Chapter 20
Hey everyone welcome to a new chapter today I hope everyone is doing well. You guys I am working through some major writer's block I would write a chapter like I'm doing then I just sit here not knowing what else to write on here so in case you are wondering why these updates are is because 1) I am about to head back to school so I am getting my shit together lol and 2) I am experiencing writer's block but that's okay I am working through it. I got my coffee here so let's get to the chapter.
So in today's chapter, we will pick up where we left off in chapter 19, Barry tells the team about this metahuman where whatever she touches it turns to a bomb, Joe is worried about Iris figuring out Barry's Identity. Barry confronts Iris about the blog and they get into a small fight and Barry meets Iris as The Flash. So it's going to be a slow chapter.
Barry's Pov
I hurried back to S.T.A.R. Labs and grabbed random clothes that were in the room. I walked into the cortex area. Cisco, Caitlin, and Wells had a weird look on their faces.
"uh..." Cisco was about to say something
"Don't ask" I said
"I'm gonna ask, where's my suit?" Cisco asked
"Its....gone" I said
"What do you mean, it's gone?" Cisco asked
"It blew up dude. I managed to get out of it before it went kaboom" I said
"My suit went kaboom?" Cisco asked a little hurt at this moment Joe walked in.
"Fun fact about Bette Sans Souci, she's not carrying bombs she touched the emblem on the suit and turned it into a bomb. She's a meta-human With the ability to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact" I explained
"She blew up my suit..." Cisco said still hurt
"You have like...three more" Caitlin said
"Okay I have two and I loved that one" Cisco argued
"All right, what else do we know about her?" Joe asked
"Oh, I don't know. She's pure evil" Cisco shouted "We're gonna find this girl and sed her butt into the pipeline. No one blows my tech to smithereens and gets away with it..." Cisco said still not getting over the fact his suit more like my suit blow up. I shook my head at Cisco
"I don't think she meant to hurt me." I said
"Well, her being a meta-human explains General Eiling's interest in her and why he stole the case from us." Joe said piecing it all together "He didn't want anyone to know what she could do" Joe said again then saw Wells
"Detective" Wells greeted him
"Doctor" Joe greeted back
We agreed that Eiling was going after Bette so we decided to find her and bring her here for safety.
"Barry? Can I see you for a second?" Joe asked me. I nodded and walked with him out of the room. The team worked to track down Bette. "When were you planning on telling me that Iris saw the streak?" Joe asked me. Whoops
"That was not planned, She caught me off guard" I said
"We had a deal. You keep her in the dark about the meta-humans and I don' go Floyd Mayweather on you" Joe said
"Okay, Joe I know" I said trying to keep Joe from snapping
"And she's writing a blog now" Joe said coldly
"I already talked to her about that" I said sighing
"Talk to her again and be more convincing." Joe suggested
"Okay" I said and stood there and Joe gave me a weird look "You mean right now?" I asked
"Yes I do" Joe said coldly again
"All right" I said and zoomed off to home and walked through the door and was greeted by Steve
"Hey Barry I've been meaning to talk to you I was wondering if you want to go o-"
"Hey Steve, I can't talk right now I need to talk to Iris" I said to him
" okay um I was just leaving" Steve said a little sad then walked out of the door.
