Chapter 28. The Fear rooms
So this chapter is a little late for Halloween but please have a ghoulish good time. ~W.R.
{Location: The Airjitzu temple}(Willow's POV)
"So, you know nothing about Jezzie's plan?" Wu's old voice integrates Clouse. I have my back to the door and listens through a crack.
"Sorry old man." Clouse's voice sends shivers down my spine and gives me goosebumps. I wish it was me talking to that skunk, "Maybe you should ask Katara. Oh wait, they aren't friends anymore."
"You know eavesdropping isn't a good thing." Lloyd sneaks up behind me and stands overhead with a smile. "What's up?."
You. I roll my eyes slightly, "Let's just say I'm being cautious." I hear footsteps walk to the door and move out of the way before Wu even has his hand on the knob.
"Uncle, did you get anything out of him?" Lloyd steps back a bit.
"Nothing." Wu quietly closes the door. "Clouse has no memory of Jezzie telling him about her plot."
"I might have found something that might help." Katara opens the exit door, letting in the setting sunshine in. "Meet me in the mission room and bring the others." Katara leaves the door open and walks away.
[Five minutes later]
"We're here." Jay closes the door behind Nya and hits the light switch. "What's up?"
"First things first," Katara doesn't miss a beat. She looks at each of us with the intensity of a burning building. "Most Fay magic is channeled through emotions or pure willpower but the kind of magic Jezzie has already collected suggests a more sinister type of magic."
Jay and Nya sit opposite of me, Morro and Kai are up against the walls, Cole and Seliel are rubbing their hands. Zane and Lloyd are stoic and sit next to Wu and Misako who can barely hold her eyes open.
"We know that she has the first dagger of the Overlord." I hold as still as possible, trying my method for getting the ninja to recall me, "And the power armor, how much more power does she need?" My eyes look at where Kit normally sits, today Kit was seeing a lot more and has to constantly be drawing.
"I don't know." Katara bites her lower lips at the last word. "But, with her mentioning a willing sacrifice back in Crystal Pass, it's possible for there to be a spell which will resurrect the Overlord. And merge the two into an ultra being."
"Wonderful. Can we stop it?" Kai rolls his eyes but sounds on edge.
"We have no idea." Wu sips his tea. "But this could be what the real final battle could be."
"Yay," Cole bites into pieces of cake. "And we have no experience with this magic."
"Technically we have," Zane counters. "We just do not remember it."
"We never did discuss what happened to our memories either..Willow?" Lloyd has a questioning look on his face. Did I really have to take his..their, I meant their memories. No, there wasn't time for another option...was there?
Katara snaps her fingers and the lights come on to show a sly smirk. "So they don't even remember the almost wedding?"
"WHAT WEDDING?!" Everyone shouts.
"You really did a number on them," Katara smirks more as a confusion rolls over the crowd.
"You almost got married?" Lloyd's face flushes with jealousy. "TO WHO?"
"It's a really long story and unless we want to be Wu's age when I'm done," I sigh. Somedays I wish I didn't take his memories. "We don't have time for it."
"Is there a faster way?" Misako crosses her arms.
"Not one that I can do, my magic is mostly gone." I look at the table.
"Perhaps I may be able to help." The ghost of Sensei Yang appears in the middle of the room. I nearly jump out of my chair, I never did like ghosts.
"Sensei Yang?" Nya whispers.
"I have revered Fay magic before. It's not easy but I can do it." Yang ignores her and talks.
"All magic has to come from some type of energy, where would this energy come from?" Morro speaks up..but just above a whisper.
"These four are familiar with my magic. And it'll be the same kind of tests." Yang points to Jay, Kai, Zane, and Cole.
"Fear tests." Zane frowns at the thought.
"Yes. We must do it tonight when my magic is at its peak and before the sun rises again."
"If it's the way we go," Lloyd smirks with anticipation. "Then let's do it."
"Who needs sleep anyway." Morro has a ghostly grin on his face.
"I'll need at least five of you for this. Sadly, the first four can't go through it again."
"Fine." I stand up. "I'll take your test."
"If Willow's going, then so am I." Lloyd taps his chest.
"I'll follow my sister." Katara crosses her arms.
"If my brother and boyfriend can do it, so can I." Nya smiles despite her slightly scared voice.
"Let's see what you got ghostie." Morro confidently smirks.
