Chapter 14
Hello everyone, welcome to a new chapter today. I hope everyone is doing well. Before I start this chapter off, we hit more than 200 reads on this book which is amazing I can't believe so many people read this book. Thank you to everyone who has been reading this book you guys are amazing and I love the support you guys are giving me it means a lot to me.
So how many of you guys seen the new BTS video Lights? If you haven't the video is above the title. I saw the video a few nights and oh my god I instantly fell in love with it, just before I started to write this chapter I downloaded the song.
Also, take a look at this:
What do you guys see? 2 best friends perhaps bros smiling and laughing together WRONG! Bros or best friends don't look at each other in the eyes and sing "you are my light" especially if they look like they are about to kiss, I'm not saying that Jikook is real I'm just saying that could very well be together....okay they're real DONT @ ME PEOPLE I stick to my opinion.
Comment down below if you think Jikook is real. (They look so cute together I can't...I can't even)
Literally me:
(I am getting good at photo editing :D)
Speaking of guys looking at each other and smiling/blushing and saying you are my light, in today's chapter, it's going be a short one Iris and Barry talk, Nick Fury makes an appearance again, we also get a small Steve/Barry moment.
Barry's Pov
I was the first person to show up at the hospital. I was sitting in Joe's room waiting for Iris to show up, I wonder what's taking her so long?
"Rescuing you is exhausting," I said jokingly
"I miss the ability to be able to ground you," Joe said to me with an evil grin
"Sorry I went and grew up." I joked. "I could have got my dad out of Iron Heights tonight," I said
"I know..." Joe said to me his smile disappearing
"But you were right, that's not the way," I said with a small smile. I heard the door opening and saw Iris run in follow by Steve and Eddie. Steve went to me and smiled.
"Daddy!" Iris shouted hugging Joe
"Oh, baby I'm fine don't worry." Joe said hugging Iris back then looked up and saw Eddie "Partner" he greeted him
"You okay Barry?" I heard Steve ask me. I nodded at him
"Yeah, I'm fine just been a long day," I said
"I hear ya," Steve said patting me on the back
"You two arrived at the same time?" Joe asked Iris and Eddie
"Uh-oh," Steve and I said
"Dad, we have something that we need to tell you..." Iris started then cleared her throat "The thing is..."
"You two are dating" Joe cut Iris off, Iris and Eddie had a shocking look on their faces, I did as well. "I know," He said
"You do?" Both Iris and Eddie said
"I'm a detective remember? And both of you are lousy lairs" Joe said. I snicker out a laugh. He is right they are both lousy liars and they were soo obvious.
"Hey, Barry would you like to get some coffee from the cafeteria?" Steve asked me. He had the look like 'By that I mean wanna get away from this' I smiled and nodded
"Yeah sure," I said. We walked out together into the cafeteria.
"I'm glad Joe is doing okay, I heard about that metahuman that can turn himself into poisonous gas," Steve said choosing a coffee for himself
"Yeah same here, after getting the news I raced over here," I said trying to find a snack in the vending machine
"I also heard that the Streak saved Joe and teamed up with the Star Sp-"
"Captain America, his name is Captain America" I quickly cut off Steve
"Oh, so he changed his name?" Steve asked me, getting his coffee
"Yeah uhh, Iris told me, apparently she knows Captain America," I said grabbing Cheetos chips from the machine.
"Hmm that's interesting, she told me she knows the Streak" Steve said. I was struggling to open my damn chips when I felt Steve's gentle hands grab the bag from me "Here allow me" He said and opened the bag and handed it back to me.
"Thanks." I said with a smile "I wonder how the article Iris is writing about doing" I said
"Yeah same here." Steve said leaning against a chair close to me "To be honest I was interested in that Captain America article she was writing about, if I was her I would include both The Streak and Captain America let the whole world know about 2 superheroes." He said
"Yeah, it would've sounded interesting," I said thinking about it, hmm what if I told Iris to do that as The Streak I'm sure she'll listen to the Streak.
