chapter 25
Hello everyone welcome to a new chapter I hope everyone is doing well, I am doing great so far minus the damn weather, it is starting to get very cold out now we already had our first snowfall like a few weeks back the way the weather is acting up today I won't be surprised if snow is in the forecast ugh! hate snow because it's so cold out and there's a possible chance you can get sick. Anyway enough with the weather, Barry/Steve has a new cover as you can see.
I recently sent out an announcement saying I am going to remake the cover well my friend/follower of mine FrozenIceQueene decided to make the cover for me so thank you IceQueene for making this awesome cover. Also, I teamed up with MtPalmTree to make a cover for a new book it looks freaking awesome I will not tell you guys or show you guys cause it is surprised. But I want to thank both PalmTree and IceQueene for helping me make the covers you guys are amazing.
Alright so for today's chapter, we pick up where we left off where Steve/Cap is going after a robber while Barry is at CCPD mopping around about losing his speed then Joe broke his favorite cup (R.I.P. Barry's favorite mug, you were smashed too soon), Iris shows up then Barry leaves then sees who Captain America brings in, Barry then goes back to S.T.A.R. Labs and talks about not having speed when the meta-human attacks while CCPD is being attacked too. So it's pretty much going to be a boring chapter.
Alright, I took up too much word time to talk about the cover and all so here is the chapter.
Also R.I.P Barry's mug
Barry's POV
I was sitting there at my desk all moping I just got done telling Joe about my speed. Joe eyeballed my mug then grabbed it and threw it on the ground. I shot up and frowned
"You didn't catch it," Joe said
"I loved that mug! And what part of 'a meta-human stole my speed' didn't you understand?" I asked feeling bummed now
"Barry, there's no part of anything you can do that I ever understand, what does Dr. Wells say?" He asked
"He's working on it," I said crossing my arms and eyeballed my broken mug
"Barry, you have to get your speed back. People in this city need protecting, and if you don't get your speed, how the hell are we gonna keep them safe?" Joe asked
"Joe, the meta who stole my speed, he burned up the body we saw in the alley today. You need to tell the police not to confront him. He's dangerous" I said
"Who's dangerous?" A female voice came. I looked at the doorway and saw Iris walk-in, great a hundred buck says she is going to talk about The Flash in like...3 seconds. "Cops in Central City are the best there are, and if you can't protect this city, dad, I know The Flash will," Iris said I sighed
"What if he cant? What if he's...gone?" I asked
"Gone?" Iris asked with a weird look on her face
"Yeah, or maybe he's just done, or maybe it's like whatever he could do before, he can't do anymore," I said sounding slightly pissed off
"huh?" She asked confused
"Barry?" Joe called to me "Don't you have someplace to be?" He asked
"yeah, going," I said and walked out, as I walked out of the room I heard Iris say 'aw Barry loved that mug' I walked downstairs and saw Captain America bring in a criminal. "Hey Cap" I greeted him
"Mr. Allen," He said with a smile, I saw the criminal look at my watch which made me feel uneasy.
"That's a quality timepiece, young man," He said
"Oh uh thanks," I said
"they took mine, all of them," He said
"I guess you shouldn't have done whatever it is you did," I said
"Come on," Captain said and brought him to the processing area. I walked out, for some odd reason I had this feeling like something was going to happen. I decided to go back to S.T.A.R. Labs. I stared at my Flash suit.
"You think I'll ever wear it again?" I asked
"I hope so," Caitlin said
"I didn't have my speed for very long, but now that it's gone it feels like part of me is gone too," I said
"With or without your speed, you're still you, Barry" Caitlin said
"But I'm not. I'm not the best version of myself. I love being The Flash I love everything about it: The feeling of running hundreds of miles per hour, wind and power just rushing past my face, being able to help people. I'm not sure I can live without it, Caitlin" I said to her with a sad face.
"Farooq Gibran" Cisco said
"Who?" I asked
"The powers vampire who jacked your speed, I hacked into the surveillance footage from the Petersburg substation. Once I got his face, it was easy to find a match" Cisco said I looked at the profile "He climbed an electrical tower the night of the accelerator explosion" He said
"No surprise where his powers came from," I said. The alarm in S.T.A.R. Labs went off, we saw who was trying to break-in
"Oh you've got to be kidding me this is not happening," Cisco said
"Dr. Harrison Wells, I need to see you! Come on I know you're inside!" Farooq yelled and started to suck up more electricity
Steve's Pov
I was standing around waiting for further instructions for this criminal name Tockman I brought in when I noticed the lights flickering. I had a weird look on my face then I realized something...the meta-human is still out there he is probably sucking up electricity and the Flash can't do anything. finally, the lights went out. I saw Tockman grab a gun and knocked the cops out before hitting me across the face making me fall to the ground. Tockman fried a couple of shots in the air.
