Chapter 12
Hello everyone and welcome to a new today, before we start this chapter off I apologize for not updating every day like usual Wattpad was acting up a few days ago while I was writing this and I was afraid that this was going to get deleted and plus I was busy with errands and stuff but I'm here.
So in today's chapter, Steve and Barry explore Central City, Steve opens up to Barry about his time in New York and why he moved to Central City, I will also introduce that Gasman metahuman that happened in episode 3. Iris notices how Barry acts around Steve whenever they hang out together.
Due to the description of today's chapter I have a feeling it's not going to be that long as the other chapters.
Anyway, enjoy the chapter everyone!
Steve's Pov
I sent Barry a text with my address and got dressed. I looked in the mirror. I took a deep breath, I was nervous and I have no idea why I mean we are just 2 friends hanging out it's not like we are going on a date right?
I heard a knock on the door and I ran out of the bathroom
"One second!" I shouted. In the corner of my eye, I saw my Shield. I grabbed it and threw it my room (*waited for the Yeet comments*). I slammed my door closed and heard some things crashing in my room, ah it should be fine I got better things to do. I ran back to the front door and saw Barry dressed in a red coat, grey shirt, and jeans. He looked....amazing
He flashed me a cute smile "Hey Steve, ready to go?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded. We went out.
Barry's Pov
After receiving the address I looked around and zoomed off to his apartment. Gosh, I love hanging super speed, I can show at people's places in a flash and not be late for any important events like a date, not that I'm going on a date with Steve no, we are just two friends hanging out. I went up to the apartment door and knocked on it.
"One second!" I heard Steve yelled. I waited then I heard some crashing sounds. I looked at the front door weirdly, what in the world is he doing in there. Finally, I saw the front door open and I saw Steve, he was wearing the brown jacket he wore when we first met, his hair was neatly brushed back, he looked gorgeous
I flashed a smile "Hey Steve ready to go?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded. We went out, it was quiet as we walked.
"So what do you do for a living?" I asked him. He took a pause
"Uh I'm currently not doing anything, I do have a job." He said
"What kind of a job?" I asked
"It's a secret." he said to me with a smile. I smiled, a secret eh? perhaps he's an agent.
"So you're an agent?" I asked him. He nodded slightly
"I guess you can say that." Steve said. We walked past the park
"this is the Central City Park" I said to him
"Wow, this park is bigger than New York's park." Steve said looking around
"What was New York like?" I asked him as we walked around the park
"It was nice, New York is basically like Central City, busy during the day but quiet at night." He replied
"Why did you come here to Central City?" I asked him. He sighed then took a deep breath
"I had a falling out with a friend of mine, you probably haven't heard of him but his name is Tony Stark." he said to me
"The billionaire, playboy, genius, philanthropist Tony Stark?" I asked him
"Oh so you have heard of him?" he asked me
"Not really, I only heard about him after he revealed himself as this what Iron Man dude or something?" I asked him. he nodded
"Yep, that's him" He said to me. We continue to walk around the park until I saw a huge building with a giant Q on it
"See that building there? That's Queen Industries run by Oliver Queen, he's also a billionaire playboy" I said to him
"Oh, how is he?" He asked me
"He's actually a cool guy." I said "I met him once when I went to Starling City for a case, he was strict at first but once you get to know he can be there when you need someone to talk to" I said
"He sounds better than Tony." I said
"Well, I haven't met this Tony guy so I can't confirm nor deny that Oliver Queen is better than Tony Stark." I said with a laugh.
"Nah you don't want to meet Tony Stark, he's an asshole. When you do something wrong he would rub it in your face or expects you to sign something that could potentially ruin your lives and your friend's life" Steve said, I gave him a weird look. "What I meant was uhh we had a business proposal and it was going ruin some of his workers' lives I told him that it wouldn't work but he signed the contract anyway." Steve said. I nodded at him "I couldn't take it anymore so I packed up my things and left" He said to me
"I must admit Central City is better than New York" Steve said. We stopped and he stood in front of me. "I met great people and one of them is standing right there in front of me" He said to me with a smile. I blushed slightly and looked away. I felt his fingers gently lift my chin up, we were so close to each other.
