Chapter 19
Hey, guys welcome to a new chapter today, I hope everyone is doing well. Well school is almost here, some people already started and I wish them luck, I start school on August 26 I already bought the supplies that I need like notebooks, planner, and pencils. My notebooks are Avengers Endgame, it looks freaking cool.
Alright let's not talk about school, but I do warn you when I go back to school updating books like this one and Malec will be hard, I will continue to update Take A Closer Look because writing those chapters don't take long to write at all but I will continue to update those two stories I just might be able to update them on the weekends idk I will have to see how my classes are so I can try and see if I can write the chapters in between classes and my lunch break.
So in today's chapter, I forgot to add a scene between Steve and Felicity before she left the city her and Steve talk about the argument they kinda had and clear things up but since Felicity makes more than 1 appearances in The Flash I'll add the scene in later on chapters. Steve decided to take Sam and Bucky out to the bar they ran into Barry and his friends. Barry revealed to his friends that he can't get drunk due to his super speed. There is a new metahuman in the city where whatever she touches it turns into a bomb.
I hit 66 followers so shoutout to
Thanks for the follow :)
So basically the entire episode of 1x05 of The Flash :D
Steve's Pov
I watched as The Flash zoomed off I smiled to myself, seems to me he likes my friends.
"What a nice kid" Nat said
"He's annoying" Bucky and Sam said
"Really guys?" I asked them
"He screwed up my hair!" Bucky yelled
"He messed with my flight suit now I can't get my damn wings to go back!" Sam yelled
"He's just a kid guys be nice" I said
"Oh I'm a nice person but right now I fucking peachy!" Bucky yelled fixing up his hair again "He even grabbed my arm without permission" Bucky pouted. I shook my head at Bucky for being ridiculous.
"Well this was fun, Steve is really great to see you again but I have to return to Wakanda" Nat said and T'Challa nodded
"I have to leave as well, my sister doesn't like me staying away from the throne for a long period of time. Barnes Wilson you two coming?" T'Challa asked
"Nah I'm going to stick around and hang out with our friend" Bucky said
"Yeah same here, I can always fly us back to Wakanda" Sam said trying to fix his wingsuit
"Alright, see you guys soon, good luck Steve" Nat said following T'Challa out.
I smiled then looked at Sam and Bucky, Sam was able to fix his wingsuit
"Finally, god I'm not letting that speedster kid near my stuff again" Sam said
I chuckled "Do you guys have a place to stay?" I asked
"No but we can get a hotel" Bucky said
"You sure?" I asked
"Yeah we are in good hands" Bucky said patting my arm. I nodded
"Okay well, it's really late, how about I give you guys a tour of the city?" I asked them
"That sounds like a wonderful plan" Sam said
"Alright well, see you guys tomorrow" I said smiling
"Goodnight Cap" Sam said.
I walked back to my apartment, as I was walking away I heard Sam and Bucky whispered to each other
"Does Steve even know the speedster's identity I mean it's obvious the kid is that one who got str-"
"Bucky don't if he doesn't know then we can't tell him" Sam said
I had a confused look on my face, what in the world were they talking about? I shrugged it off, I am way too tired to think about that. I crashed onto my bed and fell asleep instantly.
Barry's Pov
After work and saving the city for the night, I decided to meet up with Caitlin, Eddie, Iris, and Cisco. We decided to go to a bar together. Iris was flirting with Eddie as usual, I occasionally flirt with Eddie behind Iris's back but whenever Iris sees Eddie blush I ended up getting a smack at the back of my head, totally worth it though.
"I'm glad you invited Caitlin and Cisco" Iris said
"They're cool right?" I asked her
"They saved your life Barry, that makes them the coolest people I've ever met" Iris said with a smile then her attention went to a different direction "Hey got a question," Iris said looking back at me
"Yeah?" I asked her taking a shot. I looked at the shot glass disappointed I haven't gotten buzzed yet.
"Have you asked Steve out?" Iris asked me
" mean I've been meaning to but I just didn't have...any time you know work stuff and, all" I said and that was the truth, being a hero and a CSI at the same time is hard and I just realized I haven't spent any time with Steve in a long time.