"You've got to stop writing about this guy. he doesn't even exist" I said
"I saw him Barry. He wears a red suit, like a uniform-" I cut her off
"I think you saw Captain America" I said
"No I mean yeah he was there along with some weird friends anyway the streak had a lightning bolt on his chest" Iris said
" I mean, Iris come on you were drinking last night at the bar" I said
"I was not drunk and I know what I saw. he wears a mask. I think he smiled at me" Iris said ha! that's not correct Iris I was smiling at Captain America
"Okay first of all, if he is wearing a mask, that probably means he doesn't want people to know who he is" I said
"Captain America wears a mask and he loves the media" Iris argue back "It doesn't matter who The Streak is, what matter is that people know that he's out there" I rolled my eyes which made Iris snap "What is wrong with you? This is important to me why can't you be more supportive?" Iris asked
"I'm haven't even put your name on it. How serious can you be about an anonymous blog?" I asked
"Okay, you know what? Our entire lives, you couldn't scream loud enough that the impossible existed. And now it's actually happening in Central City I have proof of it and you don't want to know about it?" Iris asked all coldly "That doesn't make sense Barry. So when you're ready to tell what this whole routine is really about, then we can talk" Iris said going back to her blog. I shook my head and walked out of the door and ran in to Steve
" much did you hear?" I asked
"I heard enough, look I understand that you are worried about Iris's safety but she's right I mean if I was in her shoes I would have said the exact same thing. and ever since Iris had started this blog you've been acting very strange about it" Steve said, oh god please tell me he isn't taking her side
"Look, Steve, this is none of your business this is between me and Iris and right now she is making a huge mistake" I said coldly I felt my phone to vibrate, I looked who was calling and saw that Cisco was calling me "I have to go" I said not looking at Steve and walked off.
Steve's Pov
-Earlier before Barry showed up-
I was at Iris's place chit-chatting about the blog and about Bucky and Sam.
"So let me get this straight Bucky was controlled by an evil group called Hydra and all they had to do was say some kind of chant in Russian to get the what...Winter Soldier?" Iris asked
"That's correct" I said texting Sam, he texted me letting me know that he was packing up the stuff to back to Wakanda and Bucky is being a jerk to him ah gotta love those knuckleheads
"Wow, that's uh a complicate story what is the chant if you don't mind me asking?" Iris asked. I remembered those words as clear as day, I was afraid of saying those words or one of them and Bucky turns into Winter Solider but from what I heard the Wakandans cured him
"Uh, I think it was...Longing, rusted furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car" I said in Russian then I translated it to English
"Sounds scary" Iris said and continue to type on the computer "So tell me exactly since I kinda missed it what happened with The Streak?" she asked
"He ran up the building to save someone" I said looking at the text messages
"Sounds cool" Iris said typing what I just said
"So did you ask Barry out yet?" Iris asked
"For crying out loud now I haven't asked him out yet" I said annoyed by everybody asking me if I asked Barry out yet Iris sighed
"Look, I know you are waiting for the " right moment" to ask him out but every moment you have with him is the right moment to ask him out" Iris explained. I sighed
"You just don't get it, Iris, you don't get the fear I live with every day, knowing the enemy is still out there that can hurt the person you love, if you were a superhero like me you would understand" I said a little coldly
"I may not be a superhero but I know what you are going through I mean my boyfriend is a cop and so is my dad you don't think I'm scared of them not returning home after chasing down criminals and meta-humans that can kill them? I do I am scared out of my mind but that didn't stop me from asking Eddie out I mean you helped me ask him out so don't you dare pull the 'I am afraid of the enemy coming after Barry' bullshit and just ask him out!" Iris yelled at me. I stood up
"Okay okay fine I'm going to his working place to ask him out here I go" I said
"Good luck" Iris said calmy. I walked towards the door and was about to walk out of it when Barry walked in
"Hey Barry I've been meaning to talk to you I was wondering if you want to go o-" I tried to speak but Barry cut me off
"Hey Steve, I can't talk right now I need to talk to Iris" Barry said
" okay um, I was just leaving" I said a little sad and walked out of the door.
After I left the house I decided to eavesdrop to see what they were talking about. I heard some shouting. Apparently, Barry doesn't like the way Iris has been writing about The Flash.
"Captain America wears a mask and he loves the media" Iris shouted "It doesn't matter who The Streak is, what matter is that people know that he's out there What is wrong with you? This is important to me why can't you be more supportive?" Iris argued.
"Okay, you know what? Our entire lives, you couldn't scream loud enough that the impossible existed. And now it's actually happening in Central City I have proof of it and you don't want to know about it?" Iris asked all coldly "That doesn't make sense Barry. So when you're ready to tell what this whole routine is really about, then we can talk" Iris shouted.
