Chapter 29. Ninja Prom
Hey, everyone. So this chapter is a little different. I got an idea of a contest, but not like the watties. This chapter is about the main couples or more accurately, how you as the reader feel about the couples. Please leave your comments after reading each couple's time in the spotlight. I'll also post each music video that I think goes with each couple. ~W.R.
{Location: A few miles outside New Ninjago City}(Lloyd's POV)
"What's taking them so long? The girls left before us." Jay opens and closes his corsage for Nya in his hands. Last night, Kit had gotten an invitation to a prom. Her phone also went off, something about a boy from her school. As it turns out, she wanted to go, when my Uncle heard about it, he suggested that we all go. Either way, the girls left the Bounty three hours before we did, and behold, three hours after, we're still waiting.
"Duh, they're girls." Kai plays a holo-chess game with Zane.
Morro tugs at his grey tie. "DO I have to wear this? It feels like I've got a rope around my neck."
"Yes. And that's because you keep messing with it. Hold still windpipe." Cole fixes his mistake.
We all were wearing tuxes with small different colors via our handkerchiefs and ties.
"Maybe we should call them?" I pull out my phone as the hair on my neck stand up. I barely duck under a flying object as it charges at Morro and Cole.
"Look out," Zane shouts as the two nearly get a new haircut.
"An aero blade?" Kai looks at the weapon as it is now lodged in the stone next to Jay.
"And there's more from where that came from." Ronin appears at the bottom of the steps with two more in hand.
"Hold up. Why are you throwing things at us?" Cole snaps and folds his arms.
"Are you blind?" Ronin points with the right aero blade at Morro. "Morro's right there!"
"Freeze." Zane punches the ground and a small trail of ice freezes Ronin's feet.
We quickly explain what happens in the past few days.
"Oh. Sorry air boy. Can I have my merchandise back?" Ronin grumbles as Kai fetches his weapon.
"I probably deserved it anyway." Morro shrugs.
"Ronin." I hear little Nelson charge to us and hug Ronin.
"How ya, doing tiny?" Ronin pats Nelson's head. He has a tux on too, but with purple trimming and a purple tie.
"I'm ok. Still waiting on my date thought." Nelson lets go. "Hey guys, have you met my Uncle?"
"Uncle?" I look at the two closely, they have similarities, like their eyebrows and noses.
"Guys, meet my nephew." Ronin has a proud smile on his face.
"Sorry, we're late boys." I hear Rosie's voice behind me. I turn with a comeback in mind. It is long gone when I get a good look at her. Rosie has a knee length white dress with creamy swirls on it, she also has on green leggings and a sparkly green bow in her hair, which also looks like a flower crown at the same time. Her hair still manages to drape over her ears thought.
"We had to pick up a friend." I hear Nya but can't look away from the goddess in front of me.
"Friend?" Kai crosses his arms.
Out of thin air, Skylor appears, She is pretty but Rosie is still distracting me. "Miss me Hot Tamil?" Skylor asks with confidences.
"Ssskylor? You!" Kai smiles as one of his hairs catch fire.
"Are we here to model or to party?" Kit smiles at Nelson and blushes a little. "Let's get to it."
"I vote party. Come on brick boy." Seliel walks up the steps and wiggles her finger with a,'follow me,' motion at Cole and pulls him up the stairs.
"Close your mouth, Greenie. You'll catch flies." Rosie closes my mouth and leads me up the stairs.
The party is already on, kids are either dancing or standing next to the snack bar.
"I LOVE THIS SONG!" Kit nearly flashes us with her pink dress as she races onto the floor with Nelson in tow. A playful beat with happy music starts. Kit looks cute, pink and magenta colors ravish her dress and match her hair even though it was wavy instead of in pigtails.
"Let's find some place to stash our stuff." Rosie looks around but I grab her wrist and spin her onto the dance floor.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall telln' those lies, pointing out your flaws. That isn't who you are. That isn't who you are. " The singer sings as Rosie stops spinning. I dance after her and she playfully dances away. The song is actually really sweet but the chorus, that is something almost as special as Willow, "I see you dressed in white. Every wrong made right. I see a rose in bloom as the sight of you," Rosie moves her lips to the song as I catch up to her. "Oh so Priceless. Irreplaceable. Unmistakeable. Incomparable. Darling, it's beautiful. I see it all in you." I watch her as Rosie lets go of the last of her stiffness and starts dancing. I dance with her as the song sings, "No matter what you've heard, this is what you're worth. More than all the money or diamonds and pearls. Oh, this is who you are." I feel my cheeks get hot and my stomach twist into a pretzel. But I love every second of it.
