Chaptor 5. Rebooted part one
{Location: New Ninjago City} [One year after the first fall of the Overlord] (Willow's POV)
Maybe it was just a nightmare. I open my eyes, hoping to see wooden rafters above me but instead find my grey ceiling. No, I hid their memories, that is real.
"Come on." Kit pulls me out of our bed. "You've got work today." Kit pushes me into the bathroom, she turns on the water and quickly washes my hair then runs to make me breakfast. On the bathroom counter is a pick lock, I reach for it, I know what I was about to do was wrong but I needed to feel something other than the pain of what I did. "PUT it down!" Kit yells. She somehow knew when to stop me every single time I was about to start. I smell food and follow it. "Willy?" Kit looks in my eyes, "Please say something." We had moved back into the crummy apartment as before and it didn't feel like a home despite the piles of bills, Kit's school work, and our posters.
"I hope you didn't burn the eggs again." I force a smile as Kit serves me.
"Very funny. Now tell me where you're going today." Kit commands while half eating toast.
"I'm going to my job at Borg industries. I work a tour guide for high profile businessmen and women. I won't be mean to them." I recall my work in a monotone voice.
"Cheer up, look what I got." Kit holds up two golden tickets. They were to an awards show for Lloyd.
Lloyd, or should I say the Golden Ninja. Somehow, the memory loss of our time together brought back his golden power.
"Kit, we've tried that before. We either get pushed away by fans or security chase us away." I speak in between bites of food.
"But-" Kit begins to argue then her face goes slack, her baby blue eyes are glassy and pure white now, her hands turn the tickets over and reach for a pen.
"Kit? What's happening?" I ask but watch her hands. Her fingers curl around colored pencils. She starts drawing with impossible speed and using both her hands. When she is finished two red-purple eyes with strands of yellow light cover the tickets.
"I did it again." Kit sighs and slams her pen down.
"Again?" I walk around the counter and hug her, "Kit, what aren't you telling me?"
"Remember that dream I had, the one of you and Lloyd getting married?" Kit is acting like me when I had questions about my past.
"Yeah, so?" I let her go so she could face me, taking care of me and doing school has shows on her sweet little face. She shouldn't have to take care of me, a girl ten years younger than me but I can barely look at a wall without thinking of my mistake.
"I kept having the same dream and as you got ready to leave for Trally, it started happening during the day. After you came back, it stopped." Kit sighs deeper and looks at her drawing, "Then I started seeing that during school."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I kneel down, my tone is a little upset but I'm not mad at her, I was mad at me. My sister was going through something major and I didn't see it sooner.
"You could barely function, and it only got worse after Aquila left for the spirit coves." Kit looks close to tears, then her face sharpens. "We need to leave."
"Where?" I ask as she grabs the keys and her shoes.
"We need to talk with Borg. Can you ask for a meeting outside the city?" Kit hands me my shoes and runs to our room.
"I might." I reach for my phone and dial my only work friend, Pixel, "Where should we meet?"
"The Badlands." Kit grabs my messenger bag.
"Hello Willow." Pixel's voice reverberates in my ear. "How may I help you?"
"You remember that favor you own me?" I ask as I quickly change into the only reliever clean clothes I have, a tight grey shirt and dark grey jeans with a black hoodie and my tall black heels.
"How could I forget?"
"I'm in current need of a favor. Can you clear Borg's schedule and have him meet me in the badlands?"
"That's a big favor. But I can pull it off." Pixel starts typing something then hangs up.
"Willy," Kit calls. "We need to move." She opens the door as I fumble my way out. I walk down the hall, clutching the locket Lloyd gave me before...I bite my lower lip. Something major was happening and I didn't need the past to cloud my present. I pull my hood onto my head as my neighbors look stunned that I'm not a hermit.
{Location: The Badlands}[15 minutes later]
"Maybe he's running late." I sigh as Kit swings on the swing. On the edge of town is a small park with only a swing and a slide.
"Nope." Kit points to a flying car that lands in front of us.
A man in a wheelchair rolls out and pays the driver. "I hope that this is important." My boss, Cyrus Borg rolls to me.
"It is. That's my sister, White Rose. I'm Kit." Kit jumps off the swing and pulls out a piece of paper.
I probably look closer to a Grey Rose or someone with a vendetta as my hood sends shade on my face.
