Chapter 38
Hello everyone welcome to a new chapter today I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. So I signed this book up for 2 different awards and I am praying that I win at least one because I know a lot of you love this book and I think you would want this amazing book to win one for the best fanfiction. I believe this book could an award sticker on the cover.
Anyways here is the chapter,
Barry's Pov
I ran away from the mushroom cloud as fast as I could, I held onto Caitlin tightly as I kept running. My legs were starting to get tired but I kept going, I kept running and running till my legs couldn't handle it. Once we were in the safe area I crashed to the ground and covered Caitlin with my body to protect her from the dust and debris.
"Barry? Barry, what happened out there?" I heard Wells in coms
"Are you guys okay?" Cisco asked. I helped Caitlin get up from the ground. I looked at her
"Are you okay?" I asked her
"I think so" She said
"I think so" I repeated in coms
"Oh god, the nuclear explosion, There's no telling how much radiation we were exposed to" Caitlin said coughing slightly
"Wait... wait, wait, wait, wait, this can't be. The Geiger counter in the suit... it's reading less than one milliard." Cisco said
"Yeah that's normal," I said
"There's no radiation," Wells said. I looked at Caitlin
"Let's go," I said and led her down to the crater. There is no telling what we are going to see, we might see burn marks that are shaped like humans or body parts I just pray that something happened and they were able to separate.
"Did it work? Did you separate them?" Cisco asked worriedly through coms
"I don't know" I replied. Through the dust and ashes, Caitlin and I saw a body laying there, it looked like Ronnie who is...breathing. Caitlin ran to Ronnie. I watched as the couple finally reunited. Caitlin smiled widely finding out that is her fiance and not Stein. I saw them kiss they were interrupted by a voice
"Uh pardon me Obviously, I need a change of clothes." Stein, the real Stein said coming forward.I smiled
"Nice to see you in the flesh again, Professor Stein," I said "We're coming home, all of us," I said through coms. We quickly went back to S.T.A.R. Labs and Cisco gave Ronnie a big hug. Caitlin was checking Ronnie's vitals I smiled at the pair when Stein walked in, he and Ronnie had some sort of heated argument about how they were merged into one. Things got a bit awkward really fast but luckily that quickly ended when Stein asked me to take him to his wife. I can imagine Clarissa's face when she sees her husband. Stein stared at his home in shocked, we walked up to the door and got ready to knock
"Oh wait, uh what should I say?" Stein asked a little nervous, I chuckled slightly
"You can either speak from the heart like what you told me before or you don't have to say anything," I said to him with a smile. Stein smiled back
"I see, you remember our conversation," He said and I nodded
"Have to say it was one of my best conversations and advice I have ever had' i said to him. The door opened and Clarissa stood there in shock before grabbing Stein and held him in her arms. I smiled at them, it makes me so happy to see someone go home after a long trip from either battle like soldiers go to or a missing person reuniting with someone they love and they hold onto each other and don't let go. My smile fell when I have that feeling like I want that, someone I would run home to after a long night saving the city, something I would love to share with...Steve. Clarrissa looked at me and mouthed 'thank you' to me. I smiled in response and was about to leave
"Uh Mister...uh Barry," Stein called out catching my attention. I looked at him
"yeah?" I asked
"Barry, I... I know I can be difficult, but thank you for bringing me home." Stein said. I smiled
"I'll see you soon, professor," I said and walked off. I checked my phone for any messages and saw that I missed 3 messages from Joe "Shit" I cursed and flashed off to CCPD. I walked into my lab and saw Joe who was watching the news
"Hey" I greeted him
"I left you three messages' Joe said
"yeah sorry," I said
"About the lack of communication, or that new hole out in the badlands?" Joe asked pointing at the news screen.
"We're all fine thanks," I said to him
"I wasn't calling about the explosion. I have to show you something." Joe said and led me out. I followed him and was confused. He drove me to a neighborhood that I crystal clear remember. We walked into the house I grew up in. I walked inside and looked around trying not to have flashbacks. Why did he bring me here...
"It's smaller than I remember," I said looking around, this place hasn't changed a bit but I notice a few new changes, decoration wise.
"Yeah. It's because you're bigger. Have you been in here? I mean, recently." Joe asked I shook my head still looking around
"No. I haven't been in this house since that night." I said. Joe went to a machine that was in the main room where my mother was killed.
