Chapter Two - Iris
Twelve years later...
The orphanage is a square shaped with a courtyard in the middle. Lining the wall of the large courtyard and herb gardens; the courtyard also had concrete circle pic-nic tables in the middle. The four corners of the square, had round castle like towers (rooms for the orphans) and the walls lined with brooms and rakes. There is one large bell on the top of the one of the four corners. Inside the orphans rooms metal beds, line the wall, are right next to each other with just a little space to climb on and off the beds. Each child gets a very small chest, for clothes and a personal pair of shoes on top. A dusty vintage, crystal, gothic chandelier hangs mounted from the high regal ceilings. There are two walls lined with tall windows, that if opened would lead to the roof along side the quartyard. The large corn field flows into the horizon. And a horse barn on the middle of the field holds eight stall and one bunker lifting hay stacks off the ground.
The wind brushed past me. Strong winds was a symptom of a storm blowing through, but I didn't care. Only here could I see the azure. Washed with a light blue, the sunrise looked like a beautiful watercolour painting. I leaned my back against the brick chimney, letting my mossy brown hair drift in air. The morning air was frigid and crisp but it was the kind that makes my cheeks smolder. It was the kind that bristles, nips, and tickles in your face. Drawing my eye up, a triangle of squawking birds sailed ahead. Peaceful.
The minutes lapsed by unbenounced by me.
The once tranquil winds were now slapping against my bony knees and theyes. Dark clouds penetrated the sun rise, neglecting the blood marks, trailing down the sky, rallying at the horizon where it amalgamated. Then the rain up above began to tumble from the sky. I ascended, heaving myself to my feet, using the ajar window as a brace. I carefully balanced the rubber tip of my boots on the point of the roof where the layers of shingles met. I only took a couple steps forward before I stopped. Tilting forward, I clutched the shingles and propelled down the roof. I glissaded myself off the wet metal pieces and berthed with great force on my feet.
I knocked over a couple brooms that were leaning against the courtyards' wall, but didn't halt to pick them up. Flinging myself at the center pick nick table, I grinded my hip bone, holding in a cry of pain. I jabbed the green bubble gum beneath the table, the table gyrated, slowly revealing a stone staircase. It spiraled downward into the earth and darkness, that lay below the orphanage above. I leaped myself into the familiar stone stairs and lifted the bucket off the floor of the gravelily stairs.
When the staircase turned to metal slats rotating into place below, I knew I was almost there.
"Cara? Apple are you down here yet?" I asked finishing the last few stairs quickly. Two shadows flocked out of the rocks. Cara, in front of Apple, depicted a pot about to boil over. Her slicked-back blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail made her exhibit even more intimating. I couldn't help but notice her boot tapping impatiently on the floor, ecoing loudly.
"Where were you?"demanded Cara trying to restrain her normal biosturious voice to muffled tone. It wasn't working.
"I was watching the sunrise," I answered, trying to stay calm. Carrying the bucket over to a pump across from large water heater apparatus, I suffused it to the brim. I could feel Cara burning her eyes into my back.
"Watching the sunrise!" cried Cara. "I'd like to watch you get sick off the cold air, you don't even have a coat on! And do you know how effortless it is to get caught up there? It's really easy, you could have been trapped in one the orphans rooms or worse you could have exposed this entire place!"
"Cara, give her a break," countered Apple speaking loud and clear tugging on Cara's arm, trying to pull her away. Even the blush Apple had applied couldn't hide the paleness of her face.
"It's fine," I reassured Apple not daring to look in her red, glossy eyes. "What do you want Cara, in return?" I turned to face Cara, showing her I was not backing down, then took the bucket, pouring it in a large grey, with blue undertones, tube that led to the water heater.
"No, not this time," Cara restricted her words, forming tightly.
"Oh come on, I like to see the sunrise. What is wrong with that?" I pleaded looking at her. Her eyes were blue, but dull, her dress and apron match her eyes. I looked away, squirming. "Whatever, tell who ever will get me trouble, I don't care. I don't have time for this any more. I am going," I said changing tunes. Dropping the bucket on the ground, I started to walk farther into the tunnels.
"Hey, Iris. What are you doing? Wait!" she chided, then grabbed my arm as I walked by.
"Hey! Let her go. She'll do better, next time," retorted Apple her voice stronger and harder than her normal sweet, soothing voice. I was glad to see her face had gained some colour. Cara faltered her hard face, looking a bit scared of Apple who had pushed Cara's shoulder away from me.
"Fine, but this is your last chance. I am warning you," She yelled strongly, then released my arm. The fact that she let me run free startled me so much when I started to run I slipped on the first corner. I took a breath then started my pace again.
I ran, my feet echoing through the cave. The rocks crumbled a little as I ran. Water welled up in my eyes, making my vision blurry. But I knew the passages like the back of my hand, so it wasn't a big deal that I couldn't see. Rounding the corner, a blur of colour smashed into me.
"Hey," greeted Liam colliding into me, on accident, his impeccable jaw line making a painful indent in my forehead.
"Hi," I replied tucking a chunk of hair, that had fallen out of my loose bun, behind my ear. My eyes swallowed back the tears, increasing my vision.
