Chapter 4. Realm trip
WARNING: FEELS CHAPTER! Get a tissue box and don't read in public. -WR
{Location: Destiny's Bounty}(Willow's POV)
"Got everything?" Kit flops on top of my bunk and peers at my bag. "Don't forget your hairbrush! You forget that every time," I grab an extra to appease her, even though I know I won't use it. It's been a week since I've been summoned for my trial, and despite the looming threat, we made the most of it and... it was actually enjoyable. I finger my necklace when the street fair crosses my mind.
"I think so." I glance at Kit. "Chances are I'll pick up stuff there."
Her blue eyes flicker, and her lips look taunt as she keeps her chin steady. She looks at me like I'm about to disappear into the wind and never return. I frown.
If I get sentenced to jail for two hundred years, I don't want to remember her like this. She won't be around after two hundred years... they'll take care of her. I trust Wu.
I want to see her smile, just this one last time. Just in case.
Kit continues to finger through my stuff, and I stand up and take a deep breath. She turns towards me and raises her eyebrow. "Willy-"
I dive into a tickle attack.
"W-Willy!" Kit giggles as her hands and feet flop around. Multiple colors dotted her skin- she's been finger painting. Her laughter, loud and clear, fills the room, and I relish in the noise.
"We're tickling Kit now?"
I don't even need to turn to face Lloyd. "Why wasn't there a memo?"
It crosses my mind that he might die there too, and I freeze for a brief moment before turning to him. Might as well...
"Who said it was just Kit getting tickled?" I smirk as I whip around and reach for his neck. Unfortunately, Lloyd blocks it and pulls me in for a kiss. My eyes widen before they close.
"Yak!" Kit makes more annoyed noises.
"And there goes the moment." Lloyd lets me go. I want to move or say something romantic and assuring to not only Kit and him but myself, but my lips still tingle from the warmth of his lips. "It's almost time." Lloyd reaches behind me and grabs my messenger bag, and I notice a tint of red of his cheeks.
"Rosie? Rosssie." He pokes my cheeks.
"Sorry, that was just... unexpected." I blink twice and follow him out the door and onto the upper deck. Kit hops along behind us.
"Yes, I succeeded in my plan." Lloyd sets my bag down next to a baby blue teapot and fistbumps the air. Dork.
Jay nearly blows out my ear drum as he walks in. "Who's ready to realm jump?!"
The rest of the team follows. Everyone is in their Gis while I wore my old armor.
Zane tips the tea out of Sensei's baby blue pot and on the floorboards a portal with rainbow trimming appears. "No time like the present."
Misako smiles, her eyes warm, as she grabs a hold of Kit. "Wu, Garmadon, Nya, Kit and myself will stay behind. Good luck ninja, and Willow."
One of Kit's sleeves were rolled up and it shows many more colors, particularly red, on her arm.
Cole straps on his climbing backpack and holds the scythe of quakes in his hands, "Any words before our departure?"
"Yeah," I look down and picks up my bag, everything in me wants to run in the opposing direction but I had a duty to uphold, "Last chance. Trylle is a land of danger, and human-eating enemies are everywhere. There are monsters and magic.... I'm not convincing you otherwise am I? Just don't do anything overly stupid and use your heads for once." I look up expecting worrying faces but see smiles instead. There's no use in fighting a losing battle.
Kai smirks as Zane elbows him. "Danger is my middle name."
Zane smiles. "I thought your middle name was Dillard."
"It's pronounced Danger." Kai huffs and folds his arms. No, I'm pretty sure it's pronounced Dillard.
Wu strokes his long, white beard. "Just come back." He did seem oddly confident that we'd succeed. I tilt my head downward and peer at him.
Kit's eyes flash, and her smile wobbles. My frown stiffens as I peer at her. It's gone as soon as it comes though- her beaming smile returns and she waves at me. "Bye Willy! I love you!"
"Love you too, Kit. Don't forget anything I told you, and listen to Master Wu,"
"We'll be back, don't worry mom." Lloyd flips on his hood, and gestures with his hand towards the portal, "Ladies first."
I huff and glare at the portal before stepping into another world. "Whatever."
(Location: Trylle){Lloyd's POV}
"Are we here?" I land on my feet, but everything was so bright... It was like the sun had come out of the sky and shone through every structure instead. I have to squint to look at anything.
