Shower, Gamah's Flashback, Sunagakure˙∆˙
BTW. It was not a curse marks' venom injected into Team Gamah ^^
You guys finally find out a little bit about Gamah's past! ^^
Jenko's POV
I rushed into the hospital room.
Tai was connected to some machine and had a lot of cuts and bruises.
Kiko was unconscious, and had deep gashes in his arms.
Gamah had this brace thing on him that went up hid back and to his neck.
Me? A broken arm and a few cuts.
I was the least injured, which meant I did the least! I walked over to Tai, who slept with a pained look on her face. Kiko groaned and opened his eyes. He was right next to Tai, so I was beside them both.
"What happened?" He asked me. "It was him," I said.
"Taihana's brother. The one with red hair. He was walking in the forest. We were only on the outskirts of Suna. Apparently after that stuff was injected into us killed us-"
"What!!!???" Taihana shrieked, sitting upright. "If we were killed, then, how are we ... alive?" She asked.
"Well, when we were found we had all blacked out, but we were actually dead. In order for the poison to spread, we had to be dead. After that, one of the effects of the Takshan take over, the resurrection. We were brought back, with special talents..."
"What talents? How do you know all this?" Tai asked. "Talents, like more chakra, Kekkei Genkai, and a few other things. And I know this because ... I met someone...."
"Someone?" Taihana smirked. "Shut up. It's not like that. Her name is Hitomi. Hitomi Turisico to be exact. Gamah's her uncle. She told me about all of this-"
"TAIHANA!" Someone shrieked. A blonde familiar looking girl burst through the door, and randomy swung her arms around Taihana's small frame.
"T-T-Temari Onee-Ch-Chan. C-Can't B-Breathe!' She choked. The girl laughed nervously as she released Tai.
She spoke frantically about what happened, Temari I mean. Then I noticed Kiko staring at her through amazement.
*Taihana's POV*
I just smiled and nodded, not really paying attention, but... "The Gaara saved you-"
"Gaara!" I yelled. Suddenly, he was in here. it made us all jump. "Gaara Onii-San!: I yelled. "Hello Onee-chan," he replied emotionlessly.
"Thanks for saving my team and me!" I grinned. "My team and I, speak properly!" Temari scolded.
"Ahem," I heard Kiko voice.
"Oh! Right! Temari, Gaara, these are my teammates! Kiko and Jenko!"
"Kiko?" Temari began. "Yeah, you've probably heard of me, since my clan lives here and all," he proudly grinned. "Actually," Tem-Chan began.
"I sounds to me ... like a girls name!" She smirked. Kiko became anime depressed- was he falling for my sister!!??
I was about to confront him, but suddenly, the room filled completely with Miroku's and a few Tamadotchi's and Himajana's.
"Okaa-San! Otou-San!" I exclaimed. They greeted me, as did the other Miroku's.Yet, it wasn't as fulfilling as I was hoping.
Noticing this, Neyo spoke up. "Tano and Sensaina are staying with Mrs Haruno," she said with a reassuring smile.
My Okaa-San's smile.
It could warm even the coldest of hearts, even Sasuke's! Neyo had given Tano his healthy black hair, Because hers is raven black, and comes above her shoulders.
Sensaina had recieved Neyo's emerald green eyes. Sensaina's hair was different, she got her from Jikei. Blond Dirty blond, a little darker and duller than Naruto's.
Jikei's eyes had obviously gone to Tano, because they both had chocolate brown. Kiko went to take a shower after a while.
*Someone told me that all Naruto Fanfics should have a towel scene ;)*
*Temari's POV*
After everyone filed into the room, I left to see my Father, but first saw Hitomi. "Can you please take Kiko to the showers?" She asked, handing me a towel and Kiko's bag.
I'm not stupid enough to disagree with her, since she's just as scary as Gaara.
As I walked Kiko into the living room of the house that my father owns, I could help but stare at Kiko's fishnet shirt, wondering what lay beneath. Gah! Stupid Hormones.
He noticed and smirked broadly. "Like what you see?" He winked. I grimaced and shoved him off into the the bathroom.
"Hurry up and be quick!" I told him. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon so you can stare at me some more," he bragged. I glared deeply it him.
"Don't miss me too much!" He yelled. I then noticed a horrifying fact ... he had left his change of clothes, on the table, that was across the room in the exact direction of the bathroom door.
Which was locked.
The door opened again, and Kiko put his hand out, dumping his clothes in the hamper. He closed the door again. before I could shout out.
The water began to run, and he wouldn't be able to here me.
*Gamah's POV*
Beep ... beep ... beep ... beep ... and even, familiar sound. The last thing I remember was seeing ... his face.
Akoshi, my dear brother, whatever happened to you?
"Gamah! Akoshi! Natiri!" My Mother called to us.
This must have been when she was still alive.
Otou-San to.
"Hai! Okaa-san!" A 4 year old Natiri smiled brightly. 17 year old me came out of nowhere, followed by a 13 year old Akoshi.
Natiri. She'd be 29 now, and joined the Akatsuki when she was 20. If she was 29 now, she'd be the same age that Akoshi was when he went rogue.
I was 33, 9 years ago. 9 years full of drinking, isolation, and suffering. Nine years of grieving. After my 20 year old sister ran to the Akatsuki, and my 29 year old brother became a rogue ninja.
If he has his hands on the Takshan, the he must have joined...he wouldn't! He couldn't! No!
"What is it Okaa-San?!" Akoshi yelled.
"Would you like to take your sister fishing?" She smiled. I gave my Mother a warning look. Her green eyes faltered to sadness.
She took a deep breath in and curled her black hair over her ear. "That is, if, your brother isn't busy at the momen-"
"Oh please! Gamah Onii-San!" Akoshi begged, his blue eyes brimming with tears. I looked at him emotionlessly. "No," I replied simply, turning away and walking out of the house.
Into a blank whiteness, leaving my family behind.
*End Flashback*
I sat up, startled.
Taihana mumbled, turning in her own bed to face me, her gentle and soft eyes filled with worry, and tiredness.
"Are you okay?"
I noticed we we in a four bedded hospital room. I looked out the window and saw we were in Suna. Then I looked back down at Taihana.
She rubbed her eyes. When she looked back up, I noticed how much her crimson iris' looked like Natiri's.
"Bad dream," I simply replied.
Taihana's turned back over.
Forr a few minutes, I stared at the roof. When Orochimaru left, he took all traces of the Takshan with him. ALL. So if Akoshi has it, then, maybe ... he joined Orochimaru?
someone beside me spoke. "Bad dream, huh?"
I looked beside me, and saw those eyes. Those familiar eyes that cast a stern but gentle gaze. The eyes I had seen the moment they were born.
Hitomi Turisico.
Natiri's daughter.
"Hello Uncle," she whispered.
"Hello Hitomi."
Naw <3 CLUE: There will be a HitomiXsomeone! ;)
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(comment: Who do you want Hitomi to be with?)
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~MJAM <3
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