Saved by him again K:
Taihana's POV:
Great Kami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was the most painful experience ever! "W-What do you think you're gonna do!? Huh!?" Hotaru yelled, stuttering out if fear. "Kill you," I said simply, as more and more of Fumi's chakra poured into my system.
"You do not, I REPEAT you DO NOT mess with my Sensei, my team, or me unless you have a death wish!" I yelled, towering over the three, seeing that Akoshi stared intently at the purple chakra surrounding me.
"Remember those words! YOU DON'T MESS WITH ME UNLESS YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH." I pulled my Katana from it's sheath on my back, as Yakon stood and timidly took out his.
Then that fight was on.
He took a swing at me and I ducked. Katana's were probably my best weapon. I swung at his legs but he jumped. This went on for a while, as the blades clang together.
He went too strike my head but I blocked it. Our blades pushed together as I glared on at him. "After I kill you, I'll be killing Kyrie and Hotaru," I whispered. He growled and rose his blade to strike down upon me.
I speed stepped behind him though, but he turned and kept trying to slash at me with his katana. "Give it up! We'll kill the rest of your team after you!" He yelled.
"Death wish!" I repeated. With one last slash I had cut his arm of. He fell to the ground, screaming, rolling around on the ground, his blood spraying over my purple 3 quarter leggings, giving them a crimson tinge.
I now had most of Fumi's features. "I'll kill you!" I heard Kyrie's voice as Hotaru tended to the screaming Yakon. She did some hand signs and screamed: "Light Style!: Sunshine death!"
The sun that shone down started to feel intensely hot. I groaned as it burnt my skin, making it turn intently red. I summoned a flower and it blocked out the sun. I then grew two hedges of Kiko and Jenko.
If I can't travel above ground, I'll have to travel...below.
I closed my eyes. Damn this burning hurts! I transformed into a vine and disappeared into the ground. "That won't hello you!" Kyrie yelled from above. I shoved roots aside and stood in there place.
She kept talking, which was stupid, because now I know where she is. I was now directly below her. I grabbed my katana again, and pointed it upwards, guessing where her foot is.
I pushed my blade upwards through the ground, hoping that I had pierced her foot. I heard her scream, as a thick warm liquid ran down the blade to the purple handle of my katana.
I came back up to the surface after I had grew another flower to shade me. But as I came up Kyrie fell backwards. It appears that the whole blade of my katana had gone into her leg. I pulled ot out and she screamed just as loud.
I then felt a brutal amount of pain as I heard a jutsu. "Turisico Style!: Takishan Enchantment!" I screamed as those veins spread again. I dropped, still managing to stay in the shade of the flower.
I cringed on the ground, as Akoshi stood over me. He smirked, and then went to grab my arm, but he stopped and was pulled backwards. And the last thing I saw, was red hair.
Back in Konoha Shikamaru's POV:
"The Hokage has ordered for your team to meet him in his tower now," I Jounin said as he appeared before us in the BBQ restaurant. "Why?"
He leaned down and said something to Asuma, who widened his eyes when he heard. "Very well," he replied. The Jounin disappeared. "What is it Asuma-Sensei?" Ino asked.
"One of our teams ran into ... trouble," He said, not making eye contact. "Which team?" Chouji spoke up.
And then, Asuma's gaze on his food broke, to look at me. ".......6."
I stopped, and then opened my mouth.
"Is Jenko OK!?" Ino yelled. Chouji sighed. "Poor Kiko," he mumbled. "Let's just go to the tower," Sensei said. We nodded and got up, heading to the Hokage tower.
When we got their, teams 7 and 8 were there. Team 7 looked pretty tired. I think they went on a C rank. "We received an urgent message from Sunagakure moments ago," he said. "What was it, Hokage-sama?" Sakura asked.