'Guns on the floor!" he yelled I stumbled up "It should take you less than three seconds to discord any thought of rebellion and comply" He said then looked at Joe and Iris, Joe was in front of Iris. "I take it I don't need to count out loud." he said and fired another warning shot "Hmm Striking resemblance," he said to them. I had my shield ready to tackle Tockman "I suggest you put your shield down" He said pointing a gun at me
"And if I don't?" I asked
"I can kill every single one of these officers in here and then go on the news and tell them who you are," Tockman said "I lived in New York for a little while then in 2012 the place got attacked by aliens and your face was revealed," Tockman said. I stood there remembering what happened, I remember getting blown out of the window and landed on the car not realizing my mask was down and revealed everyone in New York my secret. I slowly put my shield down in the middle of the floor before raising my hands in surrender.
Barry's Pov
After the power went out I got a called from Captain Singh that the criminal Tockman that Captain America brought has taken everyone hostage including Iris and Joe.
"I need my powers now!" I shouted panicking, Wells came up with a theory that all my body needs is a jumpstart since the explosion changed my DNA I could very have my speed inside of my body but it needs a jumpstart almost like a car. "Okay, how do we do that? How do we jumpstart me?" I asked
"We need to replicate the initial jolt to your system but that would mean a peak current of at least...20,000 kilo-amps," Wells said I was shocked
"Are you insane? That's more electricity than they give to people in the electric chair" Cailtin said
"Caitlin, with Farooq in the building, we're all looking at a death sentence here," I said
"the spare generator's offline. If we reboot it we could get a charge that big" She said
"We need something that can transmit the load from the generator to Barry's body without shorting out," Cisco said
"The Treadmill," I said
"My baby could take the charge," Cisco said
"What if Barry can't?" Caitlin asked. I heard that Farooq was getting closer to us, someone here needs to make a sacrifice and distract Farooq
"Well, that's up to Mr. Allen," Wells said. I walked out to go to Farooq "Where are you going?" He asked
"I'm going to talk to him," I said
Steve's Pov
I was sitting by Iris and Joe trying to keep Iris calm. I looked around to see if I can find anything to distract Tockman long enough for me to knock him out but it is so dark in here, the only thing bringing the light in here was the cop cars and the city lights outside of the police station. I looked at Iris, I can tell that she was scared but she was strong enough to hide that fear. I saw someone in the distance like someone was hiding. my eyes went wide when I saw who it was. It was Eddie, he gave me the signal to stay quiet as he got in position to shoot Tockman. Tockman, however, was demanding the captain things that he needs to escape.
"End this now, and I'll talk to the D.A," Joe said
"It was your district attorney that denied me furlough so I could visit my dying sister one last time, say goodbye to her in person. That's time I'll never get back!" Tockman shouted "So however long I have in this life, I promise not one second more will be spent in a prison cell" at this moment, Eddie got up and fired at Tockman
"got him," Eddie said, Tockman turned around and Eddie in his shoulder
"Eddie!" Iris screamed out. Tockman grabbed the radio to contact Singh
"An officer has been shot 9.2 seconds ago. I'd pick up the pace in meeting my demands captain" Tockman said. I looked at Eddie I studied him for a second to make sure he was still alive. I saw that he was still breathing.
Barry's Pov (Sorry with the bouncing between Pov's I am at that area where I don't remember who said what line...)
Well, talking to Farooq was a bad idea, he decided to hit me with some of his powers injuring me. I wasn't healing fast anymore so that was the main problem. I ran to the lab where Cisco and Caitlin was, I had no idea where Dr. Wells was. I got on the treadmill
"Turn on the treadmill," I said
"You're still hurt," Caitlin said
"We don't have time!" I shouted "Caitlin"
"I can't," she said
"We don't have a choice," I said
"If I turn this on, it could kill you," She said
"If you don't, we could all die," I said
"I already lost someone I cared about in this building. I can't do it again" She said
"Listen, someone once told me that I was struck by lightning for a reason, that it chose me. I'm not sure I believe it, right now it doesn't matter what I believe. What do you believe?" I asked her remembering what Oliver said to me. Caitlin turned on the treadmill, I started to run then BOOM, I feel across the room hitting the wall.
"My God, are you okay?" Caitlin asked me
"Did you feel anything?" Cisco asked me. I shook my head
"It didn't work," I said I ran out of the room and saw someone fly across the room, it was Tony Woodward.
