Chapter 37. The last stand. pt.2
{Location: Split Mountain}(Kit's POV)
"No," I whisper as I drop to my knees. I don't even need to look at my sword's reflection to know it. I don't even need to hear Over-Jezzie's victory cry. I can just feel Willow die. "Willy." I whimper as the tears come. Now the Phouka begin to overpower the stone army.
Sensei attempts to order the Masters, "Now. On their right flank."
Misako takes the helmet of darkness off for a second to see my face, "Watch out Kit." She fights off a small Phouka as I freeze in my tears.
Gravius swings around and lifts his hands, "Hold on." He lifts me up and flys me to the mountain for safety. Then the power of gravity drops around me and I begin to fall right for a not so sturdy looking tree branch. I would have slammed into its bark and gotten the wind knocked out of me if the wind itself didn't flote me safely to the ground.
Morro airgutuzs up to me, "I got you", catches me and lands on the lower side of the path. Behind him, Katara just lost her grip on Garmadon and he walks to us, "What's wrong?" Morro puts me down as my sword feels heavy. "Kit." Morro takes a step back, "What happened?"
I open my mouth to move as a sword appears through his chest and red flows down his grey Gi.
"MORRO!" Katara screams as she makes an inferno. "Kit, run." She pounces on Garmadon and my feet carry me down the path as tears cloud my vision. I have a quick flash of the future as I nearly run into samo-what's his face.
"What's the matter, little girl? All alone?" The Skeleton creeps up on me as a large hand pulls him back.
Cole drops his scythe and glares at the skeleton, "No. You don't touch her." Cole kicks the skeleton over to Seliel but the skeleton anticipates and swing his daggers around and twists Cole to face him.
"Cole!" I scream at what I see. He looks at me as the daggers pierce his chest and a small bag on his back. Seliel falls over into a death position as the skeleton takes Cole's double sided scythe and plunges into his chest. "NO!" I scream as my feet take me away from the battle. I hear more screams of death and pain as Over-Jezzie cackles louder and fires at the stone army and Elemental Masters alike. I keep running as I watch through bleary eyes as master after master falls. I somehow end up on the cliffside, the ocean beats the side as the mountain looks ready to fall in. I fall to knees, "I couldn't stop it. I failed." I cry as I feel warm hands on my back.
I hear another set of feet follow, "I'm sorry that you had to see that daughter." Krux picks my head up as Acronix rubs my lower back. "But we don't have to live with what the Overlord has planned. We could find the time blades and go back to when your mother was alive." Krux pulls off his hood as greed enters his eyes. "We could be a family." He doesn't seem like he knows what he wants as my nose is stuffy, "Or we can travel to the distant future. I have many options for us."
A new, dark, angry feeling overtakes my fears and cowardliness as I strap my sword on my back. I think I almost cut Axcronix as my hands pules with coming energy, "Why is always a choice?" I stand up and back up so I can see Acronix as well. "Time blades or me. Revenge or me. Plan or me." I grip my hands as blue, green, yellow and red shimmer from them. "You never needed the time blades. And if you always pick those over me, then you're not my father." I hold my hands up as their faces go into shock, "I can't change your mind, but I can save my family." I scream as a yellow wave of energy rolls over the entire mountain and battlefield takes me back in time. I blink, I'm in the middle of the Masters and my sword is back in my glowy hands. I count to three and watch as Sensei calls out the same orders as he just said. "I reversed time. I can change things. We can win."
Over-Jezzie blast a black beam and a stone warrior crumbles, "I WIN!" Over-Jezzie screams as Krux and Acronix run in for an attack on Sensei.
"Stop." I zap them with red energy and they freeze in their step. "Gravois," I drop kick a Phouka behind Misako. "I need a lift." I point to the mountain with my left hand as I put my sword on my back.
Sensei nearly get hit as his eyes widen, "Time?" He looks at my hands as Gravis did what I said and I fly to the mountain. I land on a rock above Garmadon as he comes in for the kill on Morro's backside.
"Slow." I shoot Garmadon with blue energy as I flip off the rock and charge to Cole, "AQUILA, I'M GOING TO NEED A LIFT SOON!" I scream as I slide under Cole's legs and fast forward time on the Skeleton, turning him into dust as I kick up, his knives slide against my exposed face and I run to Aquila past Seliel, who has major wounds that should have killed her. "UP!" I order as Aquila flies low so I can grab her longest spike, Aquila twists right-side up and I cling on and shoots up the mountainside.