(Jay's POV)
"The irony, am I right?" I squeeze Nya's hand as Lloyd and Shortie Rosie take the dance floor by storm.
"Tell me about it." Nya squeezes back, forcing my eyes to look at her. She wears a light blue dress the falls to her ankles, around her neck is a teal choker with a small sapphire gem in the middle. Nya also wears flats so I'd be a little taller than her, I think Kit must have done her hair, only Kit has the creativity to make Nya's bob looks like a waterfall. The song ends and a new one comes on. Nya starts bobbing to the beat. My hands twitch, which lets off sparks of electricity. In a way, it is perfect for the song.
"I got this feeling, inside my bones." The singer starts, I manage to lead Nya onto the dance floor after pushing our way through the crowd, "It's goes electric baby when I turn it on." With my free hand, I let off a small spark.
Nya just smiles and starts dancing.
"Under lights." The song sweetly sings I may have jolted the floor and all the spotlights lands on her, "When everything goes, Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close." Nya embraces the spotlights and spins, her dress expands and distance me a bit, she then stops and taps her cheek.
My stomach twists into knots as I go in, she turns and catches my lips instead. She lets go and goes back to dancing. I feel my heart skip three beats and my cheeks warm. But I love every second on it.
(Kai's POV)
Jay and Nya are tearing it up. I like watching them.
"Are we going to wait forever, Hot Tamale?" Skylor punches my left shoulder. "Ow." She shakes her hand as she hits metal instead of flesh. She looks stunning, she wears a knee-length purple dress that had light red lines going diagonally. As well as reddish high heels. Despite it being a warm spring day, she wears a cotton purple coat along with light purple gloves.
"Careful. I'm tougher then I look." I smile as another song comes on. The singer is kinda high pitched and annoying, like Kit or Lloyd on a sugar high. "What a..Skylor?" I look and find my date on the dance floor, her red hair is like a flag, instead of her ponytail, she has hair in large ringlets that drops to her shoulders.
"Feel better when I'm dancing." The song gets some bongos going. Skylor tries to cross her feet but trips, I catch her in a dip then pushes her up and start dancing. "Show the world you got that fire. Fire baby."
Skylor wears a deceptive smile, like she was waiting for me to chase her down instead of dance with her. "Remember when you said you couldn't skate? Well, you've got two left feet to top that." She giggles.
"You think so?" I smirk.
"Feel the rhythm getting louder." The song goes into a series of bongos start beating faster. I twist to my right and start showing off my seventh-grade dance moves.
"I could be wrong." Skylor smiles and my cheeks burn as she shows off this time. I let her show me up but, not even an ounce of my competitive spirit is jealous. I just watch her, and I love every second of it.
(Cole's POV)
I think I am stareing at Seliel too long. I can't form words as she left to get some cake from the snack bar. Partly because she looks amazing, her blue and light brown dress went to her cafes, below those, a pair of blue high heels adds four inches to her, but she is still a half foot shorter than me. Her hair was braided over her right shoulder and had a few more blue highlights in there. She finishes her cake and smile at me. But it looks a little forced. I feel a rock sink into my stomach as a spotlight shines on her. A new song with electric comes on then head into much more dubsteps sounds and I feel few hands on my back, Zane and Morro push me closer.
"Did you need a little push, mountain?" Seliel snickers as the two stop and run back.
" Pretty." I mentally kick myself. Why was this so hard? I talked with Nya more easily when the whole love triangle thing was happening.
"I feel you glowing in the dark when I collapse into your arms." The song sings. My body takes over, I reach for her hand and spin her off her feet and into my arms. "I'm just a stranger in the stars."
" Strong." Seliel blushes brightly as we walk to the dance floor.
Now a girl sing as something of comfort rests on Seliel's face, "'Cause some how it seems when I am with you that all of my dreams begin to come true. And carefully you carry me away."
OK. I'm gonna go with it. I recall some dance lesson my dad taught me, I swing Seliel around, her dress puffs up from the draft and ruffles my pants. She twists around and slid back along the floor into my arms.
