Chapter 39
Hello everyone welcome to a new chapter today, as of this chapter the rest of the chapter updates will be slow because it is almost July and I am going to make that month my studying month I have to study for my SATs so be aware everyone updating will be slow, I will also update Take A Closer Look soon because I added more drawings on my computer that I want to present so stay soon everyone.
As for now here is the chapter everyone
Steve's Pov
I was getting ready to go home after my shift when I heard some gunshots and people screaming. I spotted a girl who looked like Caitlin run out of the building along with the guy she was with. I immediately went to the back door which was the roof of Jitters. I saw down the alleyway a man with his hands up and was surrounded by....the military?
"Ronald Raymond. Burning Man himself. Half of him, anyway." One of the military men spoke, Burning Man? I remember hearing about him long ago, it was one of Iris's articles she was tying to write but got scrapped. I quickly got my Sheild out and got ready to jump off the roof. I hopped off of the roof and tackled the Military man down to the ground just in time to feel a gust of wind blow right past me. I looked at The Flash then felt the guy throw me off causing me to grunt. I stood up by The Flash
"Look who decided to show up, Captain America himself, dude where the hell have you been! I have been using my free time and my working time, I have a life out of the damn suit to stop robbers which I thought you had a handle of. What happened? catching up on episodes of Friends or something?" The Flash asked me slightly pissed
"Sorry Flash I was doing some investigation which took a lot of my hero time away," I said feeling bad I saw Flash roll his eyes
"Oh excuses" Flash said
"Bomb!" I heard the man, Ronald I believe that is his name shouted. Flash and I looked up and the bomb exploded in needles. I covered myself with my shield but none of the needles hit me it landed on The Flash instead The Flash fell to the ground and screamed in pain
"Stings doesn't it? Had that one developed especially for you. Micro fragments attracted to kinetic energy. Firestorm was tonight's main objective, but getting you... that's just gravy." The guy said. In the distance I saw a van coming towards us labeled 'S.T.A.R. Labs' I threw my shield at the guy which caused him to fall
"Get in!" Caitlin's voice came from the van
"Go! I'll distract him" I shouted
"No we aren't leaving without you," Ronald said
"Go now Firestorm!" I shouted, Ronald then grabbed The Flash who was covered in head to toe needles. The both men got inside of the van and Caitlin sped off. The man was the ground still which gave me the chance to escape.
Barry's pov
I was in S.T.A.R Labs covered in needles on the medical bed. I felt Caitlin pick off every single needle which caused me to hiss in pain.
"You need to hurry, Barry's wounds are starting to heal with the fragments still under his skin," Wells said
"This is just like that time I stepped on a sea urchin. Only much worse." Cisco said. I hissed in pain again
"Just don't pee on me," I said
"Uh, you know that's a myth, right?" Cisco asked. I turned and looked at him he is dumb. Caitlin yanked a needle out of my neck causing me to yell in pain.
"I am so stupid, Jason Rush, the grad student who was helping Professor Stein with his Firestorm research, he said that the army took all of Professor Stein's material when he disappeared. I should have known it was General Eiling." Caitlin said
"Not your fault. He still thinks you hold the keys to the ultimate human weapon... both of you." Wells said. Catlin continued to pick off the needles slowly
"Okay, let's just finish this. I gotta get to Stein's house. Eiling's gonna be after him too." I said and Ronnie turned around
"Stein's fine," Ronnie said
"How do you know?" Cisco asked
"He's right there," Ronnie said which caused the team to turn away. I huffed a breath when Caitlin stopped picking off the needles
"I don't think Mr. Raymond and I are as distinctive as we had hoped," Stein said. I laid there patiently when Caitlin spoke
"Maybe we should do some sort of brain scan on you to see how you are all still connected, "Caitlin said
"Or! you can finish getting the needles out of my body before you do that, I can feel my body healing and let me tell you doesn't feel pleasant," I said after 10-15 minutes of hell my body was free from all of the needles. Caitlin looked at Stein's brain scan which caused Stein to look at the monitor
"I'm still inside of Ronald," He said which caused me to snicker at what he said
"There has to be a better way to phrase that," Ronnie said.
"Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta - all your brain waves are perfectly in sync. The chances of that happening are next to impossible." Caitlin said
"Impossible is just another Tuesday for us," I said sighing
"Yeah, but this is like some Twilight Zone level stuff, and I say that knowing full well that we have a guy locked up in our basement who can turn himself into poison gas," Cisco said
"Wait really?" Ronnie asked sounding surprised
"Dude that was like, week three" Cisco said
"Look, if this Eiling is as dangerous as you say, then I need to warn Clarissa," Stein said about to get up but I stopped him
"I promise, I can get Clarissa out of the city in time, but we need you to stay here. Professor, I need you to trust us." I said
"Very well," Stein said and stayed put. I notice Ronnie walking away, i quickly followed him
"Hey, you okay?" I asked him
"Yeah, it's just not the S.T.A.R. Labs I knew," Ronnie said looking around
"Ronnie, this isn't the world that you knew," I said
"Tell me about it," Ronnie said then sighed "Hey thanks for saving me back there," He said
"Of course," I said with a smile
"Hey um I gotta ask you something," Ronnie said which gave me full attention on him "What is that dude...wearing the Star Captain America I believe is his name...what is that dude's deal?" Ronnie asked
"Uh...well I know that he showed in Central City after a falling out with his own team and started to become a hero to this city," I said
"Hmm, so you two work together?" Ronnie asked
"Occasionally yes" I replied trying to understand what Ronnie was going with, with this situation
"Alright, well when you see him again tell him I said thanks," Ronnie said
"Of course, um with this whole Eiling situation it is not safe for you and Caitlin to go out on your own so you two will be staying at my place," I said
"Oh thanks, Barry," Ronnie said smiling. It started to get really late and we were all getting exhausted, we got to my house.
"All right, here we are." I said Ronnie and Caitlin looked around the house "All right you guys can stay in Iris's old room" I said Joe got up and went over there to see what's up "Hey, We have guests" I said
"Yeah we do," Joe said not realizing he was going to have guests here tonight
"I hope that's okay," Caitlin said with a smile. Joe shook Ronnie's hand and immediately recognized him
"Ronnie the..." Joe trailed
"Dead fiance," Ronnie said
"" Joe asked handing him a beer
"Thanks," Ronnie said and started to drink it I heard some laughing sounds and the door opening, I saw Iris walk in carrying groceries and...Steve right behind her. I froze in place
"Hey Barry, Dad" Iris greeted. Steve froze at his spot seeing me then quickly looking away. Things got awkward very fast, Ronnie looked at Steve then at me
"Hi...what are you doing here?" Joe asked
"Uh, it's Tuesday. I was gonna make us dinner, remember?" Iris asked
"Here, I'll get that," Joe said grabbing the groceries and walked into the kitchen.
"Caitlin, what brings you by?" Iris said
"Uh there was a gas leak in my apartment so Barry said we could stay here," Caitlin said lying which Iris caught on quick
"Ah that's sweet of him," Iris said and looks at Ronnie and smiled at him
"Who's he?" Steve asked. Iris looked at Caitlin in a slight panic
"This is uh" Iris trailed
"Her cousin," I said and Steve nodded
"Sam, visiting from Coast City," Caitlin said
"You look familiar Sam," Steve said
"ah...I have those faces" Ronnie said chuckling slightly "And who are you?" Ronnie asked
"Steve Rogers a friend of Iris and...Barry" Steve said
"Oh you're that Steve guy Barry didn't shut up about," Ronnie said which caused me to rub my head in embarrassment
"Oh I didn't know I was talked about," Steve said
"So what's for dinner?" I asked trying to change the subject.
"It's a surprise," Iris said and walked off to the kitchen. Caitlin and Ronnie walked off leaving me and Steve
" you been Barry?" Steve asked I looked at him with anger in my eyes
"Doing fine thanks for asking" I snapped slightly which caused Steve to sigh then walked off to the kitchen to help Joe. I didn't realize that I had snapped at him, I shouldn't have...I don't know why. I sat down on the couch and notice a picture of me and my mom. I grabbed the picture and stared at it. Joe walked in and saw me
"Bar?" He asked walking towards me "Should I have not shown you?" He asked
"No, I had to know," I said staring at the picture
"We have been through so much. You have... all your life. And you've been so strong. But I am still your guardian, and it's my job to guard you, not just physically, but from heartache. I can't help but feel like I just handed you a brand new burden." Joe said
"Yeah," I said nodding
Steve's Pov
There was high tension between me and Barry, I know that Barry is still pissed at me for hanging up on him the other day. I walked away into the kitchen after Barry snapped at me. I didn't want that moment to end up in a fight especially with guests being over here. I couldn't help but think about Sam Caitlin's cousin he really did look familiar like I saw him not that long ago I couldn't put my finger on it. I walked into the kitchen and saw Iris and Joe cooking.