Here. Best of luck. Aquila circles the peak then lets me off near the bloody sight of Willow and Lloyd. I have to help the Master of Mind. She swoops back down as Phouka try to surround the Masters.
Over-Jezzie is too busy caught up in her victory and disintegrating the stone warriors to see me as I bent over my sister.
At some point in their fight, a large heart was made around Willow and Lloyd, it acts like a moat for their blood as is overflows in the crack and into my shoes. I land in the middle of a blood puddle, my knees are now red and I hover my hands over their broken bodies, "Come back to me." I grit my teeth as I pull back time. Just to before their last breath. Yellow light dances everywhere as I place my hands on them, getting blood on my hands.
Willow has tiny breaths now and stares at Lloyd, "It's ending now." Willow breathes her last in unison with Lloyd.
"NO! I NEED TO GO BACK FURTHER!" I cry as more yellow energy explodes from my hands. I watch as some wounds seal and blood travels back into them instead of pouring out. My hands seem to take on a new look, for now, my left hand is half glowy green from my pinky to midway on my middle finger, the rest is light blue. The same went for my right hand, except it is half yellow from my thumb to my midway on my middle finger and red the rest of the hand.
Over-Jezzie stops cackling as I make a light show, "No. I won." Over-Jezzie now notices what I am doing as time move backwards around me, my sister and Lloyd.
Lloyd takes a sharp breath in as I stop. "We're...Alive?" He gets up as Willow looks for wounds then notices my hands.
Willow tucks her necklace under her armor as I get up. "Kit?"
I can feel that I don't have control over this elemental ability and that it was going to fade away fast, I'll have to act quickly in order to truly help, "I know." I breathe heavily but am far from done. "Just take her down this time." I smile as they nod and make way for me to charge down the path. "Today we will win." I spinjitzu to Jay and Nya and reverse time on Clouse, putting him back in his ghost state as Nya blasts him with water.
Nya drops the water as I slip out from under falling rocks, "What the heck?" Nya stands still as I slip on water. I land on my ankle wired but I am still pumped with adrenaline.
Jay's body has little bolts bouncing off of it, "He went poof." Jay looks horrible as half his mask was torn off, then notice my hands.
My ankle throbs a bit and I get up, "And we have more people to poof. Come on." I grin as I ignore that pain and charge to Zane and Pixel.
(Willow's POV)
"Finally," I smile as hope charges me up, "We've got time on our side." Kit sadly only reversed time on me and Lloyd to the point to just after we got slammed on the ground, we aren't at full strength. I know this because every time I breathe, I can feel my broken bones grinding against each other.
"NO!" Over-Jezzie screams and stomps the ground like a toddler. She throws her hands down and black cuts slices through the mountain, "I JUST WON! EVIL WON!"
Lloyd gets up, his hands are low as I watch chunks slide off and into the sea, "Evil will never win. Someone will ALWAYS," Lloyd charges up with an energy force field and blasts Over-Jezzie as she pouts. She flies up in the air and lands on her back, "Stand up."
I take my mask off as it's full of blood now, "I think I know what went wrong last time." I smirk as I position my sword lower, "Throw me."
"I got it." Lloyd spins me around like last time but throws me higher with new strength.
I get much higher this time. As I reach my peak and I twist so my face is closer to Over-Jezzie. "NINJAGO!" I start my spinjitzu, which pushes me downward, I stop about a foot above her and swing my legs over her shoulders with my sword hilt to her neck as Over-Jezzie falls to the ground on her chest, she struggles as I have the flat of my sword against her scrawny neck. "They're too strong together." I hold my position as the monster under me struggles carefully. Her heels clips at my back as some of my armor straps slips off, taking my armor with it.
Lloyd cracks his knuckles, "Agreed, I think it's time for a little separation." Lloyd approaches quickly, touches her forehead as his right-hand lights up with energy, then slowly pulls back and takes out a dark outline of a man.
"Divide and conquer." I let Jezzie go as I feel non-essential energy leave Jezzie. I take off my battered armor, right now it'd only get in the way. I'm covered in sweat as my semi-bloody shirt sticks to me.