"Right, well now is your chance and better hurry the guy he's with seems to like steve...a lot" Iris said looking at the entranceway. I looked over and saw Steve walking with 2 guys. One guy was close to Steve...dangerously close, the other dude was looking around. Steve was looking around as well then he met my eyes and his eyes lit up. I looked away blushing. Good job Barry Allen, you had one job...just the one.
"Hey, Barry" I heard Steve behind me. I turned around and met Steve's eyes and his smile.
"Oh hey, Steve how's it going?" I asked
"Doing good just been catching up with my friends here" Steve said "Guys, this is Barry Allen, Barry this is Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson" Steve introduced me to his friends, I smiled at them
"So you're the dude that struck by lighting?" Sam asked me
"uh yeah that's me" I replied with a smile
"Wow, what was it like? getting struck by lightning?" Sam asked me
"I uh have no idea I pretty much fainted by the time I flew across the room hitting the shelves full of chemicals" I explained. Sam gave Bucky a look I couldn't tell what Sam told Bucky with his eyes.
"Hey, Steve!" Iris shouted
"Iris hey" Steve greeted hugging Iris. I saw Sam whisper in Bucky's ear and Bucky nodded, what is up with those two.
"So who are your friends?" Iris asked looking at Sam and Bucky.
"These are my friends Bucky and Sam" Steve introduced
"Hi guys" Iris said with a smile. I took another shot and still didn't feel anything I saw Catilin and Cisco talking. I looked at Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Iris and saw that they were talking not paying attention to their surroundings then Eddie showed up, Bucky and Sam saw Eddie and looked intimated by his hotness. While they were distracted I snuck away to Cisco and Caitlin
"Guys, I have a problem" I said
"We all do when guys like him exist" Cisco said looking at Eddie
"yeah's he's hot" Caitlin said.
"Yeah I know he is b-"
"Uh I mean genetically speaking. Because I'm a geneticist of course. Oh my god, do I sound like Felicity?" Caitlin asked
"A little bit but it's fine anyway, I'm not talking about Eddie I'm talking about this" I said then used my speed to drink all the shots "I can't feel anything" I said
"Yeah, that's usually what happens when you drink too much" Cisco said
"No, the alcohol is not affecting me. I mean I literally can't feel anything" I said
"it's your hyper-metabolism. I need a sample-"
"I'll get more shots" Cisco cut in walking out and ran into Steve.
"I swear, I had a vacutainer here" Caitlin said searching in her purse. I gave her a weird look
"Wait you carry a blood collection kit in your purse?" Cisco asked
"You have your hobbies" Caitlin said
"Well that is creepy in every way I'm going over there" I said pointing where Steve is and walked off
"Hey, Barry" Steve greeted me
"Hey Steve long time no see" I said with a smile
"Yeah I've been busy" Steve said
"Yeah same here, we've been getting nonstop cases and I had to deal with the files and all" I said
"Ouch that must be hell" Steve said sipping his beer
"Not really you'll get used to it" I said shrugging
"If you ever need help I can volunteer and-" I quickly cut off Steve
"NO...Uh I mean that would be nice but we have strict rules when it comes to cases and all" I said scratching the back of my neck nervously and awkwardly.
"Ah okay well if you ever change your mind I'm always available" Steve said with a sweet smile. He shot me a quick wink and walked off. I was blushing like a fangirl meeting her favorite celebrity. I went back to the bar, the bartender gave me a beer on the house.
"I didn't order any beer" I said
"Oh please after seeing how cute you were acting with that hottie you deserve a drink. It's on me" The Bartender said and walked off flashing me a smile. I sighed and looked at the beer.
I wish I could get drunk.
Steve's Pov
I flashed Barry and sweet smile and a quick wink before walking off, I left him blushing like a fangirl. Aw how cute.
I met up with Bucky, Sam.