"Hey Barry I've been meaning to ask you something," Steve said. I looked at him and realized I had something to ask him as well
"I do too," I said eating more of my chips "You go first," I said
"Okay" Steve said chuckling "Um the thing is these past few months when you were in a coma I had some time to think about...myself and what I really am and seeing you that one night before we got interrupted gave me an answer to myself and I've been meaning to ask you..." Steve went on. My heart was pounding out of my chest was he about to ask-
"Hey there you guys are" I heard Iris walking in "Am I interrupting something?" She asked. Yes you were sis thank you very much
"No you didn't um me and Barry were just talking about The Streak and Captain America working together to stop that metahuman tonight," Steve said
"Oh I know I heard about it on the news, it was pretty awesome how The Streak saved my dad tonight, if he was here I could thank him in person," Iris said. I looked at her and smiled. Aw, how sweet. I heard Steve's phone go off
"Oh I have to take this um Barry I'll see you next time," Steve said with a smile. I nodded and smiled back. Once Steve left the room I felt Iris grab my arm
"So did you finally ask him out?" She asked
"No," I said
"What why?" She asked, "You guys were talking for about 10 minutes and you're telling me you didn't ask him out?"
"It wasn't the right moment," I said
"Oh, jeez really Allen that's your excuse that 10 minutes was the right moment, you too hanging out is the right moment to ask him out. Barry, you need to man up and ask him because you might never find the right moment" Iris said. I sighed closing my eyes
"I know Iris I know," I said
"Well, clearly you don't," Iris said shaking her head then walked away. I decided to pop my head in Joe's room to tell him that I was going home. Once I was outside I got a text message from Cisco saying there was a robbery at a nearby bank. I zoomed off to the scene and saw Captain America trying to take down 2 of them by himself. I decided to tackle one to the ground while America dealt with one. He looked at me
"Hey, thanks." Captain America said knocking the robber out. I did the same to the other robber
"No problem," I said with a small smile
"You alright Streak?" America asked me
"Yeah I'm fine just been a long night," I said sighing
"Well go ahead and rest I'll take care of the city for tonight," America said to me
"Don't you ever sleep?" I asked him
"On occasions," He said, we ended up walking together when the police arrived. "You sure you alright? You look like you are in deep thought. Something troubling you?" He asked me. Wow he is very observant
"I'm fine I just I like someone and I had a chance to ask them out but I didn't," I said
"I know what that's like." America said "So you had the chance but you didn't take it?" he asked me
"Yeah it's pretty lame," I said
"No that means you are nervous or don't know if the person would like you back. And plus since you're a superhero and you like someone and you have the chance to ask someone out but you hesitate that can mean different things like you are concern about keeping your secret from your loved ones and your lover to keep them safe" America explained me, the tone of his voice suggested he was about to ask someone out himself but hesitated.
"Wow for a Superhero who wheres a Star-Spangled costume you know a lot about Love," I said he just chuckled
"No it's just common sense, clearly kid you have a lot to learn since you are new at being a superhero. But looking at you, whoever this lucky lady is she's pretty lucky to have you" America said to me
"yeah sure I'll be sure I'll HIM that America thinks so," I said chuckling which made America chuckle
"I apologize. whoever this lucky guy is he's pretty lucky to have you" America said patting me on the back. I smiled
"Thanks," I said
"Anytime. Now go, home kid, it's getting pretty late out, I'll take care of the city tonight" America said to me. I smiled then zoomed off
Steve's Pov
So, everyone favorite blur is gay, nothing wrong with that it's rare to find gay superheroes out here in the world (A/N: Clearly, we need more gay superheroes Marvel and DC come on guys!) Apparently, this kid is having some love problems, poor guy doesn't know the first thing about being a superhero and falling in love at the same time but he's new at this so I'm not holding it against him. I decided to go on the rooftop that I usually hang out at. I took off my mask and took a deep breath. I watched the city lights shine the dark sky. I had the same view like this back in New York but this was different, usually in New York you would see Iron Man flying through here, maybe Vision or see Tony's big ugly building with the word "Stark" in the middle of the city nope instead there's a building with a giant Q in the middle, I remember Barry telling me that's where Olive Queen works at.
"You know the whole point of masks is to not reveal your identity to the world" I heard a voice behind. I turned around and saw Nick Fury standing there
"Fury, what are you doing here?" I asked. He sat down next to me
"What an old friend can't check on his old friend?" Fury asked, "I'm just visiting to see how are things doing plus it's my day off and I got bored." He said
"Day off? what do you mean a day off?" I asked
"S.H.E.I.L.D Is falling apart as usual and Tony disbanded the Avengers completely," Fury said then looked at me "The world doesn't have The Avengers anymore." He said. I sighed and shook my head.
