Chapter 21
Hello everyone welcome to a new chapter today. I apologize to many of you for not uploading I have been busy doing some artworks I finally drew the hardest superhero in the history of superheroes I have drawn in my life. I won't tell who I drew but stay tuned for the future chapters of Take A Closer Look, very soon I have a very special drawing(s) I will present to you guys so stay tuned. I'm excited. I will have to redraw one of the projects again because I wasn't satisfied with the results. But enough of my drawings let's talk about the chapter, shall we?
So in today's chapter, Barry talks to Joe about meeting Iris as The Flash, Joe knows that Barry likes Steve, Barry finds out that Bette is going after Eiling Also while Joe and Barry talk they talk about how Barry came out which I have a feeling it's going to be sweet. So it's going to be a slow chapter like the last one don't worry it'll get better trust me I just need to go through all of the season 1 episodes and not to mention the Flash vs Arrow crossover which I'm very excited to show soon. It's gonna be great.
I officially hit 72 followers so shoutout to
Thank you so much for the follow.
So before I start this chapter I just got word that Sony decided to pull Spiderman out of the MCU and honestly I am pissed off about that. So many of you are wondering how this is gonna affect the MCU and my book well it's safe to say that Spiderman will be a part of this book he will forever be part of the MCU and if people who support Sony's decision should know that I don't give a crap.
Sony supporters: But Sony made a decision, Spiderman is no longer a part of the MCU
There you have it.
Anyways enjoy the chapter.
(I am getting freaking good at editing)
Barry's Pov
I flashed onto the rooftop and waited for Iris to show up. Moments later Iris ran up here.
"I need you to stop writing about me," I said making my voice vibrate so she doesn't figure who I am.
"There are a lot of people who need someone like you right now. To know that you're out there" Iris replied. I flashed to the other side of the roof. I'm trying to keep my distance away from Iris so she couldn't see my face. "I have so many questions. Where are you from?" She asked me
"I can't say" I replied
"Who are you?" She asked me
"I can't tell you that either" I replied
"You're a terrible interview," Iris said to me
BITCH please if you were in my shoes you would say the same thing
"There's more to this than you can understand" I replied
"Just trust me please," Iris said
"I need you to stop," I said again zooming close to her
"Can you stop? Running into buildings and rescuing people without them even knowing that you're there?" Iris asked, "Can you also stop working with Captain America?" She also asked me
I rolled my eyes. I didn't care that Iris saw or not she just doesn't understand. "I don't do this for the glory," I said
"So why do you? Look, I have this friend... more like brother and he had something terrible happen to him when he was a kid. His whole life, he's been telling stories about this impossible thing. And people laughed at him and shrinks analyzed him. And he's been searching for an explanation ever since" Iris explained then walked up to me. I quickly looked away and was able to vibrate my face so she couldn't see it. "But now, suddenly, it's like he's lost his faith. But are proof that he wasn't crazy. Help me save my friend" She said. I sighed. I didn't know what to say at that point.
"He's a lucky guy" I replied then zoomed off. I zoomed back to S.T.A.R. Labs and saw that everybody was there. I saw Bette with a disappointing look on her face.
"Hey what's wrong? Did Eiling find out you're here?" I asked
"No Caitlin was about to give me the not-so-good news" Bette replied
"The shrapnel in your body has merged with you on a cellular level. And the technology required to unspliced your DNA...It hasn't been invented yet" Caitlin explained
"Bette," I said to her
"it's okay, Roger that. I just need a minute, don't worry. Pretty sure I can cry without blowing stuff up" Bette said getting up and walked out of the room. I thought of something
"What now?" Cisco asked
"She joins us," I said "Becomes a part of the team"
"Barry... You have an amazing ability to help people. She makes things explode" Cailtin said
"She's the first meta-human not hell-bent on destroying this city," I said
"It's too dangerous," Caitlin said
"Well, she's not going in the pipeline," I said
"I'm not suggesting she going the pipeline, but were she to remain at S.T.A.R. Labs, it would put all of us at risk," Caitlin said
"From who? Eiling?" I asked
"Eiling is a dangerous man, barry we do not want him as an enemy," Caitlin said. We pretty much argued back and forth, she kept saying that having Bette join the team would be dangerous but I think otherwise.
"You guys saved me," I said
"And I want to save her just as bad as you do Barry. We all do" Cailtin said looking at Cisco and Wells. I couldn't take it anymore, I decided to head to CCPD to see what's going on. I walked into my lab and saw Joe.