"I got us ice cream bars," grinned Liam like a little kid, his large ears making him look like a monkey.
"Okay, great, tavern?" I suggested, chuckling at the sight. I noticed how my flat smile escalated into the same childish grin as Laim's. He nodded quickly and suddenly, making his ageing gray eyes blur into a light blue. His cheeks became rosy, but quickly faded into his natural tan toned face. When he hurried down the other path, I felt the stress that had left come back, making my back shoot straight up. Walking around the corner of rock, I noticed the rock formation I was looking for.
A little red sandy indent in the rock that all the workers (like Liam and I) used to get to the mess hall. Boosting myself up on to the top layer of rocks, I barely noticed the cut on my leg break open. Leaving a trail of blood streaming down my leg, reminding me of the sunrise. I crawled forward a little, till I found the vent. I opened the screen, mounting myself up the vent tube.
It's an easy process getting to the mess hall, I just mount myself, crawl, find the other vent, open it and climb on out. The whole process was finished by sliding down the wall, and walking to then end of one the dimly lit hallways, opening the very oversized, wooden door and stepping through. I slid slyly along the wet rock walls of the crater. A large waterfall spills from one side of the circular room. Metal table are scattered around the waterfall, which is lined with a myth of mysterious deaths all relating back to the water of the waterfall. Most try to avoid the water as much as they can, but Laim and I don't really care.
It's considered normal hear the voices of drunken men and women slamming their mugs against the large wooden mess hall tables in front of the three options of restaurants.
With the apartments built into the rock walling, it saves the space of having houses on the ground. Only the very few rich have small lots with houses on them (like Apple).
My eyes scan the rows of people, taking note of whose throw up I would be cleaning up tomorrow. A cool hand wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me too quick out of my calculated trance. I whipped around and slapped the person behind me, surprised and in shock.
"Laim! Oh my- sorry! I had no idea that you were there," I gushed hanging my head in shame. Liam was clutching his cheek, laughing so loud some were staring at us.
"You're okay, Iris. Honestly, it's kind of funny your reaction was to slap me in my face. How many criminals sneak up on you down here?" cried Laim through his uncontrollable laughter. I had to admit it was kind of funny. "Come on." Laim grabbed my wrist, once he recovered from his laughter, as we made our way around the back of the waterfall launching ourselves at a curve in the rock. The 'tavern' as we called it. Though it was small, the tavern was our safe spot. Liam and I sat at the bottom of the drop, facing each other, our knees squished together. Handing me the icecream bar, Laim stared at me, I looked down. The ice cream bar was so delicious, I engulfed it with in seconds.
"You okay?" asked Laim raising an eyebrow. "You know that the ice cream bar won't disappear."
"Yes, I know," I said obviously. "But, no, I am not okay. Cara is catching on to me seeing the sunrise, I don't know what to do."
"Wow, issues," teased Laim, I rolled my eyes in response. He laughed loudly
"Quiet," I hissed, pointing to a couple of girls sitting at one of the metal tables, eating their food. I struggled out of the curve in the rocks. "Let's just hurry up and what we are here for," Liam nodded, and turned around.
Together we stripped down our clothes and waded into the water. There was no showers because our water source, the waterfall, was apparently poisoned. I gulped in a lung full of air ducking under the water, scrubbing my skin wildly. While under the water I could hear Laim get into the water. We didn't have any soap, so water was just our body cleaner. Natural. I popped up for air using the rock edge to haul my body up and out of the water. Since there was no need for towels down here, Liam and I just used scraps of fabric. Once dry I put back on my emerald green dress and black apron.
I wringed out my hair, then patted it dry with the fabric, finishing it with a side braid.
"Laim? Are you dressed?" I bugged, just finishing my braid.
"Yeah," dragged Liam.
"Oh, okay," I said shocked, his word were normally chrisp and joyful. "Well me too." I turned slowly fiddling with the end of my braid. Laim sat looking out at the water clearly upset.
"They are going to take us away, you know," Laim's words cutting into the sound of the waterfall.
"I know." I took steps toward him slowly and sat down next to him. I wrapped my arm around his neck. "We are strong though. We can't be upset, we are warriors. We fight that is what we do."
"Sometimes I wish we didn't have to fight. Can't we be different and get along?" wondered Liam.
"I wish. Come on, we still have till friday before the draft and then another week before we even start training. Let's have fun during these weeks," I stated, standing up holding my hand out to help Liam up.
"You are such a great motivational speaker," smiled Liam, embracing my hand. There were a few seconds of grunting while pulling Liam up off the floor. By the end of it I could tell that his spirits had lifted. We walked standing next to each other, but soon Liam walked ahead leaping from the rock. Then he motioned for me to do the same, the coast was clear and I jumped strongly to the floor. He took my hand again leading me toward our apartment.
"A morning of video games it is then?" I mocked. Liam nodded too joyously. We got some odd looks, but most didn't even notice us.
There are no steps up to the apartment. You have the choice of scaling the rock wall or not ever going in your apartment. However there are two bar handles on the belly of little ledge for your apartment porch that sticks out of the rock wall.