Seliel frowns and folds her arms, "What about me?"
"You, Misako, Kit and I will stay here." Wu puts his cup down. "And try and decipher Kit's visions."
"Meet me in the eastern temple." Yang disappears. "And hurry."
"Don't worry, we'll stay and help you out." Jay smiles as we walk to the temple.
I wonder what Yang thinks my worst fear is?
[Five hours later](Morro's POV)
"All five of you don't happen to be scared of being bored to death are you?" Kai pushes his button on his metal arm.
"I hate waiting." I am laying on the floor, blowing Jay in lazy circles above me.
"Patients." Zane looks at the fireplace. "I have a feeling that Yang will start soon."
Everyone is nervous, Katara plays with her hair as Willow is completely stoic, not even an eye twitch. It's rather impressive how still she can be. Lloyd taps his foot and Nya keeps looking at the clock.
"Still, it's beneath me." I put Jay down next to Cole, who is humming something.
"Glad to see that hasn't changed, Morro." Chills ran down my spine as Bancha floats out of the clock.
"What's the matter?" Soul Archer appears a foot to my right. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
The rest of my ghoulish friends appears. I get on my feet as large beads of sweat tickle my back.
"You can't be here." I back up onto a wall as my heart slides into my throat. "You're all trapped in the Cursed realm."
"We're here now." Bansha coos in a voice that drips with poison. "Look at you, Morro." The ghosts hold the Ninja, Willow, and Katara back by either possessing something or holding them back against the wall. Ghoultar holds Lloyd in the middle with a death grip. "You've gone soft."
"I'm not soft. Now let him go." I snap but my fear shines through.
"Morro, It's just Ya-" Zane tries to say something encouraging but a rope covers his mouth.
"Tsk-tsk. Morro, always lying." Bansha smiles and flotes around me. The hairs on the back of my neck stand tall, my stomach twists and knots while I start sweating. This was just like my nightmares. "First it was to Sensei Wu about coming back, then to Preeminent about your loyalty. And now, you're lying to yourself." Bansha slips a sword into my right hand as I try to not look at anything. "Look at him. So much power, so much weakness." Bansha forces my head to look at Lloyd. Now Lloyd is held by two long chains linked to the walls, both are too strong for him to get out. "You know you deserve it. To be the green ninja. Take it, and it can be yours this time."
My feet move without my consent. I take steps to Lloyd as my heart tries to bust out of my chest and running away until I am two inches from his face.
"Morro, don't listen to them." Lloyd looks a little scared as I raise my sword.
"Do it, Morro." Bansha tempts.
This is my fear. This temptation. My fear of becoming that monster again. That I can turn into that thing without the Preeminent's influence. I close my eyes and take deep breaths as I shake like a leaf, I am not the Green Ninja. I open my eyes and grip the sword tighter.
I slash down, Lloyd braces for a strike that misses him and hits the chain. I switch my sword hand and cut the other chain.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Bansha screeches.
"I am NOT the Green Ninja. I am Morro Wu. The first student of Sensei Wu. I am Master of the wind. I am the Grey ninja. And you have no power over me, now LEAVE ME ALONE!" I drop the sword and the ghosts disappear.
"Morro, your fear is of yourself?" Cole sounds sympathetic as I try to calm my speeding heart.
"I guess." From what they told me about Yang, I never expected for Yang to dig this deep.
"The Preeminent," Kai kicks off a pile of books, "You don't have to be afraid of turning into that."
Jay gently pats my back, "If anyone wants to hurt you, they'll have to go through us."
"You faced a truly terrifying fear." Cole smiles as he gets off the floor.
"You're amazing." Katara gets up. "I mean, you did great." Katara blushes a little. Wait a moment, does she feel the same about me as I do about her?
"Any fear we had of you, is long gone." Lloyd touches my shoulder.
A warm feeling of acceptance takes place where fear once was.
(Nya's POV)
"This is going to by in a flash if all the fears are that short." Cole smiles as the idea of Morro being a fellow Ninja solidifies in my mind. But I feel uneasy.
"On the contrary, my internal clock tells me that Morro's fear took approximately 1 hour, 32 minutes and 56 seconds." Zane computes.
I expect to hear Jay's carefree voice say, What took ya so long? Instead, I hear a disgusted and slightly scared voice say, "Really Yang. I thought you wouldn't be messing with my fears." Jay bends over and picks up a golden teapot.