" 6 was dicovered in the forests on the outskirts of Suna. There was also a very large amount of blood at the scene. A Jounin talked to Prince Aijin, who said that the blood had come from the attackers, and that the events went something like this;
Gamah was attacked by the leader who looked alot like a younger version of Gamah himself. 3 other students who the Prince described as 2 girls and a boy the same age as you all but Jounin skill, came to fight with Kiko, Jenko and Taihana. He said that Kiko used his Kekkei Genkai and took control of Taihana and Jenko. After that they all seemed exhausted and were injected with something. That something was identified as The Takshan of the Turisico Clan. It is known to increase chakra, triple powers of Kekkei Genkai, and even supply you with new Kekkei Genkai. After this, Kiko was about to be killed, but Taihana cut the boy's arm off and stabbed the girl up from the foot to her hip. The leader then went after Taihana but the Sand Ninja stopped him. All for enemies disappeared though."
Everyone was silent.
No one wanted to talk, except Kakashi, wo said;
"How are they all now?"
"Well, the Prince wasn't hurt at all, Gamah was put under a heavy genjutsu, and has fractured his spine, Jenko was suffering from a major loss of chakra, Kiko to was suffering from loss of chakra and blood, and, well-"
"What of Taihana?" Hinata asked, without stuttering, a serious look upon her face. "If she hadn't recieved the medical attention she had, as quick as she did, well, she would have ... died."
Everyone had a face of sad shock, even Sasuke. "When will they return?" I asked. "In a few days. Jikei and Neyo Miroku, Amirati Himajana and Sachi and Okarwi Tamadotchi are on there way to Suna as we speak."
"But why do we need to know this, what does it matter?" Sasuke said. "Eerr, maybe because Kiko, Tai and Jenko are our friends!" Naruto yelled. "How could you say that Sasuke!?" I practically screamed.
Naruto looked very angry at the moment. "There's that reason," the Hokage began again. "And the reason that you genin need to know that some C ranked missions, like this C rank and team 7's C rank turned to B ranks. You must remember to always be cautious..."
He got up and walked to his door, opening it, revealing the Jounin from before standing with 2 10 year olds, a girl and a boy. And there was a female Jounin holding a baby.
"As you know, the Himajana clan live in Suna, so none of Kiko's family are here. And the Tamadotchi's are all on missions, plus most of the Miroku's went to Suna and some are on missions. This is Tanoshiku and Senseina Miroku, plus Katsumi Tamadotchi. I need them to be taken in whilst there is an absence of their families."
"I'll take Katsumi!" Ino practically threw herself forward to grab Katsumi. "I'll take Tano and Senseina!" Sakura yelled. She collected them with Hinata's help.
"Then it is settled."
The Hokage began to walk out the door. "Hey wait! Old man" Naruto yelled. "If Tai was so low on chakra and weak an stuff ... then how did she hurt those other two so bad!?"
"Hm. Naruto, come with me," he said. Naruto looked at Kakashj for approval, and he nodded. And with that, he followed the Hokage out. "Well, I guess we leave now," Asuma said. Everyone left.
* * *
Did you guys notice that there is a face on each chapter name? hehe XD
So I was walking down the road like a good little kangaroo eating my Lucky Charms when Seamus Finnigan randomly jumps out of a bush and takes my LC, because he's Irish which makes him a leprachaun! ^-^ So naturally, I chased after him screaming " I WANT MY 3 WISHES!!!! " Then, Kisame and his boyfriend Suigetsu appear out of nowhere. I went ninja on them and kept running after Finnigan. I got up the hill to Shikamaru and randomly started making out with him coz he's hawt. Then when I got up I picked up a stick and thwacked him where the sun don't shine ;) So now I have Kisame, Suigetsu, and Shikamaru after me. As I ran through the forest I stopped, seeing Gaara. "YOU HAVE NO EYEBROWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at him. He sent sand after me, and now he was chasing me. "You're fat!" I yelled at Choiji. He went agro and started chasing me. "IT'S YOUR FAULT YOUR CLAN DIED!!!!!!" I told Sasuke. Guess what? He started chasing me. So I ran to the Akatsuki and they killed everyone for me ^-^ The end.
MY SHIKAAAAAAA-KUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( ~ MJAM
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