Once up to our apartment, Laim grabbed one bar and reached down to help me to the second one.
"Thanks," I huffed. My finger tips bushing then squeezing the bar, hoisting myself to the same level as Liam. He took a minute to get enough momentum to swing himself up onto the ledge, opening the large window that was our door. He reached down for my arm pulling me successfully into the apartment. "Thanks," I said, thinking about how he helped me before I added, "Again." He nodded briefly.
"I'll get the game controller, you make the popcorn," he planned, acting serious once inside.
"Aye, aye captain," I responded doing a little salute, Liam responding with the same gesture waking stiff like a soldier into the back hallway. I spun around into the minimalist kitchen.
The kitchen was pretty standard. Black marble countertops and a small island in the shape of a square with a slanted side. The kitchen was small with white cabinets, a big pantry and a small blue and white china cookie jar next to the fridge. When you walked into the apartment there was the kitchen in the left corner, of the open concept, and taking a step down there was the living room, with a small gray couch and a TV mounted on the wall across the couch. One bedroom with a bathroom across the way was to the down a hallway to left. To the right hallway was Liam and I's bedroom. Sharing the wall of the kitchen's fridge and some cabinets was the main bathroom. All of the walls were white and the floor was white tile, with recess lights hanging above the kitchen island and living room.
I opened the pantry door taking out prepackaged popcorn packet placing it in the microwave above the untouched stove.
"Hey Liam? What's today?" I asked, looking at the calendar. A bright red had marked Tuesday as a work day.
"Umm it's Tuesday, I think. Why?" answered Liam coming out of the back room holding two controllers.
"Oh, dang it! I have work this evening, in like in an hour," I said glancing at the clock.
"Oh, what are you work are you doing this evening?"
"I am helping Apple, Cara, and Tess introduce the new recruits," I said putting quotations over the word recruits.
"Cool, would you mind if I am came along? I need some more service hours since I skipped last Monday, I was sick," explained Laim. "Plus I don't want to alone in a big, scary apartment like this," he teased in his baby voice. I smiled.
"Sure I don't mind. I'm sure Cara won't mind either, we could always use more help. Just double check with Tess real quick, so you can get the extra hours. Turn on the monitor, will you?" Liam nodded moving to turn on the TV. He walked over to the desk with our desktop on it. It was placed across from the kitchen, with a few plants on it for decoration. He leaned over probably typing an email to Tess.
The microwave beeps, drawing my attention to the popcorn. I took a bowl down from one of the cabinets pouring the steaming popcorn in to the bowl.
I settled into a comfy position on the medium gray couch, careful to leave enough room so Liam could sit next to me. Liam quickly finished the email he was typing and sank into the couch wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
Once settled into our positions ready for me to beat Liam in the video game, Liam passed me the controller while he battled the remote. I glanced over at the time, taking note that I only had twenty minutes before I had to leave from work.
The next time I looked at the clock thirty minutes had passed.
"Oh no, Liam, Liam. We got to go."
"What?" he muttered still entranced by the TV screen.
"Liam work!" I yelled. I got up letting the pile of popcorn on my lap fall to the floor. I rushed around the couch and into the back bedroom. Swinging the door open I grabbed my clipboard from my nightstand full of books.
"Okay, okay let's go! I have everything," I announced loudly, I swung the bedroom door close. Liam was hunched over the computer, when I appeared in the living room.
"Okay, Tess said I could make up my time with you, let's go." Continuing out the front window, I watched Liam pat his hands around his pants to double check he had everything thing he needed. My leg slammed again the rock wall as I carried myself down the wall, super ungracefully. Liam was only seconds behind me. We hurtled for the mess hall's two hallways. One right, one left.
The left and right hallways had lots of land for the rich, but had two doors in the center where they connected. The left door was for the workers only to come into the crater from the back storage and water room. While the right door led to a mall. Liam darted left, holding the door open for me to walk through.
I was back in the hallway that I had climbed out of the vent in. We quickly stumbled down the hallway.Turning a couple of corners finally making our way back to the steam room. The blue bucket was sitting on the metal staircase spiraling upward, and Cara and Apple sat in cluster by them self.
"Liam and Iris," waved a gleaming Tess, struggling out of the crowd of volunteers. Tess made her way over to us handing the sign in sheet to Liam first. Liam signed then passed the sheet to me and I signed my name dully on the sheet handing it back Tess. "We have twenty some kids coming down here so today is going to be busy, get ready to work," beamed Tess, skipping off back into the crowd.
"I wonder what she did to get down here," I mumbled watching her go.
"Probably something like smiled to death a kid, or it was just a mix up," joked Liam.
"True," I agreed. Just as I finished Tess climbed on top of the steam machine, holding her clip board tightly in the crook of her arm, her shoulder length, curly, strawberry blond hair bobbed up and down twice.
"Ok, guys so we need to split into two groups. Group one will meet by the stairs, group two by the steamer. The kids are coming in half an hour so-," the rest of Tess' instructional was cut off by a hand pulling me away from Liam. I gasped for air but found none.
The person holding onto my wrist was not stopping for me to breathe.
Finally the blur stopped moving in front of a large lot.
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