Jack's POV
"Well this is goodbye for now Ireland. Oh how I'll miss you." I whispered to myself as the plane took off. If my parents hadn't fought, I would be home. Probably ignoring their screams and curses. But they did and my mother decided to divorce. It's not like they loved each other anymore or valued my opinion in any of this.
Me and my mother were now on a goddamn plane to America. I will have to start over again. Well that's not that bad I guess, it's not like I had many friend's in Ireland. Maybe this is a good thing. New high school, New Jack, no more Sean.
*time skadoodle*
We got to our new home. It was about the same size as the old cabin we once had. That made it a little comforting. I walked in going straight to the room with my name on it. My mother had been here already, a month back, to unpack all our shit. I walked in seeing she had left my personal boxes untouched, she cared a little. I unpacked the first box which had my favorite childhood stuffy, Septiceye Sam. I gently placed on my bedspread. I smiled warmly at him then frowned slightly as memories returned. I shook my head as chills went down my spine. Then I unpacked the rest which were just my video games and consoles.
It was now late around midnight. I shuffled under my covers as it all hit me. I wasn't going to see my father again, my mother was the only one to care for me and the only person I knew here. I hugged Sam close to my chest. I may be going into eleventh year but i was a child at heart, especially with all this change. I disliked change. I felt warm tears stream down my cheeks. Why am I sad? This isn't something to cry about. "Wow no wonder they called me a pussy, I'm such a baby" I said quietly letting more tears fall onto Sam and my pillow as I blinked.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Morning already "Jeez us christ" I mumbled turning off my phone's alarm. I got up and showered then styled my green hair. "Sean, sweetie are you almost ready?" my mother cooed knocking slightly. Anger filled me, but why? "Almost" I hissed. She got the idea and left sighing. I felt bad but anger still coursed through my veins. I calmed a bit down and got dressed. I wore a pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt, not really trying. I grabbed my green bag and ran out the door ignoring my mother so I didn't snap at her again.
When I got there I found the office and the lady gave me my schedule and some other kids came in. They were both towering over me with similar hair cuts. "Daniel Howell?" She asked passing the brunette a schedule as he nodded. "Then you must be Phillip Lester" she smiled and gave him his. We walked out together. "Hi I'm.....Jack" it sounded more like a question but they didn't seem to notice. "Hello Jack, I'm Phil and that's Dan" said the slightly shorter, but still very tall, black haired boy. I waved at Dan and Phil looked back towards him smiling softly. We checked each others schedules and apparently I was alone in every class but Dan and Phil had the same classes. We only all shared lunch.
We said our goodbyes and parted ways. I looked over and noticed them holding hands. Then like the clumsy person I am, ran right into someone. He said something under his breath. Swedish? "I am so sorry. I wasn't looking" I stuttered as the blonde chuckled. "Hey hey hey it's fine I wasn't looking either" he looked me up and down then straight at my hair. Here come the insults, I thought. "Your the new kid, from Ireland right? Nice hair" he smiled genuinely. I nodded and thanked him. "Oh silly me, my name's Felix" I shook his out stretched hand. "Se- Jack, the names Jack" he looked a bit confused but someone with a white mask came up behind him and hugged him. Felix spun around. "Cry!" He yelled and kissed the boy's head. "Jack this is Cry my boyfriend" Felix introduced as Cry waved. "Hello" I smiled.
I felt someone hit my shoulder and I stumbled. I almost hit the ground when a strong hand grabbed my arm pulling me to my feet. "I'm sorry- your new?"
I nodded in shock. "Jack that's the second time you clumsy leprechaun" Felix chuckled and Cry giggled slightly. "Hello Jack I'm Mark" the bell rang and Mark quickly started walking away after a quick good bye. "Wow I haven't seen Mark so lively in awhile" Cry said. I turned to him confusion clouding my face. Felix nudged Cry and said "it's best left unsaid, I'm glad he's getting better though".
After the first three classes I found them again and they showed me to lunch that we apparently shared. Dan and Phil were already there so I introduced them to Felix and Cry. Mark wasn't there, Felix said he was probably talking with a teacher or getting extra singing lessons. Singing, I'd love to hear that voice sing. I shook my head slightly.
School was over and we all parted ways. I was waiting for my mother to pick me up. I see a small group of guys who are built a lot stronger and taller than I, not as tall as Dan and Phil but taller than me. As soon as they spotted me they walked over. "H-hi" I stuttered my accent thicker since they make me nervous. "What the fuck is wrong with his voice" one laughed. Another ripped my beanie off and held it above me. "Does the Irish leprechaun want his hat" he dangled it just out of my reach. I didn't say anything just kept trying to get my beanie. He started running away with it and when I tried to catch up the third guy tripped me. I scrapped my hands to break the fall. He threw the hat at my face before they all walked off laughing.
Great just like home. I walked to the house since my mother didn't end up showing up. I ran to my room slamming the door shut. I had completely forgotten all the good things and could only focus on the bad. Which ended up making me tear up and angry at the same time. Yes it's overreacting to some bullies, but it broke the hope of starting anew.
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