"What did I miss?" I asked them
"Nothing, we are just talking about my blog and Steve you didn't tell me that these two Falcon and Winter Soldier were part of The Avengers" Iris whispered
"Well actually Bucky wasn't a part of it" I said scratching my head nervously, Iris was confused. I had flashes of memories of me and Sam going after Bucky back when he was under Hydra's control.
"Oh did something happen that I'm missing?" Iris asked
"Let's just say I not who I seem to be" Bucky said
"...Alright" Iris said, she spotted Eddie from afar "excuse me" she said and walked towards him.
I sat down where Iris sat.
"I like your friends Steve, they are nice and...normal" Bucky said with a smile
"Yeah that's what I like about them they are normal and don't care if you're a superhero from a different place" I said looking at Iris, Eddie, Barry and Barry's friends, that's weird they look so familiar I think I've seen them before oh well.
"So when are you going to ask Barry out?" Bucky asked
"Excuse me?" I asked him
"Dude it's obvious that you like him, I mean the way you look at him and the way he looks away blushing and the way he looks at you, he's into you" Bucky said
"Bucky is right for once in his life-"
"Hey" Bucky said offended
"I mean Barry likes you and you like him back, what's holding you back from asking him out?" Sam asked
"I don't know," I said "I mean there's me being Captain America if my enemies find out about my weakness who will be Barry they'll go after him and I can't see him getting hurt because of my past coming back to haunt me" I said watching Barry laugh with his friends "and I can't see his friends and families faces when they realize I couldn't save him" I said looking down
"You are letting your fears get the best of you Steve and that's unlike you, you are a fearless, strongest Avenger we ever had on the team, ever since Sokovia and Hydra you let all the fears cloud your feelings" Sam said
"Sam's right for once" Bucky said
"I'm always right." Sam said correcting Bucky and Bucky rolled his eyes
"You haven't been the same ever since the battles, it's time to put everything in the past and just go for it" Bucky said.
I continue to watch Barry from afar, I can imagine myself walking up to him and grabbing him and kissing him in front of everybody, I can imagine seeing Barry's face frozen from the sudden move I pulled on him but I can imagine his sweet smile and his cute blushing face. I want that to happen so bad. I was shaken out of my thoughts when my phone went off. I looked at it and saw that there was a report of an explosion I got up
"I have to go" I said
"What why?" Sam asked sipping his beer
"there's an explosion on 8th and pass" I said
"What's that?" Bucky asked confused
"Don't worry about it. Someone is in trouble I have to go" I said and walked off
Barry's Pov
I was drinking what it appears to be 20...ah damnit I lost count I mean I still can't get drunk this sucks ass!
"I can't get drunk, I mean I'm only 25 and my drinking days are already over" I said to Caitlin and Cisco
"Come on Allen, you're up" Eddie said with a cheesy smile then was interrupted by his phone going off
"There was a bombing on 8th and pass, I got to go babe" Eddie said to Iris I saw Steve run past me like he was in hurry to get somewhere, I tried to stop him but he blended in with the people in the bar.
"Sorry guys" Eddie said to us
"I've got an early shift at Jitters, Barry, we'll catch up tomorrow" Iris said
"It's getting late, anyway so I'm just gonna..." I trailed off walking away from Iris, by the time I was out of her sight I flashed off. I zoomed in next to Captain America
"Hey Flash" Captain greeted me
"America" I greeted back then saw a window washer about to fall.
"Guys! there's a window washer and he's about to fall" I said over coms
"Don't try and catch him, you don't have super strength" Caitlin said
"Well, is there, like a bed store near here? What if I get a bunch of mattresses and stack them?" I asked
"What the hell? Or how about you flash up there and catch him" Captain said to me
"Barry this isn't a roadrunner cartoon" Cailtin said
"Help! Help!" The Window washer screamed out
"Flash! do something run up the god damn building" Captain shouted at me I looked at him and looked at the building before backing up getting ready to zoom up there.
