I ended up running to Dan's house. He said he would be there for me, then again so did my mother. I sighed as I knocked on the door. "Coming" said someone slightly muffled. Dan swings open the door "Holy mother of Manchester, Jack are you okay?" he asked worry tracing his words. I couldn't even respond so I shook my head.
"Hey Dan who wa-" fuck me with a spork it's Mark. "Jack oh my gawd what happen?" he practically screamed which made me flinch. He doesn't love you. I swallowed my saliva and tried to speak. "M-mark wha-at are y-ou doing here" I stuttered. "He was here because he couldn't find you yesterday and wanted to know if I saw you" I must have looked petrified since Dan winked at me and put a finger to his lips. He didn't tell anyone...yet. I sighed but with relief. "Mark since you, I mean we, now know he's fine could you go" Dan asked looking me over for cuts, bruises, or basically any injury. Mark looked baffled and slightly hurt. Not like he really cared.
I stayed at Dan's and told him, again, everything. I feel safe with him. "good night Jackaboy" he smiled at the door of the guest room. I smiled genuinely, something a rarely do anymore. "nighty Danny". he closed the door and I tossed and turned till sleep and exhaustion took over.
My mother's words kept replaying in my head. I woke with a panic forgetting where I was. I guess Dan heard me calling out "hello?" and rushed in. "Jack?!" he looked scared for me. "I had a nightmare" I admitted quietly. "me too" he said walking over, "Want me to stay here". I nodded and moved over so he could lay next to me. I again felt safe. We said goodnight again and both fell into a deep slumber.
I woke up around noon, there wasn't school today thank the-... My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing. I was now in a group chat with Felix and Cry, or Fry as they called themselves.
The Text convo.
Felix: hey Jack can we talk
Cry: ya you there Jack??
Jack: ye what's up?
Felix: Grant, Chase, and Aaron have been um
Cry: they told use you hate us so fuck you
Felix: CRY I S2G
Felix: its just a rumor
Felix: right jackaboy?????
Cry: Jack??///
Jack: no its um true your better off w/out me
Felix: Cry forget it we don't need him
Cry: but
Felix: it was his decision its better we respect his wishes
Cry: bye
Felix: bye don't talk to us anymore u douche your just like the rest of them
End of convo.
"Two, three" It's better this way....less people that can get hurt. "hey Jack I made coffee and waffles" Dan walked in the room with a mug and plate almost dropping it when he saw me in tears. I'm such a baby. "I'm fine thank you for everything by the way" I say to break the tension. Dan gets the 'I don't wanna talk about it' look on my face. After we ate and drank our coffees I decided I've been over staying my welcome. "I should go..." Dan didn't let me finish before he kissed my cheek and said "We both know you have nowhere to go". I blushed and nodded looking down. "You are always welcome here and I want you to stay, at least until you figure things out" he sounded so genuine, my heart couldn't help but flutter slightly. I could just imagine Mark saying those words. But he won't anytime soon.
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