Chapter 11
Hello everyone and welcome to a new chapter, to my Malec shippers out there who read this book I will update Malec Oneshots very soon most likely after this chapter but no guarantees but I will update it soon I'm doing a story planning for it as well.
Okay now that's covered let's talk about the chapter for today, We will pick up where we left off on chapter 10, Barry finds out about this killer being a metahuman, Barry goes to confront this metahuman and gets hurt and Captain America makes an appearance and saves Barry. AND we finally get a small Steve and Barry date soon :) its going to be fun.
I really do like writing this book it's super fun pairing 2 different characters from 2 different universes creating a huge crossover that I dreamed that would happen and so far you guys love this book so far I mean we are at 136 reads this is incredible you guys are amazing and I love you guys so much :)
Alrighty now that I made you smile and tear up at my nice words let's get to the chapter shall we?
Barry's Pov
"That's impossible." I said looking at the results then looked at Iris and Steve who had a curious look on their faces "There was a murder last night, these skin cells belong to the murderer, but these cells are naive" I said looking at the results again. I looked back at Steve and Iris who still looked confused. Oh goddamnit, guys, you took biology and other science classes back in school. This is the part where I dummy it down. "Stem cells that they can replicate and become any cell the body needs, they only come from babies" I explained
"This means your killer is what, a newborn?" Iris asked. Looking at the results they look so weird, I was confused myself. As I continue to figure out about this whole skin sample result I got, Joe was at the Stagg Industries interviewing Stagg as to why he is being targeted. Iris walked away leaving me and Steve alone. I saw Steve look around at the equipment I had in my lab.
"This is some interesting stuff you got Barry." Steve said. I nodded at him
"Yeah those are the equipment and tools I need to investigate murders and stuff." I said to him.
"I'm curious, why did you want to become a CSI? I mean there are other options for careers like doctor, military, veterinarian, all kinds of stuff but you...chose CSI why is that?" he asked me. I sighed I knew one day he was going to ask me about me being a CSI. I walked over towards Steve, who was standing in front of the board where I put all the evidence and newspaper about my mother's murder. I reached over behind him, our faces were just inches off. I felt his breath on my face, gentle like the wind blowing leaves in the fall weather. I flipped the board.
"I became a CSI because of this." I said to him. He turned around and looked at the board that was covered with pictures of my dad, my mom, and her murder. I heard Steve gasped as he looked at the board. I took a deep breath "When I was 11 my mother was murdered." I started. Steve leaned against the desk next to me, his body language signaled he was interested.
"It was late. A sound woke me up. I came downstairs and I saw what looked like a ball of lightning. Inside the lightning, there was a man. He killed my mom. They arrested my dad, he's still sitting in Iron Heights for her murder. Everyone, the cops, the shrinks, they all told what I saw was impossible. They never believed me neither did Joe but he recently told me he believes me after seeing what happened with...Mardon, he started to believe in the impossible. And me telling you, you probably think I'm crazy" I said not looking at Steve. I felt Steve put his strong but gentle hand on my shoulder.
"I believe you" Steve said. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes trying to break through but I fought them back. "I've seen what the impossible looked like back at New York" He said to me. I became interested in his story now, does that mean he has met someone like me? with speed? I was about to tell him to tell me more but I heard some cops giving orders downstairs and some of them sounded like they were panicking.
"Uh be right back." I said to him and walked downstairs. "Captain what's going on?" I asked
"not now, Barry. An armed gunman is shooting up Stagg Industries" Captain said. Oh no.
"Joe's there." I said. The Captain and some cops followed him out, I felt Steve's hand on my shoulder.
"What's wrong, Barry?" He asked
"There's a gunman at Stagg Industries, Joe is there interviewing Stagg right now" I said slightly panicked. "I have to go" I said to him, I tried to walk off but he grabbed my arm
"Barry wait-" He said to me but I forced my arm back and ran off in normal human speed. By the time I was out of everybody's eyes I ran off using my super speed.