"How fast would I need to go running up the side of the building?" I asked my team
"How far up do you need to go?" Cisco asked
"Uh, how far up do I need..." I mumbled looking at the building again
"50 meters Flash" Captain said
"50 meters give or take" I said
"32.56" I heard Cisco mumbled
"Guys! Hurry!" I shouted at them as the Window stand was getting ready to fall at any second
"Just run really fast and you'll be fine" Cisco said
"But you need to maintain your velocity on the way down or...." Caitlin trailed
"or what?" I asked
"Splat." Caitlin said
"Oh great," I said picturing me splat on the ground, oof I can imagine what the article would look like. " Alright, alright, alright, alright Here goes" I said
"Good luck" Captain said getting out of the way, yeah best idea Captain just in case I splat on the ground you don't want speedster blood on you...yuck. I zoomed up and saved the worker who was falling after the window stand broke. I zoomed back down and the worker ran off.
"Nice work Flash" Captain said patting my back I smiled then I saw Iris I froze in my tracks, I didn't know what to do so I blurred my face and flashed off. I thought she said she had an early shift in Jitters? Goddamnit she lied to me she wanted to see me well... The Blur in action.
Steve's Pov
I saw The Flash zoom up the building and catch the worker
"Nice work Flash" I said patting his back. I saw The Flash freeze where he was standing after he saw a woman on the scene, he zoomed off leaving me alone in the street.
"That was awesome!" Iris shouted
"Iris?" I asked
"Oh hey, St....Captain" She said smiling
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"I heard about an explosion and I just The Blur run up the building and save someone" Iris squealed. Oh boy... "This is so going on my blog" She said getting on her phone
"THIS IS 8TH AND PASS YOU DUMBASS!" I heard shouting in the distance then I saw Bucky and Sam running up to me
"NEW YORK HAS 8TH AND PASS!" Sam shouted. I stood there and sighed
"OH, THERE IS FIRE ON THE GROUND SOMEONE DIDN'T MAKE IT FUCKING HELL!" Sam shouted seeing the Window stand on the ground and in flames
"Guys.." I tried to get their attention
"YES!" Sam yelled
"Oh....sorry Steve" Bucky said calmly. I stood there with a blank look on my face
"right...I'm going to go and finish this blog and plus I'm late for work" Iris said getting in the cab again, I saw that she paid the cab driver extra money to keep his mouth shut since he heard my identity.
"You guys done?" I asked them
"Yeah that's about it" Sam said crossing his arms
"No one died tonight, The Flash saved someone tonight" I said
"if that's the case then...what are you doing standing here?" Bucky asked
"I was helping the other people evacuate" I replied, "What are you guys doing here?" I asked
"Well After hearing about an explosion Me and Buck teeth dude here" Bucky pointed at Sam
"Do make me hit you!" Bucky shouted
Oh god here we go again
"Ooo so scared look at me I'm the Winter Solider with awful long hair and metal arm" Sam said mimicking Bucky
"I do not sound like that!" Bucky yelled
"Oh sorry, this is you. Ooo look at me with my pretty hair I love how my face reflects off of my arm ugh I am so pretty like totally" Sam changed his voice to a more girly version of Bucky, at this point I was trying not to laugh.
"I'm going to kill you!" Bucky said tackling Sam to the ground
"Okay, guys...guys come on....guys!" I yelled then ducking after seeing Bucky's arm flying across my head with his middle finger showing. I sighed and swung my shield at them, the shield bounced off of Sam's suit and landed on the ground. "ENOUGH guys" I yelled. They stopped. I went over there and grabbed my shield. Bucky grabbed his arm
"He started it" Sam shouted
"No, he did!" Bucky shouted with his metal finger pointing at Sam before putting it back on his body
"Who cares who started it you guys are fighting like children now come on!" I shouted. I heard Bucky grumbled. Sam walked next to me then turned back and blew a raspberry at Bucky
"Sam!" I shouted at him.
Children...I am working with Children.
Barry's Pov
The next morning I raced over to the crime scene from last night. I was looking at the fragments on the ground.
