stagg. Apparently, nobody's heard from him or seen him since the night I stopped Danton Black" I said
"What'd tell her?" Caitlin asked
"That she's wrong. And she is." I said sighing
Steve's Pov
I sighed being bored out of my mind, I was suppose to watch Joe making sure he didn't run off and try and stop Mardon and get himself hurt or killed and I couldn't go out anywhere under Singh's orders because of my injured leg which I could've just walked off but whatever. I looked at my shield and traced the lightning mark that was left by The Flash after our fight that one time. I felt Joe behind me looking at the mark
"Did Flash leave that mark on your shield?" Joe asked chuckling. I chuckled and nodded "You can take your mask off Steve I know your secret" Joe said
"No the rest of your men don't know my secret and I'm not risking it because one of them will tell Barry" I said and Joe nodded
"Fair enough" Joe said then sat down next to me "So how are you and Barry?" He aked
"I think we're fine we went bowling with Iris and Eddie last night and I admit I flirted with your son" I said
"Oh I know Iris told me the whole thing" Joe said chuckling Joe was about to say something else but Cisco walked in on our converstation.
"Hey Cisco" I greeted him
"Hey, keep this handy" He said handing Joe a wand
"What is that?" I asked him
"I call it the 'Wizard's Wand' it'll help slow down Mardon long enough to take him down" Cisco said. I scoffed at the name
"Got a problem with the name?" He asked me
"I was thinking the name would be very nerdy like I don't know 'Elder's Wand" I said which caused Cisco to grumbled at the name. Cisco then looked at us and changed the subject. "Hey, Joe... I know you got a lot going on right now, but... you mentioned Doctor Wells might have had something to do with Barry's mother's murder. Why did you think that?" he aked
"Oh, it doesn't matter. I was wrong." Joe said which caused me to look at him weird
"But you seemed really sure of it." Cisco said
"Look, Cisco, I can't talk about this right now, okay" Joe said. Cisco sighed and nodded before walking away to the elevator. Moments later a voice came through
"I heard you were looking for me here i am" I turned to the voice and saw Mardon standing there. Cops started to draw their guns at him. I got in position holding my shield.
"Mardon" Joe said growling slightly
"Hey, Joe. I can call you Joe, can't I? Figured we don't got to be too formal seeing as you put two bullets in my brother's chest." Mardon said angerly before creating thunder
"Your brother killed my partner and a whole lot of innocent people, and threatened to kill even more." Joe spat
"Yeah, Clyde was no saint, but he was family. If you can't protect your family, the least you can do is avenge 'em." Mardon gorlwed creating more thunder and strong winds.
"This is between us. Nobody else needs to get hurt!" Joe yelled as Mardon blasted some cops out of the way. I looked around for the wand and saw it on the ground. I tried to go after it but it seems to me Mardon knows my every move. He used the wind to push me out of the way
"But they are gonna get hurt." Mardon said and used his wind to pinned me on the ground. I started to cough trying to breathe it felt like he was trying to suffocate me. Mardon used his other hand to pin Joe on the ground as well and tried to use his lightning at that moment I felt another gust of wind and saw The Flash grabbed the wand but before he could use it Mardon threw lightning at Joe and Singh pushed Joe out of the way and took the hit
"Captin!" Joe yelled at Singh who was no on the ground not moving. The Flash then used the wand which stopped the thunder, the lightning and the wind. I felt the wind relesing me. I coughed and caught my breath. I looked up and saw Singh on the ground and The Flash over him.
Mardon caught us by surprise....
I am ending this chapter here I hope you all enjoy this chapter it is over 4,000 words and my fingers hurt so I really hope you all liked it
Votes and comments are welcome
And I will see you guys in the next chapter
P.S: Beware of spelling errors in here he app Grammarly which I use on here isn't working for some reason
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