Jay moans as I hear sparks from the nunchucks of lightning. "I think so."
Cole huffs. "Why is it so bright?"
"Welcome to Trylle." Rosie has an annoyed tone in her voice. "Land of sunshine and happiness."
My eyes start to adjust. "I'm going to be honest. I was expecting something much less bright." I see golden everything. Street lights, shops, the street. There is very little silver to change it up but it all reflects the sun. Who in the world has this much gold?
"Where is everybody?" Rosie ignores my statement and searches the empty street, "It's the middle of rush hour."
Zane is in awe of all the shiny things. "Perhaps we are in the countryside?"
"Nope," Kai points to a sign, there were multiple languages on it but I find one I can read, "This is the heart of the city."
"Psst!" A voice behind us calls. A man with longish brown hair waves us over. "Get over here now!"
"James?" Rosie asks as she turns around. "What's going on?"
"Just get here. Before they come!" The shopkeep hides back inside but left the door open.
Kai doesn't like the sound of that, "Ok, let's move." He orders as we walk into the shop.
All kinds of party attire were on the walls. Colors I've never seen and couldn't describe decorated the floor. Everything was over-the-top and elaborate to the bone, and every detail was different and hand carved, but most seemed to take inspiration from some aspect of nature.
Zane frowns as he closes the door. "This is most strange."
I hear whimpering as Rosie looks for this 'James.'
Rosie finds him under the cash register. "I need an explanation, now."
James sobs and rocks himself. "Everything sucks right now."
"Let's give him a minute," I lean up on a clothes rack and nearly knock it over, before rebalancing myself. "How do you know each other?"
Rosie stands up. "I met James in magic training. We worked together on a couple of projects." How much is a couple? I feel my ears redden, and something twists my gut. I cross my arms as James calms down and sits on the table. He sorta looks like a Dareth and Neal combo with light purple dragonfly wings.
"After you opened your letter, a que happened." James breaths slowly. His face looks like leather, worn and his wings has subtle burn marks on them. "An attack on the government happened, led in part by Katara. Fighting was useless and not a lot of people made it out."
Cole's scythe dips down a bit, "Who led the que?" He asks while looking at a rack of underpants. I think the were underpants anyway, they were bedazzled so much that I really couldn't tell.
"The Black King." As James says the name, the outside seems to dim a little.
Zane he rubs his chin. "So he's in charge now?"
"Yeah, and his stupid soldiers are hunting down Enlightened Fays left and right." James look at his hand, "To make things even worse, the king has a limited magic spell on everyone from here to crystal peaks."
Jay takes a deep breath "Wonderful." He is about to go into a rant as Rosie cuts him off.
"Anything else?" She folds her arms. Her face is stone, but I can see the sorrow behind her eyes.
James wiggles off the counter and inspects some merchandise. "Yeah, the more stupid Fays are getting married."
"Why is marriage a bad thing?" Zane pulls his hood up. "In Ninjago, it's a joyful occasion."
"Sometimes, when Fays get married, and it's too soon, one of the Fays has to give up their freedom," Rosie looks uncomfortable all of sudden, "The more dominant partner get powerful magic and complete control over their partner."
"And that's bad why?" I fold my arms, trying to mask my sudden anxiety. Marriage, apparently, was not a good topic for her.
James looks down, like the floor had become dirt or something. "The submissive Fay is next to helpless. Their partner could make them do anything."
Kai grips his fists and small sparks start up from his sword. "So now what do we do?"
"In celebration of their victory, the Black King is hosting a party with all compliant citizens." James grins as he races around and grabs random clothes. "A costume party."
"Really?" Rosie shakes her head. "I bet it was Katara's idea- Dad normally has better tastes."
"But you could get inside and take his magic. You did it once, you can do it again." James grabs a pair of shoes then nearly takes my hand off when he races to get behind the counter. Wait, what does he mean she did it once already? I glance at Willow.
Cole mosies over to see what's happening. "Or we could wait 'till nightfall. Then jump him."
"What's a nightfall?" James asks but keeps doing things.
Rosie scoots closer to me, and I reach out and brush her hand. "In Trylle, there is no night. Just eternal daytime. And yes, that's as annoying as it sounds."