"Bar, This mirror... you remember it?" Joe asked. I looked at the mirror in shocked
"Yeah. It belonged to my grandma. How is it still here?" I asked thinking the mirror got destroyed years ago. Joe looked at me
"Just be glad it is. Look... I don't fully know how Cisco did it, but..." Joe trailed
"Did what? Joe, what are we doing here?" I asked still utterly confused and hurt at the fact he brought me back to the place that ruined everything. Joe turned on the machine and it scanned the mirror and brought up a 3D imaginary I gasped when I saw the frames. I saw my mom sitting in the middle in horror
"Mom," I said looking at her
"You can definitely see two very fast people fighting around your mother," Joe said
"Two speedsters," I said remembering the time I tried to help my dad get out of prison when I was little. But no one believed me. Joe then pointed to a wall that was covered in blood
"You see that?" He asked
"The blood?" I asked
"Cisco and I had the DNA tested. It's yours." Joe said and I shook my head
"No, it's not. That's impossible. I wasn't even downstairs yet." I said
"No, Barry. Not that you. This you. Cisco had the samples analyzed and the proteins in the blood were that of an adult, not a child." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I was somehow there that night me
"But that means..." I trailed
"The second speedster, the one trying to stop the man in yellow..." Joe trailed
"Is..The Flash" I said "that's me" I gasped.
Steve's Pov
I was sitting in my apartment watching the news, I was watching some tv shows when they interrupted it saying some sort of 'military experiment' gone wrong and let go an explosion almost like a nuclear bomb. Military experiment my ass, I wish they would stop with the lies and just say it like it is, we already know whatever you say is lies...wish S.H.E.I.L.D would do that. I was clearly bored out of my mind and was waiting for Joe to call or text me about the DNA in that blood. It has been a day and he hasn't contacted me. I decided to call Joe and asked if the results are in
"hello?" I heard Joe on the other line
"Hey, Detective West it's Steve, it has been a day and I am wondering if the test results are in?" I asked
"Oh um I did come in but it wasn't what we are looking for," Joe said. I became very confused
"Huh?" I asked
"Meaning that it was someone else's blood that wasn't from the 2 speedsters I think the blood came from the owner of the house who I am about to investigate soon," Joe said. It seemed to me he was hiding something from me I can sense it but I decided to play along
"Uh um alright," I said
"Yeah I am so sorry for wasting your time Steve, honestly we are all bummed right now," Joe said
"It's okay um tell Barry I said hi," I said then hung up. "Alright detective West, what are you hiding from me now?" I asked myself
Barry's Pov (bouncing between them again sorry)
"Time Travel..." Dr. Wells trailed after Joe and I told him about my blood on the wall
"If the last five months have proven anything, it's that anything can exist, but to actually travel through time?" I asked
"Well, the greatest minds in human history put their collective genius towards solving that puzzle," Wells said
"So it's possible?" Joe asked
"Yes, it's possible. But problematic. Assuming you could create the conditions necessary to take that journey... well, that journey would then be fraught with potential pitfalls. The Novikov principle of self-consistency, for example." Wells explained
"Wait, the what now?" Joe asked becoming confused with scientific stuff.
"If you travel back in time to change something, then you end up being the causal factor of that event," Wells said and Cisco spoke up
"Like Terminator," He said and Joe nodded understanding what Wells is now saying.
"Or is time plastic? Is it mutable whereby any changes to the continuum could create an alternate timeline." Wells said
"Back to The Future" Cisco said
"Ah, saw that too," Joe said. Wow and everything says I'm the nerd. Joe's phone started to ring. I looked at Joe and Joe excused himself from the group and answered.
"Right. So what's the answer?" I asked
"I might be a clever guy, Barry, but if you're asking me to give you a working theory on how to travel through time, I'm afraid I just can't do that," Wells said. I sighed not getting the answer I need
"There is someone you can talk to" Cisco mentioned and I thought about how Stein wrote a paper about Time Travel which I honestly thought was an excellent theory and this was back when I wasn't interested in time travel. I decided to flash over to Stein's place he is the person that would know about time travel better than anyone. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Clarrissa
"Barry?" She asked
"Mrs. Stein, I'm sorry to bother you here, but is Professor Stein here right now?" I asked
"Well, after a year apart, I'm not letting him out of my sight." She said crossing her arms "S.T.A.R. Labs did quite a few tests on Martin, didn't they... and they said he was fine?" She asked and I nodded
"Yeah. Why, is something wrong?" I asked
"He just seems a little different, is all." She said which made me slightly concerned
"Different how?" I asked
"He's been asking for pizza. Martin despises pizza." She said
"Is that the delivery man?" I heard Stein's voice in the distance, this is very weird I heard Ronnie said he was craving pizza really bad. Stein walked up to the door "Oh Mr. Allen I suppose it's too much to hope you moonlight as a pizza boy. I am famished." Stein said. I smiled then flashed off and came back with a box of pizza "Oh bravo! please come in" Stein said and let me inside "So what can I do for you?" He asked taking a bite out of the pizza
"Um, I... I needed to talk to you about a paper that you wrote 25 years ago for the Oxford University Press." I said
"I've written many papers for that publication. Could you be more specific about the subject matter?" Stein asked
"Time Travel" I replied. Stein stopped eating the pizza and looked at me. Stein then gestured to me to follow him, we went inside of his office which was filled with chalkboards that had equations scrubbed on there, on his desks, there was papers and books tacked high on there. I am guessing this is where he did his F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M research.
