Chapter 28
Hello everyone welcome to a new chapter today. I hope everyone is doing well. I apologize for posting this chapter so freaking late this is technically a Christmas chapter and it is now 2020 I was trying to update this by the New Year but I got hit with writer's block, Watty erased my Savitar drawing on Take A Closer Look and of course, I got schoolwork but all of that isn't going to stop me from updating this book.
So in today's chapter, I am an idiot I forgot to add a scene for the last chapter a really cool scene for Steve but since the last chapter was like 6,000+ words I decided to put in here, the man who killed Barry's mother is in town and haunting Barry, the Man in the Yellow suit is after a device made by mercury labs, Joe revealed about how the Man in the Yellow suit threatened to hurt Iris, he and Iris talked and he revealed a secret to her, oh someone very special is coming to Central City for an 'interview of a lifetime' ehehe
Here is the chapter everyone
(Do you guys like my Flash drawing? You can see the drawing again in Take A Closer Look with the review/reaction of Crisis on Infinite Earths all parts since all of the parts aired...)
Steve's Pov [after the battle]
After the tense battle between me, the Flash and Arrow and catching the meta-human I decided to go home and chill. My side was hurting from the fight and I was tired as hell. I sat on the couch and checked the recent post from Iris. My face fell when I saw the title of The Flash, it said something about The Flash being a bad guy, I heard that The Flash beat up Iris's boyfriend Eddie I sighed reading her post about what The Flash did and what he claimed to what happened tonight. I closed my laptop and took off my mask. I took a deep breath, my lip was busted and my cheek had a giant bruise, The Flash really knows how to punch. I felt my phone vibrated telling me I got a text message. I looked at it and saw that it was from Barry
From Barry:
Hey Steve, I know it's been a while since I texted you I am sorry but I am here to let you know that I have a case in Starling City, Oliver needs help with the case and I can't just say no to him so in case you don't see me or hear from me that's because I am out of town.
I sighed looking at the text, Oliver really stole Barry from me didn't he? Well, I guess Barry and I aren't just meant to be. I texted him back saying 'good luck' I looked at my shield and noticed something glaring. I looked at it closely. On the Star, there was a lightning bolt on there.
"huh," I said to myself "how did that get there?" then I remembered when Flash punched my shield with all of his lightning, it is weird how lightning can leave a mark on something that was made by vibranium? it's understandable that King T'Challa's claws can leave a mark because his claws are made out of vibranium too but this is unexplainable. I decided to just forget about it for tonight and go to bed. I am too tired. I quickly changed clothes and went to bed.
-A week later- (was it a week later that he came back from Starling City??? I have no idea)
Barry's Pov
I cannot believe Christmas is finally coming here, this will be my first Christmas since I woke up from the coma, I can already feel the Christmas season, peppermint coffee in Jitters, people decorating their house with Christmas light and the tree which is what Joe and I are doing and to be's taking forever.
"There are only two boxes left," Joe said
"You know, at this rate, we'll be finished by Easter" I joked then gave Joe a mischievous smile
"Don't even" Joe said but too late I had decorated the tree. I sat back down on the couch and huffed a breath "Okay, the only red-suited dude I want in this house right now is Kris Kringle you got it?" Joe asked. I sighed then flashed around the tree taking off all of the decorations and sat back down on the couch. Joe laughed at me I couldn't help but smile. I heard Iris walk-in
"Uh these ornaments are not gonna hang themselves," She said looking at me
"Mhm," I hummed and looked at Joe. Iris then gave us a cup of egg nog
"Grandma Esther's recipe. Light on the bourbon" She said. We all took a sip the stuff was so good even though I can't drunk which is a downer
"I always loved her definition of light," Joe said chuckling then his phone started to ring "And the Christmas tradition continues. Detective West yeah?" Joe asked answering his phone. "All right, sorry kids, the D.A wants to ask me some questions. Make sure there's some nog let for me when I get back" Joe said. I was already on my 3rd cup when he said that
"No promises," I said and Joe walked out. Iris yanked me down on the ground "What's happening?" I asked she yanked me towards the tree "Oh come on we're doing this already? Christmas isn't for a few days" I said
"I couldn't wait any longer," Iris said hanging me a present
"Oh wait, me first," I said finding her present. I gave Iris a small box, she opened it and a smile formed on her face
"My mother's wedding band?" She asked
"A replica yeah, you were devastated when you lost the real one,"I said
"Our fifth-grade field trip to the zoo," We both said at the same time
"You cried for weeks," I said remembering that day.