"Let's get on with it." Cyrus folds his arms.
"First, We need you to trust us." I nod to Kit who shows off a picture of an elaborate watch.
"I believe that you'll call this, the Borg-watch." Kit calmly smiles as Borg grabs the paper.
"I haven't even put this on paper yet. How'd you know?" Borg stares at the sheet with wide eyes.
"I have a gift for foresight." Kit pulls out another piece of paper, "Besides, how else could I know about this?" I watch the papers exchange hands.
"This is still in development. Not even Pixel knows about them." Cyrus drops the paper, the picture is some kind of spider mech with a seat.
I lean back into the slide. "I think he gets the point."
"Ok, I'm listening." Cyrus looks at Kit with peak interest.
Kit takes a deep breath, "The Overlord is in your system."
"That's impossible. The Golden Ninja defeated him."
My back finds out that the slide I'm on is wet, "Defeat yes. But he can't be destroyed without me. Long story." I sit up.
"We need to erase him from the system. I've seen it and I have a plan." Kit rolls up her sleeve, on her arm are four weapons and the words, teno-blades, written under it. "These are the keys to getting rid of the Overlord virus."
"This is an elaborate project." Cyrus rubs his chin as he inspects it. "And if we're going to be discreet about this, I can't have any of my machines working on this. This will have to be done by hand."
"I have a handful of experiences of working with blacksmithing. I can help." I stand up, becoming uncomfortable with the slide.
Kit rolls her sleeve down. "And I can ask my teachers to put me on the advanced track, so school work won't be a problem."
"Ok. Miss Rose, may I speak with you?" Cyrus waves me over as he rolls away.
"Yes?" I crouch by him. As Kit runs back to the swing.
"Your sister is right. The Overlord is in my system but I can't alert him about what we are about to do."
"I happen to be very good at secrecy. But we won't be fighting this fight alone. We need the Ninja."
"I know you work in my company but how do you expect the Ninja to come and help us?"
"I'll worry about that, you worry about making those blades." I let a ghost of a smile creep onto my face.
[Weeks later]
"Hello, my name is Willow. How may I help you?" I answer my blue tooth as Borge is typing the last code into the techno-blades. On the one-hundredth floor, I had to intercept any information about the Ninja and Borge tech, and lucky me, Jay really likes buying Borge's stuff.
"Hi Willow. This is Nya speaking. I wanted to confirm that we had a field trip to Borge Industries this Friday." Nya's voice doesn't show any recognition of me. "I probably should have called sooner than the day it's on but my hands are very full."
I feel happy shivers down my spine as they were soon quieted by shame. "Wait a second." I look up the week's calendar, "There you are. Please tell me how many we should be expecting."
"All the teachers, staff and students." Nya types something down on her end. Good, they're not Lloyd but I might be able to work with that.
"Ok. Would you like me to charter a bus for you?" I watch as Borge smiles at me and nods. He is finished.
"I've got that cover. BRAD GIVE ME BACK THAT ULTRA-REMOTE! I have to go, thank you for your help." Nya quickly hangs up.
Kit walks off the elevator and to Borge. "Are they finished?"
"Right down to the last binary code." Cyrus smiles with exhaustion.
I pull out a Golden statue of Borge. "Good, now we hide them."
"I never liked that anyway." Borge grabs the blades and rolls over to me. Kit sucks air in quickly, then her face goes slack. She finds paper from her teal backpack and a few coloring pencils but mostly uses black and purple. A picture of what looked like a cross of a ninja, samurai and a robot appears.
"Oh, my." Broge's eyes widen at the sight as I take the blades and stuff them in the statute. Along with the new ninja uniforms I made. I had a freakishly amount of spare time. Don't judge me.
Kit drops the pencils and looks at her work. "They don't look friendly."
The idea of Kit near these, whatever they are, sickens me. Forcing my plans to change, "Yeah, I'd prefer not to meet them." I screw the lid that's under the statue back on. "Kit, how far ahead are you in school now?"
"I just finished my fifth-grade year." Kit's eyes widen. I had no idea she was enrolled that far ahead. I guess I was more lost in myself than I realized.
"Good. Because we need to leave." I stand the statue back up.
Cyrus rubs his eyes, "Why?" Borg makes his presence known.
"As long as my sister keeps having these visions, we can't let him," I point to the ceiling, "Get her."