"These are just a few of the random thoughts I've had on the subject," Stein said talking about Time Travel
"Few?" I asked looking around at the cluttered space
"See, I believe that space-time is a free-flowing highway that intersects the physical world. We live in... in the moments between the on and off-ramps. Theoretically, to travel through time, one merely needs to find a way onto the highway," Stein explained
"Okay, so... so you're saying that this is actually possible to... to travel into the future?" I asked
"Undoubtedly," Stein said
"What about the past?" I asked
"Yes," Stein said "My own personal choice would be the Chicago World's Fair, 1893. I... I think Nicola Tesla and I would have some wonderful arguments. What about you? Would you be interested in taking a trip into history?" Stein asked excitedly to talk about Time Travel
"I think that I already have. Professor, um... 15 years ago, my mom was murdered and we recently discovered some evidence that... I was there that night, and not just as a kid, but as an adult." I said
"That must be a side effect of your incredible speed. In some... future date, you actually move so fast that the resulting kinetic energy buildup smashes a hole in the space-time continuum!" Stein exclaimed, my face grew into disappointment
"You seem disappointed by the prospect," Stein said noticing my expression
"I mean, if I do somehow make it back there to that night, then... it means that I didn't save her. My destiny is to fail." I said feeling greatly disappointed, why did I save my mother why did I let her die? What was stopping me? I have so many questions and I knew I can't find the answers unless I find a way to talk to myself that night...
"Look, Barry, some people have different fates, like maybe the real reason why you were actually there as an adult was to save somebody else and not your mother," Stein said. I sighed thinking about what he was saying "Or another example, fate brought you and Steve closer" Stein said smiling slightly. I looked at him "Tell me did you get the chance to talk to him?" He asked
"I...didn't have the chance to and if it's true about fate bringing us together then fate needs to do something now because...I am...losing hope" I said looking down.
"Never give up young man," Stein said. Stein and I spent a few more minutes talking more about time travel, I was searching in one of the books which contained a newspaper that titled 'Slovakia falls, Avengers to blame' which dated around the time I started out as a Forensic Scientist (2013) when Stein stumbled slightly which caught my attention. (A/N: Read at the end of chapter notes for more timeline details in case you are confused)
"Professor?" I asked
"Martin?" Clarrissa asked
"What's wrong? I asked
"I...I don't know I..I feel terrified" Stein said "My heart is racing" He breathed out, "I think Ronald is in trouble," He said
"How do you know that?" I asked
"Jitters...he needs help Go!" Stein yelled and I ran off. I showed up at the alleyway by Jitters and saw a man dressed in a military uniform getting closer to Ronnie when all of a sudden, I saw Captain America tackle the military person to the ground from the rooftop. oh, now he shows up! I flashed over there and went to Ronnie. The military guy, who looks like General Eiling threw Captain off. I looked at Captain who stood up
"Look who decided to show up, Captain America himself, dude where the hell have you been! I have been using my free time and my working time, I got a life out of this damn suit to stop robbers which I thought you had a handle of. What happened? catching up on some episodes of Friends or something?" I asked slightly pissed
"Sorry Flash I was doing some investigation which took a lot of my hero time away," Captain America said which cause me to roll my eyes, I am so sick of hearing that excuse
"Oh excuses" I scoffed and crossed my arms
"Bomb!" Ronnie yelled. I saw the bomb in the sky which exploded into needles that crashed down on me. I laid on the ground screaming in pain covered in needles
"Flash!" Captain yelled then threw his shield at Eiling.
Life is just full of needles that just poke at you annoyingly UGH!
Gotta love a moody Barry, I am ending the chapter here I hope you all enjoy
Okay, so I know there is going to be some confusion as far as what I said Ultron being around 2013 even though Ultron came out around 2015 I went ahead and did my own timeline combining Dc/Marvel slightly. Here is the official timeline I made.
1940s: Steve Rogers joins the army and goes into the ice in 1945
1989: Barry Allen is born
1990s: Captain Marvel makes her appearance
2000: Nora Allen (Barry's mother) dies
2008: Hulk is created, Tony becomes Iron Man
2012: Steve wakes up and joins the Avengers (around the time Reverse Flash tries to steal the tesseract but warns Fury instead)
2012 (after battle): Winter Solider takes place after Avengers separated for a little while (this is where Iron Man has his solo movies which I am leaving out of the book so I filled this space for Winter Solider)
2013:Ultron is created, Slovakia is destroyed
Late 2013: Barry Allen is a forensic Scientist (I do not know the specific year Barry becomes a Forensic Scientist but I know around that year was when he was in Arrow as a forensic scientist)
early 2014: Civil War happens, Steve leaves the team and moves to Central City, Steve and Barry meet. Barry gets struck by lightning
Late 2014 (around October timeframe): Barry becomes The Flash (Since The Flash started on the month of October)
Hopefully, that makes sense to everyone I know some of you were very confused at the way I set up this book. Although I might have to go back into the book and make a few changes if you guys have any questions feel free to ask me
Votes and comments are welcome
I will see the next timeline. hahaha jokes
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