Epilogue: Recovering hearts
{Location: New Ninjago City Central hospital}(Lloyd's POV)
Am I in space again? I flutter open my eyes as mid-morning light trickles in. Or I think it's mid-morning, my vision is kinda blurry. I feel something poking in my left forearm. It is a tiny IV that reach over to a rack of other various drugs. I try to take a closer look at my surrounding, there is a small window that looks out over the city but it has it's blinds down, the walls have small animals and animal prints on it. On the further end, there are chairs and a small loveseat next to it. Jay, Kai, and Morro are passed out on the chairs as I rub my eyes. I miss somehow and knock my right hand against the wall a little too hard.
All three of them jump and their reactions are priceless.
Kai straightens and bonks heads with Jay. "I UP!"
Morro falls out of the chair as Jay smacks Kai by accident. "Not asleep."
"HA! HA!" I crack up as I watch them, then I move my left leg and slight pain shoots up my nervous system.
"Morning," Jay yawns then looks at his watch, "Or should I say afternoon." He then holds up a camera as the red light blinks on.
Morro's hair is a fuzzy halo around his head, the sight makes me want to snicker, it's probably the drugs making me goofier than normal, "How do you feel?" Morro gets off the floor, those three must have been here a while with how their jeans and t-shirts are wrinkled.
I'm a tad on the dizzy side as I some what see doubles and triples of my brothers, "A little floaty. How long was I asleep?"
"Close to two days." Kai cracks a smile as he slowly holds up a mirror. "They didn't manage to fix you entirely."
I feel worry cover my face as Kai inches a hand mirror to me. Kai back slaps Morro as Jay giggles with some anticipation.
Morro's eyes roll, " Yeah, they had to completely rearrange your face." His tone isn't convincing as I slowly hold the mirror up to my face. Only to see it with small bruises and bandaids, other then that, my face was how it normally looked.
I smile as I throw the mirror back at Kai. "You guys are the worst." Only Kai would prank me after a fight like that.
Jay cracks up but manages to hold the camera steady, "I got it." Jay snickers, " All on video."
Morro points to Kai who is crying from all the laughter. "They made me."
"At least tell me that they threatened to prank you if you didn't." I shake my head as Kai calmed down.
"We didn't have to try that hard." Jay snickers but moves to the foot of my bed for better shots.
I look around, I don't see anyone else from my family, "Where's Rosie?" I blink a few times trying to get the drug-induced sleepiness out of my eyes. "And everyone else for that matter."
"Skylor, Cole and Seliel are escorting the last of the Phouka back to Trally." Morro has an unfocused look in his eye, "Sensei, Zane, Pixal and Misako are explaining what happened."
Kai bites his lips, "And um...your dad."
Jay stops recording, "As it turns out, He was held here by Jezzie magic."
Morro brushes his hair a bit, "And once we froze her solid, he had to go back to being departed."
"BUT, Jezzie did remove his curse so he's in the Departed realm."
Morro then holds up a small magazine with my family on the cover with the words, 'The Final Battle, details inside', in large black letters. "At least everyone knows to give credit it to where it is due."
Kai sighs, "Only, it's making us even more popular. No thanks to Dareth." Kai holds up a small halo screen on his arm that shows a bunch of numbers.
Maybe the drugs chase away the deeper pain of losing my dad again, but I do feel a rim of sadness as I remember the other missing person, "So..Willow?"
Jay gets on his tip-toes for some more shots. "Kit and Katara we waiting for Willow to wake up."
"She's not up?" I feel worried as I attempt to escape my bed.
"Willow's fine." Morro tries to gently hold me down. "But she did have a higher tolerance to some of the drugs and had to have more pumped into her."
"But is she ok?" I try to wiggle free and slip around in the thin hospital sheets up as I grab the movable drug rack.
Kai tries to push me back down as my warm sheets fall off. "She's fine. Just a little more doped then you are. And where do you think you're heading?"
"Duh, to see my girlfriend. And I'll keep trying to get out with or without you." I stick my tongue out.
Jay backs up and opens a door as Morro pulls a wheelchair out of the closet. "Might as well help the half squirt out."
"Thanks." I grin as I win this argument and Kai carefully puts me in the wheelchair then hooks the IV on to the hook above me.
Morro holds the door open as Jay chases away someone, "Just don't pop-a-wheelie." Morro snickers as Kai pushes the handles behind me to the door. The hallways are empty of people other than a doctor and two nurses. Jay walks backwards in front of me, pretending like this is an interview. Then we slow a room a few hallways from mine, inside Kit is fast asleep and drooling on some of her art as Katara lays still in the window sill. She looks at us and moistens for us to come in. Katara looks overly tired but her hair is different, It no longer went to her mid back it ends about half way on her shoulder blades. Apparently, her red highlights can move up and take their red appearance at her new hair ends. Kai pushes me inside, the hospital staff has a sense of humor, my room has a kiddish style to it while Willow's has black and white walls with blue trimming.
Rosie is awake as she bobs her head a bit. She has a cast over her left shoulder, a mummy wrap around her ribs and a bandage on her head. She also has plenty of cuts and bruises like my face dose.