Moments later Barry opened the door and ran into me. to be honest after hearing what Iris said I am on her side.
" much did you hear?" I asked
"I heard enough, look I understand that you are worried about Iris's safety but she's right I mean if I was in her shoes I would have said the exact same thing. and ever since Iris had started this blog you've been acting very strange about it" I said
"Look, Steve, this is none of your business this is between me and Iris and right now she is making a huge mistake" Barry said a little coldly to me. I didn't say anything else. Barry picked up his phone "I have to go" he said and walked off. I didn't even get the chance to ask Barry out like I wanted to. I watched as Barry walked off. I decided to go back in the house. I sat down next to Iris
"You okay?" I asked her
"I'm fine everything is perfect" Iris said coldly
"Look I heard what happened and I want you to know that I am on your side" I said. Iris nodded and continue to type. For a few minutes, it was silent. I was texting Sam, now he and Bucky are at Big Belly Burger then even had a selfie of them eating. Sam said those burgers are delicious. I smiled at the text
"What are you smiling about?" Iris asked me then I showed her the picture "Oh seems to me Sam likes Big Belly Burger" She said with a smile chuckle
"Yeah, they have to leave tonight" I said in a sad tone
"Oh" was all Iris said "that sucks I started to like those guys and their shenanigans" Iris said
"Yeah they are great guys" I said thinking back of those good old "I'm going to join them one last time before they head back to Wakanda" I said
"Oh okay well, I'm going to stay here and continue my blog that Barry hates" Iris said I chuckle a little
"See you later" I said and walked out of the house and drove off to Big Belly Burger
Barry's Pov
I got a message saying that they found Bette I quickly grabbed her and flashed her to S.T.A.R. Labs before the Army could get to her I watched as Bette was being checked out, Wells explained to her about the explosion at first, Bette thought Eiling did an experiment on her. I looked at my phone, I've sent a dozen text messages to Steve apologizing for my rudeness earlier and he didn't respond. I realize I was being rude to Steve after I left to the lab I felt bad. I waited anxiously for him to respond...but he didn't
"Girl problems?" I heard Bette ask me. I looked up and smiled slightly
"more like boy problems" I replied
"Oh. What seems to be the problem?" She asked me sitting next to me, I was shocked that she was cool of me being gay.
"Well it started with my adoptive sister's blog, she's writing about me...being The Flash but she doesn't know about my secret, I tried to tell her that he doesn't exist you know to keep her in the dark so she can stay safe and well Steve...the man that I like is on her side and I pretty much snapped at him and now I feel bad and now he won't return any of my text messages" I explained
"hmm well that seems interesting I am not much of an advice person but give him time, be patient he'll text back" Bette said with a smile I smiled back and nodded.
Bette and I were in the lab, I watched as Caitlin was checking Bette. Bette talked about her powers.
"Actually, aside from Barry, you're the first meta-human that we've tested" Caitlin said
"Meta-human?" Bette asked
"it's just a term" Caitlin said
"Oh my god, what happened? why didn't you say that you were shot?" Cisco asked
"There's something in there" Cailtin said looking at the wound
"A tracker" Wells said "Lockdown the pipeline, get Bette out of here. I'll take care of Eiling" Wells said. I grabbed Bette and zoomed out. The team and I weren't that far from the lab.
"Her Trauzl rating is around 45, that's the same as any plastique...Plastique ha first try!" Cisco said coming up with the name for Bette. We watched as we saw Bette test out her powers.
"Downrange, insurgents started booby-trapping cars. The rest of my tour, I was terrified to touch another vehicle. Now, I'm gonna spend the rest of my life terrified to touch another human being" Bette said
"Have they tried to help you?" I asked
"Yeah, they've helped me learn how to use my powers. not reverse them. If they could reverse it so you weren't a meta-human, would you?" Bette asked me
"A friend told me I was given my speed for a reason. That I was chosen. I don't know if I believe that, but I always wanted to help people. Now I can" I said to Bette with a smile and remembered what Oliver said to me. I felt my phone vibrate. I jumped up really fast and grabbed my phone it's probably Steve I looked at my phone and saw that Joe was calling.
