Chapter 1
Hello everyone and welcome to an actual chapter. I hope everyone is having a great summer so far. I am posting this a little late because today is my mom's birthday and I wanted to take her out and we went shopping it was fun...until it started to storm on our way home and it started to hail. A bunch of ice hit my head and hit my nose luckily though the ice wasn't too big so knock on wood *knocks on wood*
Anyways, in today's chapter, I'm going to do a little skip to where Barry is on the train to Central City after taking a trip to Starling City, and Steve sits by Barry. There's also going to be a foreshadowing character on the train as well which most of you flash fans know who I'm talking about :)
Without further ado let's get to the chapter.
Barry's Pov
I finally got on the train after missing it last night, going to Starling City was a bad idea, to be honest. But luckily I did run into the Arrow only to find out, that the Arrow was Oliver Queen. The first time I was about to leave the city I was hit with a dart and ended up waking up in some kind of old building but the building was full of weapons, computers, and an unconscious Oliver Queen in the Arrow suit. I was shocked to find out about Oliver being the Arrow but I promised them that I will keep it a secret. After saving Oliver's life and solving the case for them I decided to return home. I was sitting on the train reading Dr. Harrsion Wells' book when someone came up to me
"Excuse me, is someone sitting there?" I looked at where the voice came from and saw a tall blond (A/N: is he blond or light brown? I can't tell the picture below looks like he's blond) man wearing a brown leather jacket. Not gonna lie he looked really cute.
He flashed me a polite smile. I smiled back and moved my bag from the seat.
"The seat is all yours," I said to the man. He flashed me another smile and sat down. I looked outside and saw Star Labs I then smiled.
"What is that building over there?" the blond guy asked
"Oh, that's Star Labs. Dr. Harrison Wells works there. They are creating this Particle Accelerator he is building it to power clean energy and to further the advancement of the science and medicine" I replied with a smile and nerding out as usual, usually when I nerd out people would walk away but this guy seems to be interested.
"Wow that's impressive" The guy replied
I nodded "yeah it's about to get turned on tonight and I am super excited. I'm taking my friend to Star Labs when the Accelerator gets turned on. She is also a reporter or studying to become one she wants to get hands-on experience" I explained with a smile.
"Well good luck to her" the guy replied with a smile.
I noticed how beautiful this guy's eyes are, they are beautiful blue eyes. It like when you stare in his eyes you could get lost in it. Wait why am I getting lost in a stranger's eyes?!
I tore myself away from his eyes and looked outside. This is starting to get weird.
Steve's Pov
I was walking down the train trying to find a seat when I found an empty seat located next to a guy wearing a black trench coat. I cleared my throat and asked if the seat was taken. After he moved his bag allowing me to sit down I began to look outside and saw a weird building,
"what's that building over there?" I asked him. He looked up from his book and explained it to me. Apparently, this building was about to show off its lastest particle accelerator built by Harrison Wells, a rich inventor, hmm, that reminds me of a certain someone.
This kid and I continued to talk when I notice him staring at me, I then began to stare back at him, his eyes were blue like mine but his eyes looked like Bucky's eyes. Blue like the deep ocean. I ended up getting lost in his eyes but it seemed to me we were both getting lost in each other's eyes. The young man looked away quickly and looked outside. He was in deep thought and I was about to ask him for his name when someone spoke.
"Excuse me fellas but I believed we have arrived at our destination," The old man in the glasses said (foreshadowing lol)
I flashed the guy a quick smile and got up, the young kid rushed out of his seat and out the door like he was in a hurry. My gut was telling me to just walk away you're not going to see him again. But my mind told me to go after him and get his name. So that is exactly what I did.
"HEY KID!" I yelled running after him. He stopped at looked at me
"yes?" he asked
"I never knew your name." I said
"Barry. Barry Allen' He replied
"Steve Rogers." I said with a smile and held out my hand "Nice to meet you." He shooked my hand and smiled
"Nice to meet you too"
Barry's Pov
After we arrived at our destination, I grabbed my bag and ran out like I was in a hurry well the truth is I kinda am I promised Iris, my best friend, not my girlfriend, my sister basically I would take her to Star Labs soon. And plus I wanted to hurry up and get out of there as fast as I could after that weird encounter. My mind was racing with questions "why was the guy so beautiful? who is he?"
I stopped in my tracks when I heard someone calling after me.
"HEY KID!" the same guy from the train yelled. I looked at him with a questionable look
"Yes?" I asked
"I never knew your name." He said. I look down for a split second then met his eyes again
"Barry. Barry Allen" I replied with a smile
'Steve Rogers, Nice to meet you" he said and held out his hand. I gladly shook it.
"Nice to meet you too." I said returning the smile. I was about to walk away when Steve spoke again.
"Hey, Barry. I'm actually new to this town I was wondering if you could give me a tour one day?" He asked me. I smiled and blushed a little
"Sounds like fun." I said "Um I work at CCPD that huge building over there not that far from this coffee shop called Jitters. Just walk in and ask for me and I'll be there in a jiffy" I said pointing at a white building that's labeled "Central City Police Apartment"
"Oh, you're a cop?" Steve asked me
"No. I work for forensics" I replied I looked at my watch and my heart literally stopped beating. I'm late
"shit, um Steve I have to go I am late to meet up with my friend. It's nice to meet you" I said and ran off.
Steve's Pov
"shit, um steve I have to go I am late to meet up with my friend. It's nice to meet you" Barry Allen said to me I waved goodbye and flashed him a smile. Clearly, this kid doesn't care about his language. Well, truth is, I don't give a shit. I'm turning over a new leaf. I looked around at the city, this could be a great place for me to continue my life as Captain America. I remember what Barry Allen said to me about working at CCPD and told me to walk in there one day and ask for him, he promised me a tour of the city.
What a great kid
Okay, that is the end of this chapter, so as you can see things are going to be different in the book like I know Barry was talking to someone else (foreshadowing character) but since this a fanfiction book I can add whatever I want but don't worry I will stick to the story as well from The Flash and Avengers. I hope you guys liked this chapter, votes and comments are welcome as always.
And I will see you guys in the next chapter
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