"Joe. What are you doing here?" I asked
"Going over the materials in your mom's case. How's it going with you?" Joe asked
"Stellar...I made friends with a human bomb who I promised I could help, and then I couldn't" I said sitting down "And I finally diagnosed why Iris is writing about the streak" I said. Joe gave me a weird look "She's doing it for me, to prove the impossible is possible"
"How do you know that?" Joe asked me
"The Streak may have talked to her," I said pulling out my phone. I saw that Steve sent me a text message. I looked at the text "Hey Barry, sorry for not responding my phone was off and I was hanging out with Bucky and Sam. And it's okay I understand your frustration with your sister. I hope you two work it out <3"
"Barry, don't you think Iris would recognize your voice?" Joe asked
"No, I can do this cool thing with my vocal cords, where I vibrate them so I sound like this," I said vibrating my vocal cords. Joe looked surprised "I know it's cool. It's cool"
"Whoa" Joe laughed "Well, you put that out there now so," Joe said
" I want to keep her safe" I replied looking at the text message again. I had a weird look on my face
"You know the only real way to get her to stop is to tell her the truth," Joe said
"Yeah I know I just.....can't" I trailed rereading the text message
"You alright Bar? you seem distracted" Joe asked me. I looked up at him
"Huh? oh yeah, I'm fine just....reading this text message that Steve sent me" I said looking at the heart symbol. I smiled slightly. I felt Joe's stare. I looked at him again "What?" I asked
"Iris once told me you talk about Steve a lot," Joe said. I turned red
"Do I?" I asked
"So, so how long have you liked Steve?" Joe asked. I shrugged
"I guess I started to like him the moment he sat by me on the train to Central City" I replied looking down.
"I hope you realized Barry that I am cool about you being gay," Joe said. I looked at him and nodded
"I know" I replied
"I remember the day you ran home with tears running down your face. You said that a boy had kissed you and you were scared I would get mad and remember what I said?" Joe asked me.
I remember that day, I was school and I was digging through my locker when the boy I liked came up to me and kissed me in front of everybody. Everybody was laughing at me and so was the boy who kissed me. I felt so ashamed and embarrassed because I liked the kiss. I ran home to Joe and I was crying and I said I'm sorry Joe a boy kissed me and I liked it. I remember feeling those warm arms wrap around me in a tight hug comforting me, and Joe's soothing voice telling me that it was alright.
"I told you 'Barry whether you like girls or boys I will love till the day I die. If you bring home a boy and announced you love him or you are about to marry him I will hug you tightly' I remember that day because I made your favorite dinner which was homemade mac and cheese" Joe said smiling. I smiled back
"Yeah I remember" I replied
"Remember those words when it comes time for you to as Steve out in case you are scared," Joe said. I nodded "And as far as you being a superhero and worrying Steve's safety? Don't worry about it. A superhero always has a love interest" Joe said. I nodded.
After the conversation, I decided to go back to S.T.A.R. Labs. I walked in and only saw Cisco and Caitlin. I looked around confused
"Where's Bette?" I asked
"She left," Caitlin said
"What do you mean? Where did she go?" I asked
"She didn't say," Caitlin said.
"Shit" I muttered running my hand over my face. Cisco and Caitlin looked at the computer like they were trying to track her down.
"I got back on the military feed, looks like they've gone to the waterfront to rendezvous with Bette," Cisco said
"She's turning herself in," Caitlin said. I flashed into my suit
"She's not turning herself in," I said and flashed off.
I flashed to the waterfront
"All I ever wanted was to make the world a safer place," Eiling said
"And it will be when you're not in it," Bette said and was about to throw something at the military
"Take Cover!" One soldier shouted and some explosion occurred. I flashed to Bette
"What are you doing here?" She asked me
"Being a soldier doesn't mean you're a murderer. Don't become one now" I said to her. She looked down. I heard a gunshot ring in my ears and I saw Bette collapsed. I kneeled by her taking off my mask not knowing the general behind me saw my face
"I' sorry I didn't see him," I said choking on some words
"Don't be?" She said weakly "I'm glad you stopped me," She said
"I'm gonna get you back to S.T.A.R. Labs," I said to her. She took one last breath before closing her eyes. I was lost at words I let someone die in front of me. I saw her skin starting to glow. I looked at her body weird. I broke out of my thoughts by Wells contacting me. I put on my mask again.