"Tony? hey, Tony what are you doing?" I asked
"oh come on you know me, Allen, I never run from a fight," he said weakly. I kneeled by him
"All right, well, stay with me okay? you're good" I said
"Run," He said weakly
"What?...Hey...Tony" I shook him but he didn't respond, he was dead "No.." I said. Caitlin and Cisco went to grab me and put me back inside to keep me safe, they asked for my blood. I didn't care I was too busy thinking about Tony.
"I can't believe he's dead," I said
"Dr. Wells?" Cisco asked
"no, no. Tony Woodward, he escaped the pipeline. he must have got out when the blackout hit," I said
"Not possible the pipeline was designed to withstand a power outage. Someone had to have let him go" Cisco said
"I did," Wells said coming in "I released him"
"Why?" I asked
"To divert our intruder's attention while we worked to restore your speed," Wells said
"You used him as a distraction?" I asked
"An unnecessary one, as it turns out. It seems the plan has failed" He said
"I...I have his blood on me. How could you do that?" I asked
"You're showing a lot of sentiment for a man who tormented you as a child," Wells said
"Tony might have been a bully then and now, but he didn't deserve to die," I said snapping slightly "Does Caitlin or Cisco or me or you?" I asked
"I had a choice to make, him or us. I chose us without a second thought" Wells said
"Well all your talk about miracle cures and scientific breakthroughs, but you don't care about people at all!" I snapped
"Well, maybe you care TOO much Barry. I know being a hero is important to you and I respect your ideals. I just don't have the luxury of sharing them." Wells said. I scoffed
"I forgot. You game's chess. We're all pawns to you, right? So what's your move doctor? huh? which one of us gets sacrificed next?" I asked pissed off.
As we tried to come up with a plan, Wells suggested that we run to the garage where the van was located.
"oh my god Barry look," Caitlin said pointing to the screen "Your cells, they're rapidly regenerating," She said
" I still don't have my speed," I said
"It must be mental, not physical," She said
"Oh, you have the yips," Cisco said
"The whats?" I asked
"You know, When a second baseman all of a sudden can't throw the firs or a golfer tries to putt and they all embarrassed and upset, and then that makes the yips worse, and it's a hot mess, and then they feel like even more of a failure," Cisco said
"That's not helping," I said
Steve's Pov
I heard the helicopter slowly approaching the building, Eddie was still laying on the ground. He wasn't bleeding that much after Tockman took the bullet out of him but he still needed to go to the hospital ASAP. Tockman saw the helicopter and grabbed Iris.
"Let's move," he said to her
"Tockman no!" both Joe and I shouted
"No don't do this not her no take me please," Joe said
"Something tells me you will not be a docile passenger. She will" He said dragging her
"Dad!" Iris cried out, she was sobbing already. I closed my eyes, I couldn't stop the tears from falling from my eyes
"Wait wait! Let her say goodbye. This is her boyfriend lying here dying and I think you and me both know that he probably won't make it. It's wrong that you didn't get to say goodbye to your sister. Give them what you deserved" Joe said
"You have 20 seconds," He said to Iris before releasing her. She ran straight to Eddie, she kissed him. I eyeballed my shield lying in the middle of the floor then at Tockman. Tockman grabbed Iris and pulled her upstairs. Once they were out of sight quickly grabbed my shield and ran upstairs. I looked around to see where they went then I froze in my tracks when I heard a dreadful noise ring in my ear.
A gunshot.
Barry's Pov
The team and I ran out to where the van was, we tried to start it but Farooq was there. We didn't have time so we took cover, Wells, however, got blasted by the power, wells was on the ground unable to move.
"Finally you showed your face," Farooq said
"Well, I wasn't exactly eager to be killed," Wells said
"Neither were my friends," Farooq said
"I know, I hurt a lot of people that night," Wells said
"People? you don't even know their names" Farooq said. Wells then named off some of the people who were affected including Ralph Dibny and Ronnie Raymond
"I know the names of every person who died that night," Wells said "I know they all mattered, and the fact that the world is now deprived of their potential is something that I have to live with every day, but these people...these people have done nothing wrong" Wells said looking at us. "You want to punish me? Fine let's do that but let these people live" He said
"You died that night too," Farooq said and started to power up his power
"NO!"I shouted then everything started to move in slow motion. I felt a jolt of electricity and I started to run towards Wells, I realize I got my speed back. I grabbed him and put him to safety then went to Farooq. Everything moved back to normal. Farooq saw me and used his powers on me. I screamed in pain. Farooq continues and then he started to scream in pain. After a second Farooq stopped and collapsed on the ground dead. I panted.
After everything was all said and done, we were bagging up Farooq's body, I realize I had to head over to CCPD, oh god I hope everyone was okay. Caitlin showed me something, my cells are generating more energy than before I got struck by lightning, she also explained that Farooq chocked on his and my powers. Before I left the lab I went to Dr. Wells and apologized to him for saying that he didn't care about anyone. Clearly, what I saw out there, he did care he just has a dangerous way of showing it.