Kai rolls his eyes. "That doesn't make sense."
"I could attempt to explain, but even the most intelligent Fays can't tell you why the realms work they why they do." Rosie shakes her head.
James holds up a snowy white wedding dress and eyes Rosie. The dress has literal snowflakes all over it. "And perfect." Rosie stiffens and frowns, apparently disagreeing.
Jay sighs, "Why? Just, why?" He asks and speaks all of our confusion.
"This is a perfect replica of the fallen maiden, a legendary enemy in Fay mythology." James hands Rose the dress, "And it's a size six." The dress looks more like a snowy mountain than a fallen maiden to me, but whatever.
Rosie wore her, 'one more bad move and I'll kill you,' pokerface. "I'm not going into that."
"I've got a stripper costume too. But hiding weapons is a little harder. And I'm not letting you go in... whatever you're trying to wear." James' eyes flicker. Rose scowls.
"Fine." Rosie stomps off to the dressing room, dress in hand.
Zane folds as James snaps his fingers. "While she's doing that, we should make a plan." Now I am wearing a groom monkey-suit the flickers green and gold. I look to my brothers; they wear pretty much the same thing aside from the color differences but are now missing their golden weapons.
Kai looks down, his suit is tinted red with red accessories. The ends of the sleeves curl and flicker like fire. "What the heck is this?"
"Costumes, of course! Don't worry, I didn't touch your Gis." James flicks a switch and the wall behind him flips into a rack of weapons. "And your weapons are here if needed."
Cole crosses his arms. He has on a brown tux and black accents. He picks up his feet and frowns- the shoes are literal stone. "Why didn't you do that with Willow?"
"Tailoring magic requires the user to visualize the subject." James melts into embarrassment as more weapons and maps are reviled. "Besides, most of my magic is used up for today, so I can't help if there's a fight... I'm better at doing small things anyway."
I may have misjudged his first intentions. "Oh," I speak in a small voice and scratch the back of my head.
Jay grins at his light blue tux with even lighter blue touch-ups, but recoils when his suit shocks him. "Whatever, let's get to planning."
[About an Hour later]
Cole breaths lightly as the rooms in the back rattle and move. "So we come through here and then we use our powers to hold down the king as Willow takes his magic back."
Kai crosses his arms. "Speaking of Willow, who the heck takes a full hour to-"
Rosie walks out of the changing room. "Simple. I like that kind of plan." She looks like a goddess, the white of the dress pulls out her brown eyes, her hair is loose around her instead of in a braid, it falls to her shoulders but it frames her fit body. The dress is snowy white and has large snowflakes along the hems, and the veil being a thick, glimmery material. She has on silky gloves and there seems to be something in the right one. Probably a knife, knowing her.
"Lloyd," Jay snaps his fingers in front of my face, "Stop drooling."
I close my mouth and move my hand to my face, I was in fact drooling.
Rosie frowns a little under the veil. "Ready?"
Zane opens the door out. "Yup, just need to get there." He seems to really like the tux James gave him. Which is a black tux but the stitching is either silver, white or looks made from real ice. And the coat looks like it's a million snowflakes that were stitched together.
"Wait!" James looks up, and scans over Willow. "You're missing something, Alaula! Don't you dare try and leave without it!"
"James, this isn't really necessary and I don't want to give myself-"
He snaps again, giving the dress gold accents here and there. "I know, I know. I'll keep it subtle, but only for you... Oh, and here's your ride."
Five pegasi land and neigh loudly. "There." James gives us a large, lavish smile.
Kai pets the nearest one. "I didn't know these were real."
Rosie comes out last, "In Ninjago they aren't. Here, everything's real." She folds her arms as her train gets caught by the door handle. "Stupid thing..." She pulls it, scowling. I chuckle.
Cole bends over and frees her. "Hold on."
James gives us a thumbs up, "Good fortune, Alaula and her companions."
He closes the door as we mount our rides. Rosie ends up sitting with me. Jay mounts his backwards. Once we are settled the pesisi flap their wings then the scene around us changes.
Below us, the city glows and shimmers, each part of it a surprise and a wonder.
We land in front of a grand stairway. Party noise comes from inside and the vibe is a night party, even though the daylight still shines.
Zane gets off the horse and it flies away. "That was fast."