Steve's Pov
After hearing about Barry's story about his mother, I felt so bad, he saw something inside of this lightning he described to me. Saying there was a man in there, I couldn't help but think about Fury describing Eobard to me, but I shrugged that off, the lightning story he described to me made me think about Pietro, the kid from Slovakia that died because of Ultron. I miss that kid. Barry thought that I didn't believe what he told me about the man in the lightning but I believed him right when he said "Impossible" impossible is what I described Pietro. "I've seen what the impossible looked like back at New York." I said to him. He looked at me like he was interested in what I just said. I wanted to tell him more but Barry ran out of the lab, I followed him. I saw him talking to his Captain, I saw some officers run downstairs. Obviously, something was wrong.
When the Captain and the officers left the station I ran downstairs, I saw Barry in panic mode, I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"What's wrong, Barry?" I asked him
"There's a gunman at Stagg Industries, Joe is there interviewing Stagg right now." He said slightly panicking. "I have to go" he said to me. Without thinking I grabbed his arm.
"Barry wait-" I said but he broke free from my grip and ran off. I looked around and some other officers scrambled towards the radio in case something happens. I ran off to an empty room and changed into my suit. I ran out of the station and made my way towards the Industries.
I'm going to save Barry's father.
By the time I showed up, there was paramedics taking out Joe and Stagg, don't tell me the darn speedster saved them. But deep down inside something was wrong that part of me dragged me inside of the building. I looked around and saw something red on the ground, it was moving slightly groaning in pain. I realized who it was as I ran closer to it. It was the speedster guy. I kneeled down to check his pulse, it was beating which was good. The speedster tried to sit up but only shouted in pain.
"Hang in there kid" I said to him
"Wh-who are y-you?" he asked me
"Call me...Captain America" I said to him then grabbed him. "Let me take you to the hospital"
" hospital....take....take me to S.T.A.R. L-Labs." He said weakly I looked at him weirdly. Why in the world would he want to go to S.T.A.R. Labs?
"Where is this place?" I asked him but he lost consciousness. "Crap" I muttered under my breath, I carried him to this S.T.A.R. Labs place which surprisingly wasn't too far away. I walked in S.T.A.R. Labs and was greeted by a long hair male.
"Someone help!" I shouted and saw the long hair male turn around and gasped
"Oh my god ba- erm put him down on the hospital bed." He said to me. I nodded and ran towards the bed, I set the young speedster down and backed away.
"CAITLIN WE HAVE AN INJURED SPEEDSTER!" I heard the long hair male yell. Moments later a female doctor, Caitlin run in. She gasped as she saw the speedster.
"Is he still alive?" She asked me. I nodded
"he has a pulse but he passed out due to the beating." I said
"Thank you for bringing him here, we will take of the rest you may leave now." Caitlin said to me. I stood there not moving.
"No, I'm not leaving till he's okay" I said. I saw Caitlin look at the long hair kid then nodded
"Okay" she said and began to patch him up. However, I didn't stay long after getting an alert from CCPD. I didn't want to leave I wanted to make sure this speedster kid was okay, I saw him move and groan. I assumed he was okay, but these S.T.A.R. Labs people wanted me out of this place, they are acting very weird. But I didn't argue I left after seeing him okay. I ran back to CCPD.
Barry's Pov
I ran in the building and saw the gunman.
"Whoever you are, give yourself up!" I shouted to him but then I saw him...multiply literally
"Sorry. We are not going anywhere. Until Simon Stagg is dead" The gunman or gunmen said. I tried to fight him but I ended getting beat up by the gunmen severely. I laid there on the ground as the gunmen went back inside the guy becoming just one. I saw him walk away. I tried to get up but I groaned in pain, yep something's definitely bleeding and I know I have a few broken bones. I heard footsteps running coming closer and closer to me, I was assuming it was Joe but it was someone else.
"Hang in there kid" I heard a strong male voice. I looked at the man but my vision was a little blurry
"Wh-who are you?" I asked
"Call me....Captain America" He said to me then my vision was getting a little bit clear, his suit was red, white and blue, oh that's the Star-Spangled hero but why did he want me to call him Captain America? well, actually that sounds better than Star-Spangled. I felt strong pairs of arms grab me, my head was on his strong chest. "Let me take you to the hopsital," He said to me. I quickly shook me my head
" hospital....take....take me to S.T.A.R. L-Labs." I said weakly, at this moment everything went black.