"The Teapot of Tiran. I thought it was gone for good." I feel my heart speed up.
"The better question is," At Lloyd's syllables, the teapot starts glowing. "What's it doing here?"
"Jay," Kai gets in his stance as the teapot glows brighter. "Drop it now."
Jay shakes his hand. "I can't let go." Then in a blink of an eye, he is gone.
"JAY!" I want to grab the teapot but my feet don't let me move. The teapot clamors to the floor.
"Where'd he go?" Willow searches the room with her eyes.
"One guess." Kai stomps over and picks up the teapot.
"Are you sure that's a wise choice?" Morro rolls his eyes as Kai picks it up.
"Jay?" Kai looks through the spout and asks. "You in there?"
Then the pot glows again, and Kai disappears in a blink of an eye.
"Kai?" I whimper this time as the pot falls again.
"This is the next test," Zane exclaims as the fire goes out. He turns and scans those remaining, trying to find the owner of this fear. The moonlight shines through the window, making me only more scared. "Nya, this is your fear. You have to face it."
"How can I face my fear if people are disappearing?" I snap but am terrified on the inside. It just like Nadackaon all over again.
"That's it. Losing people is what scares you. But Nya, a part of us is-WHOA!" Lloyd is being pulled away by a shadow.
I reach for his hand and just miss him. "Got you."
"Nya." Willow is strangely calm for watching her crush get eaten by a shadow. "You need to calm down. What would Jay tell you?"
"I don't know. How about we ask. Oh, wait. HE'S GONE!" I snap as Cole stops me from moving and possibly killing Willow.
"Jay would say, that he's always with you. Whether in spirit or in person." Cole smiles kindly until the floor splits open, sucking him down into an abyss.
"No," I whisper as the floor seals itself.
"Jay and Kai are always with you Nya." Katara balls her fists. "You can't let them being gone hinder you."
"I'm not alone," I whisper as a bead of sweat races down my neck.
"WAHO!" Zane hits the ground as a shadow begins eating him. "You are stronger than this fear. Nya, you can do this."
"I'm not alone." I feel myself start to shake as the shadows close in.
"We are always with you." Morro goes back to back with Katara. The two are swallowed by the shadows.
"Looks like it's just us." I try to use my water power and protect Willow from the ninja eating shadows.
"You know it's not." Willow looked at me dead in my eyes. "Nya, stop evading the problem."
That's means I'd have to face it. I feel my stomach curl into many shapes. "But everyone is gone."
"And you're still here," Willow says as darkness takes her too.
"I'm not alone." I feel my hand drift to my pocket, a picture of me and Jay on our ninth date is there. "I am not alone." I put the picture away, "I am never alone." I say with confidence in my voice. The darkness slips backwards. "And even if I am, I always have my friends with me in spirit." I stomp on the floor and the shadows disappear entirely, my siblings, Jay, Willow and Katara are in various places.
Jay dashes into my arms and hugs tight me. "You are so brave."
"Great job sis." Kai smiles and taps my shoulder as Jay lets go.
"Two down, Three to go." Katara breaths heavily as she reaches to open a door that leads into the kitchen. "Anybody else thirsty?" Instead of a small kitchen, white light shimmers and sucks us in.
(Katara's POV)
"Well, this is strange." I hear Zane off to my left. The room we are in is red with pink accents. My princess suit from the week my father was in charge. The Ninja and my sister are now wearing servant uniforms. The real difference is where Morro is. He is on top of me as I lay in the bed and under the covers.
"What the heck are we wearing? It itches." Lloyd scratches at the fabric. The clothing is tan with red and black swirls and words.
"I know this is Yang's magic.....but what the heck?" Willow points to Morro's and mine position.
"Does this mean you like like me?" Morro grins like a sly fox and looks down. I, to his disappointment, has on an undershirt and shorts on. Morro, I think is now wearing briefs.
"You do make me happy." I feel hot blush on my cheeks. How is this possibly scary?
CLick. The sound of a gun loading rings above my head. A silver barrel is pointed at Morro's head.
"Daughter, you are a bleeding heart." The Black King's face smiles evilly as he comes into my line of sight. He's exactly the same when I last saw him. A light-toned man with a shadow following him with blue-purple hair.
"H-how are you here? You're not in this realm." I whimper. Now I am scared.
