Part 3: The comfort
Kazuto's POV
Well at least it's finally over. Asuna and I broke it off. I feel relieved but knowing Asuna she will do anything in her power to get me back. Whether it's taking me somewhere private to downright taking me into her room and trying to make me have sex with her. Oh well I shouldn't worry about it now.
I will have to tell Rika, Keiko, Ryōtarō(Klein), Andrew(Agil), and even Shino. God have mercy on me with Rika and Keiko. I should probably get some sleep soon, considering the fact that I have to tell everyone tomorrow. As Kazuto finished his thoughts he slowly drifted off to sleep.
In his dream
"Why did you do this to me Kirito-Kun? I thought you loved me and not that whore Shino. Have you thought about Yui at all. Or have you forgotten the family we made in SAO and ALO?" "See that's why I broke up with you. You only see me as Kirito and not Kazuto. And I have thought about Yui I even takes to her and she even thought that we were starting to grow apart." "Well just remember that you did this to me." She said as she jumped off the roof that they were suddenly on. "Wait!! ASUNA!!!!" He shouted as she fell to her death.
Back to reality
The young 17 year old woke up from his nightmare. After remembering what happened he shook the thoughts out his head. He looked at his clock and noticed that it was 8 a.m he decided to make breakfast for his sister and then tell everyone to get on ALO afterwards. He made eggs and bacon for him and his sis. "Sugu!! Breakfast is ready!!!" Not hearing an answer he went to wake her up.
He knocked her door. No answer he walked in to see his sister in a peaceful rest. "Sugu time to wake up." He told her in a soft yet waking voice. He started to pull her cheek and then she finally woke up. "About time, have a nice dream sleepyhead?" "Oh thank god it was just a dream!!" She started to cry and he pulled his sister into a hug hoping to comfort her. How convenient that they both had nightmares on the same night. "Hey it's okay I'm here now. Tell me what happened so I know how to make you feel better." He told her hoping to get what he wanted to know to comfort his sister any way that he can.
"We were coming home from school and you dropped me off at the house and went to get some groceries and then you were hit by a car. I rushed over and you told me that you finally found the secret of life. That it was meant to make someone else happy. You told me to make sure that I keep living and make those around me happy. And then..................." Not finishing that last thought she just cried into his shoulder. Shocked at what he just heard he tried to make her feel better by telling her that it was ok and that there was no way that one wreck could get rid of him that easy.
"Hey cheer up now. I told everyone that we would meet up in ALO at 1:00 and it's already 10:00. I'm going to tell them what I told you. Now let's go eat, I made us some eggs and bacon." She wiped away her tears and began to smile knowing that her brother wouldn't leave her side like that. If he were to die at his age it would be protecting the ones he loved. "Now there is that smile I wanted to see." He said happy that his sister was starting to calm down and turn into the happy Suguha that he knew and loved.
1:10in ALO outside the wooden cabin.
Kirito's POV
"You WHAT!?!?!?!" Those were the responses that I heard from everyone except Leafa. Even Yui was surprised that her daddy actually broke up with her mommy. "Hold on, let me get this straight, you broke up with Asuna because you two (I'm not lying I am so close to writing out y'all instead of you two or you all) were starting to grow away and you felt that the spark was no longer ignited anymore?" Said Klein in a questioning term of voice. "That's about it and because I also think that she fell in love with me from the VR world." I answered his question. "Aww but I thought that you two were perfect for eachother. Although now that your single..." Said the pink haired Lizbeth. "Don't even think about it Liz. If I were to date any of you girls it would feel to me as if you were some sort of rebound girl to me. And you know that I don't want you to feel that way." I said as i interrupted Liz. "Oh alright. But just so you know I will be the one dating you if you aren't with anyone in a month." "I'm not too sure about that Liz." I said as i looked at Sinon who seemed surprised yet calm about it. "Well I kinda knew that you two would break up eventually. I mean you two were growing away from eachother by the minute." Said the blue haired Cait Sith known as Sinon. "Yeah well that is what I wanted to say for today. Anyway you can log off or start leveling up if you wanted to." "Kirito man, just know that you are living a life that most men would give an arm and a leg for. Even I would do anything just to live out your life." said the red haired Klein. After that everyone but Sinon and I had logged off. "Hey Yui, if you hate me for doing this then I'm sorry but I don't think I could deal with dating her anymore." It's ok Daddy I still love you." Said the sweet little pixie. "Anyway I'm going to log out now-""Wait don't log out until I go to sleep. Same to you aunt Sinon." Well why couldn't she have logged out with the rest of them. Oh well. "Alright Yui." I answered her.
After a few minutes I made sure that she was asleep. "Y'know you didn't have to stay, Sinon." I decided to talk to her to clear up the silence that was there while Yui was asleep. "I know I stayed cause I actually need to talk to you about something." She said as if it were something that couldn't be told over the phone later. "Ok, what do you need to talk about?" I asked her wanting to know why she needed to talk to me. "About what you said to us earlier. When you told Liz that you weren't too sure that she would be the one dating you after a month, why did you stare at me?" Hmm. Why did I stare at- oh nevermind. "Well maybe I decided that I may like you more than the other girls and the girls at my school." I answered her question. "Also maybe I decided that I might want to date you instead of Liz. Don't get me wrong. Liz is a nice person but she's too clingy." "Why would you want to date me though?" Her cheeks were glowing a crimson red as were mine. "Well I did promise that I would protect you with my life remember?" I remembered the Bullets of Bullets tournament in GGO. We were in the cave exchanging our darkest secrets that we thought we would never have to share with anyone. I promised that I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I also remembered saving her from Shinkawa (I think that's how you spell his name) as she saved me to from getting stabbed with another syringe. "Yeah well I will be waiting until you are comfortable with none of us being a rebound girl." She said. "Ok well I need to clear my head and think about what I'm going to do today so I'm logging out now. Oh and Sinon?" "Yeah?" "Thank you for waiting." I gave her a smile then I opened my menu to log out.
After waking up I decided that, since we were low on food, that I will go to the store. So I told Sugu that I would be leaving to the supermarket. She smiled and told me ok. I pulled out of the garage on my bike and when when I left the driveway, what happened next was a blur.
A/N: Oooooh what happened to Kazuto. And man was that longer than I intended it to be. Anyway start expecting more long stories like this one and to straying looking out for every Friday or Saturday for a new update. I do apologize for not uploading last night. I was just so tired from the game and decided that I would just go to sleep. Pushing that aside I do hope to start writing soon and also I'm open to any suggestions on how the story should go. So just ask me on my profile and if I decide that I like it or not, then I might add it in the next chapter. I hope to write for you beautiful sons-a-bitches again and bye.
P.S sorry for no humor here is a picture to say I'm sorry
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