By the time I woke up I was in S.T.A.R. Labs, I sat up and Cisco gave me an ice pack
"The abrasions are already rapidly healing" I heard Caitlin say
"Yeah, I got my ass handed to me" I said to Caitlin. It was true I literally got my ass handed to me but it's a good thing I have rapid healing
"You got blood on my suit" I heard Cisco say
"I think some of it belongs to him. Another not-so-friendly metahuman. Danton Black" I sighed as Caitlin pulled up a profile of Danton
"He's a bio-geneticist specialized in therapeutic cloning. Growing new organs to replace failing ones. Apparently, Stagg stole his research and then fired him. " Caitlin said
"I saw Black create duplicates from his own body." I said
"That's pretty ironic. The guy specialized in cloning and now he can make xeroxes of himself" Cisco say looking at Danton's profile "meet Captain Clone" He said. Everyone gave him a weird look.
"Don't worry. I'll come up with something cooler" He said. I got up and was about to leave
"Where are you going?" Dr. Wells asked me
"Joe was right. I'm in way over my head. Yeah, I'm fast but I am no warrior. Man I could barely fight one meta-human, let alone six" I said
"Barry" Dr. Wells called out to me "I understand." He said to me. I walked off and went to CCPD. I heard that Joe is trying to reason with Dr. Stagg about this protective custody. I stood by his desk waiting for him to hang up the phone.
(A/N: this is where I will be changing the scene up)
"Hey Barry are you okay?" he asked me
"I'm fine" I said to him
"I saw you get beat up back there" Joe said in his worried dad tone.
"I'm fine I can heal fast" I said to him and he nodded
"I assume you were okay after hearing the Star- Spange hero carry you to S.T.A.R. Labs" Joe said
"His name is Captain America, he told me himself" I said to Joe.
"I don't know if you noticed or not but Captain America has been struggling to be a hero in this city ever since the speedster has made his appearance so I was thinking maybe if you ever want to go back out there you can always team up with-" I quickly cut off Joe
"I'm not putting on the suit anymore." I said to him he looked shocked "You were right Joe I am fast but what happened out there, I could've died and I was scared of that leaving you and Iris and...Steve I couldn't do that, so with everything I had said to you I'm sorry" I said to Joe. He patted my back
"It's alright son, I've noticed I have been a little overprotective of you, I know that you're an adult and you're going to make your own choices so if you want to go back to protecting the city then I can't stand in your way" Joe said to me which was a complete shock but I took it. I smiled and nodded at him
"So I heard about Danton being able to multiply?" He asked me whispering the last part. I nodded
"uh Dr. Wells said that he could've been experimenting himself when the dark matter wave hit" I said to him
"that makes sense, so far we don't have any leads but I will call you alright?" he asked me. I nodded "Oh that reminds me, Iris wants to talk to you she's at Jitters" He said. I nodded and walked off.
By the time I went to Jitters, I saw Steve talking to Iris while drinking a cup of coffee. I smiled and made my way towards there "hey guys" I greeted them
"Hey Barry, everything okay?" Steve asked me. I nodded
"Yeah everything is fine, we don't have any leads of Danton Black so technically I'm on a small break." I said sitting down.
"Is Joe okay?" he asked me
"Yeah he's good" I said. I saw Iris give me a plate full of goodies, I started to eat it all, I didn't realize" I was so hungry. It started to get dark out, I saw Steve looking at his phone like he was reading a message from someone. Iris cleaned up my fourth empty plate.
"Guess you were hungry." Iris said getting another chair and sat by us
"Stree eating" I said "Um I mostly came here to say I'm sorry.And you're right. I have been distant." I apologized to Iris
"Correct" Was all she said
"And Steve" I saw him look up from his phone "I know I have been acting weird and all I guess after I woke up from my coma everything has been happening and I needed to process what was going on from Iris dating Eddie which I find absolutly adorable to you living in the city for 9 months and then there is these new weird people with weird abilities everything was happening so fast and I guess me processing like I did was pushing the people I care about away and avoiding them when I need them the most and I am terribly sorry, both of you" I said looking at Iris and Steve, Steve smiled
"Wow that was a better apology to you Steve." Iris said shaking her head
"Hey I counted you in too, that apology wasn't just for him." I said to Iris. "but since we are on that topic I noticed I haven't been a very good friend to you so if you need help with your article-" I was cut off by Iris
"I found one. Something that actually interests me. I know this gonna sound crazy...It's been all over the internet this week, at a building fire, at a bank heist...Even the other night when those robbers shot at the security guard, he said he was whoosed outside. Something out there besides Star- Spangles is saving people" Iris explained. I saw Steve tense up
"What happened with the article about the Star- Spangled?" Steve asked
"I couldn't write about him anymore, yeah he saved people a couple of times but he isn't like this red streak that everyone has been talking about." Iris said. I saw Steve at the corner of my eye look a little furious. Why is he so obsessed with Captain America?