"I've never felt so wide awake, 'Cause I'm wonder struck. I love how you take my breath away. I'm thunderstruck." The song sings and Seliel slips and has to land in a dipped position, I lean in so my forehead touches her's. "To tell you the truth I'm so afraid that I'm out of luck."
"Where'd ya learn to dance, Brick boy?" Seliel blushes.
I have a small Kai moment, "You're not the only person with many talents, Phantom. And one of mine is having a strong memory." I feel my stomach and cheeks heat up. "And if I remember you like me too."
"That was incase we died." Seliel looks down a bit.
"Then this should count as our first kiss." I place my lips and lift her up. Her lips taste chocolatey and warm. My cheeks burn as the song ends but I love every second of this.
Her hands push us apart, I fully expect to see a sweet smile but find a face that says, 'Too fast. Way too fast.' Her lips quivers as she stomps off the bathroom.
Great going. I blew it.
Now the song kinda mocks me, "I chase the phantoms down the hall. I felt the floor bordes rise and fall."
(Katara's POV)
"I'm going to throw up." I roll my eyes as painful memories of similar dancrs balls in flood my memory. I felt dizzy and claustrophobic and ran outside. Or as fast as I can in my high heels. I let the cool night air rest on my cheeks as the feeling passes. I rub down my red and silver dress as my hair gets in my way. Kit insisted on it being wavy instead of up.
"You ok?" Morro appears next to me.
"I'm fine..just not a party person I guess." I sigh. Inside, everyone shouts along with the song, 'I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really like you.'
"Wouldn't it be easier to say, love?" I question as the moon shines through a cloud.
"I guess, but love is a strong word tied to a strong emotion." Morro swallows hard. His green hair strip only makes his grey eyes pop. "It's still not my kind of song though."
"It's a nice one thought." I hide my face in my hair as Morro fumbles to grab his new phone.
"Maybe something a little darker." Morro presses play as small guitar strings come from his phone. "Not that one. Stupid thing." Morro tries to change the song.
A drum beats heavily, "I wasn't never one for pretenders, everything I've tried to be, just wouldn't settle in." A sad voice sings with passion. Morro's lips move quietly with the song.
I reach out and force the phone to return to its pocket.
"I get the feeling just because, everything I touch isn't dark enough, this problem lies in me." The song is bittersweet and Morro looks down with shame tinting his eyes. "I'm only a man with a candle to guide me.
"Do I have to run and hide?" I sing aloud with the song now and stand on my own while holding his hand. "A monster, a monster." He looks at me now and backs up so we stand on the steps now. I slowly interlace my thin fingers into his. Should I even be doing this? What if I'm really a romantic bad luck charm? What if he needs to die to save me, what if I get sucked into the darkness again, would he reject me?
"I'm only a man with a candle to guide me. I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me." Morro says as he pulls me into his arms. My feet land on top of his as our foreheads touch. His nerves show themselves though his power, we soon are flying above the building. "I didn't take you to be scared of heights." Morro holds my back close to him so I wouldn't fall. The song ends and it is just the two of us now and the silents now.
"I'm not. Just the last time I did so, was by myself." I feel my heart race. Hey dummy, what would Roberto think of you? I ignore the past for a moment.
"I really, really, like you." Morro sighs heavily. His breath smells like mint
"I maybe, sorta of, like you too." I feel a smirk stretch across my lips, "Turbine."
"Turbine? You've got nerve, Firelily." Morro pulls his head back from the nickname, the moonlight shimmers his sweet face. Just like, no. Stay in this moment.
"Got a problem with that? Go ahead, try and make me stop Tur-" I taunt as he firmly places his lips on mine. His are chappy and rough like he spent all day in front of a fan. Guess I'd have to get them wet. My arms hold his neck and presses downward. My stomach twists, my cheeks burn and I feel love bounce around in my heart. And I love every second of it.
"I take back what I said before," I was close enough to feel his heart race as his pulls back his lips back to talk, "I love you."
Do I love him? Is Kit right? Is he my one? He seems a thousand times better of a person then I'll ever be. But my mouth readies to open for the magical words for come. Then I am rudely interrupted.
"Ah, Katara. It's about time you moved on. But what would Roberto think of you?" Jezzie's snarky voice echoes in the night. There she is, standing a square that flies her up to our level. She wears the power armor and a cape and a purple crop top both are painted purple.