"Ah shit the stuff is starting to burn," Iris said cooking what appears to be noddles
"Uh need help?" I asked
"Oh hey Steve didn't see you behind me uh you can take over cutting the chicken I need to check on Barry," Joe said and I nodded and started to cut the chicken. I watched as Joe walked away I noticed Joe has been avoiding me ever since I called about the blood. I was in deep thought when I accidentally cut myself
"OW! damnit" I shouted in pain
"Did you cut yourself?" Iris asked I looked at my thumb and saw a little bit of blood
"Yep sure did," I said
"Oh no, um upstairs in the bathroom are bandages," Iris said. I nodded and walked off and saw Joe and Barry talking. I hid behind the of the corner and watched the two
"Should I have not shown you?" Joe asked
"No, I had to know," Barry said holding what it appears to be a picture, of...his mom. I stood there in shock realizing what Joe had done, he told Barry about the investigation that I practically ruin my chances to be with Barry because of the investigation that I didn't want Barry to know about and Joe just told him! I stormed away from the area and back in the kitchen not caring about my thumb that was still bleeding slightly.
Barry's Pov (bouncing again)
"Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked
"Mhmm" Joe hummed out
"How did you know that the blood in the house belonged to me? You would have had to have tested it specifically." I asked
"Cisco tested it against everyone who worked at S.T.A.R. Labs," Joe said and I caught on what he was trying to do
"You wanted to know if it belonged to Wells?" I asked and Joe nodded "Joe, Dr. Wells had nothing to do with my mom's murder. You believe that now?" I asked
"Yeah...Yeah, I do" Joe said sighing slightly. Dinner was close to being ready I saw Steve set the table by himself looking pissed. I wonder what got him all pissed off now, I decided to help him anyway hoping to calm his nerves before Dinner was ready
"Here let me help," I said and grabbed the plates accidentally grabbing Steve's hands. Steve looked at him starting to calm down
"Um...thanks," he said lightly. I nodded and took the plates from him. In the distance, I saw Ronnie stumbled which caused me to jerk my head and almost dropped one the plates. Steve quickly grabbed it "Whoa there," he said
"Oh sorry I got distracted- what happened to your thumb?" I asked noticing a visible cut
"Cut myself cutting chicken," Steve said I chuckled slightly.
"Stay here," I said and went upstairs to grab a bandaid. I came downstairs and applied the bandaid on his thumb "There all better now?" I asked and Steve nodded smiling
"Yeah thank you, Barry" He replied
-Next day- (Still Barry's Pov)
Caitlin, Cisco, Ronnie, and I were at S.T.A.R. Labs in disbelief as to what Wells just told us. The army came in and took Stein
"He didn't hurt you?" I asked
"Barry, I told you... only my pride is hurt. Unfortunately, I'm not in the position to take on armed soldiers." Wells said
"Where do you think Eiling took Professor Stein?" I asked
"I imagine some off-the-books military research facility," Cisco said
"We have to get him back," I said
"Easy... Eiling has already demonstrated he has the weaponry to disable The Flash, or worse." Wells said.
"Well we can't turn Stein into a weapon," I said
"How do we find him?" Cisco asked. We all stopped we looked at Ronnie who looked at us confusingly
"What?" He asked. Caitlin then hooked Ronnie up to different machines to watch his brain scans. Ronnie laid there on the bed waiting for anything to happen
"No abnormal brain activity. All vitals steady." Caitlin said watching the computer closely
"You really think Ronnie can somehow feel where they're keeping Stein?" Cisco asked
"Ronnie got dizzy when the soldiers grabbed Stein, and Stein developed Ronnie's obsession with pizza," Caitlin said
"I don't feel anything right now," Ronnie said
"Just keep trying," I said
"Wait I feel something," Ronnie said "I'm cold," he said and shivers slightly. We waited for anything else to happen when Ronnie started to scream in pain.
