Chapter 6. Rebooted part two
{Location: Under New Ninjago city}(Willow's POV)
I hate being still for two days, "I feel fine." I lean an inch out my dirt bed and throw up in a bucket.
"And you say I stink at lying." Kit grabs the bucket and switches it out for a new one, "This is why you don't pick a fight in the Slither Pit."
"At least I'm not turning into a snake. Stupid Fangpyre." I resist to throw up again. I had volunteered for a fight, the bite was an 'accident,' but even with my healing magic, I am sick as a dog.
"You'll get better." Kit leaves the bucket of vomit in the sink and sits down next to me.
I hear faint hissing near the firepit in the cave, "Do you wish to know the Curse of the Golden Master?" A snake slithers and talks with someone just outside the wall, the walls here are thin but strong.
"TELL ME! TELL ME!" My face drops as Jay's cheerful voice yells against the cave's echo.
"The Ninja?" I twist to the sound. The snake began the story that I am familiar with.
Kit holds me back. "Easy."
"But, Lloyd." I want to cry, I am done with this pain. I never thought I'd actually miss my confused boy feelings. I want him.....I want them to remember.
"I'm the one who can see the future, trust me, you'll see each other again." Kit holds up a picture of Lloyd doing spinjitzu in the air and holding me tight. The two of us kissing. "One more thing, he's won't become the Golden Master."
"I'll listen for now." I watch the picture as it slides into my lap. "Speaking of, what happens next?"
"Not too sure, I keep seeing a bell with golden power in it, a spaceship then, all the paths led to Zane's death." Kit pulls out more pictures and orders them like a comic book.
"Then we better get to work." I point to a laptop inches from my short arms. "I've only managed to write a backup code, but I still need to plug a connection into Zane for the program to save him as well as a steady mainframe."
"Like the one at Borge tower?"
I am about to say yes when, "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! PROTECT THE YOUNG!" A snake screams as sounds of distress rings.
"Oh look." A thick metallic voice taunt then walks in the door. "Two little girls."
Kit stands up as a ninja robot grins at us. "The vision."
"Scream." The robot comes at us, with impossible speed Kit pasts him and pulls a cord from his backside.
I feel my eyes grow as wide as saucers. "Good reflexes."
"Thanks. But we have to get to Zane." Kit looks for the drive that would save Zane.
"I think our buddy is sleeping on it." I sigh. For the first time, I see Kit in a different light, she was never weak. And how could a strong woman like that even needed my protection?
"Stupid bot." Kit kicks it like a kid. Which chases away my thoughts about her growing up.
"We're too late." I listen carefully for the ninja but it sounds like they are running away from us.
"Now what?" Kit crosses her arms as Skales slithers in.
Skales grabs the robot's foot and drags him away. "I'm afraid that you can't stay with usss much more."
"Got it." Kit smiles as she holds a silver and blue thumb drive.
I hold down another vomit attack, "Is this because of the attack?"
Skales lugs the robot out and Kit prepares for us to leave. "Not exactly, some sssnakes still don't trust surface dwellers. Therefore, you must leave soon. Or some serpentinite may not be as pleasant as I am."
"Can you walk?" Kit asks as she hands me my brown messenger bag.
I fold my blanket and shiver from the missing heat. "As long as we are slow."
"Then slow we shall go." Kit smiles as she looks up. "Where to?"
"Good question. It seems like there's no escape from the Overlord, so let's hide under his nose." I smile as I hobble out of the hut and back to the surface.
{Location: The Borge tower}[About five days later]
"How do we know this is really going to work and won't disintegrate us instantly!?" Kai exclaims as I watch from my eye hole in Borge Tower on the one-hundredth floor.
"Not sure." Cyrus rolls over to something, "Let's see." He then slams something.
"Ow." Kit winces, "That's my foot, Willy."
"Sorry." I squirm as Kit practically loses balance, "We just need to wait a little more."
"Nya, can you bring your Samurai mech here, just in case?" Cyrus asks as he knocks twice on his desk. Our signal.
