Six: Finally!
EVERYTHING beyond this point is uneditted and very "I wrote this when I was 12." So, read on, if you want your eyes to bleed:
Taihana's POV.
"Walking in the meadow and soaking sun rays; we're gonna get a C ranked mission today!" I sing excitedly. Jenko and Kiko grin widely as Sensei Gama floats towards us. "Can we go there now?" I ask.
"Sprint for a bit of training," he answers. I sweat drop; we can't get there faster? I run as fast as I can, before realising that Kiko is right beside me. Since when is he so speedy?
Jenko is behind me when we reach he tower. Kiko bursts through the door rudely, whilst Jenko holds me back. The Hokage scolds Kiko, so Jenko and I walk in behind him gracefully.
Teams Kurenai, consisting of Hinata, Shino and Kiba; Team Kitara with Kitsune, Makoto and Tenju; Team Asuma, which is Shika, Ino and Choji.
They're all there, getting their next mission I'd assue. Gama enters behind us and whacks Kiko in the head with his bottle.
"Ah, of course. Team Gama's C rank-"
"Hey, what!?" Someone yells, interupting the Hokage. I turn to see Team Kakashi standing at the door. "How come they get a C ranked mssion!!" Naruto adds to his yelling.
"Naruto, Team Gama have done more D ranks than any other teams," the Hokage tells him. I grin and high-five Kiko and Jenko.
"We've done twenty!" Naruto yells, pointing at us.
"Same with us!" Makoto adds, "beat that!"
"We already have!" I laugh.
"Yeah, well we've done twenty-five," Choji murmurs.
"We've beat that too," I say simply.
"Thirty!" Kiba grins.
"Beat it," Kiko Jenko and I say together in a dull tone.
"We've done forty-five!" We all yell proudly.
"What! How?"
Our eyes turn to Sensei and we glare at him. "Because Sensei is a slave driver," the three of us say together. He stops drinking to hit all three of us with his bottle.
"Yes yes, very good; here is your C ranked," Hokage-sama says. He held a file in his hand.
"L-Lord Hokage," Iruka stutters. "Do you really think that they're ready yet?" I glare at my former Sensei. C'mon Iruka Sensei; don't ruin this for us!
"Yes Iruka, I know they are," Gama says, still sitting on a cloud with his eyes closed.
Jenko looks at the paper. "We have to escort a prince from the Usabuta Village on the Fire Boarders, to Konoha," he reads aloud. Then he shows everyone the picture of the prince. Ino and Sakura groan in jelousy.
This prince, has the most enchanting green eyes I had ever seen, with light brown hair. The two jelous girls stare at the picture Jenko holds up.
I smirk as Sasuke, Jenko, Kiko, Tanju, Naruto, Choji, Shikamaru, and Kiba glare at the picture. "What's this dudes name anyway?" I ask, showing only curiousity as an emotion; I didn't find him that cute.
I guess everyone is in a trance. "Hello!" I yell, snapping everyone from their dream-like state. Jenko mumbles his name, but Gama is already shoving us out of the room.
"Meet me at the village gates tomorrow at 4:00am sharp. That's the morning Kiko," Sensei explains as we walk through the Hokage Tower. "We will train today; I want to show you all something," Gama says. He then pulls out chains; not ropes, chains.
Not only are they chains, they have metal circles in-between. He steps off his cloud, and clips one circle around Kiko's neck, then Jenko's, then he moves on to me.
He smiles. "I have seen much growth in you Taihana."
I grin. "Really?"
"Yes, you must be one inch taller."
My smile drops and I glare at him.
He takes the lead chain and sits back onto his cloud ... and starts running with us dragging behind him! We're all on our stomachs at first.
"Quick! Stand up!" I hear Gama say. I manage to get to my feet, but the pull of the chains kept me stumbling and leaning over. Kiko's in the same state as me, but Jenko? He's practically pulling Gama!
"I don't see how this is training old man!" Kiko yells when we both fall on our backs. I look past Kiko head and through the dust, only to see Team's Asuma and Kakashi watching curiously.
Jenko's POV
Maybe I am jealous because of the look on Ino's face. Now I know how Tai feels when she looks at Shikamaru.
I push on, leaving Kiko, Gama and Tai in the dust. My dust to be exact. And hey? I'm man enough to admit that with my size, I make alot of dust.
We get to the waterfall. After Tai's chain is released, she runs at me, but Kiko holds her back. "You baka! My hair is ruined!" She yells as she and Kiko dust themselves off.
"Children," Gama says, fully seperated from his cloud, though it still floats close by. We form a line, slightly annoyed by the term 'children'.
"Eeer, Sensei, are you on a ... diet?" Tai asks. Sensei grins. His potbelly is gone.
"I'm glad you asked Taihana, but no. It is a jutsu I want to teach you," He says. The cloud then assembles infront of him. It lays itself across his stomach, and then it ... turns into his stomach ...
"Oh man that is just so, so, so wrong," Tai whispers to Kiko and I. I nod.
"Something movable that I like is clouds," Sensei says. "I use my own body, to make a cloud, to assist me in something. So, I want you to think of something that you like that is mobile," he explains.
For some reason I think of Ino. I shake it off though. I like spiders, I guess. "Done?" Gama asks. We all nod.
We spend the next few hours learning this new jutsu. It's pretty lame, and soon enough we realise that some of Gama's techniques are out of our league.
~Taihana's POV~
I'm walking home with Shikamaru again. He's explaining how he, Choji and Ino had to plough some old ladies field, but he fell asleep, Ino refused to step on the dirt and Choji ate most of her vegetables.
When we reach his gate, I stop to say goodbye. "Um, I can't," he says. I frown.
"See, when my mom found out that we walk home together, she flipped out since I'd been letting you go the rest of the way alone," he explains.
I laugh, "S-Seriously!?"
"Yeah! She's like 'Son! A gentleman does not let a Lady walk home by herself!' So...I know of have to, I don't know, 'escort' you home. That okay?"
I hope it's dark enough for him to see how red my face it right now. "Um, sure," I grin. We talk a little more about the recent mission, then we reach the compound.
"So uh...this C rank, how long do you think you'll be gone?" He asks.
"Oh, uh...just a few days," I answer.
"Well, be careful alright?"
I nod. "You too. Ploughing fields can be dangerous," I joke.
He laughs and scratches the back of his head.
"Okay, well; don't be too longely walking home without me," I grin.
"Don't let Kiko and Jenks eat all the food," he laughs.
I take a chance and hug him. I wrap my arms around his neck. He freezes for a second, before hugging me back.
"By Shikamaru," I say, before I walk into the compound.
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