"Barry" Wells said through coms
"Dr. Wells. guys, we have a problem" I said
"Is Bette okay?" Cisco asked
"No, Eiling killed her....she's glowing," I said
"She's gonna detonate," Wells said
"Oh, y god a mass that size the explosion, it would be devasting" I heard Caitlin said panicking slightly "Barry, you have to get her away from the city," Caitlin said
"But there's no time," Wells said
"Can I run on water?" I asked "I built enough speed to run up a building," I said
"FLASH!" I heard someone calling after me I looked at the direction and saw Captain America drive up with the shield on his back
"Captain," I said slightly panicking. Captain ran up to me and saw Bette "is this the metahuman that can blow things up?" He asked. I nodded "Why is she glowing what the hell happened?" He asked
"General Eiling shot her. GUYS, how fast do I need to go running on water?" I asked through coms. I felt Captain's stare
"Assuming your weight step for vertical suspension." Caitlin began to calculate
"Tell them to hurry she's glowing bright" Captain whispered to me. I looked at Bette who was indeed glowing brighter
"Guys hurry!" I shouted
"Approximately 650 miles an hour. You have to outrun the blast or you'll die too." Caitlin said. I took a deep breath and grabbed Bette. I looked at Captain
"See you on the other side Captain," I said. He nodded
"Good luck kid," He said to me. I took another breath and began to run very fast on the water. I saw that I was away from the city and dropped Bette in the water. I then began to run fast away from the blast. I was breathing hard as I felt the blast getting closer and closer to me. I could see the land showing in my vision. I saw Captain standing there. I was running and running faster than ever towards him. By the time I got close to him, I tackled him to the ground as the blast subsided. I was out of breath, I'm surprised I didn't pass out while I was running. I felt like I wanted to pass out but there was something inside of me telling me to keep running. While I was looking at Captain it felt like...I wasn't in control of my body.
"You alright kid?" Captain asked I looked at him and realized I was laying on top of him. I flashed up and cleared my throat
"Yeah I'm fine...just tired," I said and looked out into the water. I looked down
"Don't beat yourself up kid, we can't save everyone" Captain said. I nodded at him "Need a ride back to S.T.A.R. Labs?" He asked me. I nodded at Captain. I was too tired to run anymore. I climbed on the bike and sat behind Captain. I wrapped my arms around his strong chest.
The ride back to S.T.A.R. Labs was quiet, Captain was focused on driving while I was focused on not saving Bette.
Steve's Pov
I felt Flash shifted behind me on the motorcycle. I looked back at him. He seemed out of it, the poor thing lost someone and he was blaming himself for not saving the meta-human. I felt bad for him. I drove up to the front gate of S.T.A.R. Labs.
"Here we are," I said to him. He got up
"Thanks, Captain," He said with a small smile
"No problem, get some sleep tonight kid. You did a lot of running today." I said and he nodded. He walked inside of S.T.A.R. Labs. I drove off to the hotel that Bucky and Sam were staying at. I knocked at the door. I was greeted by an annoyed Sam
"Hey, Sam you okay?" I asked
"Fine everything is fine, Bucky is taking a nap and I was trying to but that bastard is snorer," Sam said crossing his arms "So I decided to slap him across the face two times and now he's pissed off," He said shaking his head. I couldn't help but laugh. I am going to miss these two knuckleheads.
"SAM WHERE'S MY ARM!" Bucky shouted. I looked down and saw that Sam was holding Bucky's arm.
"Oh yeah I used his metal hand to slap him awake," Sam said grinning. I saw Bucky walk up behind Sam and grabbed his arm and smacked Sam on the back of the head "OW!" Sam shouted
"Mhmm, that's how it feels. STOP STEALING MY ARM" Bucky shouted "Oh hey Steve, I saw on the news about this "military experiment bullshit, meta-human died and blew up in the water and The Flash ran on water" are you okay?" Bucky asked
"Yeah I'm fine but the kid isn't. The meta-human was his friend and she died in front of him" I said
"Oof I know how that feels," Sam said shaking his head
"Poor kid, let me guess this is his first time losing someone?" Bucky asked. I nodded. Bucky looked at Sam. They met eyes for a second, either they are gonna kiss or his is telling Sam something. Sam nodded at Bucky.
"Okay, I've seen you guys do that nonstop what did you tell him Bucky?" I asked. Bucky shrugged it off
"Nothing important. But we should get going we have a plane to catch by that I mean T'Challa doesn't like to be kept waiting" Bucky said.
"Alright, I'm going to miss you two," I said hugging Bucky and Sam
"We will miss you too. Please visit us sometime you need to see what Wakanda looks like completely." Bucky said. I chuckled
"Don't worry I will try and visit," I said
"And bring Barry with you too once you grow a pair and ask him out," Sam said. I blushed
"Don't worry I will," I said. I watched as Bucky and Sam leave. I overheard the news on the tv
"nothing out of the ordinary occurred. The military was simply conducting an underwater weapon's test. There is no need for panic or alarm. Central City is safe" The general, Eiling said to the new caster. I shook my head and flicked off the tv and walked off.