The clouds reveal sprinkles of sunlight as The Overlord takes shape. He looks like the Black King minus the wings and the colored hair. The Overlord also is wearing a dark purple tunic that stops just above his knees. "NO! MY host." The Overlord gasps for air once Lloyd lets him go. The Overlord makes some kind of black energy knife and swipes up and down on Lloyd's chest then punches him on the side of the head. Crack. A morbid noise rings a Lloyd holds his left side and backs off. The Overlord isn't done, he right kicks his legs witch also carry a few sickening cracks.
I draw my bow and shoot him diagonally from his thigh to his shoulder on his back. The Overlord faces me and takes two more of my arrows to his stomach.
Lloyd spin kicks the wooden shafts off the arrows and then punches each tip into the Overlord. The white from my magic barely seems to hurt him as he breaks off the shaft on the arrows in his stomach. I drop my bow and slice up and down with my sword along his backside.
I watch him bleed black instead of red, "STOP IT YOU WORMS!" The Overlord expels a wave of darkness and pushes me back, as I fall, I feel the darkness swept in from my feet and travels like venom through my veins.
SNAP, I land on my left shoulder wrong and pain blares as a shadow walks over me. "OWW! Now I wish I could fix bones."
"I do not care for honor." The Overlord kicks me in the face as I struggle to get up only to fall back from the pure amount of pain, "I do not care about what you are." Crack, my ribs explode with more pain and I get nailed in the face. "All that I know, is that you took the perfect host away from me."
Lloyd spins into the Overlord, "She's not the only one responsible."
"Don't THINK I'VE forGOTTEN About yOU!" The Overlord escapes to summon a black sword and a purple ax and under sweeps Lloyd's feet. Lloyd stops his tornado only to get cut and hurt from the sword's edge. Jezzie's body is completely limp as The Overlord spins down and uses the handle on the ax to give Lloyd another sickening crack in his leg.
"LLOYD!" I get into my own tornado. I get there as quick as I can but Lloyd still gets plenty of bruises from the kicks and cuts from the ax and sword.
I slip in between them, my left arm catches the next three cuts aiming for Lloyd, I twist around and punch the Overlord in the face, "Don't touch him." I felt my skin slice open as I separate Lloyd further from the Overlord's attacks.
The Overlord holds his nose as his hands drip with black blood, "DIE ALREADY!" The Overlord pulls back as I stop spinning. He slams his fists down and dark purple energy spreads out and makes me feel ready to throw up. I watch as the purple seems to dent my body and make my wounds expand with more pain.
Lloyd picks up his green pole, it snaps into three pieces. Lloyd throws them at The Overlord and the pieces fly into the sea, "Not interested." Lloyd runs to my side, the darkness also hurts him but wouldn't stop him.
I place my right hand on his shoulder, I send small amounts of strength as Lloyd uses the new energy to blast the Overlord. Small holes are blasted through his body. They quickly close and seal as The Overlord smiles, his teeth are light purple with black gums.
I sigh and pull out my sword, "We may not get a third shot." I hold up my sword with my right hand as Lloyd grips it above my hand with his left.
Lloyd lets little bits of green energy travel down the blade like a conductor for electricity, "So let's end it now." Lloyd supercharges as our skin lightly meets. The blade now is glowly with green energy, around the green, a thin strand of white mixes in as it glows brighter as we ran forward. I pour all strength and power into Lloyd as the Overlord looks for an escape that isn't over the side of a mountain. SRICK! BOOM! The sword's icy blade meets the Overlord's trekia as the green and white energy travels down and enters his body. Along The Overlord's skin is our combined energy. He's still black and purple but it begins to glow white and green as his purple tunic is ripping itself down to the atoms. We pull the sword out as the Overlord begins sparking from the energy. The pure power of our strength sends out the same colored waves which push us back on the ground, giving me a nasty bruise on my back as the Overlord melts into darkness, then the darkness slowly dissolves. It is only when his evil presence is gone do I lay my head back on the ground. The clouds break apart slowly and the sun gently warms my face.
Lloyd winces in pain close to me, "We did it." Lloyd breathes next to me. Lloyd somehow managed to land on his left side but flop closer to me.
My body seems to remember just the amount of wounds it holds and puts a little blood out in rhythm with my heartbeat, "We survived." I feel the waves of exhaustion that the fight and use of my magic took from me. "We won."
"Can you move?" Lloyd grounds and sighs next to me, I look at him as his mask comes up, he has a bazillion cuts and bruises as he lays next to me.