"Steve...." I said to him, I didn't know what happened but we started to lean in slightly. But sadly we were interrupted by our phones ringing. We pulled away from each other and looked at our phones
"I have to take this" we both said
"Hello?" I answered, "Oh hey Cisco what- a robbery where?" I asked, I looked back at Steve and he was looking at his phone lost in thought. "I'm on my way." I said to Cisco and hung up
"Steve um I really hate to do this but-" Steve cut me off
"I have to go." He said to me
"Oh me too uhh how about we do this next time?" I asked him.
"I'll like that." Steve said. We smiled then parted ways. Once he was out of my sight I zoomed off to S.T.A.R. Labs to get my suit. I raced over towards where the robbery was and I saw the robbers knocked out.
"You were too late Speedster kid, I saved the city tonight." Captain America said little angerly at me.
Steve's Pov
I had no idea what happened but I couldn't help but reach down and lift Barry's chin up to make him look at me, I saw him blush and look away to hide the blush but I found it adorable. Tonight was a good night we walked around chit chat, he asked a lot of questions about my life in New York, I told him about Tony messing up the team but I had to tell him a lie, like oh there was a business proposal that could ruin people's lives (Avengers) but Tony signed the contract anyway, meh seems like a good enough lie. I would tell him that I'm Captain America but I'll be putting his life in danger, I have a good feeling I will be seeing Tony soon, he always makes an appearance and ruins lives. It's best I keep that secret away.
I was currently looking at Barry, I have no idea what happened but we leaned in slightly, our lips were so close all I had to do was just lean down even more and- I heard our phones go off, son of a bitch. We pulled away quickly and looked away
"I have to take this" We both said and looked away. We both turned away. I looked at my phone and saw that I got an alert about a robbery in process. I wanted to go but we all know that the speedster kid has it covered but the alert was sent out like a few minutes ago which means the speedster kids hasn't shown up yet. I looked at it confused and realized I could go over there and save the day. I turned to Barry
"Steve um I really hate to do this but-" I quickly cut off Barry
"I have to go"I said to him
"Me too uhh how about we do this next time?" he asked. I nodded at him with a smile
"I'll like that" I said. We smiled then parted ways LUCKILY I was wearing my suit but I had to go back and get my shield. I ran back to my apartment which wasn't that far thanks to the shortcuts I found I quickly went to my room and saw the mess after I threw my shield, I grabbed my shield and ran out and got my motorcycle.
Once I got there I saw 2 robbers trying to run off with cops behind them. I quickly tackled them to the ground when they went around the corner. By that time I felt a gust of wind behind me. Ha! beat you quick little bastard.
"You were too late Speedster kid, I saved the city tonight." I said to him turning around. He stood there.
"Wow nice job I got an alert as well saying that there was a robb-" I cut off the kid
"I got it taken care of" I said to him holding onto my shield tight. He nodded at me
"Hey, I didn't get the chance to say this but, thank you for saving my life." The speedster kid said to me.
"You're welcome." I said to him. I was about to get ready to walk away when he zoomed in front of me, oh I so hate that.