"Smart thinking. I'll be right back." Nya leaves and Kit practically throw me off her shoulders.
I dust myself off. "Finally, It was getting stuffy in there."
"Willow, you're ok." Pixel has more emotion in her voice, I think she almost hugs me. "What are you doing here?"
A robot with feelings. I've seen much stranger. I shake it off, I have a friend to keep safe, "It's a long story. But to sum it up," I pull out the drive and move over to Zane. "I've got someone to save." I push the hologram over him away and open his panel flap.
"Relax," Kit rolls out of the wall, "It ain't a virus but I can't explain it either."
My fingers fumble as I look for an input, I find one behind his memory switch. "Presto." I push it in and close him up.
"Wonderful job ladies, now can you help us fend off some Nindroids?" Cyrus points to the monitor that shows Nya walking back.
Kit claps twice and jumps, "We get to fight?" She squiggles.
"No, You're hiding, I'm fighting." I pull out a rope from my messenger bag, "Besides we still need to finish the connection." Then tie it to a corner by the broken window. "We don't have time for a fight."
Cyrus looks worn thin as I tie the rope around my waist. "The central computer in the basement. There's enough data room on it to fit whatever you need stored on it."
Like a model one nindroid? "Come on." I nod Kit over as she climbs onto my back.
Pixel half looks ready to hold me here, "Best of luck you two." She says as decand.
"Back at 'ay." I gasp as rope burn happen. We jump back in just around the sixty floor when the doors at the main entrance blow open.
"Perfect!" Kit rolls her eyes despite her obvious fear. "Now what do we do?"
"We get out of here." I push a button and an elevator opens. "Or not." I step back as a Nindroid grabs me. I grab my blade and swing up so his head fell off.
"Nice swing." Kit smiles just before more come at us. "Any ideas?"
"You're the one who sees the future. You tell me." I kick a robot. Above, I hear screaming.
"I remember you two." A Nindroid grabs Kit's hair. "What do we do with them?" The Nindroid asks a black-bearded man with robotic armor and a silver straw hat.
"Wu?" I ask in disbelief. "What have they done to you?"
"Take them to project Arturius. For safety." Wu grins evilly then takes half of the Nindroids up the second elevator.
"Sweet dreams." The Nindroid holding Kit hits her on the back of the neck and knocks her out.
"KIT!" I scream and struggle. I end up feeling a cold heavy metal hand at the base of my neck.
{Location: The city of Ouroboros} [A few hours later]
I rub the back of my neck as I wake up. "Now I know how no-eyed Pete feels."
"Willy? Where are we?" Kit runs to my side with a hug.
"You're in my prison." Someone has spent time screaming in a closet to get a voice that raspy. A white snake slithers up to the cage doors and throws up a purple blob.
"Gross." Kit hides her little self behind me.
Everything good in me is practically blowing up from the amount of pure evil coming from this blob, "The Overlord." I grumble and place my body in front of Kit's.
The blob floats through the cage bars and circles us. "I'd like to know why Tech Wu had you imprisoned instead of killed."
"Maybe he liked my haircut." I stare daggers at him.
"Ahh...I see. White Rose and a Foreseer. But where is the..Oh..never mind." The blob cackles then float back into the snake for safe keeping. "Put them to work. Project Arcturus must happen." The snake bends over and swallows the Overlord.
"Too bad that I have a lousy work ethic." I search for my sword.
"Looking for this? Fay?" The snake holds my blade hilt in his scaly fingers. "If you know what's good for you, you'll compile."
[Two days later]
I hurl myself over Kit as the rocket takes off. "Take cover."
"They did it." Kit takes a deep breath, between Pythor and Cryptor, we are worn thin. As the rocket blasts away, I let her up. We grab our things at the same time. She hands me my sword.
"Come on," I point to the garage as I look for a ride, "We have to get back to Borge Industries and complete the program."
