Jack's POV
I sigh as I walk through the halls. School ended half an hour ago, but I was waiting to make sure the douche gang was gone. I walk outside and look around. "Thank gawd they le-" I couldn't even finish my sentence when I'm hit in the back of the head. Fuck why. Butt-face McGee and his gang of ass-hats are still here. I look around for help but to no avail.
I was shoved to the ground and one kicks my stomach. If I actually ate any food I would have thrown it up. I gag and one lifts me off my feet. "Thought you could out smart us ay ShitFace" he spat. I scoffed "Wouldn't be too hard if I actually tried". With that he threw me back down and walked over me with the others also stepping on me.
I spat towards them as they laughed and I walked to the back of the school. I was about to break down when I saw Dan crying. Not caring about myself what so ever I rushed over. "Dan shh it's okay" I cooed to calm him down like my mother used to do for me after their (my father and her's) fights. "No it's not it's all my fault" he cried out. I rubbed circles on his back to calm him down. He sniffled and looked up. He looked horrified. How bad do I look? "Jack oh my gawd what happened to you!" He shouted grabbing my face and turning it in every direction to assess the damage. "Uh it's um I uh" I stuttered. Dan grabbed a tissue from his bag and dabbed it on my I guess bleeding face. Truth be told I couldn't feel it.
"Jack I haven't seen you in almost a week and when I do your a mess, please tell me what happened?!" He begged. I don't know why but I told him the truth. I basically vented to him. Why did I trust him. He'll just use it against me. Dan looked shocked (shook). He pulled me in for a hug and I hugged back.
Where's Phil?
Why were you crying?
Why haven't I heard from you in almost a week?
Why are you behind the school after hours?
Questions filled my mind, but it didn't feel right to ask at the moment.
After a while I broke the silence. "Please don't tell anyone, not Felix, Cry, Phil, not even Mark" I looked him in the eye. "I promise, just don't do anything stupid and come to me if you need help, I'm here for you Jack". Dan brought me home and then left to his home. Of course my mother wasn't home. Or at least I thought she wasn't. I could hear mumbling coming from her room. I got close to the door and knocked once. No answer just shuffling. "Mom?" I opened the door. To find her and some random man making out on her bed. I was utterly appalled. I felt sick. "How, why, when?" I asked as she hurried over leaving the man laying on the bed. "Seany sweetie this is Mr. Parter" she said casually as if I didn't almost catch them having sex. The room reeked of alcohol. She reached out to touch my arm. "Don't touch me!" I yelled. "What about dad?!" I screamed.
"He didn't love you that's what, can't I just have a good relationship you fucking ingrate" she yelled twice as loud. See she hates you, they all do. I ran far, far away from that woman. "One."
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