"Wait, it feels like you and I got off on the wrong foot" he said to me. I rolled my eyes and walked past him
"No, we haven't" I said putting the shield behind my back and got on the motorcycle
"Then why do you hate me so much?" He asked me. I looked at him "ever since I started to save this city you like I don't know avoid me instead of meeting me as normal heroes do-"
"let me stop you right there kid" I quickly cut him off "It's not like I don't like okay you're alright but I just like how you are stealing every single spotlight away from me, people use to talk about this Star-Spangled hero now they are talking about this new speedster going around saving the city" I said to him. I saw him look down
"I'm sorry Captain America but this city is also my home" Speedster kid replied. Now I felt bad he seemed like a good kid who sounded like he has seen the crimes and want to stop it. "I just developed these powers not that a while ago and I want to do good for this city, apparently I am not the only one who has powers it seemed to me people around this city has powers ever since the explosion at-"
"Wait you were one of the victims of the S.T.A.R. Labs explosion?" I asked the kid, he nodded
"Yeah the people at S.T.A.R. Labs said they don't know how many people were affected by the explosion and they need me to help them and stop the rouge ones" He said I got off my motorcycle and went up to him.
"okay this might sound crazy but hear me out, I know that S.T.A.R. Labs's leader is Dr. Harrison Wells do you have this feeling like the explosion might not be an accident?" I asked him.
"No, he told me himself that the explosion was an accident, it just malfunctioned," Speedster kid said
"Did it malfunctioned though? or did he do that on purpose?" I asked him, the kid backed away from me
"Look, man, I have no idea what your deal is or what you have against Dr. Wells but he's a good man, he was paralyzed thanks to the explosion. So I have no idea what your deal is man" He said to me
"I'm don't have anything against him but just be careful around him, people who help you and train you can very well betray you. People are not what they seemed they have a dark secret" I said to him getting on my motorcycle
"You haven't met Dr. Wells personally, he's a good man, whatever you are saying Captain America is nonsense," He said then zoomed off. I sighed well I tried warning him but it seemed like we made our relationship worse, now all that's left is unwanted tension, one day that tension will turn into a fight. I can see the news now Speedster vs. Star-Spangled. I drove back to my place and decided to call it a night. Tonight would've been good, I would've have gotten a kiss but that was quickly interrupted by crime, ah, gotta love being a hero in the city.
-The next night-
Barry's Pov
I walked out of the theatre with Iris, I was trying to explain to Iris about the movie we just saw, a zombie movie but of course, Iris looked like she zoned out.
"So how was your date with Steve?" She asked cutting me off. I rolled my eyes
"It wasn't a date Iris, it was just two friends hanging out nothing more" I said to her. Although, We did almost kiss so maybe it was something more.
"Sure whatever you say Barry" Iris said to me I rolled my eyes once again. Gotta love sisters who think with every person you hang out with they think you are dating them or maybe that's just Iris. "Anyways, I'm a lot more interested in the amazing in the amazing as of late" She said to me
"You mean 'cause of this "streak" things?" I asked her
"He's out there. People are talking about him" Iris said
"How do you even know he's a he?" I asked her "Maybe's it's a she"
"It's a man okay?" She said. "You know I am really intuitive about this kind of stuff. Someone even posted a picture after being yanked from a car accident. It's a red blur leaving the scene Here what do you see?" She asked me showing me a picture of her hot boyfriend.
"You're hot boyfriend calling you" I said
"Oh, I should probably get this. I'm crashing at his place tonight, and he's supposed to leave a key for me- drop that pervy look Barry" Iris said to me. I was wiggling my eyebrows at her when she said 'crashing at his place tonight' When Iris answered her phone my phone went off.
"Hello?" I answered
"Code 237 on Waid Boulevard" I heard Cisco say, I had a confused look on my face
"Public indecency?" I asked
"Wait, I think I mean 239." Cisco said
"Dog leash violation?" I asked
"BAD MAN WITH A GUN IN A GETAWAY CAR GO!' Caitlin shouted. I look at Iris, she had her back turn and was talking to Eddie. I zoomed off really fast and stopped the man and came back
"I'll see you later bye" I heard Iris say and hang up, "Eddie says hi" She said.
"aww how nice of him, he's so dreaming." I said acting like a teenage girl with heart eyes after seeing her crush. Iris slapped my arm playfully. I laughed "Hey you wanna grab a bite? I'm feeling a little famished." I asked Iris. Iris laughed
"After the Mongolian barbecue, we had before the movie and the extra large popcorn at the movie? How are you not fat?" She asked me
"I've been jogging" I said to her. Technically that wasn't a lie
"Oh Okay." was all iris said. We walked together.