"The quicker the better." Kit reaches to a key rack and grabs a handful of keys. "How about this?" She points to a small motorbike, "It looks like Lloyd's."
"Not enough room. Besides, I can't ride a bike." I open the garage door and grin. "We're taking that." I point to a tank.
"You've always had a thing for the big guns." Kit fishes a key out of her hand. "Here we are," Kit holds up a bronze key and drops the rest. The doors away from us open, "NINDROIDS!" Kit screams as I run to the vehicle and fire it up.
"Let's give them a parting favor." I push a button and five missile launch out and blowing them up. "Let's go." Kit hops in behind me and we race out of the desert. "Faster." She holds her hands over the triggers as the tanks wiggles back and forth on the road. I look in the rearview mirror as a brigade starts seeping on our heels.
"They're not after us." I watch as they pass us and drive into the city.
"Then what do they want?" Kit looks against the glass as Pythor stick his tongue out at us.
"My guess, a stronghold." I step on the gas. A few exciting minutes later we crash into Borge Industries.
"I'm not letting you teach me how to drive." Kit moans. She has been flinged to the floor while I am still stuck in my seat, my head did hit the control stick and a trickle of blood drips onto the floor. Glass and metal shrapnel litter the floor. Kit has a long thin piece of glass jammed in her left thigh.
"That's a smart move." I blink twice then sit up. "At least we're in."
"Let's get started then." Kit hobbles up to a monitor and turns it on for me.
"Just need, there." I click enter as the building moves and lights up with Golden Power.
"What's happening?" Kit winces. Now, the huge piece of glass is put under pressure and hurts Kit more.
"I think the Golden Master is rising." I fall back. Kit lands on me but the way the building shifts, we are stuck in a small box. "And now we can't even help."
"But we can watch." Kit points to the monitor. We are under the Overlord. A white speck flies up and lands a few feet in mid-air from him.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, DOOMED NINJA?" The Overlord cackles as Zane's face fall off.
"This isn't about numbers." Zane shoots the Overlord with a column of ice and snow. "I am a Nindroid. And Ninja never quit. Go, ninja."
"Zane," I speak in horror, in just above a whisper as he glows blue and the camera goes dead. BOOM! Srick! Are the noises that happen after.
"It came true." Kit, despite knowing about it for a while, cries. The building shifts back to normal.
"But we saved him. Kit, you saved him." I hold her and carry her bridal style in the quiet basement. "Come on, we need to get that fixed." I find a back door and carry Kit across a frozen park.
"Look, they do have expressions." Kit points to a pair of frozen nindroids.
"I just wish they saw us coming." I smile. I see a Master Chen's noodle hut. "There." I step forward with caution. I have Kit open the door with her feet. Inside is warm and a mess. I find one table and set Kit down. "This is going to hurt Kitten. But it'll be gone in a second." I grab the glass. "I'll pull it out on Three...One." I hold her leg with my other hand, "Two.." I resist to start wiggling it out. "Three." I pull out.
"OW!" Kit cries as a white ball of light appears and I drop the glass. I touch the orb to Kit's skin and like a tapestry, the cells, muscle, tissue and skin weave themselves back together.
"And done." I stop.
"It feels brand new." Kit touches where the glass was. Her baby blue eyes go white then back to blue. "We shouldn't have come here." Kit, in panic, jumps off the table as a door from the kitchen opens. A woman with fiery red hair held up in a ponytail wears an orange ninja uniform.
"What's the problem," A man bursts out. He has black hair and wears a clock with ancient writing on them. "Skylor?"
I finger my sword a bit, "I'm sorry. We needed cover and.." I stop as the man whispers something to the girl. She backs up and takes a long way around to get behind us. She watches us as her orange hood comes up.
"It's ok. You can stay. In fact. You can stay forever." The man's hands glow purple and he attacks me. "Fay."
I duck and roll behind him. I grab my sword hilt and stand to him. One of the words on his shirt glows red and bounces me away. "Dark magic." I snarl as the girl comes at me.