"I can. I don't want to." I feel a strange combination of pain, exhaustion, and victory. "What about you?"
"Same." Lloyd moans as my eyes want to drop, "I'm sure someone will find us."
"Yeah. I can wait." I try to smile as I fight to keep my eyes open.
Lloyd attempts to get closer to me, his left leg looks broken in three different spots and he is a bloody mess. But he is alive and he's my bloody mess. He doesn't need to say anything as pain threatens to make me black out. I do his job for him and close the space between us and our skin barely makes contact. But this feels right.
I hear shaky footsteps walk around me and a small shadow casts over me from the side of my feet. The shadow's owner is the woman who started this mess, "You." Jezzie crawls in between me and Lloyd. She looks drastically different now, her hair is a sickly platinum blond now, her face looks wrinkly like an addict going cold turkey and her hands shake. "You destroyed him." Jezzie cusses as she proceeds to beat us with her shaky fists.
(Zane's POV)
I have my hands out and blast ice at Pythor, "Oh come on." Pythor is cornered by Jay, Skylor, and Pixel as I freeze just over his body to keep him trapped. Kit step in between me and Kai, "I'm outnumbered, it wasn't even a fair-" He freezes in time as Kit blasts him with red time energy.
Kai sheathes his sword as it is still bright red from his fire, "He definitely put up a fight." Kai paints as his hood comes up. He has a black eye and a busted lip.
Kit bends over and breath heavily. " do."
Jay pulls his hood up as Katara, Morro, Cole, and Seliel race up to us. "So when were you going to tell us you can control time without a time blade?"
"Recent development." Kit responds as the glowing fades from her hands.
Skylor looks up, the last of the green and white energy has faded but there is no sign of life at the top, "What about Lloyd and Willow?" Skylor takes her hood off as the battle below us slows.
I bite my lips as my data tells me horrible possibilities, "They defeated the Overlord but have not returned." I look up, hoping to see some sign of life.
Kai holds his chest as red blood drips down. "Oh no, what if they are?"
Kit tries to stand up straighter but my scans indicate that she would not be able to take another step. "They could be hurt or worst." Kit take a step and falls forward.
Cole catches her as he drops his scythe, "Easy half-pint." Cole gently picks her up and has Kit ride piggyback style. "You just moved time. Don't strain yourself."
Nya lets go of her shoulders as they bend in a funny fashion, "To the top." Nya starts up with her airgijutz as Skylor lifts Pixel with the power of Gravity.
I watch as my siblings take after her, "Up we go." I take Seliel up as I perform the rather easy ritual.
Katara gets up first, "BACK OFF!" Katara pulls out her daggers and charges at a very sick looking Jezzie as she pounds Lloyd and Willow in their open wounds. Katara body-slams Jezzie and the two tumble on the dirt. Katara gets on top and holds her daggers to Jezzie's neck over her trikia.
Jezzie seems to wish for death as she presses against the red blades, "Go ahead." Jezzie closes her eyes as Katara gets off.
Katara spits and growls, "I'm not that person anymore." Katara sheathes her weapons and stands taller. "That would be too mercifully of a fate for you."
Lloyd attempts a smile before wincing in pain. "Hey, guys."
Willow's hair is slowly turning back to brown, "What took you so long?" She looks awful and must have been too weak to heal herself.
Jay looks ready to puke from the sight. "Oh my goodness."
Lloyd wheezes a little, "Tis but a scratch." Lloyd's eyes drop lower and lower.
Kai walks to them and looks for a way to pick Lloyd up, "Nope. You can't give up on us yet." Kai picks him up bridal style slowly as Lloyd whimpers from the new position.
"Not giving up." Willow closes her eyes as Morro picks her up in the same fashion. "Just need a nap."
Morro shakes her lightly. "No sleeping."
"We need a hospital." I put Seliel down to form an Ice ramp that leads straight to the Bounty. "Go ahead, we will catch up."
Kai and Morro nod and slide down quickly as we take the long route and do a little cleanup.
"FOrgetting something?" Jezzie catches my focus as she spits into the dirt as she gets up, "You can't just leave me alone. I still have my army. I will hunt you down like animals and-"
I freeze her as she takes a step forward. "You can stop monologuing now."
"Definitely can't leave this here." Jay chuckles as Pixel and I get behind the ice cube and pushes her down the winding trail. "Geez, she's heavy."
