21. Don't overthink it.
They developed a schedule that worked for both of them. Unbeknownst to Karishma, it worked for Hunter's cheating ways as well. It kept his wife at bay, both women got equal time. Karishma and Hunter met in his office but it was brief, he was always occupied and fully booked with lectures to attend to. Loads of meetings with the Head of his department. Karishma would bring him coffee even when he had not asked, she now knew his favorite expresso; it was always accompanied with a cinnamon roll. Hunter found it hard not to adore her when she was always so caring. She would call him whenever he had a bad day, they'd speak for hours on the phone. He'd sit in his car in the garage for these phones calls, not wanting his wife to overhear. Cheating was an extreme sport.
There were days when they hardly saw each other because of how busy they both were. In class they managed to act indifferent to each other. Hunter had to learn to look away once he caught her eye, it was always hard to stop eye contact. He then started inviting her to work out with him five days a week this way they could see more of each other. It was refreshing, Karishma would simply stare at him with intense pash. He wasn't too bulked up but he maintained a decent physique. It was visible through his formal shirts. He had this conniving smile, she'd simply melt when their eyes met. Karishma found herself thinking about him more often than she should have. He had his days when he had no time to shave, she thought he looked strikingly handsome. Clean shaven, he looked like a nineteen year old again. Everything felt so right, she felt lucky. Suppose it was the honeymoon phase of their relationship. As much as he had been looking forward to sex, Hunter found himself getting lured in. He did not even care for sex anymore, surprising he simply enjoyed her presence. He tried to tell himself that after sex, he would be over his infatuation with her. It was a way of coping with the guilt of cheating on his wife. At 6pm they'd be at the gym, at 6:40pm they'd be in his car making out in a deserted parking lot. By 7pm they'd drive around to get food, then find another vacant parking away from the Hofstra University campus. It was always a new restaurant, at the end of the day Hunter would make her rate it out of 10. The restaurants became too many they had to buy a book and make a bucket list that they both rated out of 10. Hunter would put a full tank in the morning by the end of the night it would nearly done for. They spent more time in his car than any other place. They didn't have an option. She shared a dorm with Sofia, he shared a house with Rachel. It became a norm for them. Gym, food, long drives. Driving anywhere the road led, they constantly argued about music and the playlist. Hunter decided, they'd exchange days. Soon enough they found themselves making each other playlists on Spotify.
Hunter allowed Karishma to drive his car just this once. At which he commented that they almost died. She thought he was overreacting. Three months passed by, they had still not had sex, by now it was entirely off Hunter's mind. Being around her made him just as happy. On their many days parked in a deserted parking, they'd look through each other's photo gallery. After Hunter deleted anything too exposing. They'd push their car seats back and watch Netflix together on the laptop and put it on the dashboard. All the while, Hunter would be texting his wife.
- Late night again, got caught up with work. Will be home soon. I love you x
Soon enough, Hunter and Karishma had mastered the art of sleeping in the am's and waking up at 6am. It seemed worth it. They enjoyed every moment they spent together. In those three months, they learnt so much about each other.
Hunter learnt, Karishma had an two older brothers. Mohith being twenty-nine like Hunter. Zayaan being twenty-five. "Mohith is an accountant, he went to UJ. He is married and has two beautiful kids. Zayaan is just winging it, he works as a real estate agent during the day; at night he is a DJ... only known locally though. He impregnated a girl when he was only sixteen so he has the oldest child. Zayaan has always been the rebel, always." Karishma told Hunter. He imagined them reacting to this relationship and he didn't think they would be very welcoming of it. "They've always been overprotective." Hunter also learnt that, Karishma's family had complicated belief systems. Her mother's side of the family was Muslim, her father's side of the family was Hindu. They had instead settled for Christianity. Regardless they celebrated each holiday with their family members. "Zayaan says he is an atheist but he never says it in front of my parents. Mohith is hindu, he made it clear through his wedding."
"What about you?" Hunter asked, staring her while she was distracted. Their car seats had become their places of comfort. She pondered on the thought before turning aside to look at him, he was already looking at her. She immediately felt shy. He made her stomach flutter pleasantly.
"...I don't know...but I believe God exists."
Hunter didn't reply, as he entwined their fingers together. He loved that, ever since meeting her; he thought modern romance should bring back hand holding. It was a form of romanticism, he could never get over. That was ofcourse after removing his ring. Which was beginning to annoy him, sometimes when he returned to his dull life. He forgot to put it back on. Never in his life had he ever imagined he could like someone so quickly. She was so precious, what was there not to love?
Love— Hunter dismissed the thought almost immediately. It made him feel uncomfortable. The thought of falling for someone whom he had meant to only see short term, bothered him to the point of no sleep. It was hard, especially when she opened her eyes in the midst of their kiss, he'd open his and feel tingles go down his neck. She would flutter those long eyelashes that curtained her beautiful hazel brown eyes. Rachel constantly had an eyelash appointment, Hunter could only assume Karishma would never need that. She constantly smiled amidst their kisses. He loved seeing her happy. She had this habit of putting a strand of her hair behind her ear when nervous, sometimes she forgot her hair was in a bun as she did so. Her smile was contagious. He found himself taking pictures of her whenever she fell asleep. Before going to bed, he would go through them. He could feel his hearting beating steadily. Suddenly his phone had a password, suddenly he was more secretive. His wife was beginning to notice the little distance forming between them. They hardly saw each other. She understood he was busy but he had never been too busy for her. Hunter was suddenly showering the minute he got home, afraid Karishma's ; perfume was all over him. He suddenly slept with a T-shirt hiding the hickeys that had refused to wash off. Karishma would straddle him in the car and rock against him back and forth with their clothes on; it was pure bliss and torture. She was addictive, he yearned to see her every single day even if it was on campus meters away from each other.
"So what are we?" Karishma had asked him.
"Whatever you want us to be?" He replied.
"My boyfriend." She grinned.
"Fair enough." He smiled, entwining their fingers once more. It was something they did often.
"Why did things fall apart between you and her?" Suddenly it became tense. "All I mean is you're a great guy Hunter. Anyone would be stupid to let you go. The way you speak to your daughter. You're so caring, you're sweet, very respectful; I just find it hard that someone would want to divorce you..."
"Sometimes, it's just uh things don't go as planned." He stuttered.
"Do you think that will likely happen to us?" She asked.
"I really can't say but all I know is we have now, we can take it one day at a time."
"...I hope not..." She replied looking away. He noticed the change of tone. She squeezed the palm of her hand and caressed her cheek.
"Don't overthink it."
She tried not to for a while. Until she had no choice but to think about it and put 2 and 2 together that just made 4 but not forever. (Creds: Lil Wayne).
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