"Where will you go?" Cyrus sighs. But he is able to pull off what would happen next. I hope.
"Under," I spell city with my hands,"Where no tech is."
Kit frowns a bit, "But....what about Lloyd?" She asks in a small voice.
"Lloyd will have to wait." I swallow my pride and hold my necklace. "Right now, we need to pack."
"It was a pleasure to work with you two." Cyrus smiles and waves. "I'll be sure to mention your help to the Ninja."
"Actually," Kit looks down and kicks the floor, "I don't think that you should even mention us."
I sigh as I walk to the elevator. "Kit's right, it would be just another loose end."
"I suppose this is goodbye for now." Cyrus sighs and waves goodbye as Kit runs to the elevator.
I wave as the doors close. "For now."
{Location: The Sewer system under New Ninjago city}[Three hours later]
"Careful Kit. You don't know when this latter was last used." I jump off the last rung and into a puddle of nasty. My messenger bag slams into my legs, it is stuffed to the brim with all the ramen noodles, clothes, money and other survival tools.
"Watch your step." Kit mocks as she gets off more carefully. "Geez, I knew sewers were smelly but I had no idea they were so hot too."
"Tell me about it." I pull a hair tie off my wrist and put up my hair into a ponytail, which shows off my pointy ears. Kit breaks a glow stick and ventures forward.
The ground above us begins to rumble.
"That doesn't sound good." Kit runs back into my arms.
"We're ok. Let's just find a good spot for the night." I squint, there is light in the distance, not city lights but much softer.
"Who are you twoss?" A voice from behind nearly makes me have a heart attack. His appearance is even more unsettling, he had blue scales instead of skin, a forked tongue and a tail instead of legs. "Oh, I sssee."
"Sperpintent." Kit hides behind me as I pull out my sword hilt.
"Get back." I snarl. "I am the White Rose." I stare into his red eyes, hoping that the title would scare him off.
"I'm not looking for a fight." The snake holds his hands up. "I was going to offer a Fay and her companion sanctuary."
"We can trust him." Kit whispers as she stands up and creeps out from behind me.
"I'm trusting you on this one." I sheath my sword but keep my hard stare.
"Plesaess, follow me." The snake leads the way down the tunnel and to the light source. He explained that his name was Skales and he currently leads the Sperpintent into a more peaceful era. "Our new goals, are to protect the coming generation." He slithers as a little snake boy runs up and hugs him.
"You've got a kid." I smile. I love hearing stories of people rising from their own ashes. Made me wish I could do the same.
"Yes. Jr, can you show our younger guest around. I have to speak with the White Rose." Skales pushes a bit as the kid takes Kit's hand and leads her away.
"If you wanted a word in private you could have said so." I cross my arms as Skales leads the way to his home.
"SSorry. I just needed to make sure my son wasssn't here for this." Skales close the door then locks the windows.
"Here for what?" I go through a million theories in my mind.
"We know of the White Rose prophecy. But another might overpower it. The Curse of the Golden Master." Skales hisses then explains.
"So, you think it's Lloyd?" I look at the floor. A feeling of anger churned in my stomach. No, Lloyd's too good.
"It doesn't matter what I believe, by the prophecy, the Golden Master is coming." Skales sighs as some dirt rains down from the ceiling.
Skales Jr forces open the door and pouts in the corner. "Daddy?"
"Sson, why did you leave our guest?"
"She wrecked my room." Skales Jr frowns then became interested in a toy.
I straighten up and got ready to bolt out of the room. "What'd Kit do?"
"She's still doing it." Jr. huffs as I run to find her. I find her slack-faced again but this time standing on a ladder painting a mural.
"A Foreseer." Skales hisses under his breath as I stop in my tracks.
"Kit?" I ask as she places one more paint blob.
"Oh, my Ninjago." Kit breaths as she climbs down the latter.
A very detailed picture of Zane in the middle of giant golden pitchers is almost overshadowed by the snowstorm he is making. What scares me more, is that half his face is missing and his chest is glowing, like he was a bomb.
"We have to save him," Kit start crying in my shirt, "We have to save Zane."
"Kit," I bend over to stroke her better, "This hasn't happened yet. Have patience." I think about Zane, maybe the only Ninja other the Lloyd I would be willing to lean on. Nope, fate won't take Zane anytime soon, "I promise, we'll save him."
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