"You're okay man we got you," Cisco said
"What's happening to him?" Caitlin asked
"Nothing's happening to him. It's happening to Stein, and Ronnie is feeling his pain." Wells said "I was wrong. The connection's not temporary. It's only getting stronger." Wells said
"Just try and hold on" Cisco said
"Water..." Ronnie trailed, Caitlin handed Ronnie a glass of water which Ronnie shattered in pieces and grabbed a piece of glass and started to cut his arm
"Ronnie no!" Caitlin yelled trying to stop him but I stopped here instead
"Wait, Caitlin," I said
"He's cutting himself!" She yelled
"I know let him," I said. Ronnie cut the word 'Where' on his arm
"Anything?" Caitlin asked
"Nothing. Nothing just cold" Ronnie said "Like a metal surface. Pressure on and off" Ronnie said and began to say tap over and over again
"Morse code" Wells said and Cisco ran of and grabbed his notebook
"I got this" Cisco said
"The same thing again tap, tap, tap," Ronnie said
"27. What does that mean?" Cisco asked
"Army bases... they sometimes go by numbers, like Area 51," I said
"Facility 27, about 300 miles away. It was shut down in 1961," Cisco said pulling up the picture
"Well, that's where they're keeping Stein, better call Captain America," I said going to the computer. I really want to thank Tony for updating our systems so we can communicate with Captain
"Bet you that's where they're keeping the aliens and um that one..golden horned dude that attacked New York in 2012," Cisco said
"Loki, his name is Loki," Wells said. I flashed into my suit and Ronnie stood up.
"I'm coming with you," Ronnie said
"No, you're not you can't," Caitlin said
"I'm connected to Stein. I have to go," Ronnie said
"But did you ever stop to think why your connection to him is growing stronger by the minute? Maybe you're being drawn back together. Maybe your proximity will cause you to re-merge into one" Caitlin said
"And what happens to me if he gets killed? Cait, Barry was right. The world is different now. Look, I... I thought we could get away, start a new life, a normal life, together. But there is no normal life for us. You will always risk your life to try and help people, and I will always be the guy that runs into that pipeline for you." Ronnie said and Caitlin looked away then handed Ronnie the device that was used to split him and Stein apart
"The quantum splicer. It was used to separate you once. Maybe it could be of use to keep you, you." Caitlin said
"Thanks," Ronnie said and kissed her before signaling me to him. Ronnie and I ran out of the lab.
Steve's Pov
I was sitting at home still pissed off over the fact Joe told Barry about the investigation we are doing to put his mother's killer in prison when I heard my phone chimed. I looked at the message thinking it was Barry that texted me but was The Flash
'Hey America, we have a problem, General Eiling and his army team kidnapped Stein who is the other half of Firestorm, meet me at the Facility 27 300 miles away from S.T.A.R. Labs' The message said. I quickly got into my costume and grabbed my shield and went to my motorcycle and drove off. I met up with Flash and the firestorm dude which was actually Caitin's 'cousin Sam' I knew that was full of shit but why did she and Barry lie about that I will never know. I went towards them
"What's the plan?" I asked them
"Oh jeez you scared the shit out of me," The Flash said which caused me to chuckle slightly "This place defiantly doesn't look too shady," He said sarcastically
"This takes me back to my military days," I said shaking my head
"You were in the military?" Flash asked
"Uh obviously there was no way I got this body in the gym and had a great fighting skill," I said which caused Flash to roll his eyes
"Stein's inside. I can feel our connection growing stronger like he's pulling me." Ronald said "Eiling has the gun to Stein's head he's about to pull the trigger," He said and The Flash flashed off and came back with an elderly man, Stein
"Whoa... I never thought I'd be happy to see you." Stein said to Ronald
"Yeah likewise," Ronald said
"Let's get out of here," The Flash said and heard bullets in the distance. I grabbed the two men and shielded them from the bullets. I saw a missle coming towards us and The Flash flashed in and grabbed the missle which exploded and started to burn The Flash. The missle was laced with some sort of chemical. The Flash screamed on the ground
"Flash what was that!" I shouted
"They hit me with some kind of chemical" The Flash replied
"It's a weaponized phosphorous. Water or foam won't extinguish it. But you can't burn in a vacuum, so you need to create one." I heard Cisco and Wells in the coms
"Run Flash Run!" Wells shouted and Flash ran off. I grabbed Stein and Ronald and we began to run off to safety but was stopped by more soldiers
"Run!" I shouted at them and hit one of the soldiers. A lot more soldiers kept coming and coming I was outnumbered. They all had their guns drawn and pointed at me. I held onto my shield tight then saw what appears to be flames reflected off of my shield. I looked off in the distance and saw a fireball blasting away the soldiers. Ronald, now Firestorm came towards me
"Professor?" Ronald asked as if he can hear Stein in his mind. I saw a solider in the distance and was about to throw my shield when firestorm turned around and blasted that solider away I looked at the firestorm
"Nice shot," I said
"Thanks, Captain, no I am not asking him for autograph Stein," He said We went towards Eiling "This ends now Eiling," he said
"Yes it does for both of you," Eiling said and tossed a grenade at them. I tackled firestorm to the ground the blast still hit Firestorm causing his powers to go away. Where the fuck is this dude getting the bombs from? His ass? I noticed a slight burn mark on my suit which caused me to groan
" An ion grenade. Just bombarded your cellular structure with enough ions to destabilize your matrix. Mr. Raymond, Professor Stein, you're both fine Americans. Your country thanks you for your sacrifice." Eiling said about to shoot them I tried to take down Eiling but The Flash beat me to it. He panted
"Oh god that was lot of running," The Flash said with his suit completely burnt from the chemicals, okay now I don't feel so bad complaining about my suit. Flash helped Firestorm up and helped me up
"Wow your suit is a complete loss," I said looking at it
"yep, Cisco is gonna be pissed when he sees it" The flash chuckled then saw firestorm going towards. Flash went over there as I got onto my bike. I looked back at them and saw The Flash about to run, I decided to speed off hoping to beat him this time but I felt a gust of wind go past me and he grinned at me causing me to roll my eyes playfully. I saw Firestorm fly past catching up to The Flash well trying to.