"Well, my gift sucks in comparison," Iris said handing me a wrapped gift. I unwrapped it and it was a new Forensic kit
"It's supposed to be the best one on the market. I thought you could maybe use a new one. It's lame" Iris said. I chuckled
"No no this is great I love it," I said smiling
"Yeah?" Iris asked
"Yeah of course," I said
''So Barry did you get Steve a gift?" Iris asked. I was currently looking at the new kit when she asked that question which caused me to freeze
"Uh I didn't get him...anything," I said nervously
"Bartholomew Henry Allen don't tell me you forgot to buy Steve a gift" Iris shouted
"No, I didn't it's just I don't know what to get him," I said nervously
"Well I remember Steve told me he's been trying to buy a new jacket," Iris said smiling at me. I thought about it I remember seeing a hole on his jacket maybe I should surprise him and buy him a new brown leather jacket. I was broken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.
"Hey babe" Iris greeted Eddie walking through the door
"Hey, Barry. Nice ring" Eddie greeted me then noticed the ring Iris was wearing around her neck
"It's an exact replica of my mom's Barry got it for me," Iris said smiling
"That's very thoughtful Bar" Eddie said looking at it
"Yeah, she was heartbroken losing the real ring so I figure I should get a replica," I said smiling
"So are we tree trimming?" Iris asked
"yeah," Eddie said
"okay See you Barry don't forget to buy Steve something like a new jacket," Iris said
"yeah yeah," I said sighing. I also realized I have to buy my friends gifts. I couldn't help but stare at the egg nog that Iris left even though Joe said not to drink but what is he going to do? ground me for steal his egg nog and sharing it with his friends. I sped off with the egg nog and ran past a clothing store and saw a brown jacket. I came to a stop and looked at it and thought about Steve. I decided to hold off on the jacket and went to S.T.A.R. Labs.
"Merry Christmas," I said handing them a cup of egg nog "Just a small token of my gratitude," I said
"Aw," Cisco said
"I think I speak on behalf of my colleagues when I say you've been a gift for us Barry," Dr. Wells said with a smile
"What's this?" Caitlin asked
"This is compliments of Iris' grandma Esther's famous eggnog," I said
"That's what I'm talking about," Cisco said drinking it. I saw Wells put the eggnog off of the side
"Maybe later for me," He said and went off. I whispered to the team
"Did I say something wrong?" I asked
"No," both Catlin and Cisco said
"He um this used to be his favorite time of year, but the accident happened before Christmas so...kind of ruined the holidays," Caitlin said I watched as Dr. Wells went away I felt bad for him.
"So what are you doing for Christmas Cisco?" I asked him
Steve's Pov
I made my way to Jitters. I saw Christmas lights on buildings as I drove past them. I can't believe it's almost Christmas already this year has gone by so freaking fast, faster than the Flash running out in the street or maybe he is the cause of the year going by so fast because well...he is The Flash. Or maybe this year went by fast now that Barry woke up from his coma and we had spent time together. I smiled at myself thinking about Barry then I felt a gust of wind hitting my face and all I saw was a red streak must be The Flash saving somebody. I drove past one of the shops and saw a few people exchanging gifts then I realized that I didn't give anything for Christmas
"Shit" I muttered to myself. I thought about what I should give Barry, a new mug? I heard that Joe broke his favorite mug for no reason, a kiss maybe? I mean maybe I should tell Barry how I feel and I don't know maybe a mistletoe would come out of nowhere and we have to kiss. I sighed to myself as I showed up to Jitters. I walked in and looked around for Iris. Then I saw her and Eddie talking. Eddie gave her something like a small box or something and Iris' eyes lit up wait did he just proposed to her? I went to them
"hey guys" I greeted them
"Oh hey steve look, I'm moving in with Eddie," Iris said smiling
"Aw congrats you two," I said patting Eddie on the back
"Oh hey, Steve did you take that job offer that CCPD gave you?" Iris asked,
"uh no I wasn't sure yet why?" I asked. Iris then went to the counter and grabbed a piece of paper
"Good cause you're going to work with me," She said smiling. I looked at the CC Jitters Job application
"Really?" I asked
"Yeah I mean you are always here with me so I figure why not work with me...unless you really want to work in CCPD as a citizen consultant and get close enough to work with Barry," Iris said
I thought about it I really wanted to work with CCPD as a Citizen consultant but at the same time, Captain America is working with CCPD and if work there Barry could very well find out or worse, the entire city will find out. Maybe it is best that I work as a Barista.
"Well thinking about it Iris, I think it'll be fun working with you," I said to her. She cheered and hugged me
"Awesome be sure to fill that out and send it to my boss and you should start working soon," Iris said smiling. I smiled back.
"Aw man that would've been awesome if you had worked with us we could've used a detective like a man like you from Brooklyn," Eddie said. I chuckled
"Well if things don't work out here then maybe I will," I said
"Oh did you get a gift for Barry?" Eddie asked. I sighed. Both Eddie and I were interrupted by our phone ringing.
"Yes?" Eddie answered. I looked at my phone and saw that mercury labs were broken into. Oh great, it is close to Christmas and the damn criminals want to ruin it. I went outside and went to an area away from the public eye to get into my suit. I grabbed my shield which was in a bag and placed it on my back and drove off.