"Hi, Rosie." I smile and wave as Kai positions me next to her. Rosie wears a light green, long sleeved hospital gown with a white and light green cross design with her hair down in large waves, she is missing her locket then I spot it on the night stand.
She smiles back. "Hey, Greenie."
Katara has a lazy smile on, "Don't expect a normal conversation." Katara smiles as she closes the blinds.
Nya walks in with an armful of snacks from a vending machine. "She's totally doped up." Nya has a bar across her back and a large cast over her shoulders.
"Am not." Rosie grins, clearly giving truth to Nya's statement, "But that might explain why I see a leprechaun is trying to give me keys to a unicorn."
I snicker as the picture is formed in mind's eye.
"Knock, knock." A doctor says his action as he walks in. "I'm Dr. Ling. How is our patient feeling?"
"A lot better now that my boyfriend is here," Rosie smirks as I blush from the title.
"That's good." Dr. Ling walks up to her other side, "But I still have to administer this." He holds up a small syringe that holds a yellow liquid. "Hospital prodigal. Don't worry, it isn't toxic to Fays or Humans," He winks as I feel a little worried about him knowing Willow's species, "It'll just help flush some of the other drugs out." Dr. Ling turns to the IV tube and finds a little injection tube and slowly pushes down as the yellow liquid travels into Willow. "You might start feeling a little more loose-tongued. It's entirely normal."
Katara looks a little white as Morro leans on the wall next to her. Kit yawns and sits up, almost knocking Kai in the soft spot.
Rosie giggles as the Doctor pulls out the syringe. "Yup. Definitely feeling that."
"Good. That mean it's taking effect. I have other patients to attend to, just pressed this button if you need a nurse." Dr. Ling smiles kindly, holds a small remote up then sets it down on her bedside then left. "And oh, I figured that you're an enlightened Fay. So no healing magic for a while."
"Hey Willow," Jay walks closer with the camera, "Wave to the camera."
Willow waves then relaxes further in her bed. I pick up a menu on her bed corner.
I smile as I read the options. "Hey, they got Sherbet." There are pictures showing the items, most of them actually look bland.
Rosie smiles back. "No real ice cream?"
"Let me see." I scan the other options. Any other foods is either something with potatoes or is healthy beyond belief.
"You're cute." Rosie wobbles a bit as small blushes rolls over my checks.
"Thank you. You're adorable." I almost hide behind the menu as Jay scooches closer with the camera, catches my red face. I really like you too. I reign in a little self-control and don't say that aloud.
Morro smirks as Kai takes the menu away so Jay's camera can properly see my growing tomato red face. "Hey, what do like so much about Lloyd?"
"Where to start?" Rosie taps her chin with her right hand. "Well, I love how his eyes sparkle when he laughs. But he knows when to be serious and when to make me laugh. On the inside of course. I don't laugh aloud much." Rosie proceeds to list off little things about me as I blush like mad from either the meds or her comments. She actually mostly rambles but ninety percent of the time she talks is about me, "Oh, and sometimes he gets mad, but it's like a protecting mad. Sometimes it's sweet other times it annoys me."
"I'll try and avoid that then." I smile as nurse rushes around outside. Probably having to take care of demanding patients
Rosie turns her attention away from the camera and looks at me dead in my eyes. "Thanks." She looks dead tired but has one last sentence to get out before the drugs put her to sleep. "I love you." She pushes herself for my answer.
A new question quietly runs through the room as my blushing increases tenfold. Rosie barely holds her lovely brown eyes open as seconds seems to stretch into days. Maybe it is the drugs in my system, maybe I was afraid to say it first, but my heart twists as the magic words form on my lips as I gently pat her hand. "I love you too."
Rosie smugly smiles one more time then falls asleep.
"AND cut!" Jay takes the camera off his eye and replays the last ten seconds.
"I love you." Rosie's voice repeats as I fully expect teasing to occur, "I love you. I love you. I love you."
Nya smiles as she opened a small sandwich box. "That is so sweet."
Kit yawns and cleans up her coloring tools, "We are so showing the others that."
Kai mock sniffles, "They grow up so fast." Kai pretends to wipe a tear from his eye as loud banging occurres from outside the window.
Katara learns forward and grabs the draw string, "What the?" She pulls up the blinds up as I roll around the bed to get a better look. On a side note, the window is rather big and looks out to a small park. The same one I took Willow to after she got fired from the FDIA. I see that the fairy statue still stands but it isn't spraying water.
Dareth is standing on the other side of the window on a window washer with a small black tape recorder in his hand. "You heard right Ninjago," Dareth holds the recorder closer to his mouth as he strikes a pose, "GreenRosie is official. This is so going to make Ninjago Time magazine."
Jay sets his camera down. "Wait, that's live?"
"Nah. Now if I could get a little Jaya action, just pretend I'm not here." Dareth smiles as he gets shocked. The recorder sparks a bit then explodes as the window washer goes up. "I'll take that as a no."
A steady stream of laughter happens as small smoke floats up from Dareth's hair.
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