Chapter 13
Hello everyone and welcome to a new chapter today I hope everyone is doing well. Okay, I finally have gotten over the whole writer's block situation. Before I start this chapter off, in case you didn't read my Take A Closer Look chapter that I posted a few days ago, I mentioned that my story is eligible to enter the Watty Awards 2019, comment down below if I should enter my story for the Awards. Also happy 4th of July everyone, what is one way to celebrate America? by updating Steve/Barry where Steve, everyone's favorite America who is gay and falls in love with a man :D, I think all the Stucky and Stony shippers don't like this story lol.
So in today's chapter, we will pick up where we left off but we will be in Barry's Pov where he gets an alert about the metahuman who can control gas, he meets the metahuman and he inhales the gas if you guys saw episode 3 then you would know what happens. Iris wants Barry and Steve to just hook up lol.
I'm also going to be skipping a lot of scenes from the series and come up with my own scenes cause *chuckles* I don't remember anything.
Here is the chapter everyone.
Barry's Pov
I was in my lab when I got a text message from Cisco, telling me to come to the lab. I looked around to make sure I was the only one here at my lab before zooming off to S.T.A.R. Labs.
"What's up?" I asked them
"Meet Kyle Nimbus." Catlin said showing a picture of Kyle "He was sent to death on the night of the explosion"
"They were using toxic gas to kill him." Cisco said
"All available units, we have a report of a toxic gas attack in the Central City Shopping Mall" I heard the radio on the computer go off. I was about to zoom off when Caitlin stopped me
"Barry don't. We don't know enough about what we're facing yet, It's not safe" She said to me
"Caitlin, I have to go." I said to her and flashed into my suit and zoomed off to the mall. I forgot how huge the damn mall was. I was zooming around to find the person who was attacking people.
"I patched into the mall's security system, according to witnesses, the gas attack was in the main elevator in the north wing." Cisco said through coms.
I looked around "Which one is the north wing?" I asked
"The one with The Big Belly Burger. What I eat" I heard Wells on the other line. I smiled to myself and arrived at the scene. There was a woman on the ground not breathing. I saw the person, Kyle, leave the scene. I ran off
"Why did you kill that woman?" I asked Kyle
"She deserved to die. Now go run away. I still have one more name on my list" Kyle said, "Don't make me add you to it." A list what list? I threw a punch at Kyle but he turned to gas. I was breathing hard then all of a sudden I felt the gas enter my lungs. I was gasping trying to breathe
"Barry! Barry, can you hear me?" Dr. Wells said to me. I ran off and was at the scene again. My vision was blurry and I was wheezing, I saw Joe standing next to someone I couldn't tell who
"Get- everyone out" I coughed out then I zoomed off
"His vitals are weak but he's alive Dr. Wells" I heard Cisco said
"I'm sure he's fine." Dr. Wells said. I zoomed in wheezing and coughing
"I can't breathe" I gasped out
"He needs oxygen! Get the crash cart!" Dr. Wells yelled. I was too busy trying to breathe, it hurt like hell. They slammed me down on the bed
"Barry!" Caitlin yelled
"Cut me open!" I yelled out "The poison's still in me" I coughed out
"He brought us a sample." Caitlin said
"Caitlin, we need to do a pulmonary biopsy, extract an active portion of that gas." Cisco said.
"I can't give you any anesthetic, your metabolism will burn right through it." Caitlin said to me
"I heal quick remember?" I coughed out
"Cisco, give me the syringe." Caitlin said to Cisco "This is gonna hurt a lot." She said to me
"It's a small needle. You probably won't even feel it" Cisco said to me
"You're definitely going to feel it" Catlin said and stabbed me in the chest. I took a deep breath in pain and passed out. I woke up about a few minutes later or was it an hour later? I couldn't tell
"The Streak lives." Cisco said
"You'd be dead if your lung cells didn't regenerate so quickly." Caitlin said to me in her disappointment voice.
"My chest feels like...that one time I had a cigarette." I said, my voice was so raspy from breathing so hard. I remember when I tried out smoking, oh man I remember seeing Joe's angry look. I was in my room and was about to smoke a cigarette when Joe walked in, the cigarette fell out of my mouth the moment I saw him walk through the door. I remember all the chores I said I would do for Joe if he didn't ground me. I saw the team's look
"Yeah, teen me lived for danger." I said. I remember all the bad things I did when I was a teenager. All the hot bad boys I use to hang out with.