"True. But I'm the darkness in your mind, always hiding in the dark corners. I'm the thing you fear. But it's not me you're scared of, but it's what I might do again that truly terrifies you." The Black King relishes his words.
"It's just Yang, Katara. He's not here." Morro doesn't pull away from the danger and calmly looks at me. His grey eyes are uncompromising as my heart races from fear.
"I promised that you'll never be happy. I have to be a Fay of my word." The Black King pulls the trigger and Morro's body falls on me. He's rather heavy with all his muscle but I manage to push up and lay him next to me.
"Morro?!" I feel my stomach twist with horror, his blood is pooling on the pillow. "MORRO?" I start doing CPR as I cry.
"Like I said, bleeding heart."
"NO! NOT AGAIN!" I sob as flames begin to flicker on the mattress.
"It's not real." I barely hear my sister as she screams through the flames. "This isn't like Roberto, Morro's still here."
"Ah Roberto, this was the same gun that killed him." The Black King drops the weapon. "Funny how things like that work, hm?
"Morro," I whisper as the flames grow.
"Forever alone." The King taunts. My father wasn't this personal, he killed to move ahead. Not for pleasure.
This isn't real. I stop crying. "No. Now leave me." The flames disappear. "Go away," I say and the room melts back into the temple floor.
(Willow's POV)
"I'm here." Morro hugs Katara as she takes deep breaths on the floor. "Shh. I'm here." He rubs the back of her head.
"That was intense." Jay breaths, "Who know so much drama existed?"
"And we are starting to run out of time," Zane cross his arms. He looks far better in his ninja uniform than in Fay clothing. "We have three hours until sunrise."
"Hopefully, the next two won't take long. We got this." Lloyd smiles at me.
That must be nice, showing off how he feels while I'm always icy. I wonder how much fear will be on his face. From what we've seen, I really have to thicken my wall. Oh geez, what was I thinking? What if Yang picks something from my past? I was barely able to open up the last time they knew me, what if everything slips out now?
Click. Click. We quite down as the sound holds a pace now. Then I see him, his messy brown hair and light blue eyes. One, how is Neal of all people here? And two, is this my test? Neal holds a small switchblade and smirks, "What do you think?"
Hold it together, Willow. I straighten up as everyone gets a tad confused.
Kai holds his hand steady as Morro pulls Katara up, "Who are you?"
"Oh, you'll remember this person soon enough," Yang sounds just like Neal, he's even got the eyebrow twitch of his nailed, "But to Willow, well, that time together was nice."
Lloyd's smile disappears and lands in a cross between his warrior face and a little ticked off.
I lick my lips, "And that was a long time ago. I don't see how this is relevant to my fear."
He smirks as the Ninja get taken hostages by the curtains or the floor borders, "Really? As smart as you are I thought you'd know the second I appeared." He holds the knife steady.
Zane tries to get out of the knot he, Jay and Morro are tangled in, "Willow. Don't back down. Face it."
"Ah," Neal chuckles a bit, "Facing a fear doesn't mean one is over it." He stares at me, I dig my nails into my gloves, "Come on, Willow. Put it together."
I let a tiny growl out while trying to stand taller, "I'd prefer no mystery."
"Ok, clean cut truth, hmm?" He drops the blade. "You can go first." I freeze a little. So this is the test, "Come on. No one is telling you to keep all these secrets. This is all you."
"Stop." I forget trying to be scary and back up my hands looking for a way out, "No more."
"What? Like it's my fault? I didn't pry you open. No one does. So if you don't care how people see you and they are willing to accept you, why can you open that pretty little mouth of yours?"
I run into a wall. My heart is racing, I feel large cold beads of sweat fall.
"Come on," Neal gets close to my face. I try and not look at him. The everyone has their mouths tied but are all in a place to see me, "Why is the past so hard?"
I feel it come in. This pressure of my emotions. I can't let it out but I don't have an answer. I need time, "Can we talk about this later?"
"It's later. Talk. Tell us, tell yourself why you're so closed off."
"Because it hurts." I spray a little spit as something wet tickles my eyes, "Because if I say it that will make it all the more real. Because I don't want to relive my past." I sniffle in a tear, "Because I don't want to take steps back."
Neal stands straight, a tiny smirk on his face, "Good answer." He disappears along with the furniture that held my friends.
Lloyd's face is full of compassion, "Is it really that bad?"
I nod a little as the storm inside of me settles.