Barry's Pov
Ronnie, Stein, and I went back to S.T.A.R. Labs, I showed Caitlin a burn mark that was on my side which Caitlin said it was going to heal in about an hour. I watched as Ronnie/Stein stood there like they were getting ready to try and split apart. Flames surrounded them as I see the energy beginning to split apart like Atoms and all of a sudden Stein was out in his own body.
"I think we're getting the hang of this quite nicely," Stein said, Ronnie turned to Caitlin with a look like he has to go
"It's okay, I understand you have to go," She said
"How did you know?" He asked
"I'm connected to you too," Caitlin said.
The next morning we all went to Stein's house so Stein can say goodbye to his wife.
"Where will you go?" Caitlin asked Ronnie
"Pittsburgh, maybe. Professor Stein has a colleague he thinks can help us learn more about our abilities" Ronnie said
"We can help you here too," Caitlin said
"Eiling has already breached S.T.A.R. Labs. We need to stay one step ahead of him... for all of us. I'm coming back." Ronnie said
"We'll have pizza," Caitlin said
I watched the two pair kiss one final time like a wife kissing her husband before he goes off to war.
"Godspeed Mr. Allen," Stein said
"You too," I said
"As to our earlier conversation, I believe in second chances. You'll get yours. Give it time. Both Time Travel and Steve" Stein said smiling "Ready Ronald?" Stein asked
"Please stop calling me that," Ronnie said. We all watched Ronnie and Stein go outside and merged into firestorm once again
"We love you," Ronnie said to Clarissa and Caitlin before flying off. Caitlin and Cisco decided to go to Jitters while I went back to my old home that my mother was murdered in. I saw Joe walk into the house
"Hey" He greeted me "So why'd you bring me here?" Joe asked
"I don't know how and I don't know when, but one day soon, I'm gonna be in this house again, 15 years ago. And I'm gonna fail... Unless this time, I don't" I said looking at Joe
"What are you saying?" Joe asked
"Knowing that I'm supposed to lose gives me the advantage. Those images are a lesson in what not to do. When I face off against the man in yellow, I won't make the same mistake twice." I said putting a really deep thought into this.
"You're gonna change the past?" Joe asked
"Joe...I'm going to save my mom," I said sternly.
3rd Person Pov
Back at the base after being defeated by 3 heroes, General Eiling was sitting at his office trying to come up with another plan to get Firestorm when he noticed the electricity in the base started to flicker. Eiling looked around then got up and went to the door when all of a sudden a gust of wind grabbed Eiling and flashed him to the sewers.
"What... what the hell was that?" Eiling asked in shocked
"It's good to see you again, General." A distorted voice came behind of the general. Eiling turned around and saw Reverse Flash standing there
"Who are you?" He asked
"Who am I?" Reverse asked then took off his mask revealing himself as Harrison Wells
"Harrison, you're one of them a meta-human" Eiling said in disgust
"yes I am and I protect my own" Wells said as a growling sound was heard which caused Eiling to jerk his head to the noise
"Who was that?" Eiling asked
"Now, that... is an old friend of ours," Wells said smirking as the growling sound came closer
"General" The voice came
"That... voice... It's in my head. Dear God." Eiling said stumbling when he saw a huge gorilla that he once tortured with the same thing he did to Stein.
"Not God...Grodd" Grodd growled out then grabbed Eiling and went back into the darkness.
Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnn another cliffhanger for you my readers hahaha I'm evil
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter
Votes and comments are welcome
I will see you guys next time
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