Katara looks at her hair, some of it is cut shorter than the rest, "So what are we going to do with her?" Katara walks the furthest from the ice cube like she is a tiny bit scared of the person inside.
Skylor looks awful. Her face is black and blue but most of the damage is just that, bruises, other than that. Her uniform is still intact, "I have a few friends in the Police force, I could ask if they can arrest her for crimes against humanity." Skylor holds her left wrist tenderly as it falls at an odd angle. "Or against Fays as the case may be."
Seliel has at least 3 death-defying wounds on her stomach alone, "Either way that's the kind of crime to get into Cyprien." Seliel sounds close to relief as she hikes next to Cole. "So we'll know where she is."
I push harder as the ice slides on the dirt, "That sounds like the best course of action." I wave to the elemental masters below as the stone army huddles the Phouka in a tight circle.
Nya holds her shoulders in pain, "What are we going to do with them?" Nya wonders as we walk next to a frozen Pythor.
Jay snickers as one of them try to escape, "We could stick them in a zoo." Jay chuckles as Katara melts Pythor out then puts him in a tight armlock.
I smile at the thought. "We can not let them stay in Ninjago as enjoyable as that would be."
Katara pushes Pythor's arm up higher, "I can make a portal that will take them back to Trally. It'll take time but I can do it."
Seliel watches as her wounds heal without a scratch, "Yay, a plan. I like plans." She smiles as we approach a rest point on the mountain.
Pixel stops us as I see why Garmadon leans up against a rock with a couple of burn marks.
Katara winches a little, "I guess that Morro and I went a little overboard."
I smile a little, "What a perfect situation, The Overlord is gone, Jezzie has been stopped and we can reunite you with Lloyd."
Garamond chuckles, his eyes show that he is no longer under Jezzie's mind magic, "I'm afraid that isn't possible. Just like how Jezzie can temporarily bring over the part of a Realm master, she also held me here along with Cryptor."
I feel what little joy we've gained disappear, "And Cryptor has disappeared."
Kai frowns deeply, "And with your sacrifice, you're still technically departed."
Nya bites her lips, "What do we tell Lloyd?"
Garmadon begins blinking away like the Preeminent did a few weeks ago, "True. But in a way, Jezzie removed the curse on me. So I will be in the Departed Realm rather than the Cursed one."
Cole watches as Garmadon slowly disappears, "At least that is a little fortune."
"Please tell Lloyd that I love him. And that I'm sorry that I can't say goodbye to him face to face. As well as I'm proud of him." Garmadon is reduced to a thin outline of himself. He smiles as he slowly disappears.
"I hope Lloyd and Willow are ok." Cole readjusts Kit as she started to slip. "See anything half-stack?"
Kit responds with a snore.
We keep moving as I would have liked for our situation to be different, "Yup, she's out." Jay snickers as Gravius lifts the Jezzie-cube for us.
"We lost." A Phouka with eagle wings snarls, he didn't look too horrible but very, very angry. "I hope you meet the Grey Judge."
Another Phouka covers his mouth and looks terrified. "That no curse for anyone. Even our enemies."
I quickly look up the name in all Ninjago history. "Grey Judge?"
Pixel does the same but with a few more beeps, "A fight for another day." Pixel did not sound satisfied with that assumption. "For now we tend to our wounded."
Karloff gets low to the ground near a catapult that's on fire, "This is Split Mountain. Not Messy mountain. Help Karlof clean." Karlor lifts an impossibly heavy tank and flipped it.
Sensei somehow managed to bring his tea set along in the Ultra Dragon saddle and now pours tea, "We have won the day." Sensei smiles as two dragons, one red and the other green and grey, fly westward towards Ninjago city with the wind pushing them faster. "And we have much to still do."
Cole sets Kit down on Aquila as the Misako orders the stone army to help the Elemental Masters clean up, "Are we done being ninja now?" Cole looks disappointed as Aquila lets us board her. Kit is now held between two tall spikes.
My data analysis shows that the likelihood of Ninjago being peacefully in our lifetime to be closer to unlikely then it raining tacos, "I do not think that there will be a day that Ninjago will not need a ninja." I analyze the battlefield as some of the stone army cleans it up. I raise my left hand and it falls off.
Skylor smiles as the sun breaks through the clouds entirely. "How about we get started on the tending the wounded thing, hm?"
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