"Who's Roberto?" Morro asks with jealousy and holds me tighter.
"Jezzie, crawled out of your hole I see." I ignore Morro's question and glare daggers at my new target. "Shouldn't you be surrounded by a demon force right now?"
"The Phouka are getting ready. As is your side. That is, if you still want to lose." Jezzie smiles, her skin is darker than normal. Probably for preparation for bonding with the Overlord. "We work well last time. Perhaps you'd consider switching?" Her tone is unconvincing.
"I'm not that person anymore. Why are you here?" I snap.
"Phouka are fighters, I need a few workers for what I have planned." Jezzie points down, a herd of teenage boys walks down the stairs and into a large van. I don't see the ninja in the crowd but Kit is tugging on one boy with brown hair. "I might even need a little wind power too." Jezzie reaches out to Morro's direction.
"GET AWay from him you WITCH!" I snarl as she pulls back from my anger.
"Tsutchie." She smirks and tries again as my mind races into fight mode.
"Come down and fight you freak." Samurai X shouts and throws a boomerang at Jezzie.
"Oh, you. I've got a bigger thorn to deal with now." Jezzie flies down to the Samurai as the wind pushes us to the building.
"Continue the moment later." Morro lets me down first and spinjitzus into his grey ninja uniform, where he had that is a mystery, "How about we fight? That came out wrong."
"HEY LOVE BIRDS!" I yell into the building, everyone not under Jezzie spell snaps their heads at me, "THE BAD GUY IS KIDNAPPING PEOPLE!" I take my heels off and toss them away. The cement is cold against my bare feet.
"And Samurai X is here too?" Zane spin into spinjitzus and charges out.
"Take them." Jezzie orders hidden Phouka and hits the Samurai with a love spell.
"Sorry. I'm compatible with someone else." The Samurai front kicks Jezzie.
(Zane's POV)
"Compatible?" I whisper under my breath. Is there even a possibility that... focus Zane. I have an objective.
"Partys over fellas." Nya spinjitzus and holds a dagger, "We've got butt to kick."
"Girls, go teach her a lesson while we get the kids." Cole orders as Jezzie grumbles up.
"You think that I care about that?" Jezzie's hands fills with dark magic and blasts the Samurai, "I will take over your mind anyway."
"BONZA!" Seliel throws a smoke bomb at Jezzie and charges in.
"Hold still." I rush over to the Samurai, wires, and machinery are exposed as I calculate on what repairs I'd need to do.
"I am. Now hurry before my," The deep voice flickers away to a woman's sweet voice. A voice I had heard in my head for a long time, "Motherboard builds up magic."
"Pixel," I mutter as I work through my shock. "I thought you were gone."
"I transferred myself into the Samurai X computer, trying to reboot you. The computer didn't recognize me and close off our connection. So I went into the only other place available." Pixel sighs as her identity is discovered.
"My Samurai X double. I should have known." Nya finishes as she blasts Jezzie with water.
"Yes." Samurai X/Pixel says as I finish.
"You made a double and didn't tell us?" Kai shouts over the battle noise.
"It actually slipped my mind." Nya grins as she swings Willow around to kick Jezzie.
"There." I close the armor.
"Thank you." Pixel/Samurai X gets up with my help.
"Just returning a favor." I want to hug Pixel, I've missed her so much, but Jezzie screams and interrupts the moment.
"YOU FOOLS!" Jezzie looks black and blue. "Retreat!" She commands, the Phouka drop their weapons and fly away into the night. "Soon, I'll be stronger than all of you," Jezzie swears, cusses then floats away on her square thingie.
"Get back here you coward." Katara fires a fireball at her. Misses.
"We will fight her soon enough." Pixel/Samurai X holds up a screen with a red dot that is flying north.
"You tracked her, you've always been a clever one." Lloyd takes his hood off and smiles as the almost kidnapped boys shake their heads and asks for headache medication
"Thank you." Pixel tugs at the helmet like she's ashamed, the only thing familiar is her green eyes thought the visior, "Are you mad at me?"
"Why would I be mad?" I rub her hands, "You took something great and made it your own. I am not mad. I am overjoyed that you have returned to me." I managed a hug despite her armor.
"I missed you too." Pixel whispers as my metal heart pounds with joy. My circuits heat up, my power drive twists into shapes. But I love every second of it, almost as much as I love her.
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