Kai gets off and fixes himself. "That was cool." As we get off the pegasi neigh with fright and vanish.
Cole frowns, "Why'd they leave so quickly?" He asks as I feel a presence behind me. Heat and anger roll off her in waves.
I turn to see Katara. "I think I know."
Katara wears a black and red dress that is short both on top and at the bottom. Flames engulf most of it and make the skirt. "Sister, I'm glad you came." She smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes.
"Katara." Rosie steps in front of me. "Clever trap."
"Not exactly, but I'm glad you came dressed for the occasion." Katara snaps her fingers and the scene shifts again.
We are in a church now, my brothers are standing behind me like my best men, Willow is in the middle of the aisle. Behind me, a justice of the peace stands with a book open.
Jay looks around, very bewildered, "What the what?" He exclaims.
James appears on the bride's side of the family as I feel my skin tingle from incoming magic.
A dark form shapes into a figure by Rosie. He has arms like tree trunks; and he has light skin but the shade around him makes it look so much darker. His hair is varying hues of blue and purple. And his wings, oh Ninjago, his wings were giant black dragon wings, capable of soaring through the air as speeds that Ultra couldn't reach.
"The better question is, if you'll say I do." The man cackles.
"We are gathered here today," The justice of the peace had demon wings- assuming demon wings are tattered bat wings- ironically. Katara now wore a white dress and stood opposite of Kai.
"Hold the phone," I say in shock. "What is all this?"
Rosie's stiffness and wide eyes betray her stone face as the Black King forces her to walk. "A wedding."
"I appreciate that my daughter," The King looks at Katara and holds a small black pearl up, "Has gotten this back for me... But it requires a self-sacrifice to get my powers back. Alaula's rather good at sacrificing things, and I don't want her having my last name anymore anyway, so... why not?"
Cole grips his fists, "Then I speak for- UUG!" He glares as his mouth refuses to open.
Katara smirks as the same thing happens to my brother's mouths. "Hold your peace, weddings are supposed to be happy!"
(Willow's POV)
I pull back, but the King is stronger than me. Physically, at least. "You can't do this- this crosses a line,"
"You will be wed this day. I don't care to whom, as long as I can control him, but it will happen." The King pinches me just right, and I crumple over, still glaring at him. His grip on my arm is stronger than iron, and it burns just as much.
"Rosie..." Lloyd clearly didn't know what to do. I guess he wouldn't be completely opposed to the situation, but he doesn't have my consent.
I can't be married. I'm not ready to be married.
And for heaven's sake, Lloyd hasn't even really asked me to be his girlfriend yet!
This feels like an idiotic reality TV show.
I'm really not up for getting married... my heart beats fast for the wrong reason.
"We've gathered here today, to have one soul bent to another," The priest began the traditional speech. I am on top of the steps, keeping my face like stone. If the stone breaks, I'll break, and I don't want to give Katara the satisfaction.
My emotions churn like a snowstorm, and I struggle to keep them at bay.
What if I'm the weaker partner; I don't want to lose myself. On the flip side of the coin, if Lloyd's weaker, I'm not sure if I could handle all his power...and I don't want to be able to just bend him to my will, either. He deserves to be himself.
Something cold pokes my wrist from inside the dress, and I look down. A small scrap of metal, twisted into a spiral, glimmers back at me.
I glance at James, he nods.
I know what this is. It's a carrier for a spell for hiding memories; I could hide the king's memory, all of it, and I could have my father... but he'd see me coming a mile away. He's not dumb, I'm lucky enough he didn't notice when he brought me up to the alter.
Or it could take a large, defined group of people's memory. My magic teacher's voice rings in my head, and I sigh.
Deja vu, much? ... But it's the only way to save them and avoid marriage.
The Priest closes a book, "Would the groom lift the veil?"
Katara points to Lloyd's hands and forces him to pick up my veil.
In my heart I know what my real sacrifice would be, but I didn't want it.
There has to be another way... But I don't want to lose myself.
Lloyd looks just as lost as I do. "I'm sorry Rosie."
Around the object in my glove, my magic shimmers. I pull my gloves off as everyone looks at our faces, "No. I'm sorry." My eyes water as I quickly lift my hand to his forehead, my hand glows white with a string that extends to his brother's foreheads. I'm going to lose them again.
