11. do you like her?
Classes finally ended for the day and I walked out of my classroom with Daeun. Her older brother and his friends, who I found out are SM Rookies, are already waiting for us outside the classroom. Daeun hugs all of them while I just smiled. Then we all started walking down the hallway to the main doors of the school building. Haechan, who is the boy who blushed and controlled Daeun awhile ago in the cafeteria suddenly trips over Jeno's big feet and almost landed on his face if it wasn't for Daeun, who caught him just in time. We all laughed at the position while the two blushed. Then Jaehyun pulls Haechan back to his feet as he glared at the younger boy.
"Hands off my baby sister, Donghyuk," Jaehyun warns as he pulls Daeun to his left side, away from Haechan, who pouted.
Then we continued on and walked outside the school building. After saying our goodbyes. I quietly put my hood on and walked to a black van that is parked outside the school's gates. The side door slid open and I see Hoseok inside.
"So, how was your first day?" Hoseok asked when I got inside the van from this morning.
I sighed and sat down. Then I closed my eyes and said, "Like an annoying nightmare."
Hoseok chuckles and then he moves towards me and puts my seatbelt on. Then he returns back to his seat and asked, "Was it Jungkook, again?"
I opened my eyes and looked at my older cousin in surprise. "How did you know?"
"You must be classmates with Jung Gi, right?" He asked as the driver started driving back to our house. I quietly nodded my head as I remembered the girl who slapped me during lunch time. Then Hoseok continues on, "She called me a few hours ago and told me everything."
"WAIT! WHAT?!" I shouted and almost got the driver to swerve to the left. I nervously apologized at him and Hoseok, who glared at me. Then I gently asked, "She knows you? I mean, she has your number?"
Hoseok looks at me weirdly and asked, "Didn't Jungkook tell you that they've known each other since they were kids? Also, yes, she has my number."
I raised my left eyebrow as I imagined my older cousin giving out his number on flyers to random people on the street. Then I bit my tongue as I almost laughed at my crazy imagination. Finally, I spoke up. "So, what about her and Jungkook? Don't tell me they're dating."
Hoseok chuckles and asked, "Would you be jealous if they are?"
I rolled my eyes at him and said, "As if I care? I just want to know. You know how curious I am, right?"
Hoseok nods, not believing me at all. Then he answers my question, "No, they are not dating. They're more like childhood friends, who are like siblings."
"Okay..." I dragged out my answer as I mentally sighed in relief.
"Anyways, we are getting off topic here!" Hoseok announces. Then he asked, "How's your hair? I heard that Bang Chan spilled his jouce over you."
"That sounds perveted and my hair is fi- Wait, why are you asking about my hair and not my well-being?"
Hoseok looks away and covered his mistake. "What are you talking about? I was asking if your uniform is okay. Not hair! Pfft..."
I laughed shortly at his silliness and poked his left cheek. "Then I spoke up. I am fine. My hair is fine, and so is my uniform. I got them cleaned, thanks to Daeun."
Hoseok then looks at me when I mentioned Daeun's name. "You know Kim Daeun?" He whispers in shock.
I looked at him weirdly and nodded my head. Um, yeah, I do know her. Why?"
Hoseok bit the insides of his mouth. Then he looks away. "Yeah, uh, I do know her. She's Jaehyun's long lost sister."
I smiled as I remembered an old memory from last year. My mother and I were walking around the park one day when we see a girl, who looks to be younger than me by a year, and was walking around, looking like she's lost or something, That girl was none other than Kim Daeun. My mother decided to take her in that day and since then Daeun and I kind of became like sisters. A few months later, my mother and I found out that she's one of the missing children in Seoul years ago. So, my mother did her best in trying to find Daeun's parents. Surprisingly. Daeun's mother was my mother's classmate from high school. Then we both met up with her mother in New York during one of her photoshoots, and brought Daeun along with us. After the mother-daughter reunion, I cried. Not the tears of joy kind of crying, but the one when you have to let go of someone that you care about. I couldn't see a future without Daeun since she gave a big impact in both mine and my mother's life. So, we both promised to call each other once a week through Skype or FaceTime. Now, that one year has passed and I got to see her again, I feel like another part of me was restored. Then I was brought back to reality when I hear Hoseok's phone going off.
"Oh, hyung!" Hoseok answers as he looks out the window. "Mianhae, my phone was charging this afternoon and I just turned my phone on."
Then he continues on, "Okay, I'll be here in a few minutes. I have to drop off my cousin back at the house. Okay, bye."
"Um, was that Rap Monster? Or Jin? Or Suga?" I asked as I tried to remember the older members' names.
Hoseok looks at me and chuckles. "Did you research, huh?"
"I'm a fan, pabo, but not to that extent were I'd stalk all of you online," I exclaimed. Then I added, "You forgot to answer my question."
"It's RM hyung," He answers with a small smile. Then I suddenly asked, remembering Daeun, "Exactly, how did you know Daeun?"
Hoseok scratches the back of his neck and whispers, "Do we have to talk about this now?"
I laughed out loud and then asked teasingly, "Why are you trying to avoid this topic? Do you like her? Or, something?"
Then that hit me like a bus would. I noticed the sudden change in Hoseok's face and cried out in surprise. "AHA! SO, YOU DO LIKE HER!"
Then the driver parks the van outside of the house and Hoseok opens the side door. "Get out, go back home, get cleaned up properly and do your homework."
I laughed again and teased, "Hoseok like Daeun! Hoseok likes Daeun!" Hoseok li-"
"Do you still want to live or not?" Hoseok cuts me off as he glares at me.
"You know death glares can kill some peeps, but yours is too cute for me to die," I joked and got out of the van.
"Shut up, Keni," Hoseok said in embarrassment and closes the side door. Then the van drives off and smiled as I now know a way to blackmail my older cousin. Right as the van left, I looked up to see someone standing across the street. It's none other Jeon Jungkook, who I remembered is my neighbor on this street. I sighed as I turned around and walked away, waiting for him to call me to turn around, but he didn't say anything.
That was when I decided to just ignore him for the day.
But then my phone goes off. I walked inside the house and took my phone out of my bag. Then I see a text message from Jungkook.
I opened it and smiled.
Sorry for being an asshole today. Do you wanna come over and eat ice cream while watching some dramas?
"Should I text him back or make him wait?" I asked to myself quietly as I walked inside the kitchen after slipping off my shoes and putting on my slippers.
Then I decided to make him wait when I see a tub of chocolate ice cream in the freezer. I chuckled as I took it and snapped a picture of it. Then I sent it to Jungkook while saying, "I'll think about it since I've got me some ice cream over here." Then I hit send and smirked mischievously.
Let's see how long he'll wait.
hey my lovely hoes~!
I'm kidding you, guys, ain't hoes. You're all beautiful women in all ages that needs better and proper appreciation from everyone else and from men...
anyways, I hoped that you enjoyed this new chapter~! <3
I still have edited Ch. 10, but I'll be doing that later tonight.
that's all for now! thanks for reading, beautiful readers~! <3
ps. to my dongsaeng.... this chapter is dedicated you... hehe part 2 of revenge is COMPLETE! :P
*not edited*
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