"Barry? What do you got?" Joe asked me
"Bombers typically have their own unique signatures, crimped wires, fragmentation. The level of sophistication is telling once I've analyzed it" I said storing the evidence in my suitcase "You show me a bomb, I can usually find a clue in it.." I trailed off
"It sounds like there's a 'but' coming" Joe said
Yeah, I haven't found any sign of an oxidizing agent. It's as if the floor just blew itself up" I said
"Things don't just blow up" Joe said. I looked over at the scene again
"The security guard said our bomber was a woman, red hair Must've cut the security camera's feed, there's no footage but there might something else. Some kind of small charge blasted the doorknob off" Eddie said showing up at the scene
"Any idea what's missing?" Joe asked Eddie
"My guess is one of these files " Eddie said looking at the file room "It's gonna take days to figure out which one" Eddie said. I looked at Joe and Joe understood what I was going to do.
"Let's let Barry do his thing" Joe said guiding Eddie out of the room, once they were out I sped around through ever single file cabinet and grabbed the file we were looking for. I love having super speed. I went back to the precinct and saw someone dressed in an Army uniform. I had a confused look on my face.
"Hey what's going on?" I asked
"General Eiling is relieving us from the bombing case" Joe said. I quickly hid the file in my coat
"Give these men everything that's relevant" the General said
"Sure thing, yeah" I said handing over my case that had the evidence. The army took the case and walked out. I gave Joe a look like I got the file. I went to S.T.A.R. Labs and waited for Joe, he went home really fast to talk to Iris, he knows that she was at the bombing site, oooo busted!
Moments later Joe showed up.
"A VA file number is all the info you have on the bomber?" Caitlin asked
"CCPD's been ordered off the case" Joe said
"The Army, some general, his name was Eiling, I think." I said
"General Wade Eiling" Wells said
"You know him?" Joe asked
"Yeah I know him, about ten years ago, General Wade Eiling contracted S.T.A.R. Labs to develop enhanced gene therapies for soldiers. I was interested in the potential medical benefits for civilians. General Eiling really wanted to develop mind-reading capabilities for interrogation purposes. I stopped the study when I saw his techniques up close, but our split was less than amicable" Wells explained
"He took all the evidence I collected on the bombing" I said in disbelief.
"Everything but the folder" Joe said
"Well... Lucky for us, the VA finally joined the new millennium and digitized their records. A lot of redacted info" Cisco said "but our girl's name is Bette Sans Souci, an EOD specialist for the army"
"EOD?" I asked
"Bombs" Cisco replied
"IS there an address?" I asked
"hold on here we go, one person in case emergency. Cameron Scott. Inglewood" Cisco said. I flashed off and saw Bette standing there
"Bette Sans Souci I need you to come with me" I said
"Don't touch me!" She shouted but I grabbed her. She pushed me back and there was something purple on my suit I looked at it weird
"Get whatever you're wearing off of you. Hurry!" She shouted and I zoomed out of my suit and it blew up. I was standing there only in my boxers...oh boy
Steve's Pov
I was walking around the park with Bucky and Sam, they announced that today is their last day here. Nat called them late last night saying that T'Challa needed them back in Wakanda. I was a little sad to see them leave.
"So are you going to take our advice and ask Barry out?" Sam asked. I nodded slightly
"I might" I said
"When we visit here again I expect to see you kissing him" Bucky said. I chuckled
"Don't worry guys It'll happen" I said. We were laughing together when we heard an explosion in the distance, the explosion was not that far from us. We all looked at each other and ran off to the scene. We saw someone running from the scene and fire. I saw suit on the ground well pieces of it. I recognized the symbol on it
"oh my god! Flash!" I shouted
"Do you think he's..." Bucky trailed
"No seems to me he flashed out of it just in time" I said
"You saying Flash is running around the city naked ha haha" Sam laughed
"Shut up Sam this isn't funny he could've died." I shouted he went silent
"You said it yourself Steve, he could've flashed out of his suit just in time" Bucky said
I stood there worried.
Okay, guys, I am ending the chapter here, uh the word count is a little over 4,000 so I am keeping this note short, I hope you guys liked this chapter. Votes and Comment are welcome
I will see you guys in the next chapter
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