She smiles as she comes in with a strong punch. "Just say the word and I'll accept your surrender."
"I don't think she'll should need to say anything." The man holds Kit behind Skylor, his arms choking Kit. "I believe that she'll come willingly."
I let the girl punch me, which gives me a bloody nose, then handcuff me as well as disarm me. We are taken out to a dock and board a steamboat as the sun gives way to night.
Once, a few hours have passed, the girl takes her hood off with a forced smile, "Sorry about the violence earlier." The girl guides me and Kit to the front of the ship. "I'm Skylor. Master of Amber."
"And my name is nuna. AS in none of your business." I let an unladylike growl escape my lips as my nose dripped blood. No one bothered to give me a cloth and I was still weak from healing Kit.
"If your friend won't tell me who you are, I'm sure you will." Skylor looks down at Kit. Skylor is definitely taller them me, she has maybe a half a foot on me and is built like a dancer. Kit takes a while responding. Skylor keeps trying to be friendly despite the guard behind us with spears.
"I'm Kit. This is Willow." Kit strands in fear. "My sister."
"Funny, you don't look like a Fay." Skylor crosses her arms.
I squint as the boat lurches forward. "She's human. I'm something else."
"We're here." Skylor grabs my neck.
"Welcome to Chen's island." The man pulls out a knife hand grabs Kit. "I am Clouse. And you will meet my Master." Clouse has a plank land in between us and the dock. He pushes Kit off and Skylor pretty much carries me over as I struggle.
A man with bloodshot eyes and a snake hat claps like a child on his oversized throne. "Oh, Clousy-Clouse, did you bring me prisoners for my birthday?"
"Master, we found these two in your noodle house in New Ninjago City. One being a Fay." Clouse kicks Kit so she'd bows to Chen.
"A wingless Fay." Chen hops off his throne and inspects me closely, like art. "Tell me, dear, how'd you lose them?"
Instead of answering, I fling my nose blood onto his face.
"YACK!" Chen screams and squirms.
Kit starts shifting in her cuffs.
Clouse presses the knife harder. "Stop moving you, stupid child."
Kit looks at me slacked face. Then looks back down and struggles harder.
Chen must have been watching me closely. "Let the brat go. I'm intrigued." Chen swings around as Cloues huffs and unchains Kit.
"Only one can remain." Kit mutters under her breath as her hands searches for something to paint with. She hits a button that brings up a ton of art supplies. Kit goes to work, still muttering under her breath. A painting of a canyon with purple snake-men lead a charge. One even looks like Chen. "No." Kit drops her tools as she returned to normal.
"By the first spinjitzu master." Chen gravitates to the painting, "She even got a picture within it." Chen cackles like a nutbar. I peer and a picture of a staff with different colors shimmers in a slightly different light. "New plan." Chen turns with a not-so-safe look in his eyes. "Send the Fay to the factory. We keep the brat and tell the men to prepare for," Chen sings then next part like a true insane patient, "The tournament of elements."
I strain against my chains. "I'd never work for a slimeball like you."
"I'm sorry you feel that way...Wait a second...I don't." Chen snaps his fingers and Skylor picks up what looks like metal neck-brace. She places it over my neck then closes it. An interior light red energy ignites then died. Then it feels like I am being choked. "Your new piece of jewelry is Fightstone. Not too deadly to humans but dangerous to Fay." Chen rubs his hands together.
Clouse bows then grab my chains. "I'll see that she isn't up to anything master."
"Good. Daughter, This is a very important child that has come into our hands. Train her and don't let anything happen until the tournament." Chen looks at Skylor. "And when you can't give her to the Kabuki."
Skylor walks to Kit. "Yes, Father."
"Willow." Kit cries as Skylor gently grabs her hand and takes Kit in the other way. "NO! I want to stay with MY SISTER!"
I want to get to her but this Frightstone is strong stuff, "Stay Strong Kit. I'll be back." I swear as the doors close off my view of my sister.
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