"I thought you were taking journalism, not science fiction writing." I said covering my own ass
"Ever since I have known you have believed in the impossible, what if you were right? What if you were right about the night that your mom died?" Iris asked me I thought about it. Steve looked down.
"I have another customer be right back" Iris said and excused herself. My phone went off and saw the name S.T.A.R. Labs
"Excuse me Steve I have to take this" I said and walked outside. "Look I told you I'm through" I answered
"I know but you need to get to S.T.A.R. Labs right now!" Caitlin said over the phone she sounded like something bad happened and she's panicking. I didn't hesitate. I ran off towards S.T.A.R. Labs. I saw Danton Black standing there I was about to get ready to attack
"Barry it's okay." Caitlin said
"it is not okay, Black is here and he's just...standing there..." I said looking at him weird "That's not him is it?" I asked
"it's one of his replicates." Caitlin said
"How did you get it?" I asked waving my hand in front of him, he still didn't blink this is super weird
"I grew him. I isolated a sample of Black's blood from your suit to see if I could trigger the in-vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiplies" Caitlin said "So I exposed the target cells to a protein gel and they began replicating into that" Caitlin explained showing me on the computer.
"Why is he...doing anything?" I asked still looking at the replicate.
"We did a brain scan. Involuntary motor functions are active, little else. We think it's acting as a receiver. The clones are an empty shell without Black" Caitlin explained. That makes sense which means, if I take down Black, the original host then I can stop the clones.
"Shut down the real Black, and you might shut them all down" Cisco said
"But how do we know which one's the real Danton Black?" I asked
"that occurred to me given your own passing out. Black has limits just like you. Controlling all of those clones must require a tremendous amount of physical strength' Caitlin explained
"So look for the one showing signs of weakness or fatigue." Dr. Wells said to me. At this moment I had no choice but to get back into action.
I saw the Black clone start to move making Caitlin and Cisco scream but luckily Joe showed up and shot the clone down. He was a little shaken up too
"Anymore of them?" he asked
"Nope" Caitlin replied
"Why did it start moving?" I asked
"The prime, My guess is, the prime is on the move" Dr. Wells said. I flashed into my suit and got ready to go out into battle. But I looked at Joe, I told him I was going to stop being the hero but it seemed to me he told me to go after Black so I did.
Steve's Pov
I can't believe Iris did that! Arhg I am angry at her. She basically said that I wasn't good enough compare to the speedster that everybody likes, I couldn't stop my anger taking control over me as Iris kept talking about the speedster, I notice Barry glancing at me a lot but I didn't care, I didn't care if he was figuring me out right there right now. Then Iris brought Barry's mom's murder.
" Ever since I have known you have believed in the impossible, what if you were right? What if you were right about the night that your mom died?" Iris asked Barry. Barry was now in deep thought. I looked down hiding my anger from them. Iris walked away helping out another customer. I heard Barry's phone buzzed
" Excuse me Steve I have to take this" he said and and walked outside. At a few minutes I decided to go home. When I entered my apartment my phone buzzed alerting me about Danton Black's location. I decided to ignore the alert. I know the speedster kid has it covered. God that kid gts under my skin sometimes it's annoying, I shouldn't have saved him from the attack but I couldn't stop myself wrapping my arms around that kid and carrying him to S.T.A.R Labs. I sighed as I laid down on the couch. I closed my tired eyes.
I didn't know how long I had my eyes closed but my phone beeped letting me know that I got a text message. I looked at it and saw that Barry sent me a text
From Barry
Hey I am done with work for today. Still want to explore the city?
I didn't know why I was feeling butterflies in my stomach as I looked at the text. I flushed when I replied
To Barry
I would love that :)
From Barry:
Great give me your address and I will pick you up.
Okay close to 4,000 words I am ending this here I hope you guys liked this chapter.
Votes and comments are welcone
And I will see you in the next chapter
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