"So what are you going to do?" I asked him
"I'm going to do what I've have been meeting to do," Fury said
"Oh like what?" I asked
"I'm thinking about retiring." Fury said I looked at him
"Really?" I asked
"Yeah, there's not much to do now, all I'm doing is following reports about the Streak and Captain America helping the Streak take down a metahuman," Fury said. I chuckled
"So no more of that Star-Spangled hero name?" Fury asked me. I shook my head "Good cause Star-Spangled was lame" He said. I laughed then saw a red blur past by the building I was on
"There he goes," I said
"What is the Streak like?" Fury asked
"A nice young kid who cares about saving his city," I said
"Did you by any chance warn him about the whole Eobard situation?" Fury asked
"I tried but it seems to me this kid trusts Dr. Wells," I said and Fury gave me a weird look
"You've might've been right.."
"I'm always right." Fury said
"Not really," I said.
"Oh yeah name one?" Fury said
"You aren't right about how you lost your eye, clearly looking at that damaged eye it was scratched out by an animal perhaps," I said
"I swear Rogers...if you tell anyone about how I really lost my eye I will pop a cap in your American ass." Fury said. I put my hands up
"Hey secret safe with me." I said
"Good, I got my eye on you." Fury said to me. I chuckled
"But seriously though what made you think I was right?" Fury asked
"These people with powers the rouge ones are victims of the explosion that Wells pretty much created, I think you were right about this whole Eobard thing" I said
"You think it was Eobard who caused the explosion?" He asked me
"No I'm 100% sure it was Wells's fault but now that you mentioned that, I remember seeing Wells in a wheelchair after bringing the Streak in S.T.A.R. Labs when he got injuried." I said thinking about it. What if it's not Well's fault what if Eobard did something to the machine that night.
"So you're saying Wells is one of the victims of Eobard's attack?" Fury asked me
"Possibly." I said
"Well, call me if something comes up with Eobard, I will also be looking forward to reading more stories of Streak/Captain America teaming up. This young woman Iris West is very observant hmm perhaps one day she'll be useful for S.H.E.I.L.D" Fury said (foreshadowing??? maybe?) I chuckled when Fury said that
"I doubt she'll be interested." I said
"You never know Rogers like I know that you're interested in that Allen kid" Fury said. I turned around and looked at Fury he had a smile on his face then went back on the jet "See you soon Rogers" He said. I waved goodbye and the jet flew off. I sat there and watched as the cars zoomed past, it's been a few minutes and I haven't seen that Streak perhaps he did take my advice and call it a night. I started to feel tired but I kept myself awake. I started to think about Barry and his cute smile that lights up an entire building, how does he stay positive after everything that has happened in his life? Barry Allen is incredible
One of the many reasons why I like him. I smiled to myself thinking about Barry.
Barry's Pov
Before I went home I decided to make a quick pit stop to a Sushi bar because well I was craving sushi and I was hungry. I decided to stay up really late since tomorrow was my day, before the lightning bolt if I wasn't still at the crime lab, I'd be at home chilling, but now my days off are different. I was usually alone but now I'm not I have my friends at S.T.A.R. Labs, I can hang out with Iris but she's usually busy and plus she has a boyfriend now so I'll rarely get to hang out with her, oh and there's Steve, hanging out with Steve makes me feel happy, whenever I feel sad it's like Steve knows and he is just there to make me feel better.
I zoomed back to the lab to drop my suit off and zoomed back home. I sat in my room and ate some sushi. I heard the front door open and close
"Barry I'm home!" I heard Iris shouted.
"Up here Iris!" I shouted with a mouth full of Sushi. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and into my room
"Yum sushi that looks like good" Iris said. I then reached over my nightstand and picked up an unopen plater of sushi
"Here" I said and handed it to her
"You are the best brother" Iris said opening the plater and eating a sushi
"How's dad?" I asked
"He's good um they are keeping in the hospital overnight to run some tests to make sure the poison is completely out of his system, he will be at work tomorrow." Iris said
"That's good" I said
"Hey about earlier-" I quickly cut off Iris
"No you're right, I need to build up the courage and ask Steve out" I said "you're right I will never find the right moment, any moment I have with Steve is the right moment" I said. Iris smiled
"Good. Now you're getting it" She said pinching my cheek. My face turn red "Alright well, I have an article I need to update so I'll be downstairs good night Barry" she said
"Night Iris" I said. She walked ou of my room taking the plater with her, I decided to take America's advice and call it night.
What a long day.
Unknown Pov (9 months ago)
"See you soon Barry"
Okay, I am ending it there I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Votes and comments are welcome
And I will see you in the next chapter
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