"Sorry" I said to Bette and walked off to a private area "Hey Joe" I greeted him
"I see your little conversation with Irs was a rousing success. She just posted another story about the streak" Joe said. ARE YOU-
"Joe, I tried. I really tried" I said to him
"She's got her name on it now Barry" Joe said
"What?" I asked a little angry "Joe.." I trailed
"it's my fault, I shouldn't have asked you to say anything" Joe said "I just...wanted you to know" He said
"Okay?...Bye" I said and hung up the phone. Now I am really pissed at Iris.
"What was that about?" Caitlin asked
"Iris posted about the streak again. She signed her name to it" I said shaking my head
"Oh that's not good" Cisco said
"No" I said "it's not" I said and came up with a plan. What if I showed up as The Flash? maybe she would listen to me as The Flash and not as Barry Allen. Kinda messed up at the fact she would listen to The Flash than her on brother. I flashed off to Jitters.
Steve's Pov
After a long day out with Bucky and Sam, I decided to spend time with Iris in Jitters. I helped her cleaned up and getting ready to close. I was talking about my day with Sam and Bucky and their argument about which place had the best burgers. Shawarmas or Big Belly Burger.
"I would help you with the argument but I never tried Shawarmas so" Iris chuckled
"It's good. I went there once and that was after the battle in New York" I said thinking back on that day. I remember all of us sitting at the table eating we were all tired and hungry, Loki was outside the chains was tied around Thor's hammer so he couldn't go anywhere. Ah I miss those days.
I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard the door opening
"We're close" I shouted
"OH, my god it's you" Iris said. I turned around and saw The Flash.
"Iris West, I hear you've been writing about me" The Streak said but he blurred his voice. I was slightly confused as to why but I shrugged it off
"You are real..." Iris said "I should um...let me just clean up" Iris said then I saw The Streak clean up the mess. I stood there and blinked
"Meet me on the roof. I'll give you a head start" The Streak said and winked. I don't know if he was winking at me or Iris. He zoomed off towards the roof. Iris grabbed my arms and was jumping up and down
"It's him! It's him!" Iris said squealing
"I know" I said
"Come on let's go meet him you can tell him about you being Captain America" Iris said
"No. I can't it's best that we don't know our identities" I said "you go and have fun" I smiled
She squealed again and ran off towards the roof. I looked around and saw that the place was spotless. "Wow " I said to myself looking at the place since the place was clean I decided to head home.
By the time I went home I realized I had 2 unread text messages from Barry. I had my phone turned off after I showed up at Big Belly Burger. I sat on the couch an read the messages
From Barry:
Hey, Steve, I am sorry for my rudeness earlier. I was just annoyed and angry at Iris. I'm sorry I didn't mean to lash out on you like that
From Barry:
Steve are you there? Are you mad at me?
I decided to text Barry back
To Barry:
Hey Barry, sorry for not responding my phone was off and I was hanging out with Bucky and Sam. And it's okay I understand your frustration with your sister. I hope you too work it out <3
I realized I sent a little heart emoji out.
"Oh, shit" I cursed realizing I couldn't stop the text from sending. Oh....I am dreading his message now. I threw my phone on the other chair. I slammed my head on the pillow
Oh what have I've done
Okay, guys, I am ending this chapter here I apologize for it being slow but I have to go accordingly to the tv show you guys know the rules....I have no idea what I'm saying anymore. I am super tired you guys, Echo the dog wore me out yesterday and I am still pretty worn out today and I have to dog sit him again on Saturday if you saw my announcement the owner is moving and needs to pack and he needs someone to watch Echo I thought Echo was going to spend the night at my place but nah.
Anyways I am rambling on so I will see you guys in the next chapter
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