Barry's Pov
I was currently at Iris's place talking about my day and losing someone, of course, I had to think of a lie for Iris.
"I didn't know her that well. But it still hurts and as bad as I feel right now I know how much worse it is to lose someone who's family" I said to Iris. I heard Iris exhaled knowing what this conversation was turning into but I continued "Iris, writing about this stuff, putting your name out there, it's dangerous so I am asking you one last time, please stop" I said
"And I am asking you one last time to tell me what is really going on with you. Why am I the only one of us who's interested in this? I guess, just, all of this stuff with my family, I finally just put it behind me I'm asking you to also. That may have been how this started, but it's about something more than that for me now. Whoever this Streak is, wherever he comes from, I am not stopping until the rest of the world believes in him." Iris said. I looked at her
"Maybe we shouldn't see each other for while" I suggested and Iris nodded in agreement
"Yeah," She said. I began to walk out I heard a chiming sound on Iris's laptop "Who the hell is Eddie Brock?" I heard Iris ask herself but I didn't care, I walked out of the house and flashed off to the nearest bar.
I sat there in the bar drinking a club soda since I couldn't drink any alcohol. "Can I get another club soda please?" I asked the bartender
"Hey" I heard a voice behind me. I looked over and saw Cisco and Cailtin
"Hey" I greeted back "What are you guys doing here?" I asked
"We thought we should have a toast" Caitlin said. I scoffed slightly
"Doesn't work on me remember?" I asked
"Barry Allen, you of all people should know that nothing is impossible. I distilled a high fermented potent suspension" Cailtin said holding up a vial
"it's basically 500 proof" Cisco said
"I figured if anybody could use a drink tonight it was you. So here's to Bette" Caitlin said handing me the vial.
"Bette," We said together. I took a sip then all of a sudden I felt buzzed like I was drunk "Whoa"
"That hit you quick," Cisco said
"Are you buzzed?" Caitlin asked
"Yeah I'm buzzed for sure" I chuckled "Whoa that is good stuff," I said then I felt better and normal again "And it's gone," I said
"Work in progress," Cisco said. I chuckled. We didn't spend that much time at that bar, it was starting to get late, I had to wake up early for work. Cisco and Caitlin decided to leave early as well. I was about to get ready to run off when I heard a voice
"HEY BARRY" I looked around confused then saw 2 people coming out of the shadow, it was Sam and Bucky
"Oh hey guys I thought you left already," I said
"Not yet," Bucky said
"Our ride isn't here yet," Sam said
"Oh, I assume Steve was going to give you two a ride," I said
"No he's busy," Bucky said. I nodded
"What are you doing out here so late Barry?" Sam asked me
"I was out with some friends," I said
"Okay, normal superhero meet up?" Bucky asked
"Yeah- wait what?" I asked
"We know that you're The Flash Barry," Sam said. "Don't worry your secret is safe with us" He said
"It was obvious when Steve described a kid getting struck by lightning and was in a coma for 9 months. Then what 9 months later you woke up and so did the flash we put two and two together and found out that The Flash is you, Barry Allen" Bucky explained.
"Wow you guys are good," I said. Sam and Bucky shrugged
"and just for the record if you tell Steve your secret, steve will tell you his" Sam said
"Sam!" Bucky shouted and nudged him. Sam went silent. I was confused
"Secret? What secret what's Steve hiding?" I asked
"That's for you to discover," Bucky said and looked off in the distance. I heard a plane in the distance landing in some field not far from here "There's our ride we have to go, Barry, it's nice to meet you" he said. I nodded
"Nice meeting you too," I said. They ran off in the dark again. 'If you tell Steve your secret, Steve will tell you his' those words repeated in my head over and over again. What secret are they talking about? I was confused. I flashed. My mind was racing with questions. I wanted answers but right now I am too tired to get them.
I decided to go home for the night. I will have to talk to Steve tomorrow.
Okay, guys, I am ending this chapter here. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, votes, and comments are welcome.
Oh yeah I almost forgot, if you haven't read my previous announcement, I said that I was thinking about introducing Eddie Brock, not Venom Eddie Brock but Eddie Brock before Venom, I was going to make it where he interviews Captain Singh and talk to him about the meta-humans, increase in crime rates and of course Flash and Captain America and that whole situation is going to start with him talking to Iris which you saw in the story above. Comment down below if you want that to happen but I generally would love to introduce Eddie Brock in this it's going to be fun.
Anyways I am super tired and I got some artworks I need to fix up and have to prepare for school I go back on Monday starting at 9 am yay for that
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