I decided to go to the hospital, I heard that Eddie was shot and was rushed to there. I was carrying a vase full of flowers that I bought on my way here. I knocked on the door and walked in. I saw Iris and Steve.
"Hey Allen" Eddie said
"Hey Eddie," I said with a smile
"Flowers that's so nice" He giggled. I gave him a weird look
"Where were you all night?" Iris said
"Uhhh home...trying to eat all the ice cream before it melted," I said. I know it was a lame-ass excuse but it was the best I got.
"I love ice cream" Eddie giggled. I smiled I feel Steve stare at me. I looked at him and he quickly looked away
"He is on pain meds, lots of them, but he's gonna be okay, it's been some night. I am gonna get some coffee." Iris said
"And I have to head off. Eddie, you feel better" Steve said
"Byeeee Stevie" Eddie said smiling. Once everyone walked out, Joe looked at me then knocked over the vase. I flashed over there and caught and set it back on the table
"Did you guys see that?" Eddie asked with his eyes wide
"You're just high partner," Joe said
"right I forgot," Eddie said and laughed. I decided to visit Iris as The Flash since I was there to save her and Joe
"Oh now you showed up," She said angerly
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you today," I said
"It's okay Captain America was there for me. But he couldn't really do anything, he was in the same boat we were in. But a girl's got to be her own hero every now and again" She said
"I promise I'll never be late again," I said
"My best friend is always saying that, and he is always late," Iris said I heard a voice come in
"hey Iris I forgot to ask you som-oh hi," Steve said to me
"You're worth being on time for," I said while staring at Steve. Iris looked at me then Steve then back at me I zoomed off.
Steve's Pov
I was walking down the halls of the hospital, I couldn't get the images of Eddie on the ground bleeding out, hearing a gunshot and thinking it was Iris who got shot. I was so worried, I felt useless. I couldn't do anything, 3 cops were injured because of me. because I couldn't do anything. I had to see Iris, I had to make sure she was okay. I went to the cafeteria where Iris said she was going to get coffee.
"Hey Iris I forgot to ask you som- oh hi," I said seeing The Flash. He looked up at me
"You're worth being on time for," He said. I couldn't get what he meant by that but I know it was part of the conversation he and Iris were having. She looked at The Flash then me then back at him again. The Flash zoomed off.
"Hey, Steve what's up?" Iris asked me
"I was just wondering if you're okay...I mean when I heard that gunshot I thought of the worse and I couldn't find you" I said
"Steve...I'm fine there was nothing you could've done he threatens to hurt those officers because of you nobody died," Iris said
"I was going to tackle him I didn't care if he was going to tell Central City my identity. I wanted to be a hero today since The Flash couldn't...I mean after he got his speed taken-"
"Wait...that's why he was late here? He didn't have his speed?" She asked
"Yeah, He was taking on a metahuman who can feed on electricity...I thought you knew" I said
"No I didn't Flash didn't tell me," She said
"Oh you know," I said then I saw the time "I have to get going" I said and hugged Iris tightly. She hugged back
"I'm okay Steve...we are all okay," She said. I smiled and walked out
Barry's Pov (last time I swear)
I was sitting on the rooftop just feeling the wind hit my face as I stared off in the distance.
"Glad to see you in that suit again Flash" I heard a voice behind me. I smiled
"Hey Cap, I heard what happened at CCPD I'm sorry I couldn't help you," I said
"Nah it's okay, Tockman has been taken away. I know that you didn't have your powers and you were taking on that meta-human which I can tell you were able to stop him though right?" He asked sitting by me
"Yep I can finally rest easy now," I said
"What was it like...not having powers?" He asked
"Useless...I felt useless...ever since I got these powers it feels like it brought the best of me...I can save a hero and losing my powers felt like I lost a part of myself" I said
"I know what that was like...When I threw down my shield to surrender at CCPD I felt shield is my powers and giving it up ta that moment I lost myself...everyone could've died. Iris could've died too but sometimes there is nothing you can do." He said I listened to him
"Well luckily, tonight is now a good night," I said. He nodded. I felt my eyes getting heavy I couldn't help but rest my head on Cap's shoulder.
"Tired Flash?" He asked. I nodded "Want me to give you a ride home?" he asked
"No I can make it I don't live far," I said yawning. I got up "See you later Cap," I said
"Bye Flash," He said. I zoomed off.
Okay, guys, I am ending the chapter here. I hope you all enjoyed it. Votes and comments are welcome
Ugh, I am super tired I might go and take a nap.
See ya in the next chapter
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