I'll add them to the list.
The King reaches out to stop me but my light magic holds him, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"
"I'm stopping you," I bite my lip, channeling my emotion so it creates my magic. White light flows through Lloyd's head and to the others. "Forever."
Lloyd looks panicked for a few seconds, then looks calm as the spell beings to lock, "I've got no idea what's happening. I'm trusting you. But I'll never forget you, White Rose." Lloyd smiles calmly as those words broke my heart.
Leave it to him to say something like that...
"I wish you hadn't said that." I bite my lip till I draw blood.
The spell stops and the Ninja hold their heads.
I drop the object and turn to the King, whose dazed by the spell.
I snatch the pearl from his hand- whatever backlash the King received won't last for long. "No more of your evil." I grab the pearl and squeeze it in my hand. I crush the pearl and darkness seeps out, scattering across the church before recollecting on a spot on the wall.
Katara realizes what I'm about to do next as I step towards the portal, "Why this sacrifice?"
"Because I choose me... For now."
I run to the end of the best man line as the Black King doubles over. I shove Jay into Cole, who pushes Zane, who pushes Kai, who pushes Lloyd in. Once the Ninja were through, I stare at my twin who just crosses her arms. The damage has been done, there's not much she can do at this point. There's not much any of them can do. There's not much I can do.
But I'll do something. I'll find something.
"That was a foolish choice. You'd suffered less if you married." She snarls but runs to her father's aid.
"I know."
I jump at last second into another world.
(Location: Ninjago)
Kit runs to me as I fall past the Bounty. "WILLY!"
What's with the dress, young one? Aquila catches me and flies up so we can get Kit. She then searches around my recent memories, oh...
I gulp as I feel new pain tugging at my heartstrings. "Long story."
Then I see that Kit is holding the photo album of me and Lloyd from Jay's camera. "What's with that?"
Kit tries to settle into a better place as the Bounty takes off and flies in the opposite direction we are, "I was looking at it when you came back."
"We should return it." Maybe it'll help. It helped last time... Aquila, can you bring back their memories? I know the answer even before she says it.
No, the spell you used is dangerously powerful and I haven't gathered enough strength yet.... I can't undo that strong of a mind lock. Maybe after I go through the Spirit Coves, but not now.
Cold realization sweeps through me- it's my fault. Everything that happens from here on out regarding me and the ninja is my fault.
I may not get to talk with any of them ever again. I may never see Lloyd again. Even if Aquila were to go to the Spirit coves, she could be there for a long time, and there's no guarantee that she could bring those memories back even then.
What did I do?
"Why are we flying away from the Ninja?" Kit asks as Aquila lands is a small forest next to Ninjago city.
"I did something." My voice comes out raspy, barely a whisper. "I had the Ninja forget us. So I could destroy the pearl." I refuse to look at her as my eyes water.
"So, what about Wu?" Kit asks as she hops down.
"Him too. Nya, Misako, Garmadon." A single tear slips down. This hurts.
"Then why do I remember you?" Kit asks as she pulls me down.
"I...." I couldn't form words; All that opening up, all those feelings, what little progress I had made was gone.
All gone.
They're gone.
Aquila covers me and Kit under her wing and lets me cry. There's no wailing, no anguished noise, just little cold tears dripping down my cheeks and hanging off my chin before they fall off and go who knows where.
Kit snuggles with me, but her tears are hot on my back. The new family she just found is gone- and it's my fault.
Aquila speaks soothing, motherly words, and endless empty promises.
Nothing they did or said stopped the heartache.
{Location: Destiny's Bounty}(Lloyd's POV)
Migraines suck. I open my eyes to find myself under a dog pile of my brothers. "Oh come on, you guys."
I think Jay's on the top, it's hard to tell since I'm somehow under all of them.
"What are we wearing?" Kai shims off the top next. "And why's it on fire but not burning... that's kinda hot, actually. I'm keeping it."
Jay gets off next. "No idea. Where's my camera?"
Cecak, scrish. Cole hops off, "Found it."
"Oh perfect. I might be able to save the disk." Jay picks up the broken camera. He looks just one I knew. Something... -someone, maybe?- felt missing, or something at least felt off, as if the world had just shifted and mountains had crumbled, or the ocean had reclaimed and island.
But what- who?- was it?
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