"No one's going to push you, Willow," He smirks, "Take as long as you need. And if anyone does push you," He holds his hand out and punches it, "Just give them to me."
While I like the gesture and promise something else happens. Golden energy sparkles everywhere when he does so.
(Lloyd's POV)
I'll admit, seeing the golden power again sends small shivers down my spine.
"Where's all the power coming from?" Nya looks around as golden sparks appear.
"The Better question is, why is Lloyd turning purple?" Zane points at my hands. Sure enough, my hands are purple like they are bruised, only the bruises are growing.
"What's happening?" I feel my heart race as not my voice, but the Overlord's spoke. My hands reach to my neck in shock. Big mistake as the purple now spreads along my neck as well as my hands.
"Lloyd's fear is the golden master." Kai reasons as the purple spreads faster. "But that power isn't around anymore. Why would this scare him?"
"I do not think that's what he's afraid of, Kai." Zane steps back as the golden sparks start attacking everyone.
"Cut it out, Lloyd." Jay snaps as he covers Nya. "I'd kinda of like to see tomorrow."
"I'm trying." I feel sweat run down my back as the raspy voice of the Overlord comes instead of mine. "I can't control it."
"This isn't real and you know it, Greenie." Willow jumps over two sparks as they try to ram her into a wall, "Take a deep breath."
"It feels real." I grit my teeth as the sparks get faster and hit Cole upside the head. "I have to go." I run to the doors and pull the handles. Locked.
"I'm ok, Lloyd." Cole staggers up with the help of Morro and Zane. "Center yourself."
"I have too much power. I could hurt you. I'm a monster." I jump up onto a cabinet and bang at the window.
"I know some of the worst monsters, Greenie. And you're definitely not one." Willow speaks as the cabinet gives way beneath me. I land on my feet and she takes a step to me.
I won't hurt her. I'd never hurt Willow. I step into a corner and curl up in a ball. My breathing quickens and more golden energy appears. "No, stay back. I might hurt you too."
"I'm taking the chance that you won't." Willow crouches above me and tenderly strokes my hair.
"You're the Green ninja Lloyd," Morro creeks on the boards as my heart slows a bit. "But you don't have the golden power anymore."
"And you aren't the Overlord either." Jay walks with Nya and makes a half circle around me with the others.
"You're one of the strongest people I know. And you're stronger than this darkness." Cole helps Kai up.
"We all believe in you. What's stopping you then?" Willow holds me as a person in love would.
You can't understand. I was so strong and powerful...And dangerous. The past is the past, I lost that power. I calm down as I feel the purple disappear.
"Congratulations." The ghost of Sensei Yang talks thought the painting. "You passed."
"Did we succeed?" Katara hugs herself as Willow helps me up.
"Yes. Hold still." Yang closes his eyes and white strings of light cling to my forehead, it is cool and feels like Willow's hands. Two other strands go through the wall to the main temple.
Then the memories come, it was like life was on fast forward. I remember seeing the Black Rose fall over a cliffside only to fly up on a smaller Aquila. I remember her smug grin when my hair was pink, I remember her pleases as I held her to the floor in Stixxs, I feel my heart get crushed as she cries in her wedding dress and gently presses my forehead. 'I wish you hadn't said that.' I then feel a pulse and blackout.
"Greeeenie." My eyes flutter awake to see my Rosie poking my cheeks. "You wake?" The early sun casts a shadow over her face, but I only make her features stand out more.
"How'd we get here?" I hear Kai just off to my left but I can't look away from Rosie as my stomach curls with the now familiar feeling of love.
"We pulled you out." Katara puts her hands on her hips, then catches eyes with Morro and blushes, "By the way, drop late night snacking please."
"But I--oh wow, why would you do that?" Jay snaps as he gets up.
"Does this mean what I think it means?" Rosie pulls me to my feet, my cheeks burn from her contact. I pull her into a hug and kiss her on the lips. Her lips are like an ice cream bar, sweet and cold. I think I somehow manage to do airjitzu for a split second. I land and let her lips go.
"Yes, Rosie." I smile as a ton of bright red blush coats in on her cheeks. "I remember it all." I smile as she rests her head on my chest.
Don't you just love the happy endings. But I have to face a fear room of my own. Tomorrow's my black belt test. Please, please, please keep me in your thoughts, and if you pray, and in your prayers. ~W.R.
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