"This isn't funny, you could've-" I cut off Caitlin
"I didn't," I said to her. In the distance, I heard Cisco trying to give out a code name for the new meta
"The Mist. Okay, that's his name, end of discussion." Cisco said
"I have to get to the station." I said to everyone
"You should be resting." Caitlin said to me
"I have to talk to Joe." I said to them and flashed into regular clothes and flashed off
Steve's Pov
I was at the station with Joe and Eddie, after seeing the Streak gasping for air like that I was worried about him, yes I am worried about him seeing him gasping for air like that I'm surprised he was able to run at all. In the distance I saw Barry walk in, I quickly put on my mask. I saw Barry talk to Joe, I couldn't make out what they were saying. I walked over there
"Didn't I promise you that we would get your father out of prison together?" Joe asked Barry
"I don't need your help, Joe." Barry said. Joe saw me and cleared his throat to shut Barry up, why did he do that
"Any word on the meta?" I asked Joe
"Yes, the victim was a judge." Joe said hanging me the file. I looked through it "We're going through some of her old cases to see if there's a connection"
Eddie showed up with Iris
"Not you too" I heard Eddie say sighing. I saw Iris looking at her phone, she's probably reading news about the Streak at the Mall. Iris looked up
"Oh hey st- erm Star Spangled." Iris said tome catching herself
"I told you to call me Captain America." I said to her.
"Hey, Allen" Eddie greeted Barry. I saw Barry smile and nod at Eddie, did Barry just blush what? What the hell was that? I felt my blood boil looking at those two. Iris was too busy looking at her phone not paying attention to her man flirting with MY MAN!
"Hey Eddie, There are witnesses we need to interview." Joe said to Eddie. They walked off together.
I continued to look through the file when Iris spoke up
"So barry are you ever gonna ask Steve out?" She asked Barry. Barry and I looked at her the same time. I gave Iris a look like what the hell are you doing?
"W-What?" Barry stuttered out
"When. Are. You. Going. To. Ask. Steve. Out?" Iris asked again. Barry stood there unsure what he was going to do.
"Um, why-why did you think I even like Steve?" Barry asked Iris.
"Oh please it's obvious that you like him Barry, the way you look at him, the way you smile around him, I never seen you smile like that before." Iris said. I glanced at Barry and he looked away and sighed. I looked at Iris. 'Why are you doing this?' I mouthed to her
'So you know that he likes you so you guys can finally hook up' She mouthed back
"Okay fine I admit I like Steve and yes I would love to go out with him." Barry said. My insides were screaming.
"Well don't tell me that, tell Steve that." Iris said to Barry.
"Okay I will but I will do that later on, I have a case to solve." Barry said, he looked at me and flashed me a quick 'so sorry' look. I smiled
"Okay, bye Barry." Iris said and Barry walked out of the station.
I let go of a breath that I was holding. My heart was beating so fast. I felt Iris nudge at my arm and wiggled her eyebrows at me
"I got to go" I said to her and walked out of the station.
Barry's Pov
"Okay fine I admit I like Steve and yes I would love to go out with him." I said to Iris. I finally caved in I can't deny it anymore I do like Steve and I would love to go on an official date with him. I have no idea as to why Iris made me cave in right in front of Captain America.
"Well don't tell me that, tell Steve that." Iris said to me
"Okay I will but I will do that later on, I have a case to solve." I said. I looked at Captain America who had a weird look on his face. I flashed him a 'so sorry' look and he just smiled I walked out of the station and zoomed off to S.T.A.R. Labs.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, leaving like that." I said to Caitlin
"It's okay, I get it, you had to go. It's just....that's the last thing that Ronnie said to me that night" She said to me looking down
"My mother died 14 years ago, I used to think that the further away I got from it, the less it would hurt." I said to Caitlin. "But some days, the pain, it's worse than the day that it happened, some things you can't fight" I also said to her. I saw Caitlin sigh
"For so long, I've been terrified of going into that hole." Caitlin said to me referring to the thing that the Accelerator exploded in. I heard that Cisco wants to transport the metahumans in those cells acting as a prison since Iron Heights can't hold those metahumans.
"What if I went with you?" I asked her. We walked down towards the area. I saw her stop I looked at her and the face said it all, she was having a flashback. I looked down
"He saved so many lives that day and no one will ever know what he did." Caitlin said
"I do, he was a hero." I said
"I didn't want him to be a hero. I wanted him to be my husband" Caitlin cried out
"Barry Caitlin you down there You got to come look at this" I heard Cisco's voice through the speaker. We walked back to the cortex.
"It's a 3D molecular model of the gas we retrieved from your lungs. We have identified the toxin" Cisco said
"Hydrogen Cyanide?" I asked
"Like I said before Kyle Nimbus was about to get executed and in death row they use some kind of sedative" Cisco explained
"So why go after those people?" I asked
"He was a hit man for the Darbinyan crime family, they turned on him and testified. Judge Theresa Howard was the judge at his trial. She sentenced him to death" Dr. Wells explained
"Kyle said something about another person on his list." I said then I thought about it "Who arrested him? Check the arrest record" I said. I heard Cisco typing away.
"Barry, the lead detective...." Dr. Wells said.
"Joe," I said, "I know where he is I have to go." I said
"Wait! here, I reverse-engineered an antidote to the toxin" Caitlin said to me hanging me the antidote "I hope you won't need it" She said. I nodded at her and zoomed out.
