4. The Sex Tips
Normally, I spend Friday nights alone in my bedroom, watching 'Netflix Originals' and eating rubbish.
Tonight, however, Lucy and Olivia are dragging me along to a gig at a local club. The band that's headlining is made up of locals too, and Lucy fancies the drummer. So, because Olivia's taken these days, Lucy needs me to be her wingman.
"Here," Lucy says, handing me something black and velvety. "Try this one on."
I strip back to my underwear and shimmy into the dress.
"No way." I say, staring at myself in Olivia's floor length mirror. "I look like a dementor."
Olivia laughs. "This one's shorter. Try this one."
Something else is thrown at me.
By shorter, Olivia means- barely covers my butt cheeks.
"I can't wear this. If I bend down, I'll moon everyone."
The three of us collapse into laughter.
"Well you need to choose something." Lucy says, wiping tears from her eyes. "Doors open in half an hour."
All of my clothes are too formal for a night out, which is why I'm having to raid Olivia's closet. But finding an outfit is proving super difficult. I guess I just don't know my own style yet.
I find a pair of belted, 90's, mom jeans, hidden amongst a stack of skirts.
"What about these?"
"Cute!" Lucy exclaims. "Liv, do you still have that mesh top?"
"Mesh top?" Olivia frowns for a second, then her face lights up. "Oh the black one! Good idea!"
I stare at my reflection, not really recognising myself. The jeans fit nice and the mesh top almost makes me look...sexy.
"I think I like it," I say eventually.
Lucy and Olivia appear at my sides, clad in leather and ripped denim. We take a few pictures, and then run for the bus. Olivia can't drive us there because she'll be drinking.
I text my mum on the way, telling her I'll be home for 11pm.
We get to the club a little late. And by the time we hand over our tickets, and our bags are checked for alcohol, the band's already playing their first song.
"What are they called again?" I shout over the heavy bass.
We join a mass of jumping teenagers.
"The Sex Tips!" Lucy shouts back.
Huh. Well I won't be needing any of those any time soon.
We dance around and get lost in the electric atmosphere for the next hour, only stopping when the lead singer announces it's time for a break.
I head to the bar with Lucy and Olivia. They take a shot of vodka together, whilst I grab a straw for my water.
"Isn't the drummer sexy?" Lucy says to us. "He reminds me of a young Johnny Depp."
I don't really see the resemblance, but I agree he's pretty hot.
"Go talk to him!" Olivia says, glancing up from her phone; she'll be texting Harry. "He's just sitting on the stage."
Lucy takes a deep breath. "All right."
She grabs my arm, and starts pulling me towards the stage before I can protest.
"Hi!" Lucy exclaims, her red lips forming a perfect smile.
The band look up. I take their eyes widening as a good sign.
"Hey," The guitarist with shaggy, brown hair replies. "What can we do for ya?"
Lucy pats my shoulder. "My friend here is a really big fan."
I only found out about their existence last night.
"Yeah? What's your favourite song?"
"Oh, um, the one... about the girls."
The guys exchange glances and start chuckling.
"OK. Which one of you fancies one of us?" The drummer asks.
I notice the lead singer hasn't stopped staring at me.
Lucy smiles sheepishly. "Um, it's me. And I fancy you."
It turns out drummer boy's name is Jace, he isn't related to Johnny Depp, and he'd like to get to know Lucy backstage.
"What about you? What's your name?" The lead singer drawls, as Lucy and Jace disappear through a door.
"Anatolia Gunn," I blush. "But I have to go now."
It's 22:45, and although I only live a few streets away, I always like to get home five minutes before my curfew. Or rather my dad likes me to.
I find Olivia mingling with a group of cheerleaders from school. They all say hi, and tell me I should dress like this more often.
"Do you have to go?" Olivia pouts.
"You know what my dad's like if I'm late."
"All right," Olivia sighs. "I'll just tell Lucy I'm walking you home."
I stop her. "No, it's ok. I'll be fine. I only live around the corner."
Olivia eyes me strictly. "Are you sure?"
"Yes!" I give her a hug and she doesn't let go for a while.
"Text me when you're home."
"You too."
"Don't forget!"
I laugh. "OK!"
I cherish the cold breeze that hits my face when I get outside. Clubs are so sweaty and stuffy.
Pausing to shrug on my jacket, I glance around and spot a familiar, boyishly handsome face amongst a crowd of girls. It's Dallas Jackson.
Oh no. If he's here...
I immediately start walking. I've had such a good night. I really don't want the bad boy of Thornhill High to ruin it.
I round a corner and come face to face with a bunch of drunk, rowdy hooligans.
I almost make it past them without them doing anything.
"Hey blondie! My friend wants a kiss!" A guy with no shirt on calls.
He shoves someone into me and I get knocked to the floor. I feel instant pain in my ankle.
"James, you bastard."
I look up to the sound of a deep, smoky voice.
So much for avoiding him.
River's resting against a street lamp, glass in hand. He looks around, seemingly for a place to set his drink, before he tosses the glass over his shoulder. It smashes across the concrete.
I start to get up, when River strolls forward and helps me.
"Can you walk?" He asks, lightly placing his hands on my hips.
"Yes," I say, pushing his hands away.
I take a step forward, however, and experience the worst pain I've ever felt. I'd have crashed back to the floor if River hadn't been ready to catch me.
He raises an eyebrow at me. "Looks like it."
River abruptly pulls me into him, ignoring my protests. "Do you live far, angel?"
Do you have a favourite character yet?
I'm thinking of updating twice a week instead of just once on a Friday- hence this update.
Don't forget to vote/comment if you're enjoying this story so far :))
Shen 🦋
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