(A/N: yes I know that's a lazy way for a superhero to change but....shut up lol)
I walked into Mercury Labs and saw Barry doing his CSI work. Joe was close to Barry and talking to him. I went towards them. "Detective, Mr. Allen, what happened here?" I asked looking at all of the bodies.
"The blood splatter patterns and trajectory of the remains...only a high-speed collision could have done this. But to cause this type of damage to a human in this space?" Barry asked "Whatever hit them would have to have been moving fast," He said and Barry paused for a second I studied him.
"Get this. The Witness says all he saw was a blur. Sound familiar?" Eddie asked then looked at me. I looked at him and studied his face, Eddie thinks The Flash did this. Joe and Barry went to the witness. I followed them
"You saw a blur? What was it?" Joe asked
"Whatever it was it was looking for something," The witnessed said
"Well, what did it look like?" I asked
"Like a man in some kind of yellow suit" the witnessed said. I felt Barry grab my arm and Joe grabbed Barry. I looked at them weird, Barry is acting so weird today. I wonder what's up with him. I went over there and pretended to look at the scene. I listened in on the conversation
"Barry listen" Joe started
"I have to check my files. Joe, you heard him all right? The man that killed my mother....he's back" Barry said. I gasped after hearing what he said, the man in a yellow suit, the blur was the one who killed his mom I remember when Barry told me about it. Wait...that gust of wind I felt earlier was that really The Flash or the man?
"I know. he's been in town for a few weeks now" Joe said I looked at Joe in disbelief wait he's been in town this whole time? why hasn't Fury connected me about this? I mean Fury is obsessed with this dude and he seems to know everything. "He paid a visit to me at the house he took all of the evidence from your mom's case. the files are gone" Joe said
"Why wouldn't you tell me this sooner?" Barry spat
"I couldn't," Joe said
"Why?" Barry asked
"Because he threatened to kill Iris," Joe said. Barry took a breath then looked at me
"How much did you hear?" Barry asked me
"enough to know that you won't be able to take this guy down yourself," I said holding my shield tight
"Thanks but no thanks this is my problem, not yours," Barry said then walked off
Barry's Pov (the next day)
Joe and I were at S.T.A.R. Labs warning my team about the Man in the yellow suit
"the witness described seeing a yellow blur just like the one that killed Barry's mother" Joe said
"Then we need to get cracking and stop this speed psycho," Cisco said I gave him Cisco an annoying look 'That...I wasn't trying to give him a name"
"The crime scene at Mercury Labs was on a floor highly secured vaults, and the witness said he was looking for something. Whatever it was, he wanted it badly enough to kill for it" I said. I looked over at Caitlin who was awfully quiet.
"Doctor what do you know about this Mercury Labs?" Joe asked Wells
"Mercury was one of S.T.A.R. Labs' major competitors until our little setback, and then it catapulted to the forefront led by Dr. Christina McGee.." Wells started to explain. He was talking about Mercury Lab's project involving Tachyons.
"So what could someone do with one of those...tachyons?" Joe asked
"Well, I don't know. Become Invincible? if you could devise a matrix stable enough to harness their power, you could travel faster than light" Wells said
"he's gonna try to get them again, so we need to get what Mercury has and use it as a lure" I suggested
"exactly right. Cisco, Caitlin let's start engineering a trap" Dr. Wells said
"You got it" Cisco said and went to work.
Steve's Pov
I was at my apartment trying to contact Fury, it's been a day since the Man in the Yellow suit's appearance. I looked at my phone and the messages I have sent to Barry asking him if he's okay. So far nothing. I understand why he's avoiding me but I just hate how he pushes me away when his past comes back to haunt him. I heard my laptop ringing and clicked on space bar and saw Fury
"Come to warn me about the evil flash?" I asked
"Wait he's in town?" Fury asked
"You didn't know?" I asked
"No, we are kinda having a crisis at S.H.E.I.L.D again," Fury said sighing
"How bad is this crisis this time?" I asked
"Not that bad don't worry about it," Fury said, "So he's in town?" He asked. I nodded
"He attacked Mercury Labs don't know why I think it's because they are making something that he wants and is willing to kill anybody for it" I explained
"If this worse enough I will have to call in reinforcements to go to Central City," Fury said with a serious look in his eye
"Who?" I asked.
"Stark," Fury said. I groaned and rolled my eyes
"Look I know you two have bad blood but he has every tech that can take down the evil flash for you. I know you and The Flash can't take him down yourselves." Fury said. I sighed "Steve please you two have to work things out in case he becomes a world threat," he said
"I'll think about it," I said and hung up. I decided to head out again to clear my head.
Okay guys I know this is a crappy way to end this chapter but I am doing this late, I am having writer's block which sucks so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
votes and comments are welcome and I will see you next time
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