Steve's Pov
I was currently sitting at home reading over the file, something doesn't add up, Kyle attacked the crime family then the judge. The cops told me that Kyle was on death row and was presumed dead after the explosion. I read his file from the arrest file to death row. What if Nimbus was targeting the people who sent him to death? The crime family testified against Nimbus and the judge sentenced him to death. I looked over at the file one more time and I couldn't help but look at the name of the person who arrested Nimbus. Joe West. Could he be Nimbus's next target? If I was him, I would get my revenge on the people who put me away, who turned their backs against me and most of all I would target the person who caught me. I stood up and got my shield I need to find Joe and warn him. I tried calling Joe but no one answered but someone picked up
"Hello?" Eddie answered
"Eddie hi its Captain America here where's detective Joe West? He's not answering his phone and I think he's in trouble" I asked him
"Uh, the last time I checked he went to Iron Heights to see Barry's dad." Eddie said
"Thanks, Eddie." I said and hung up. I quickly drove over to Iron Heights and I saw Joe lying there on the ground with the red blur hovering over him.
"Hang on Joe" I heard the Blur say but his voice was muffled. I leaned down next to the blur
"Is he okay?" I asked him
"Nimbus" Was all the red blur said
"Go get him I'll take care of Joe over here." I said to the blur. He looked shocked
"You are actually letting me go after someone and be the hero of the city tonight?" He asked me
"Look, ever since these metahumans showed up I had no idea how to stop them then you came along and started to stop them, all I am is a person dressed in Star-Spangled suit that saves people from muggers, you are the new Central City's hero, who can stop metahumans from terrorizing the city. Now right now the city needs you more than ever so Run Streak Run!' Captain America shouted at me, I zoomed off chasing after Nimbus. What a nice speech America said to me.
I caught up with Nimbus. He stood there ready to attack me.
"Barry! Barry! we realized that the meta-human will not be able to stay in his mist form for long. His particles will need to reform" Dr. Wells spoke through the ear piece
"What should I do?" I asked
"Let him chase you, keep running until he is out of breath and needs to reform by that time you can stop him. You can do it Barry, we believe in you" Caitlin said to me. I started to run and Nimbus started to chase after me. He started to lose a lot of energy. I stopped and so did Nimbus, he was out of breath. I was about to get ready to punch Nimbus to knock him out when a shield flew past me knocking Nimbus in the face. He fell to the ground.
I grabbed the shield and looked at Captain America who was standing behind me.
"I believe this belongs to you." I said to him handing him his shield. He took it back and hung it on his back
"Good job Kid" Captain America said to me. I smiled at him
"You know for a moment there we made a pretty good team." I said to him
"Yeah same here." America said
"How's jo- Detective West?" I asked
"He's in the hospital, his daughter and her secret boyfriend is there." America said. For a moment there we stood there in silence before he spoke up "Listen, Kid, if you ever need help taking down a meta just go to that building close to CCPD that's where I usually hang out, go over there and I will see you and I'll be there" He explained to me pointing at a building that's not far from CCPD
"Okay, I will." I said to him and smiled
"Good. I have to get going, see you soon kid" America said before getting on his bike and drove off. I ran past the bike and I could've sworn I saw America smiled.
Well, at least I had an ally now.
Steve's Pov
After I told the streak to run off, I made sure that Joe was stabilized, he was breathing
"Is he alright?" A man behind the glass, I'm assuming that's Barry's father asked. I nodded at him
"He's fine." I said to him. I saw Barry's father nodded. The Paramedics and cops ran in
"Take him to the hospital right now." One Paramedic said.
"Sir I just heard that the streak is trying to take down Nimbus" I heard one cop talk to the Captain. I looked up
"Where is he now?" I asked
"Uh he's out in the street." The cop said. I didn't even think, I grabbed my shield and ran out. By the time I got there, Nimbus was on the ground breathing hard, the streak was about to take Nimbus down but it seemed like he was out of breath as well. I threw my shield at Nimbus knocking him out. The streak picked up my shield
"I believe this belongs to you." He said to me handing me my shield
Good job Kid" I said to him
"You know for a moment there we made a pretty good team." The streak said to me. I nodded
"yeah same here." I said to him.
"How's jo- Detective West?" He asked me
"He's in the hospital, his daughter and her secret boyfriend are there." I said to him. He nodded, we stood there in silence for at least 3 seconds before I spoke "Listen, Kid, if you ever need help taking down a meta just go to that building close to CCPD that's where I usually hang out, go over there and I will see you and I'll be there" I explained pointing at a building close to CCPD.
"Okay, I will." The Streak said
"Good. I have to get going see you soon kid" I said to him getting on my bike and drive off. I saw a gust of lightning run past me. I chuckled at the Streak.
He's actually not so bad.
Okay, guys, I am ending this chapter here, I apologize for not updating that much I was feeling a bit out of it. I hope you guys like this chapter. Votes and comments are welcome.
Have a great 4th of July
Bye guys!
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