The next day I was at a crime scene investigating a murder, the victims were the Darbinyan crime family. The reports said that they died due to some kind of poison gas.
"I was thinking someone pumped gas in from the outside, but witnesses say the street was empty" Joe said to me.
"So it was from the inside." I said. I had an idea that. I investigated further and found out that the gas couldn't come in by itself.
"Unless it had a mind of its own" I whispered to myself but joe heard. Joe told Eddie to talk to anyone to see if they saw anything suspicious.
"Okay, explain" Joe said
"The boss collapsed by the table. The guy made it 10 feet away. That guy had a chance to move off and fire three shots into the window trying to break the glass" I explained, "But they all started in the same spot, which means they should have all been affected by the gas at the same time but instead, it's as if..."
"They were attacked one by one" Joe said and I nodded
"My gut feeling, if we're gonna solve this one, you and me are gonna need..."
"back up," I said finishing Joe's sentence and he nodded
Steve's Pov
I was sitting in Jitters waiting for Iris, she called me telling me she wanted to talk to me. She walked up to my table and sat down and had a laptop with her
"Okay so I have been reading reports of this red blur and this one sounds interesting" Iris started I rolled my eyes yay more of that stupid red blur. Iris was going on and on about the report she saw and I just zoned out thinking about something else like I wonder how Thor's doing, it's been almost 2 years since I heard anything from him I hope he's okay.
"Steve are you even listening to me?" Iris asked me
"huh? what?" I asked
"Steve please listen this is important" Iris said
"I rather not" I said to her
"Oh come on, you were interested" She said
"No, I was interested in the Star-Spangled story not the Red Blur one" I said to her
"Something tells me you are jealous at the fact there's a new superhero in town" She said
'Maybe I am maybe I'm not. I met the red blur a few nights ago" I said taking a sip of my coffee
"What!! and you didn't tell me?! what was he like? is he a cool person? did you ask how he got his powers?" Iris asked a bunch of questions. I sat there and sighed
"Oh come on Steve I bet he wasn't that bad" Iris said. She's right, he isn't that bad, he's innocent and a victim Wells's attack but he doesn't realize it.
I sighed "No he isn't that bad" I said
"Then talk to him tell him that a journalist is interested in his story. Who knows maybe one day there's going to be an enemy that you two need to take down together" Iris said getting up and carrying her laptop in her arm and going back behind the counter. I decided to go home and just chill. I saw a red blur pass by my window
There he goes again saving the city again. I felt my phone vibarte and saw that Iris texted me
From Iris
Do me a favor and ask Barry on a real date, I heard that you two hung out a few nights ago and he denied that you two were on a date but we all know that's bullshit. Ask him out already this is painful!! and I am sick of Barry checking out my boyfriend
I laughed at the text then texted her back
To Iris
What if he doesn't like me that way?
From Iris
To Iris
Alright alright fine I will don't worry
From Iris
Good. Me and Eddie ship you two
I shook my head reading the text messages, I took a deep breath. I should ask Barry out I mean I like him but what if he says no? Oh god if he says no then everything would be awkward and then I can kiss our friendship go bye.
God, why does everything have to so hard? I groaned and slammed my head on the pillow. My phone went off again
"Oh shut up!" I shouted in the pillow. I looked at it and saw that a woman just died due to gas poisoning in the mall elevator. I decided to show up at the scene and the corner was looking at the woman.
"What happened here?" I asked Joe
"A new meta-" Joe was cut off by a gust of wind and a coughing/wheezing Speedster
"Get- everyone.....back" He coughed out and zoomed off.
Okay, guys, I am ending the chapter here. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Votes and comments are welcome. Let me how the story is I' curious.
I will see you guys soon
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